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霍国友  花勇刚 《山西建筑》2009,35(10):188-189
就曝气时间段DO的变化对处理效果的影响进行了实验,研究结果发现DO在3.0mg/L时COD去除率达90.7%;CASS工艺对NH3-N的去除效果随DO浓度降低而变坏;对TN的去除最佳点也是在130浓度为3.0mg/L时,去除率为73.3%;对TP的去除率在DO浓度为1.0~3.0时均能达到94%;CASS出水均能达标排放。  相似文献   

Concerning global warming and resource depletion, the impact of buildings in subtropical regions is becoming even greater due to a high growth rate of urbanized areas. From the viewpoint of building physics, the main problem concerning subtropical climate is the high level of humidity in combination with high temperature. In this study, a flexible building envelope consisting of wood and clay components was developed so that the materials and the assemblies can be easily tailored to comply with local climatic conditions. The movement and accumulation of moisture in the wall was of prime concern. This has been investigated by means of testing full scale walls in a climate chamber and the corresponding one dimensional transient heat and transfer simulation. In order to achieve a consistency between calculation and measurement, the individual materials were tested for their hygric and thermal properties. Based on these findings attempts were made to calculate the behavior of an optimized wall assembly under real climatic conditions of central Japan. As a result, it was shown that the hygrothermal behavior of the envelope is predictable by means of the models and the simulation program used, and that no risk of interstitial condensation and mold growth was predicted under the real climatic conditions of Kyoto.  相似文献   

This study investigated how pavement affects outdoor thermal environment during summer and winter in subtropical Taiwan. The experiment was carried out on five pavements in three areas of Taiwan. The results demonstrated no significant differences in average air temperature among several pavements except at noon time during the summer. The surface temperatures of the artificial pavements were 10 °C higher than those of the vegetation surface at noon during the summer. Of all the factors measured in this investigation, surface temperature was most closely correlated with air temperature. The calculated heat output reveals that heat conduction strongly influenced total heat output. The value of heat output was primarily determined by the proportion of heat conduction in heat absorption. The heat output also significantly affected the air temperature and mean radiant temperature.  相似文献   

Schlautman MA  Han I 《Water research》2001,35(6):1534-1546
The effects of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on the reduction of Cr(VI) by dissolved Fe(II) were investigated for aqueous solutions having relatively low buffering capacities. All solutions were maintained at a constant ionic strength (generally 0.05 M) and temperature (23 +/- 2 degrees C). For the majority of the experiments conducted, initial concentrations of Fe(II) and Cr(VI) were 50 and 20 microM, respectively, representing a deficient amount of Fe(II) (i.e. nonstoichiometric conditions). Experiments conducted in the absence and presence of DO were performed in an anaerobic chamber and in vessels open to the atmosphere, respectively. Specific initial pH values were obtained by adjusting the pH of Cr(VI) and Fe(II) stock solutions prior to their mixing or by spiking Cr(VI)-Fe(II) systems with strong base to rapidly increase the pH in situ. Consistent with previous reports, Cr(VI) reduction rates for our systems increased with increasing pH (pH ranges of 3.5-6 and 3.5-7.2 for oxic and anoxic experiments, respectively). Because of our poorly buffered experimental systems, pH values decreased over the course of the reactions which, in turn, caused decreases in the reduction rates with time. Spiking some experimental systems with NaOH to rapidly raise the pH resulted in faster rates of Cr(VI) reduction than when the pH was adjusted prior to mixing the stock solutions together; this observation is likely due to the presence of microenvironments in the reactors for which local, short-term pH values greatly exceed the equilibrium value (i.e. mixing is slower than the reduction reaction in these high pH microenvironments). The molar ratios of Fe(II) oxidized to Cr(VI) reduced were close to the expected stoichiometric value of 3 for the majority of our experimental systems, which shows that DO will not cause a serious interference in most applications using Fe(II) to reduce Cr(VI).  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on the rate of nitrification has been investigated by a number of researchers using both pure and mixed cultures, and cultures found in wastewater treatment systems. The maximum growth rate of both nitrification reactions are reported to be affected by dissolved oxygen concentration over the range of 0.3 mg l−1 to as much as 4.0 mg l−1. In some instances, it has been reported that a dissolved oxygen concentration in excess of 4.0 mg l−1 is required to achieve maximum nitrification rates, while other investigators have found that only 0.5 to 1.0 mg l−1 is required.It has been proposed that several factors are responsible for the wide range of reported nitrification rates with varying dissolved oxygen concentrations. Among these factors are the effects of oxygen diffusion in flocs, variation between measured results due to steady-state and dynamic measuring techniques, and double-substrate limited kinetics. This paper reviews the nitrification literature with respect to the effects of dissolved oxygen concentration, and shows that double-substrate limiting kinetics could account for the variation in the reported results.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature (mesophilic (35 °C) vs. thermophilic (55 °C)) and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (under thermophilic conditions) on sludge properties and their role in bioflocculation and settling were studied using well-controlled sequencing batch reactors fed with a synthetic wastewater comprised of glucose and inorganic nutrients. Under a similar DO level, thermophilic sludge had a poorer bioflocculating ability and settleability than that of mesophilic sludge. Under a thermophilic condition, an increase in DO level led to a poorer settleability and a slightly improved bioflocculating ability. A poorer settleability was related to a higher level of filaments. Analysis of bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) indicates that thermophilic sludge had a higher level of total bound EPS content than that of mesophilic sludge under a similar DO level, and an increase in DO resulted in an increase in total bound EPS content in thermophilic sludge. Surface analysis of sludge by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) suggests that significant differences in the surface concentrations of elements N, C, O were observed between thermophilic and mesophilic sludge, implying significant differences in bound EPS composition. The results of gel permeation chromatography indicate that the weight-averaged molecular weight (Mw) of bound EPS covered a range of 1159 Da to 13220 Da. The distribution of EPS “species” at floc surfaces was shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to be uneven; different kinds of nanoscale materials were distributed in a patchy manner at the floc-water interface. The results suggest that it is the role of specific EPS molecules rather than the quantity of bound EPS that determine the difference in bioflocculation behavior between thermophilic and mesophilic sludge. The strategy of increasing the DO level could not solve the biomass separation problems associated with thermophilic sludge.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen concentrations in water samples free from chemical reductants may be stabilised by the addition of mercuric chloride (40 g m−3) and storage in gas-tight bottles. This preservation technique has been used in an interlaboratory study of dissolved oxygen analysis in New Zealand laboratories. At reference concentrations of 1.20 and 5.86 g m−3, there was a significant positive bias in results reported for both the Winkler method (0.24 and 0.22 g m−3 respectively) and the membrane electrode method (0.59 and 0.62 g m−3 respectively). Inadequate precautions to avoid sample aeration during handling and analysis probably caused the bias.  相似文献   

S.L. Wong 《Energy and Buildings》2010,42(11):2098-2103
Future trends of cooling load due to heat gain through the building envelopes in the residential sector in subtropical Hong Kong under different emissions scenarios in the 21st century were investigated. Predicted monthly weather data from five general circulation models were gathered and analysed. An increasing trend of building envelope cooling load was observed. The average annual cooling load during the 2009-2100 period would be 6.1% and 9.8% more than that during 1979-2008 for low and medium forcing, respectively. If only the last 30 years (2071-2100) were considered, the percentage increase would be much larger at 12.3% and 21.6%. Four mitigation or energy conservation measures - raising the indoor temperature, thermal insulation, double glazing and tinted glass - were considered. Among them, raising the indoor temperature has the best mitigation potential because there is a growing awareness and recognition of adaptive thermal comfort and it can be readily applied to both existing and new buildings at no extra cost.  相似文献   

Wang S  Qian X  Han BP  Luo LC  Hamilton DP 《Water research》2012,46(8):2591-2604
Thermal regime is strongly associated with hydrodynamics in water, and it plays an important role in the dynamics of water quality and ecosystem succession of stratified reservoirs. Changes in both climate and hydrological conditions can modify thermal regimes. Liuxihe Reservoir (23°45′50″N; 113°46′52″E) is a large, stratified and deep reservoir in Guangdong Province, located at the Tropic of Cancer of southern China. The reservoir is a warm monomictic water body with a long period of summer stratification and a short period of mixing in winter. The vertical distribution of suspended particulate material and nutrients are influenced strongly by the thermal structure and the associated flow fields. The hypolimnion becomes anoxic in the stratified period, increasing the release of nutrients from the bottom sediments. Fifty-one years of climate and reservoir operational observations are used here to show the marked changes in local climate and reservoir operational schemes. The data show increasing air temperature and more violent oscillations in inflow volumes in the last decade, while the inter-annual water level fluctuations tend to be more moderate. To quantify the effects of changes in climate and hydrological conditions on thermal structure, we used a numerical simulation model to create scenarios incorporating different air temperatures, inflow volumes, and water levels. The simulations indicate that water column stability, the duration of the mixing period, and surface and outflow temperatures are influenced by both natural factors and by anthropogenic factors such as climate change and reservoir operation schemes. Under continuous warming and more stable storage in recent years, the simulations indicate greater water column stability and increased duration of stratification, while irregular large discharge events may reduce stability and lead to early mixing in autumn. Our results strongly suggest that more attention should be focused on water quality in years of extreme climate variation and hydrological conditions, and selective withdrawal of deep water may provide an efficient means to reduce internal loading in warm years.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and dissolved oxygen on the rate of biodegradation of nitrilotriacetate (NTA) was examined in water samples collected from the Rur River. Biodegradation of NTA was first order with respect to NTA concentration over a concentration range of 50–1000 μg l−1. First order rate constants showed a typical temperature dependency (temperature coefficient, Q10 = 2) and biodegradation of NTA was observed over a temperature range of 2–24°C. The effect of temperature on the rate of NTA biodegradation was described by the Arrhenius equation, with calculated activation energies in the range reported for ordinary enzyme reactions. Biodegradation of NTA was also observed at low dissolved oxygen concentrations (0.3 mg l−1), although at reduced rates compared to high oxygen concentrations (13 mg l−1). Biodegradation of NTA was oxygen-dependent, suggesting an obligate oxygen requirement for the initial steps in NTA metabolism by natural microbial communities in surface waters. In general, our results indicate that NTA biodegradation will occur in natural waters under conditions of low temperature and low dissolved oxygen and also at low NTA concentrations.  相似文献   

As described in the preceding paper by Harremoës (Harremoës, Water Res.16, 1093–1098, 1982) it is important to distinguish between removal and degradation of organic matter for non-steady-state discharges to rivers. These effects were investigated to determine the impact of combined sewer overflows on the dissolved oxygen concentration of a small river. Two different effects on the DO-concentration in the receiving river were observed during and after the passage of the bulk of combined sewage discharged at an existing outlet:
1. 1. An immediate effect caused mainly by degradation of the soluble BOD-fraction in the water body and by direct absorption and degradation of organic matter at the bottom.
2. 2. A delayed effect caused by degradation of adsorbed soluble, colloidal and fine particulate organic matter. After the passage of the bulk discharge a delayed effect on the DO-concentration in the river would be observed. This delayed effect lasted 12–24 hours after the discharge event.
Only 4% of the discharged organic matter was degraded during passage of the investigated stretch of the river, approx. 4 km. On the other hand about 35% of the discharged organic matter was removed by transfer to the bottom sediments. The rest was carried past the stretch of river investigated. This results in a rate of adsorption from the water phase of k = 9 m day−1. The deposited organic matter was degraded with a first order reaction rate of K4 = 0.75 day−1.  相似文献   

A water-cooled chiller system in an air-conditioned hotel can take up about one-quarter of the total electricity consumption and considerable amounts of water in the heat rejection process. This paper evaluates operating cost savings of a chiller system integrated with optimal control of cooling towers and condenser water pumps. A sophisticated chiller system model was used to ascertain how different control methods influence the annual electricity and water consumption of chillers operating for the cooling load profile of a reference hotel. It is estimated that applying load-based speed control to the cooling tower fans and condenser water pumps could reduce the annual system electricity use by 8.6% and operating cost by 9.9% relative to the equivalent system using constant speed fans and pumps with a fixed set point of 29.4 °C for cooling water temperature control. The ways to implement this advanced control for system optimization are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to determine the stress profile in a naturally fractured reservoir. Having calculated the vertical stress using the conveniently available density data, in dealing with the minimum horizontal stress component, a contribution of tectonic effect has been added to the conventional approach taking the advantages of step rate injection tests which have been performed in the wellbore. This extra term has been taken into account regarding the layered nature of the reservoir and two different producing formations present in the region. Eventually the maximum horizontal stress component has been determined using the frictional faulting theory concepts, and has been validated by taking drilling induced tensile fractures and wellbore breakouts into consideration. In a few depths where both types of wellbore failures were present, consistent results have been reached. A discussion of the results of the maximum horizontal stress determination is provided.  相似文献   

Some practical aspects of the application of an electrochemical Clark-type sensor are discussed. Attention is paid to improvement of its function.  相似文献   

The control of phytoplankton growth is mainly related to the availability of light and nutrients. Both may select phytoplankton species, but only if they occur in limiting amounts. During the last decade, the functional groups approach, based on the physiological, morphological and ecological attributes of the species, has proved to be a more efficient way to analyze seasonal changes in phytoplankton biomass. We analysed the dynamics of the phytoplankton functional groups sensu Reynolds, recognising the driving forces (light, mixing regime, and nutrients) in the Sau Reservoir, based on a one-year cycle (monthly surface-water sampling). The Sau Reservoir is a Mediterranean water-supply reservoir with a canyon-shaped basin and a clear and mixed epilimnion layer. The long stratification period and high light availability led to high phytoplankton biomass (110.8 fresh-weight mg L−1) in the epilimnion during summer. The reservoir showed P-limitation for phytoplankton growth in this period. All functional groups included one or more species (X2-Rhodomonas spp.; Y-Cryptomonas spp.; F-Oocystis lacustris; K-Aphanocapsa spp.) selected by resources, especially phosphorus. Species of Cryptomonas (group Y) dominated during the mixing period (winter season) in conditions of low light and relatively high availability of dissolved nutrients. Increases in water-column stability during spring stratification led to phytoplankton biomass increases due to the dominance of small flagellate functional groups (X2 and X3, chrysophyceans). The colonial chlorophycean O. lacustris (group F) peaked during the mid-summer stratification, when the mixed epilimnion was clearly depleted in nutrients, especially SRP. High temperature and increases in nutrient concentration during the end-summer and mid-autumn resulted in a decrease of green algae (group F) and increase of Aphanocapsa spp. (cyanobacteria, group K) and dinoflagellates (group Lo). The study also revealed the important role of physical processes in the seasonal gradient, in selecting phytoplankton functional groups, and consequently in the assessment of ecological status. The Q index (assemblage index) based on functional groups indicated the overall good ecological status of the Sau Reservoir, which varied as a function of the mixing regime. This is the first application of the Assemblage Index to a European water-supply reservoir.  相似文献   

The Keelung River is one of the major branches of the Danshuei River estuarine system, which runs the metropolitan capital city of Taipei, Taiwan, and receives a large of amount of wastewater. The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration is generally low in the tidal portion of the Keelung River. Hypoxia/anoxia occurs often, particularly during a low-flow period. The sediment oxygen demand (SOD) amounts to a significant value, hence increasing the total oxygen demand load of the river. The present work reports on laboratory SOD made on grab sediment core samples in situ that are undisturbed. The results reveal that SOD values fluctuate with variations in seasons and are higher in summer due to a high-temperature effect. It was found in the laboratory tests that the average SOD (at 20 °C) value is 0.76 g/m2/day and the maximum SOD (at 20 °C) value reaches 1.58 g/m2/day. The mean values of measured SOD at each station were adopted in the vertical two-dimensional water quality model to simulate the DO distribution along the tidal Keelung River. The simulated results are in reasonable agreement with the measured DO distribution in the river. Model sensitivity analyses were also conducted with increasing and decreasing SOD. It reveals that SOD is an important parameter that affects the DO distribution in the tidal estuary.  相似文献   

Seismic events, i.e., fractures in rock that radiate detectable seismic waves, are a worldwide phenomena associated with mining and reservoir exploitation. Longwall mining in German coal mines often causes seismic events, which can be felt at surface where they can lead to a considerable annoyance of residents and sometimes even lead to minor damages of buildings and infrastructure. Strong seismic events are in a large part responsible for a more and more decreasing community acceptance of mining. The mines therefore have to investigate the local conditions, which cause the generation of seismic events, to find ways of avoiding strong mining induced seismic events. This paper describes the research on mining-induced seismicity around a specific active longwall at 1100 m depth under several previously mined longwall panels. Seismic events are recorded by a local network featuring 15 surface and six subsurface stations. Location and fault plane solutions show the occurrence of at least three different event types, which are characterized by distinct modes of failure. Underground core drilling and an extensive rock testing program are used to build up a rock mechanical model featuring a multi-layer strata for use with numerical analyses. The numerical model is able to explain the different failure mechanisms as fault activation, remnant pillar punching and beam failure. The use of rock mass classification, rock mass strength criteria and in situ stresses together with 2D and 3D numerical analyses facilitates the evaluation of the results from seismology approaches, and makes future analysis of longwall-related seismic events possible.  相似文献   

溶解氧对含氨氮地下水生物除铁除锰效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李灿波 《供水技术》2009,3(3):16-18
采用生物滤柱进行了地下水除铁除锰效果的研究,通过检测滤柱不同滤层深度Mn^2+、Fe^2+、NH4^+-N与DO浓度的变化,研究了各离子的去除效果与DO的关系,并对比了不同DO水平和不同滤速时离子的去除情况。结果表明,铁比锰和氨氮更优先被去除,滤速越低,溶解氧消耗越多。  相似文献   

水体溶解氧含量是水环境质量的重要参数.本研究将室内模拟实验和疏浚工程相结合,探讨了疏浚对沉积物-水界面耗氧能力、微剖面溶解氧分布的环境效应.研究结果显示,疏浚具有降低溶解氧消耗能力的潜在长期效应,但是由于还原性物质的暴露,疏浚后新生表层沉积物短期耗氧能力很强;疏浚没有改变到氧气在沉积物-水界面中的传质深度.结果暗示疏浚可能显著提高重度富营养化湖泊夏季溶解氧含量.  相似文献   

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