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游离磨料线切割具有切割效率高、切口材料损耗小、表面损伤程度浅、厚度小、切割噪声小等优点而广泛应用于半导体和光伏产业.本文阐述了游离磨料线切割的原理,对游离磨料线切割过程中磨粒力学行为的理论模型研究进行了综述,主要包括磨粒压入力学模型、流体动压滚动力学模型、切削变形力学模型.此外,还从多磨粒的压入效应、切割液的运动方式上...  相似文献   

磨料水射流切割石材的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文依据实验结果,对磨料水射流技术切割石材的机理进行了分析和研究,同时分析和探讨了切割工艺参数对切割深度的影响。  相似文献   

针对锥度切割中的几个主要技术关键进行分析和比较,提出几种适应锥度切割的新型结构.这些结构,在汉川机床厂 HCKX250机床上得到了实现.一、导丝模快走丝线切割机床的导丝模,按结构形式可分成以下三种。 1.导向轮直接作导丝模导向轮的材料有硬质合金、陶瓷、人造宝石等,这种导丝模结构,在不切锥度的情况下,因  相似文献   

基于ANFIS的磨料水射流切割模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了基于自适应神经网络模糊推理系统(ANFIS)的AWJ切割模型,对给定的切割工件、射流压力和切割质量该模型能快速、准确、可靠地预测切割速度.可应用于AWJ切割加工的参数选择、工艺优化及加工规律数值仿真等。  相似文献   

线切割锥度切割的拖动轴分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周坚 《电加工》1991,(3):6-9

从控制的角度,分析比较了各种锥度切割方法的拖动轴安排、坐标空间、控制方法和加工性能。  相似文献   

磨料水射流等现代切割技术的研究与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次根据大量实验研究结果,对磨料水射流切割与激光,等离子切割进行了综合研究分析。阐明了磨料水射流对板材切割的适应性,合理性和经济性。文章对磨料水射流切割技术的发展及其推广应用,具有实用价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

采用不同粒径与形状的磨料颗粒,在磨料水射流切割平台上切割钛合金,用超景深显微镜等设备分析,以研究不同的磨料粒径及形状对钛合金表面微观形貌的影响。研究表明:磨料粒径越大,钛合金表面所形成的划痕越长,80目磨料颗粒形成的微划痕长度约为160目磨料的5倍。且球形磨料颗粒所形成的划痕末端堆积较少,其表面线粗糙度低于9.5 μm;具有棱边的磨料颗粒所形成的划痕有唇状或鳞片状金属堆积,其表面线粗糙度在9.5~13.0 μm间;柱体形的磨料颗粒冲击形成的划痕带有尖锐的棱角,其表面粗糙度大于13.0 μm。   相似文献   

基于可靠性理论和有关科研成果,试验研究了磨料水射流切割敏感炸药的安全性和对典型弹体的切割效率。研究结果表明,在90%的置信水平下,安全可靠度不低于99.52%,安全性有足够保证;高速水束的冷却与减摩作用是抑制炸药起爆的决定性因素;磨料水射流对弹体的切割效率能够满足实用需要。  相似文献   

固结磨料线切割以其切割高效率,材料低损耗的特点受到了越来越多的关注。综述了固结磨料线切割技术的发展背景,对比了三种不同结合剂制造的金刚石线的特点与应用,总结了固结磨料金刚石线切割技术相对于传统游离磨料线切割技术所具有的优势,并着重介绍了多线式和单线式的固结磨料线切割设备的结构与应用现状,探讨了固结磨料线切割技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为分析多绳金刚石串珠锯机的振动特性,依据多体动力学理论,建立了多绳锯机驱动系统样机模型;并采用有限元法,分析了多绳锯机在不同结合状态下的动态特性变化规律,得到其固有频率和振型。在此基础上,采用ADAMS/Vibration振动分析模块,分析多绳锯机在受迫状态下,关键部件的位移、速度、加速度与频率的关系,给出了串珠绳振动的诱因,验证了多绳锯机结构设计理论正确性。同时,研究结论可以为结构设计参数动态优化和固有振动特性调控提供方法和依据,有利于提高多绳锯的性能。  相似文献   

为满足太阳能硅片大规模生产的精益化管理需求,针对太阳能硅片电解磨削多线切割工艺特点,设计了一种以C/S为主、B/S为辅的混合式软件架构远程监控系统。采用Visual C#编程实现上、下位机的数据通讯,开发基于工业以太网的车间现场监控模块,通过PHP和My SQL开发基于web的数据查询模块。经长时间试验运行,该系统能实现电解磨削多线切割设备工作状态及加工参数的远程实时监控,稳定可靠,具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

硅片精密切割多线锯研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着半导体行业的发展,尤其是太阳能电池对大直径硅片的需求不断增加,对硅片的切割精度要求越来越高.传统的外圆和内圆切割已经不能满足现有硅片大尺寸、小切缝、高质量和生产效率的要求.本文对大直径硅片精密切割中最常使用的多线锯切割进行介绍,对游离磨料多线锯的切割机理、浆料特性、切割工艺和固着磨料多线锯锯丝制造方法、切割工艺等方面的研究现状进行了综述.  相似文献   

The electrochemical behavior of silicon wafer in alkaline slurry with nano-sized CeO2 abrasive was investigated. The variations of corrosion potential (φcorr) and corrosion current density (Jcorr) of the P-type (100) silicon wafer with the slurry pH value and the concentration of abrasive CeO2 were studied by polarization curve technologies. The dependence of the polishing rate on the pH and the concentration of CeO2 in slurries during chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) were also studied. It is discovered that there is a large change of φcorr and Jcorr when slurry pH is altered and the Jcorr reaches the maximum (1.306 μA/cm^2) at pH 10.5 when the material removal rate(MRR) comes to the fastest value. The Jcorr increases gradually from 0.994 μA/cm^2 with 1% CeO2 to 1.304 μA/cm^2 with 3% CeO2 and reaches a plateau with the further increase of CeO2 concentration. There is a considerable MRR in the slurry with 3% CeO/at pH 10.5. The coherence between Jcorr and MRR elucidates that the research on the electrochemical behavior of silicon wafers in the alkaline slurry could offer theoretic guidance on silicon polishing rate and ensure to adjust optimal components of slurry.  相似文献   

纳米金刚石抛光液在超精密抛光中应用广泛,但纳米金刚石极易发生团聚,限制了它在抛光领域中的应用。对纳米金刚石抛光液中磨料的分散机理、分散方法以及国内外在纳米金刚石抛光液制备中的一些研究现状进行了综述,提出了纳米金刚石抛光液的研究方向。  相似文献   

Abrasive slurry jet micro-machining (ASJM) uses a well-defined jet of abrasive slurry to erode features in a solid target. Compared with abrasive water jet machining (AWJM), the present ASJM system operates at pressures that are roughly two orders of magnitude lower and uses a premixed slurry of relatively low concentration. The objective of the present study was to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of erosion in ASJM by comparing its performance in the micro-machining of holes and channels in borosilicate glass with that of abrasive air jet micro-machining (AJM), a process that is simpler and relatively well understood. A new ASJM system was developed and used to machine blind holes and smooth channels of relatively uniform depth that did not suffer from the significant waviness previously reported in the literature. The effect of particle velocity, particle concentration, jet traverse speed and jet impact angle were examined. A direct comparison of ASJM and AJM results was possible since novel measurements of the crushing strength of the aluminum oxide abrasive particles used in both experiments proved to be unaffected by water. Brittle erosion was shown to be the dominant material removal mechanism in both ASJM and AJM in spite of the significant flow-induced decrease in the local impact angles of many of the particles in ASJM. A new model of the rapid particle deceleration near the target surface helped explain the much smaller erosion rates of ASJM compared with those in AJM. The modeling of the erosion process during the micro-machining of channels showed that the effect of the local impact angle at the leading edge of the advancing jet was much more significant in ASJM than in AJM, primarily due to the narrower focus of the jet impact zone in ASJM. The differences in the water and air flow fields and associated particle trajectories were used to explain the steeper side walls and flatter bottoms of the holes and channels machined with unmasked ASJM compared to those with masked AJM. The respective structures of the water and air jets also explained the much sharper definition of the edges of these features using ASJM compared with maskless AJM. The results of the study show that ASJM can be used to accurately micro-machine channels and holes with a width of 350–500 μm and an aspect ratio of 0.5–1.3 without the use of masks.  相似文献   

A novel method of polishing the end face of an optical fibre by blasting it with loose dry abrasive grit travelling at high speeds is presented. The method, called loose abrasive blasting (LAB), is specifically designed to improve the surface quality of micro-lenses ground at the tips of optical fibres. Thus, the method described is suitable for polishing non-flat surfaces. Blasting is carried out by immersing the fibre tip in a stream of high kinetic energy abrasive grit. The surface finish attainable using LAB is compared with that of cleaved, ground and slurry polished fibre end faces. Optical microscopy photographs are presented as a qualitative comparison. The surface roughnesses are measured using atomic force microscopy (AFM). For cleaved fibres, the surface roughness improved by a factor of 2 and 6 for slurry polished and dry diamond blasted fibres, respectively.  相似文献   

金属结合剂金刚石磨具的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文介绍了各种金属结合剂的性能、主要配方体系和应用范围,概述了金属结合剂金刚石磨具的制备方法:烧结法、电镀法、单层钎焊法。重点综述了国内外改善烧结金属结合剂金刚石磨具中结合剂对金刚石把持力所采取的主要措施和最新研究进展,并对金属结合剂金刚石磨具的发展作了进一步展望。  相似文献   

A study of the micro-channelling process on a brittle amorphous glass using an abrasive slurry jet is presented. The mechanisms of the micro-channel formation process are discussed first, followed by the development of predictive models for material removal rate and the dimensions of the micro-channels produced. The models account for a variety of slurry and target material properties as well as other process parameters and have been verified by an experimental study. It is shown that the model predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

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