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竹天家的龙凤宝宝快6岁了,特别爱画画。竹天喜欢手工,女儿看着妈妈做布艺,也想学着拿针线,儿子也在一旁跃跃欲试。于是妈妈就带着孩子们一起动手做不织布书套,既方便孩子制作又美观实用。女儿的粉红书皮上是可爱的兔姑娘,儿子的蓝色书皮上则是威猛的奥特曼。  相似文献   

建立了学生用塑料书套中6种常见邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)类增塑剂的快速检测方法。以二氯甲烷为萃取溶剂,通过超声萃取对样品中的PAEs进行提取,随后采用气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC-MS)进行检测。结果表明:市售聚氯乙烯(PVC)材质书套中普遍检出了高浓度PAEs,其主要成分为邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯(DEHP)。该检测方法提取效率高,线性范围较宽,回收率高且重现性好。  相似文献   

简简单单的十字绣曾风靡一时,掀起了全民总动员热潮。不经意间,一种全新的手工运动又哨然兴起了,可以说,它与当年的十字绣异曲同工,其发展势头也并不压于十字绣。它就是横扫日韩市场之后,又迅速蹿红于中国市场的不织布手工杂货。  相似文献   

简简单单的十字绣曾风靡一时,掀起了全民总动员热潮。不经意间,一种全新的手工运动又哨然兴起了,可以说,它与当年的十字绣异曲同工,其发展势头也并不压于十字绣。它就是横扫日韩市场之后,又迅速蹿红于中国市场的不织布手工杂货。  相似文献   

蒋竞峥 《江苏陶瓷》1999,32(4):30-32
介绍了龙凤这两种我国人民非常熟悉的虚拟图腾生物 ,重点介绍了各个历史时期龙凤图案的特征 ,并结合本职工作谈了对龙凤题材作品的创作体会  相似文献   

在阐明开发生物分解性材料必要性的基础上,讨论了生物分解性纤维的分类与特征,以及生物分解的动力学研究现状,并以不织布为例说明了生物分解性材料的生产方法和实用价值。  相似文献   

工具:尖嘴钳、圆嘴钳、剪钳、热熔胶、热熔胶枪、速干胶、手缝针。 材料:头像、金属盘、丝带、蕾丝、T形针、单圈、胸针扣、不织布、棉线及2mm、4mm、10mm各色珠子若干。  相似文献   

介绍了一种先进的不织布技术,单向纤维定向层及其成型机、连续交叉叠层复合技术及其设备。详细介绍了这种技术高效率的特点,其制造和应用几乎可以涵盖所有现有织物。  相似文献   

《龙凤颈瓶壶》告知我们那些关于正确生活状态的答案:温暖的向往、知足常乐的心态、积极乐观的情怀、懂得享受的智慧。  相似文献   

工具:尖嘴钳、圆嘴钳、剪钳、热熔胶、热熔胶枪、速干胶、手缝针。 材料:头像、金属盘、丝带、蕾丝、T形针、单圈、胸针扣、不织布、棉线及2mm、4mm、10mm各色珠子若干。  相似文献   

目的检测鸡痘病毒(Fowlpox virus,FPV)在鸽体内的分布及毒性。方法将鸡痘病毒经翅膀内侧无血管处刺种鸽子,50μl/只,对照组经相同部位刺种等量生理盐水。刺种后逐日进行临床观察,分别于刺种后6h、12h、1d、3d、7d、10d、15d和21d,剖杀鸽子,进行内脏器官的病理组织学检测,采用PCR法检测FPV在鸽体内的分布。结果在试验期间,幼鸽精神状态良好,采食、饮水正常,刺种后15d,临床症状基本消失;各组织未见明显的病理变化;刺种后6h,在刺种肌肉内检测到病毒DNA;刺种后3d和7d,在所有组织内均检测到病毒DNA;刺种后10d,在肌肉和脾脏内可检测到病毒DNA;刺种后15d,所有组织内均未检测到病毒DNA;对照组未检测到病毒DNA。结论鸡痘病毒在鸽体内存留时间短,无毒性,生物安全性良好。  相似文献   

王巍  刘春 《中国塑料》2014,28(5):111-114
通过对百叶封头塑件的工艺分析,确定了注塑模具的总体结构,详细介绍了模具各主要系统零件的设计过程。该模具1模2腔,侧浇口进料,采用斜导柱侧向抽芯机构,内、外形采用镶件成型。结果表明,该模具结构合理,动作运行可靠,塑件品质满足要求。  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is activated by single-stranded RNA and synthetic imidazoquinoline components, and induces interferon production. In this study, we cloned the TLR7 gene from King pigeon (Columba livia). The TLR7 open reading frame is 3144 bp and encodes a 1047-amino acid protein, consisting of a canonical TLR composition with 15 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Amino acid-inserting modifications were found at position 15 of LRR2, LRR11, LRR13, and LRR14 and position 10 of LRR10. The tissue distribution of pigeon TLR7 suggests that immune-associated tissues, especially the spleen and liver, have high TLR7 expression. HEK293T cells transfected with pigeon TLR7 plasmid responded to the agonist R848, indicating a functional TLR7 homolog. Following R848 stimulation of pigeon peripheral blood mononuclear cells, the levels of IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-8, CCL5, and IL-10 mRNA, assessed using quantitative real-time PCR, were significantly up-regulated. After Newcastle disease virus vaccine strain LaSota inoculation and agonist R848 injection, the level of TLR7 mRNA in the spleen of pigeons increased significantly in the R848-injected group, but decreased in the LaSota-inoculated group at three day post-infection (d.p.i.). The mRNA levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines were significantly upregulated in both LaSota-inoculated and R848-injected groups. Triggering pigeon TLR7 leads to robust up-regulation of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, suggesting an important role in the innate immune response.  相似文献   

Tetrahedral DNA hybrids with tetrakis(p‐hydroxyphenyl)methane cores hybridize in a sequence‐specific fashion at much higher temperatures than isolated linear duplexes. Dinucleotide DNA arms suffice to induce the formation of a solid at room temperature; this demonstrates the strength of multivalent binding. The graphic shows a view of a modeled assembly.


In this paper we introduce a new test of the null hypothesis of no cointegration between a pair of time series. For a very simple generating model, our test compares favourably with the Engle–Granger/Dickey–Fuller test and the Johansen trace test. Indeed, shortcomings of the former motivated the development of our test. The applicability of our test is extended to series generated by low-order vector autoregressions. Again, we find evidence that this general version of our test is more powerful than the Johansen test. The paper concludes with an empirical example in which the new test finds strong evidence of cointegration, but the Johansen test does not.  相似文献   

Refractories and Industrial Ceramics - The article is devoted to the preparation of ecologically clean composites by powder metallurgy and the study of tribological properties. Tribological tests...  相似文献   

A direct comparison on solids flux was enabled by measurements obtained in a pair of riser and downer circulating fluidized bed reactors, of the same diameter, using suction probes. The operating conditions and the axial position were found to affect the solids flux in each reactor in a different manner. The solids flux in the riser were affected to a large degree by the gas velocity, in contrast with the downer where no visible effect was detected from changes in the gas velocity. The axial position has an effect on the shape of the solids flux profiles in the downer, but only small effects were observed in the riser. On the other hand, increases in overall solids flux leads to the increase of local solids flux in both the downer and the riser.  相似文献   

建立了化学吸附式制冷实验单元 ,对氯化钙 氨工质对的制冷性能进行实验研究 ,得出不同热源温度下的制冷量、吸附速率、解吸速率等数据 ,并与活性炭 甲醇工质对进行了比较。结果表明 ,在热源温度为 10 0℃时 ,研究中所用工质对的制冷量是活性炭 甲醇的 3.6— 6 .6倍  相似文献   

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