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提出使用核K-means聚类算法从样本集中抽取特征向量集来训练SVM,达到减少SVM规模的目的。SVM核函数的选择会影响SVM模型的分类效果,提出将多个非线性映射能力不同的核函数进行线性组合,在特征训练集上构造出组合SVM的半定规划模型,用内点法求解出最优组合系数,得到非线性映射能力更强的半定规划SVM,并用做垃圾标签检测。在UCI数据集上与双层减样支持向量机方法进行比较,实验结果表明,新的垃圾标签检测法提高了识别率,并大幅度减少了训练时间。  相似文献   

The plethora of social actions and annotations (tags, comments, ratings) from online media sharing Websites and collaborative games have induced a paradigm shift in the research on image semantic interpretation. Social inputs with their added context represent a strong substitute for expert annotations. Novel algorithms have been designed to fuse visual features with noisy social labels and behavioral signals. In this survey, we review nearly 200 representative papers to identify the current trends, challenges as well as opportunities presented by social inputs for research on image semantics. Our study builds on an interdisciplinary confluence of insights from image processing, data mining, human computer interaction, and sociology to describe the folksonomic features of users, annotations and images. Applications are categorized into four types: concept semantics, person identification, location semantics and event semantics. The survey concludes with a summary of principle research directions for the present and the future.  相似文献   

With the popularization of social media and the exponential growth of information generated by online users, the recommender system has been popular in helping users to find the desired resources from vast amounts of data. However, the cold-start problem is one of the major challenges for personalized recommendation. In this work, we utilized the tag information associated with different resources, and proposed a tag-based interactive framework to make the resource recommendation for different users. During the interaction, the most effective tag information will be selected for users to choose, and the approach considers the users’ feedback to dynamically adjusts the recommended candidates during the recommendation process. Furthermore, to effectively explore the user preference and resource characteristics, we analyzed the tag information of different resources to represent the user and resource features, considering the users’ personal operations and time factor, based on which we can identify the similar users and resource items. Probabilistic matrix factorization is employed in our work to overcome the rating sparsity, which is enhanced by embedding the similar user and resource information. The experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can get more accurate predictions and higher recommendation efficiency.  相似文献   

While recent progress has been achieved in understanding the structure and dynamics of social tagging systems, we know little about the underlying user motivations for tagging, and how they influence resulting folksonomies and tags. This paper addresses three issues related to this question. (1) What distinctions of user motivations are identified by previous research, and in what ways are the motivations of users amenable to quantitative analysis? (2) To what extent does tagging motivation vary across different social tagging systems? (3) How does variability in user motivation influence resulting tags and folksonomies? In this paper, we present measures to detect whether a tagger is primarily motivated by categorizing or describing resources, and apply these measures to datasets from seven different tagging systems. Our results show that (a) users’ motivation for tagging varies not only across, but also within tagging systems, and that (b) tag agreement among users who are motivated by categorizing resources is significantly lower than among users who are motivated by describing resources. Our findings are relevant for (1) the development of tag-based user interfaces, (2) the analysis of tag semantics and (3) the design of search algorithms for social tagging systems.  相似文献   

针对传统新闻推荐的数据稀疏性和用户的兴趣爱好快速变化问题,提出了一种融合社交关系和标签信息的混合新闻推荐算法。首先,该算法充分利用社交网络中的社交关系和标签信息;然后使用概率主题模型(latent Dirichlet allocation,LDA)对用户兴趣进行建模;最后采用基于内容与协同过滤相结合的混合推荐算法来完成新闻推荐。实验结果表明,所提算法与已有的推荐算法相比较,在精确度上提升了10.7%、平均倒数排名上(mean reciprocal rank,MRR)提升了4.1%,在归一化折损累计增益(normalized discounted cumulative gain,NDCG)上提升了10%。该算法可在一定程度上提高新闻推荐算法的精度及推荐质量。  相似文献   

基于框架语义标注的自由文本信息抽取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
信息抽取是从自由文本语料库构建数据库,实现信息自动收集的有效途径之一。提出了一种以框架语义标注为基础构建信息抽取规则的信息抽取方法。基于框架语义标注的信息抽取是用统一的方法来指导信息抽取过程。这种方法具有较细的处理粒度,对语义规则性强的领域有一定的普遍适用性。设计了基于框架语义的BAIE(图书内容简介信息抽取)系统,并对图书的内容简介试行信息抽取。抽取结果表明,基于框架语义的信息抽取方式有一定的可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

While recent progress has been achieved in understanding the structure and dynamics of social tagging systems, we know little about the underlying user motivations for tagging, and how they influence resulting folksonomies and tags. This paper addresses three issues related to this question. (1) What distinctions of user motivations are identified by previous research, and in what ways are the motivations of users amenable to quantitative analysis? (2) To what extent does tagging motivation vary across different social tagging systems? (3) How does variability in user motivation influence resulting tags and folksonomies? In this paper, we present measures to detect whether a tagger is primarily motivated by categorizing or describing resources, and apply these measures to datasets from seven different tagging systems. Our results show that (a) users’ motivation for tagging varies not only across, but also within tagging systems, and that (b) tag agreement among users who are motivated by categorizing resources is significantly lower than among users who are motivated by describing resources. Our findings are relevant for (1) the development of tag-based user interfaces, (2) the analysis of tag semantics and (3) the design of search algorithms for social tagging systems.  相似文献   

Software information sites such as StackOverflow and Freeecode enable information sharing and communication for developers around the world. To facilitate correct classification and efficient search, developers need to provide tags for their postings. However, tagging is inherently an uncoordinated process that depends not only on developers’ understanding of their own postings but also on other factors, including developers’ English skills and knowledge about existing postings. As a result, developers keep creating new tags even though existing tags are sufficient. The net effect is an ever increasing number of tags with severe redundancy along with more postings over time. Any algorithms based on tags become less efficient and accurate. In this paper we propose FastTagRec, an automated scalable tag recommendation method using neural network-based classification. By learning existing postings and their tags from existing information, FastTagRec is able to very accurately infer tags for new postings. We have implemented a prototype tool and carried out experiments on ten software information sites. Our results show that FastTagRec is not only more accurate but also three orders of magnitude faster than the comparable state-of-the-art tool TagMulRec. In addition to empirical evaluation, we have also conducted an user study which successfully confirms the usefulness of of our approach.  相似文献   

融合朋友关系和标签信息的张量分解推荐算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大众标注网站项目推荐系统中存在数据矩阵稀疏性影响推荐效果的问题,考虑矩阵奇异值分解(SVD)能有效地平滑数据矩阵中的数据,以及朋友圈能够反映出一个人的兴趣爱好,提出了一种融合朋友关系和标签信息的张量分解推荐算法。首先,利用高阶奇异值分解(HOSVD)方法对用户-项目-标签三元组信息进行潜在语义分析和多路降维,分析用户、项目、标签三者间关系;然后,再结合用户朋友关系、朋友间相似度,修正张量分解结果,建立三阶张量模型,从而实现推荐。该模型方法在两个真实数据集上进行了实验,结果表明,所提算法与高阶奇异值分解的方法比较,在推荐的召回率和精确度指标上分别提高了2.5%和4%,因此,所提算法进一步验证了结合朋友关系能够提高推荐的准确率,并扩展了张量分解模型,实现用户个性化推荐。  相似文献   

Automatic tag expansion using visual similarity for photo sharing websites   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper we present an automatic photo tag expansion method designed for photo sharing websites. The purpose of the method is to suggest tags that are relevant to the visual content of a given photo at upload time. Both textual and visual cues are used in the process of tag expansion. When a photo is to be uploaded, the system asks for a couple of initial tags from the user. The initial tags are used to retrieve relevant photos together with their tags. These photos are assumed to be potentially content related to the uploaded target photo. The tag sets of the relevant photos are used to form the candidate tag list, and visual similarities between the target photo and relevant photos are used to give weights to these candidate tags. Tags with the highest weights are suggested to the user. The method is applied on Flickr (). Results show that including visual information in the process of photo tagging increases accuracy with respect to text-based methods.  相似文献   

樊振  过弋  张振豪  韩美琪 《计算机应用》2018,38(11):3084-3088
针对评论文本情感分析研究中数据标注费时费力的问题,提出了一种新的数据自动标注方法。首先,通过基于情感词典的方法计算出评论文本的情感倾向;其次,利用用户评分的弱标注信息和基于词典方法的情感倾向对评论文本自动标注;最后,利用支持向量机(SVM)对评论文本进行情感分类。所提出的数据自动标注方法在两种类型数据集情感分类准确率上分别达到了77.2%和77.8%,相对于单一的利用用户评分对数据标注的方法,分别提高了1.7个百分点和2.1个百分点。实验结果表明,提出的数据自动标注方法在电影评论情感分析中能提高分类效果。  相似文献   

信息系统监理企业要想高效率、高质量和低成本地按合同完成监理任务,必须以改善监理过程为中心,全面实施监理工程和质量管理手段.论文提出ISS-CMM模型,初步划分为5个等级:初始级、重用级、定义级、控制级和优化级;并提出每一等级组成元素,包括:关键过程、目标和关键活动,并初步给出关键过程、目标和关键活动的定义.ISS-CMM模型可以作为监理过程的标准,因为它结合质量管理和监理工程的双重经验,专门针对监理过程制订的一套规范.  相似文献   

In a digital world, information technology (IT) units routinely update their capabilities to cope with changing business requirements and frequent technology releases. Extending the dynamic capabilities literature, this article presents the concept of dynamic IT capability, a multidimensional first-order dynamic capability that enables IT units to assist firms in appropriating business value from IT resources by influencing a set of IT-related ordinary capabilities. Scholars currently lack a dynamic capabilities framework that explains, from an IT unit’s perspective, how IT resources can be acquired, deployed, integrated, and reconfigured to fulfill business objectives. To bridge this research gap, we develop a high-level framework that highlights three constituent components of dynamic IT capability: dynamic digital platform capability, dynamic IT management capability, and dynamic IT knowledge management capability. Through an extensive literature review, we identify and summarize the set of ordinary capabilities that each dynamic IT capability component creates and reconfigures. We then offer guidance on future instrument development. To encourage further exploration of this critical construct, we close by highlighting future avenues for dynamic IT capability research.  相似文献   

Information generated in a programming environment is often allowed to grow indefinitely. Designer and user alike are counting on standard backup and disc clearing procedures for archiving old data. In this paper we take the view that one should distinguish between relevant old data that is purposely archived and obsolete information that should automatically be deleted. The two main topics of the paper are the strategies and mechanisms for deleting information and the facilities available to designers of programming environments to specify deletion strategies. Information can be deleted applying a passive or an active strategy. With the passive strategy, information will not actually be deleted until it is certain that there is no interest in it any longer. With the active strategy, an object is immediately deleted when it becomes obsolete, while users of the object are notified of the deletion event. The paper discusses various implementations for these two strategies and shows when they apply. Taking the view that it must be easy to modify and fine tune programming environments, much attention must be given to the designer's support environment for generating programming environments. The paper discusses in particular the facilities for expressing the semantics of names in an environment. Various naming modes are useful for a designer to specify the deletion strategies for his target programming environment. Details are illustrated by applying the ideas to an environment for software development and maintenance.  相似文献   

The publication of different media types, like images, audio and video in the World Wide Web is getting more importance each day. However, searching and locating content in multimedia sites is challenging. In this paper, we propose a platform for the development of multimedia web information systems. Our approach is based on the combination between semantic web technologies and collaborative tagging. Producers can add meta-data to multimedia content associating it with different domain-specific ontologies. At the same time, users can tag the content in a collaborative way. The proposed system uses a search engine that combines both kinds of meta-data to locate the desired content. It will also provide browsing capabilities through the ontology concepts and the developed tags.  相似文献   

从小偷踩点获取藏金信息中受到启发,提出了一种互联网信息智能搜索新方法。能够从已经分好类的特定领域网站中,准确高效地搜索出隐藏于其内部的目标网页。把所有的搜索网页根据检索信息分成两类:一类是信息点,一类是信息路径。采用信息路径特征与信息点信息量特征描述有机结合而形成的一种新的搜索知识表示方法。基于这种知识表示方法,智能搜索方法不仅能够对网站中网页进行深度优先的智能搜索,而且还能够通过对其搜索过程和结果的自学习来获取更多更好的搜索知识。  相似文献   

Action-oriented service and technology development begins with the idea that people use technologies to reach their action goals. Consequently, we should investigate user needs and how they can be satisfied, and adapt services and technologies to the natural course of actions. Here, we focus on family communication and investigate mobile communication service types for families. For this study 10 mothers were interviewed; we investigated the nature of their everyday information and communication needs and the different knowledge and information transfer actions that were discovered in their families. Qualitative analysis of these interviews was used to generate a taxonomy, which, in turn, can help in providing enhanced individual services and family-centred design models.  相似文献   

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