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We define a set of 2 n−1−1 entanglement monotones for n qubits and give a single measure of entanglement in terms of these. This measure is zero except on globally entangled (fully inseparable) states. This measure is compared to the Meyer–Wallach measure for two, three, and four qubits. We determine the four-qubit state, symmetric under exchange of qubit labels, which maximizes this measure. It is also shown how the elementary monotones may be computed as a function of observable quantities. We compute the magnitude of our measure for the ground state of the four-qubit superconducting experimental system investigated in [M. Grajcar et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 047006 (2006)], and thus confirm the presence of global entanglement in the ground state.   相似文献   

Studies on the entanglement of n-qubit quantum systems have attracted a lot of interest during recent years. Despite the central role of entanglement in quantum information theory, however, there are still a number of open problems in the theoretical characterization of entangled systems that make symbolic and numerical simulation on n-qubit quantum registers indispensable for present-day research.To facilitate the investigation of the separability and entanglement properties of n-qubit quantum registers, here we present a revised version of the Feynman program in the framework of the computer algebra system Maple. In addition to all previous capabilities of this Maple code for defining and manipulating quantum registers, the program now provides various tools which are necessary for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of entanglement in n-qubit quantum registers. A simple access, in particular, is given to several algebraic separability criteria as well as a number of entanglement measures and related quantities. As in the previous version, symbolic and numeric computations are equally supported.

Program summary

Title of program:FeynmanCatalogue identifier:ADWE_v2_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADWE_v2_0Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions:NoneComputers for which the program is designed: All computers with a license of the computer algebra system Maple [Maple is a registered trademark of Waterloo Maple Inc.]Operating systems under which the program has been tested: Linux, MS Windows XPProgramming language used:Maple 10Typical time and memory requirements:Most commands acting on quantum registers with five or less qubits take ?10 seconds of processor time (on a Pentium 4 with ?2 GHz or equivalent) and 5-20 MB of memory. However, storage and time requirements critically depend on the number of qubits, n, in the quantum registers due to the exponential increase of the associated Hilbert space.No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:3107No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.:13 859Distribution format:tar.gzReasons for new version:The first program version established the data structures and commands which are needed to build and manipulate quantum registers. Since the (evolution of) entanglement is a central aspect in quantum information processing the current version adds the capability to analyze separability and entanglement of quantum registers by implementing algebraic separability criteria and entanglement measures and related quantities.Does this version supersede the previous version: YesNature of the physical problem: Entanglement has been identified as an essential resource in virtually all aspects of quantum information theory. Therefore, the detection and quantification of entanglement is a necessary prerequisite for many applications, such as quantum computation, communications or quantum cryptography. Up to the present, however, the multipartite entanglement of n-qubit systems has remained largely unexplored owing to the exponential growth of complexity with the number of qubits involved.Method of solution: Using the computer algebra system Maple, a set of procedures has been developed which supports the definition and manipulation of n-qubit quantum registers and quantum logic gates [T. Radtke, S. Fritzsche, Comput. Phys. Comm. 173 (2005) 91]. The provided hierarchy of commands can be used interactively in order to simulate the behavior of n-qubit quantum systems (by applying a number of unitary or non-unitary operations) and to analyze their separability and entanglement properties.Restrictions onto the complexity of the problem: The present version of the program facilitates the setup and the manipulation of quantum registers by means of (predefined) quantum logic gates; it now also provides the tools for performing a symbolic and/or numeric analysis of the entanglement for the quantum states of such registers. Owing to the rapid increase in the computational complexity of multi-qubit systems, however, the time and memory requirements often grow rapidly, especially for symbolic computations. This increase of complexity limits the application of the program to about 6 or 7 qubits on a standard single processor (Pentium 4 with ?2 GHz or equivalent) machine with ?1 GB of memory.Unusual features of the program: The Feynman program has been designed within the framework of Maple for interactive (symbolic or numerical) simulations on n-qubit quantum registers with no other restriction than given by the memory and processor resources of the computer. Whenever possible, both representations of quantum registers in terms of their state vectors and/or density matrices are equally supported by the program. Apart from simulating quantum gates and quantum operations, the program now facilitates also investigations on the separability and the entanglement properties of quantum registers.  相似文献   

We give a topological classification of the evolution of entanglement, particularly the different ways the entanglement can disappear as a function of time. Four categories exhaust all possibilities given the initial quantum state is entangled and the final one is not. Exponential decay of entanglement, entanglement sudden death and sudden birth can all be understood and visualized in the associated geometrical picture - the polarization vector representation. The entanglement evolution categories of any model are determined by the topology of the state space and the dynamical subspace, the limiting state and the memory effect of the environment. Transitions between these types of behaviors as a function of physical parameters are also possible. These transitions are thus of topological nature. The symmetry of the system is also important, since it determines the dimension of the dynamical subspace. We illustrate the general concepts with a visualizable model for two qubits, and give results for extensions to N-qubit GHZ states and W states.  相似文献   

In spite of a long history, the quantification of entanglement still calls for exploration. What matters about entanglement depends on the situation, and so presumably do the numbers suitable for its quantification. Regardless of situational complications, a necessary first step is to make available for calculation some quantitative measure of entanglement. Here we define a geometric degree of entanglement, distinct from earlier definitions, but in the case of bipartite pure states related to that proposed by Shimony (Ann N Y Acad Sci 755:675–679, 1995). The definition offered here applies also to multipartite mixed states, and a variational method simplifies the calculation. We analyze especially states that are invariant under permutation of particles, states that we call bosonic. Of interest to quantum sensing, for bosonic states, we show that no partial trace can increase a degree of entanglement. For some sample cases we quantify the degree of entanglement surviving a partial trace. As a function of the degree of entanglement of a bosonic 3-qubit pure state, we show the range of degree of entanglement for the 2-qubit reduced density matrix obtained from it by a partial trace. Then we calculate an upper bound on the degree of entanglement of the mixed state obtained as a partial trace over one qubit of a 4-qubit bosonic state. As a reminder of the situational dependence of the advantage of entanglement, we review the way in which entanglement combines with scattering theory in the example of light-based radar.  相似文献   

We present an efficient scheme for five-party quantum state sharing (QSTS) of an arbitrary m-qubit state with multiqubit cluster states. Unlike the three-partite QSTS schemes using the same quantum channel [Phys. Rev. A 78, 062333 (2008)], our scheme for sharing of quantum information among five parties utilizing a cluster state as an entangled resource. It is found that the six-partite cluster state can be used for QSTS of an entangled state, the five-partite cluster state can be used for QSTS of an arbitrary two-qubit state and also can be used for QSTS of an arbitrary m-qubit state. It involves two-qubit Bell-basis or three-qubit GHZ-basis measurements, not multipartite joint measurements, which makes it more convenient than some previous schemes. In addition, the total efficiency really approaches the maximal value.  相似文献   

Quantum correlations (QCs) in some separable states have been proposed as a key resource for certain quantum communication tasks and quantum computational models without entanglement. In this paper, a family of nine-parameter separable states, obtained from arbitrary mixture of two sets of bi-qubit product pure states, is considered. QCs in these separable states are studied analytically or numerically using four QC quantifiers, i.e., measurement-induced disturbance (Luo in Phys Rev A77:022301, 2008), ameliorated MID (Girolami et al. in J Phys A Math Theor 44:352002, 2011),quantum dissonance (DN) (Modi et al. in Phys Rev Lett 104:080501, 2010), and new quantum dissonance (Rulli in Phys Rev A 84:042109, 2011), respectively. First, an inherent symmetry in the concerned separable states is revealed, that is, any nine-parameter separable states concerned in this paper can be transformed to a three-parameter kernel state via some certain local unitary operation. Then, four different QC expressions are concretely derived with the four QC quantifiers. Furthermore, some comparative studies of the QCs are presented, discussed and analyzed, and some distinct features about them are exposed. We find that, in the framework of all the four QC quantifiers, the more mixed the original two pure product states, the bigger QCs the separable states own. Our results reveal some intrinsic features of QCs in separable systems in quantum information.  相似文献   

By using the works, Spiridonov (Phys Rev A 52:1909, 1995), and Wang et al. (J Phys A Math Gen 33:7451, 2000), we propose an approach to obtain genuine three-partite entangled coherent states in which the permutation symmetry and the parity one play crucial roles. We exploit the permutation and parity symmetry to construct entanglement in the standard coherent states of a system composed of three-mode bosonic field and three identical atoms. It is shown that by making use of entanglement witnesses (EW) based on GHZ-states the reduced density matrices of the three-mode bosonic field and three-atomic subsystems, after encoding as three-qubit systems, in some range of their respective parameters, are genuinely entangled.  相似文献   

Our main result is a monogamy inequality satisfied by the entanglement of a focus qubit (one-tangle) in a four-qubit pure state and entanglement of subsystems. Analytical relations between three-tangles of three-qubit marginal states, two-tangles of two-qubit marginal states and unitary invariants of four-qubit pure state are used to obtain the inequality. The contribution of three-tangle to one-tangle is found to be half of that suggested by a simple extension of entanglement monogamy relation for three qubits. On the other hand, an additional contribution due to a two-qubit invariant which is a function of three-way correlations is found. We also show that four-qubit monogamy inequality conjecture of Regula et al. (Phys Rev Lett 113:110501, 2014), in which three-tangles are raised to the power \(\frac{3}{2}\), does not estimate the residual correlations, correctly, for certain subsets of four-qubit states. A lower bound on residual four-qubit correlations is obtained.  相似文献   

Recently, an orthogonal-state-based protocol of direct quantum communication without actual transmission of particles is proposed by Salih et al. (Phys Rev Lett 110:170502, 2013) using chained quantum Zeno effect. The counterfactual condition (claim) of Salih et al. is weakened here to the extent that transmission of particles is allowed, but transmission of the message qubits (the qubits on which the secret information is encoded) is not allowed. Remaining within this weaker (non-counterfactual) condition, an orthogonal-state-based protocol of deterministic secure quantum communication is proposed using entanglement swapping, where actual transmission of the message qubits is not required. Further, it is shown that there exists a large class of quantum states that can be used to implement the proposed protocol. The security of the proposed protocol originates from monogamy of entanglement. As the protocol can be implemented without using conjugate coding, its security is independent of non-commutativity.  相似文献   

Different from the previous works on generating entangled states, this work is focused on how to transfer the prepared entangled states onto memory qubits for protecting them against decoherence. We here consider a physical system consisting of n operation qubits and 2n memory qubits placed in a cavity or coupled to a resonator. A method is presented for transferring n-qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled states from the operation qubits (i.e., information processing cells) onto the memory qubits (i.e., information memory elements with long decoherence time). The transferred GHZ states are encoded in a decoherence-free subspace against collective dephasing and thus can be immune from decoherence induced by a dephasing environment. In addition, the state transfer procedure has nothing to do with the number of qubits, the operation time does not increase with the number of qubits, and no measurement is needed for the state transfer. This proposal can be applied to a wide range of hybrid qubits such as natural atoms and artificial atoms (e.g., various solid-state qubits).  相似文献   

The first part of the paper reviews applications of 2-spinor methods to relativistic qubits (analogies between tetrads in Minkowski space and 2-qubit states, qubits defined by means of null directions and their role for elimination of the Peres-Scudo-Terno phenomenon, advantages and disadvantages of relativistic polarization operators defined by the Pauli-Lubanski vector, manifestly covariant approach to unitary representations of inhomogeneous SL(2,C)). The second part deals with electromagnetic fields quantized by means of harmonic oscillator Lie algebras (not necessarily taken in irreducible representations). As opposed to non-relativistic singlets one has to distinguish between maximally symmetric and EPR states. The distinction is one of the sources of ‘strange’ relativistic properties of EPR correlations. As an example, EPR averages are explicitly computed for linear polarizations in states that are antisymmetric in both helicities and momenta. The result takes the familiar form ±p cos 2(αβ) independently of the choice of representation of harmonic oscillator algebra. Parameter p is determined by spectral properties of detectors and the choice of EPR state, but is unrelated to detector efficiencies. Brief analysis of entanglement with vacuum and vacuum violation of Bell’s inequality is given. The effects are related to inequivalent notions of vacuum states. Technical appendices discuss details of the representation I employ in field quantization. In particular, M-shaped delta-sequences are used to define Dirac deltas regular at zero.  相似文献   

We present geometric methods for uniformly discretizing the continuous N-qubit Hilbert space HN. When considered as the vertices of a geometrical figure, the resulting states form the equivalent of a Platonic solid. The discretization technique inherently describes a class of /2 rotations that connect neighboring states in the set, i.e., that leave the geometrical figures invariant. These rotations are shown to generate the Clifford group, a general group of discrete transformations on N qubits. Discretizing HN allows us to define its digital quantum information content, and we show that this information content grows as N2. While we believe the discrete sets are interesting because they allow extra-classical behavior—such as quantum entanglement and quantum parallelism—to be explored while circumventing the continuity of Hilbert space, we also show how they may be a useful tool for problems in traditional quantum computation. We describe in detail the discrete sets for one and two qubits.PACS: 03.67.Lx; 03.67.pp; 03.67.-a; 03.67.Mn.PACS: 03.67.Lx; 03.67.pp; 03.67.-a; 03.67.Mn.  相似文献   

Asymmetric multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a scheme for asymmetric multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state with n agents. The sender Alice first shares m − 1 Bell states and one n + 1-particle Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state with n agents, where the agent Bob, who is designated to recover the original m-qubit state, just keeps m particles and other agents (all controllers) n − 1 particles, that is, each controller only holds one particle in hand. Subsequently, Alice performs m Bell-basis measurements on her 2m particles and each controller only need take a single-particle measurement on his particle with the basis X. Finally, Bob can recover the original m-qubit state with the corresponding local unitary operations according to Alice and all controllers’ measurement results. Its intrinsic efficiency for qubits approaches 100%, and the total efficiency really approaches the maximal value, which is higher than those of the known symmetric schemes.  相似文献   

Continuing on the recent observation that sudden death of entanglement can occur even when a single qubit of a 2-qubit state is exposed to noisy environment (Yashodamma and Sudha in Results Phys 3:41–45, 2013), we examine the local action of a noise on bipartite qubit–qutrit and qutrit–qutrit systems. We show that depolarizing noise causes sudden death of entanglement in both qubit–qutrit and qutrit–qutrit systems even when it acts only on one part of the system. While generalized amplitude damping noise also causes finite-time disentanglement in qubit–qutrit states, the entanglement sudden death occurs much faster due to depolarizing noise. This result strengthens the observation (Yashodamma and Sudha in Results Phys 3:41–45, 2013) that depolarizing noise is more effective than other noise models in causing sudden death of entanglement.  相似文献   

We investigate how equilibrium entanglement is manifested in the nonlinear response of an N-qubit system. We show that in the thermodynamic limit the irreducible part of the nth-order nonlinear susceptibility indicates that the eigenstates of the system contain entangled (n + 1)-qubit clusters. This opens the way to a directly observable multiqubit entanglement signature. We show that the irreducible part of the static cubic susceptibility of a system of four flux qubits, as a function of external parameters, behaves as a global 4-qubit entanglement measure introduced in Ref. (20). We discuss the possibility of extracting purely-entanglement-generated contribution from the general multipoint correlators in a multiqubit system.   相似文献   

利用一个9-量子团簇态为信道,分别提出了三个关于二量子态和三量子态的双向量子信息传输协议。在第一个协议中,Alice能把三量子a1、a2和a3的未知态传送给Bob,Bob能把二量子b1和b2的未知态传送给Alice。Alice采用特殊三粒子态测量基,使得方案简化了一半。在第二个协议中,Alice在远方的Bob处制备三粒子a1、a2和a3的已知态,同时Bob也能在Alice处制备二量子b1和b2的已知态。由于他们充分利用了前馈测量策略,制备任务能够完美完成。在第三个协议中,利用前两个协议的优点,Alice能成功将三量子a1、a2和a3的未知态传送给Bob,Bob也完美地在Alice处制备二量子b1和b2的已知态。  相似文献   

We consider the transformation of multisystem entangled states by local quantum operations and classical communication. We show that, for any reversible transformation, the relative entropy of entanglement for any two parties must remain constant. This shows, for example, that it is not possible to convert 2N three-party GHZ states into 3N singlets, even in an asymptotic sense. Thus there is true three-party non-locality (i.e. not all three party entanglement is equivalent to two-party entanglement). Our results also allow us to make quantitative. statements about concentrating multi-particle entanglement. Finally, we show that there is true n-party entanglement for any n.  相似文献   

The Feynman program has been developed during the last years to support case studies on the dynamics and entanglement of n-qubit quantum registers. Apart from basic transformations and (gate) operations, it currently supports a good number of separability criteria and entanglement measures, quantum channels as well as the parametrizations of various frequently applied objects in quantum information theory, such as (pure and mixed) quantum states, hermitian and unitary matrices or classical probability distributions. With the present update of the Feynman program, we provide a simple access to (the simulation of) quantum measurements. This includes not only the widely-applied projective measurements upon the eigenspaces of some given operator but also single-qubit measurements in various pre- and user-defined bases as well as the support for two-qubit Bell measurements. In addition, we help perform generalized and POVM measurements. Knowing the importance of measurements for many quantum information protocols, e.g., one-way computing, we hope that this update makes the Feynman code an attractive and versatile tool for both, research and education.

New version program summary

Program title: FEYNMANCatalogue identifier: ADWE_v5_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADWE_v5_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 27 210No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1 960 471Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: Maple 12Computer: Any computer with Maple software installedOperating system: Any system that supports Maple; the program has been tested under Microsoft Windows XP and LinuxClassification: 4.15Catalogue identifier of previous version: ADWE_v4_0Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Commun. 179 (2008) 647Does the new version supersede the previous version?: YesNature of problem: During the last decade, the field of quantum information science has largely contributed to our understanding of quantum mechanics, and has provided also new and efficient protocols that are used on quantum entanglement. To further analyze the amount and transfer of entanglement in n-qubit quantum protocols, symbolic and numerical simulations need to be handled efficiently.Solution method: Using the computer algebra system Maple, we developed a set of procedures in order to support the definition, manipulation and analysis of n-qubit quantum registers. These procedures also help to deal with (unitary) logic gates and (nonunitary) quantum operations and measurements that act upon the quantum registers. All commands are organized in a hierarchical order and can be used interactively in order to simulate and analyze the evolution of n-qubit quantum systems, both in ideal and noisy quantum circuits.Reasons for new version: Until the present, the FEYNMAN program supported the basic data structures and operations of n-qubit quantum registers [1], a good number of separability and entanglement measures [2], quantum operations (noisy channels) [3] as well as the parametrizations of various frequently applied objects, such as (pure and mixed) quantum states, hermitian and unitary matrices or classical probability distributions [4]. With the current extension, we here add all necessary features to simulate quantum measurements, including the projective measurements in various single-qubit and the two-qubit Bell basis, and POVM measurements. Together with the previously implemented functionality, this greatly enhances the possibilities of analyzing quantum information protocols in which measurements play a central role, e.g., one-way computation.Running time: Most commands require ?10 seconds of processor time on a Pentium 4 processor with ?2 GHz RAM or newer, if they work with quantum registers with five or less qubits. Moreover, about 5-20 MB of working memory is typically needed (in addition to the memory for the Maple environment itself). However, especially when working with symbolic expressions, the requirements on the CPU time and memory critically depend on the size of the quantum registers owing to the exponential growth of the dimension of the associated Hilbert space. For example, complex (symbolic) noise models, i.e. with several Kraus operators, may result in very large expressions that dramatically slow down the evaluation of e.g. distance measures or the final-state entropy, etc. In these cases, Maple's assume facility sometimes helps to reduce the complexity of the symbolic expressions, but more often than not only a numerical evaluation is feasible. Since the various commands can be applied to quite different scenarios, no general scaling rule can be given for the CPU time or the request of memory.References:
[1] T. Radtke, S. Fritzsche, Comput. Phys. Commun. 173 (2005) 91.
[2] T. Radtke, S. Fritzsche, Comput. Phys. Commun. 175 (2006) 145.
[3] T. Radtke, S. Fritzsche, Comput. Phys. Commun. 176 (2007) 617.
[4] T. Radtke, S. Fritzsche, Comput. Phys. Commun. 179 (2008) 647.

The nonlinear time-dependent two-photon Hamiltonian of a couple of classically pumped independent qubits is analytically solved, and the corresponding time evolution unitary operator, in an exact form, is derived. Using the concurrence, entanglement dynamics between the qubits under the influence of a wide range of effective parameters are examined and, in detail, analyzed. Observations analysis is documented with aid of the field phase-space distribution Wigner function. A couple of initial qubit states is considered, namely similar excited states and a Bell-like pure state. It is demonstrated that an initial Bell-like pure state is as well typical initial qubits setting for robust, regular and a high degree of entanglement. Moreover, it is established that high-constant Kerr media represent an effective tool for generating periodical entanglement at fixed time cycles of maxima reach unity forever when qubits are initially in a Bell-like pure state. Further, it is showed that the medium strength of the classical pumping stimulates efficiently qubits entanglement, specially, when the interaction occurs off resonantly. However, the high-intensity pumping thermalizes the coherent distribution of photons, thus, the least photons number is used and, hence, the least minimum degree of qubits entanglement could be created. Furthermore, when the cavity field and external pumping are detuned, the external pumping acts like an auxiliary effective frequency for the cavity, as a result, the field Gaussian distribution acquires linear chirps, and consequently, more entanglement revivals appear in the same cycle during timescale.  相似文献   

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