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DK Robie CW Dinauer RM Tuttle DT Ward R Parry D McClellan R Svec C Adair G Francis 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,33(7):1134-8; discussion 1139-40
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: It is generally believed that differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) in young patients has an excellent prognosis. This calls into question the need for more extensive surgical ablation of the thyroid gland with attendant risks of surgical complications. The purpose of this report was to investigate both the incidence of surgical morbidity and the impact of surgery on locoregional recurrence of disease. METHODS: The authors reviewed the clinical course of patients under 22 years of age treated for DTC within Department of Defense hospitals since 1950. Data were available for determination of surgical morbidity in 126 and for outcome in 105. RESULTS: The incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia was 17% and of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury 3%. Factors predictive of morbidity were (1) more extensive thyroid surgery (P = .023), and (2) the presence of gross tumor invasion (P = .022). The incidence of neck recurrence was analyzed among a cohort of 90 patients. A total of 19 (21%) patients had a local recurrence. The median time to recurrence was 24 months. The factor predictive of recurrence was the presence of gross invasion (P = .0001). A strong trend toward locoregional recurrence was found among patients with metastatic disease to more than five cervical nodes (P < .08). The primary operations on the thyroid and regional nodes were not significant predictors of neck recurrence. Among these 19 patients there have been no deaths, but 25% had persistent disease at a mean follow-up of 12.6 years. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of surgical morbidity does increase with more extensive surgery. Outcome is predicted primarily by the initial extent of disease. 相似文献
F Tenenbaum J Lumbroso M Schlumberger B Caillou P Fragu C Parmentier 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,36(5):807-810
After intravenous administration of a radiolabeled somatostatin analog (octreotide), an image of the thyroid gland is frequently observed; few data are available, however, on somatostatin receptors in epithelial thyroid cells assessed in vitro and on images of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) with pentetreotide scintigraphy. METHODS: In four patients with metastatic thyroid carcinoma, whole-body scintigraphy was performed 4 to 48 hr after injection of 110 MBq of 111In-pentetreotide. The results were compared to data obtained with other imaging modalities, including scintigraphy performed after administration of a therapeutic dose of 131I. RESULTS: There were positive foci in distant metastases on 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy. Pentetreotide scintigraphy was positive in two patients with an "insular" form of DTC, one of whom had a positive (faintly) 131I scan. Of the other two patients with papillary DTC without radioiodine uptake, only one exhibited a certain degree of pentetreotide scintigraphy positivity in distant metastases. CONCLUSION: These results show promise for exploration of insular thyroid carcinoma and suggest that these carcinomas may possess functional differentiation features, including somatostatin receptors. 相似文献
By means of an electron microscopic study of the intestine in young rats infected with Cryptosporidium parvum we observed a mass migration of immunocompetent cells of the host (eosinophils, neutrophils and macrophages) into the lumen of intestine. Some lymphocytes were also observed. Immunocompetent cells (except lymphocytes) included inside phagosomes with different endogenic states of C. parvum. Macrophages with typical extracytoplasmic parasitophorous vacuoles formed by C. parvum were also observed in the intestine lumen. Almost all stages of C. parvum could be observed on a surface of such macrophages. However, we did not find in lamina propria of intestine villi any macrophages with parasites. The place of macrophages infection is unknown. We suggest that surviving of C. parvum in macrophages is principally possible. 相似文献
F Grünwald C Menzel H Bender H Palmedo P Willkomm J Ruhlmann T Franckson HJ Biersack 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,7(3):327-335
Based on sequence analyses of 17 complete centromeric DNA monomers from ten different deer species, a model is proposed for the genesis, evolution, and genomic organization of cervid satellite I DNA. All cervid satellite I DNA arose from the initial amplification of a 31-bp DNA sequence. These 31-bp subrepeats were organized in a hierarchical fashion as 0.8-kb monomers in plesiometacarpalia deer and 1-kb monomers in telemetacarpalia deer. The higher-order repeat nature of cervid centromeric satellite DNA monomers accounts for their high intragenomic and intraspecific sequence conservation. Such high intraspecific sequence conservation validates the use of a single cervid satellite I DNA monomer from each deer species for interspecific sequence comparisons to elucidate phylogenetic relationships. Also, a specific 0.18-kb tandem duplication was observed in all 1-kb monomers, implying that 1-kb cervid satellite I DNA monomers arose from an unequal crossover event between two similar 0.8-kb ancestral DNA sequences. 相似文献
E De Antoni A Catania F Biancari FM Di Matteo L Falvo P Grilli G Lippolis S Sorrenti M Spyrou A Dibra V D'Andrea A Redler 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,18(10):525-531
A retrospective study on patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma operated on at the 3rd Department of General Surgery of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome from 1970 to 1996 was performed. In 709 patients total thyroidectomy was performed as the minimal procedure acceptable, while 19 patients had subtotal thyroidectomy out of necessity. A functional ipsilateral or bilateral lymphnectomy of the neck was performed in 256 cases. This wider operation is indicated in the presence of metastatic lymph nodes and on principle in patients older than forty-five years in which at least another risk factor is present. Long term follow-up (12 years) was assured in 302 patients and the survival rate was 92% independently from the histotype (papillary or follicular). The survival rate of a group of 120 patients (80 with papillary and 40 with follicular carcinoma) was analyzed in relation to the risk factors. This group analysis demonstrated a very low mortality rate in patients with low risk index and an increased rate in patients with a high risk index. 相似文献
G Pellegriti A Belfiore D Giuffrida L Lupo R Vigneri 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,83(8):2805-2809
The clinical behavior and outcome was evaluated in 21 nonoccult differentiated thyroid carcinomas occurring in Graves' patients during the period 1982-94 and compared with that of matched tumors occurring in euthyroid controls (n = 70). At surgery, patients with Graves' disease showed distant metastases more frequently than euthyroid patients (3/21 = 14.3% vs. 1/70 = 1.4%, P = 0.0556). Graves' patients also showed a significantly higher cumulative risk of recurrent/progressive distant metastases or total adverse events (odd ratios = 3.14 and 2.07, respectively) as compared with euthyroid patients. At the last follow-up visit, persistence of distant metastases was also more frequent in the Graves' group (P = 0.007), although the cumulative individual dose of radioiodine administered was higher than in the control group (median dose = 805 mCi vs. 350 mCi). Two patients died in the Graves' group vs. none in the control group. Circulating thyroid stimulating antibodies were present in all patients but one and persisted as long as signs of disease were evident. These findings indicate that differentiated thyroid carcinomas in patients with Graves' disease are more aggressive than those occurring in matched euthyroid controls and should, therefore, be managed accordingly. 相似文献
CR McHenry SJ Slusarczyk AT Askari RL Lange CM Smith K Nekl TA Murphy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,124(4):656-61; discussion 661-2
BACKGROUND: Scintigraphy has been advocated in patients with a thyroid nodule when fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is not definitive. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of hyperfunctioning nodules in patients without a definitive FNAB, the correlation of serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels with the functional status of a nodule, and whether a sensitive TSH assay can be used in lieu of scintigraphy. METHODS: From 1990 to 1996, patients with a thyroid nodule were evaluated with FNAB and serum TSH measurement. Iodine-123 scintigraphy was reserved for patients without a definitive FNAB and was correlated with TSH levels. RESULTS: Of 356 patients with a thyroid nodule, 102 did not have a definitive FNAB. A hyperfunctioning nodule was diagnosed in 14 of the 102 patients. A low TSH level was detected in 12 (86%) of 14 patients with a hyperfunctioning nodule (mean = 0.04 +/- 0.38 microIU/mL) and only 20 (23%) of 88 patients with a hypofunctioning nodule (mean = 0.87 +/- 4.11 microIU/mL) (P < .05). Only 2 of 70 (2.8%) patients with a normal or increased TSH level had a hyperfunctioning nodule. CONCLUSIONS: A 14% incidence of hyperfunctioning nodules in patients without a definitive FNAB warrants the use of scintigraphy but only when serum TSH levels are low, thus avoiding unnecessary scans in 91% of patients with a thyroid nodule. 相似文献
The clinical features and outcome of thyroid cancer in 61 pregnant women (mean age, 26.0 +/- 5.9 SD yr) and in 528 female, age-matched controls who were not pregnant (mean age, 26.3 +/- 5.9 SD yr) were compared. Median follow-up was 22.4 and 19.5 yr [P = not significant (NS)] in the two groups, respectively. The thyroid nodule was asymptomatic and discovered on routine examination more often in the pregnant women (74%) than in controls (43%, P < 0.001); other clinical and tumor features were similar in the two groups. Most of the pregnant women underwent thyroidectomy after delivery (77%) or during the second trimester of pregnancy (20%). Near-total thyroidectomy was done in 43 (73%) of the pregnant women and 265 (59%) of the controls (P = NS), and nearly the same proportion of both groups (30% and 25%, respectively) were treated with 131I postoperatively. Outcome in the pregnant women and controls, respectively, was: cancer recurrence 9 (15%) and 107 (23%, P = NS); distant recurrences 1 (2%) and 12 (3%, P = NS), and cancer deaths 0 and 6 (1.2%, P = NS). Outcomes were similar when surgery was done during or after pregnancy, despite a longer delay in treatment of the latter (1.1 +/- 1.0 vs. 16.1 +/- 19.7 months, P < 0.001). This study suggests that the prognosis of differentiated thyroid cancer is the same in pregnant women and nonpregnant women of the same age, and that the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer occurring during pregnancy can be delayed until after delivery in most patients. 相似文献
The treatment of metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma is currently at a crossroad. The stunning effect of imaging doses of RAI on subsequent treatment doses is being recognized. Alternatives to RAI imaging for diagnostic purposes are being tested; these include ultrasonography for local and cervical nodal remnants/recurrences, Sestamibi and other isotope scanning that do not require the discontinuation of TSH suppression, and the measurement of circulating thyroglobulin that is rapidly becoming the cornerstone of the detection and the treatment follow-up of metastatic carcinoma. 相似文献
K Kitamura H Taniguchi T Yamaguchi K Sawai T Takahashi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,44(13):108-115
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Despite the high frequency of early colorectal cancer, little is known about the clinicopathologic features of invasive early colorectal cancer for which endoscopic polypectomy is not indicated. We wanted to determine the clinicopathologic features of these early colorectal cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1973 to 1994, a total of 728 patients with colorectal cancer were reviewed retrospectively from hospital records. The clinicopathologic features of the 90 invasive early colorectal cancer patients who underwent major surgeries were compared with those of 626 patients with advanced colorectal cancer. RESULTS: The frequency of early colorectal cancer increased significantly from the periods 1973-1979 to 1990-1994: 0% in the former period and 18.3% in the later period. Minimally invasive surgery was chosen more frequently for the treatment of early colorectal cancers than for the treatment of advanced cancers (p < 0.005). Lymph node metastasis, lymph vessel invasion, and vascular invasion were more prevalent in advanced cancer cases than in early cancer cases (p < 0.005). Lymph node metastasis was found in 7 patients with early colorectal cancer (7.8%). There was no difference in histologic type between the early and advanced colorectal cancers. The 5-year survival rates of early colorectal cancer patients were higher than those of advanced cancer patients: 97.5% in early colon cancer patients; 93.5% in early rectal cancer patients; 59.8% in advanced colon cancer patients; 55.4% in advanced rectal cancer patients. Three early colorectal cancer patients died of recurrence. CONCLUSION: Minimally invasive surgery such as laparoscopic colectomy should be performed on patients with invasive early colorectal cancer when it is impossible for the cancer to be removed by endoscopic polypectomy. 相似文献
Craniosynostosis occurs in one out of 2,000 births. It results in primary skull deformations requiring surgical repair, in infants with a body weight of less than 10 kg. Pure craniosynostosis is the most frequent situation, where the risk for cerebral compression during brain development is the lowest. Therefore the aim of surgical correction in this case is mainly cosmetic. Conversely, in syndromic craniosynostosis, associated malformations are more common and cerebral, visual and respiratory consequences of complex facio-craniosynostosis are usually severe. Current surgical techniques consist of a total skull vault reconstruction which carry a high risk of sudden and major blood losses. Intraoperatively, whatever the type of craniosynostosis, mean blood losses corresponding to 90% of estimated red cell mass have to be anticipated. These blood losses vary according to the type of skull deformation and the type of surgery. Accurate evaluation is usually difficult and must be based more on calculation of red cell mass variations than on simple monitoring of surgical drainage. Invasive haemodynamic monitoring is always required. To reduce the amount of homologous blood transfusion, peroperative haemodilution seems to be the most suitable technique, due to unresolved technical difficulties in autotransfusion practice in infants. Severe facial deformities are associated with chronic hypoxaemia and cerebral compression representing major risk for these children in poor condition undergoing such major surgical procedures. With experienced teams, this high-risk surgery carries a low peroperative mortality (less than 1%) and morbidity rate. The latter includes essentially transient peroperative hypotension. The excellent final cosmetic and functional results justify the practice of this surgery in children with a bodyweight of less than 10 kg. 相似文献
To define the long-term dental sequelae of therapy for childhood rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck, and to identify factors in their development, we retrospectively reviewed the serial panoramic radiographs and clinical records of 22 survivors of head or neck rhabdomyosarcoma who had been followed for at least 5 years. Patients were divided into four groups based upon age at the time of therapy and three groups based upon radiation doses. All patients had received similar multiagent chemotherapy. Dental sequelae of oncotherapy occurred in over half of the long-term survivors of head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma. The abnormalities comprised root stunting in 54%, microdontia in 23%, and hypodontia in 50% of patients; 36% had multiple abnormalities. Microdontia and multiple abnormalities were more prevalent in patients treated at the earliest age, and abnormalities tended to be more prevalent with increasing doses of radiation. Five patients (23%) developed severe cosmetic and/or functional sequelae necessitating surgical and/or orthodontic intervention. The high frequency of dental sequelae we observed suggests that meticulous long-term dental and radiographic follow-up are needed. Early detection and treatment of the complications of therapy will expedite their correction and minimize morbidity. 相似文献
GF Rossi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,8(5):282-289
Seven recent papers are reviewed for outcomes following epilepsy surgery. The criteria of outcome assessment are analyzed and compared. All studies agree in indicating that the combination of the classic evaluation of seizure frequency with that of quality of life is required for a comprehensive view of the surgical outcome. However, the assessment modalities and outcome scales proposed present relevant differences. The need for standardization is apparent. A surgical outcome scoring system using multiple measures is recommended. The outcome evaluation should be performed not sooner than 2 years after surgery. The most relevant of the many variables of the outcome should be selected in such a way as to permit assessment of the epileptological response to surgery as well as the changes in the quality of life. 相似文献
J Skvor 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,48(7):415-416
The author compared in 88 13-year-old children evaluation of the size of the thyroid gland by palpation and sonography. Evaluation by the two methods was in agreement in 64 cases (73%) and controversial in 24 cases (27%). Palpation led in 24 instances to overestimation of the size and in 7 children (8%) to underestimation, as compared with sonography. Sonography is an essential method for evaluation of the thyroid gland in children. 相似文献
M Salvatori V Rufini F Reale AM Gajate ML Maussier L Revelli L Troncone G Ardito 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,27(7):770-775
The objectives of this study were to assess the reliability of radio-iodine (131I) and a gamma probe for radio-guided surgery (RGS) to detect and then radically dissect lymph node recurrences (LNRs) in 10 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). The major inclusion criterion was the presence of an iodine-positive LNR after previous total thyroidectomy and at least two ineffective 131I treatments. The protocol was designed as follows. Day 0: all patients were hospitalized and received 3.7 GBq of 131I in the hypothyroid condition. Day 3: presurgery whole-body scan with a therapeutic dose (TxWBS). Day 5: neck surgery using a gamma probe (Navigator GPS, AutoSuture, Italy), recording the absolute counts and the lesion/background (L/B) counts ratio. Day 7: post-surgery TxWBS performed using the remaining radioactivity. The presurgery TxWBS was positive in all patients, and the post-surgery TxWBS showed a negative pattern in 7 of 10 patients, suggesting the efficacy of the surgical procedure in most of the patients. After RGS the mean decrease in the absolute counts and the L/B counts ratio were 77.6% (52.7% minimum, 94.6% maximum) and 77.4% (52.3% minimum, 94.8% maximum), respectively. After operation the surgeon judged the procedure to be decisive in two patients, favorable in six, and irrelevant in two. The final histologic examination showed the presence of 78 lymph node metastases (mean of 8 per patient). There were 33 neoplastic lesions found by both TxWBS and gamma probe evaluations; 41 were shown only by gamma probe, and 4 were negative by both TxWBS and gamma probe evaluations. This protocol permitted us to look for neoplastic foci with high sensitivity and specificity, and we were able to remove lymph node metastases resistant to radioiodine therapy at a single session. The protocol also allowed detection of some additional tumoral foci in sclerotic areas or behind vascular structures that are difficult to identify and were not seen at the presurgery TxWBS evaluation. However, because of the possible false-negative results, complete excision must be undertaken in high risk patients with a local recurrence to eradicate the largest number of lymph nodes, independent of the counts measured by the gamma probe. 相似文献