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Bistatic scattering from three-dimensional layered rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical method to calculate the bistatic-scattering coefficients of a three-dimensional layered dielectric structure with slightly rough interfaces is presented. The interfaces are allowed to be statistically distinct, but possibly dependent. The waves in each region are represented as a superposition of an infinite number of up- and down-going spectral components whose amplitudes are found by simultaneously matching the boundary conditions at both interfaces. A small-perturbation formulation is used up to the first order, and the scattered fields are derived. The calculation intrinsically takes into account multiple scattering processes between the boundaries. The formulation is then validated against known solutions to special cases. New results are generated for several cases of two- and three-layer media, which will be directly applicable for modeling of the signals from radar systems and subsequent estimation of a layered medium subsurface properties, such as moisture content and layer depths.  相似文献   

A calculation of back scattering from a rough surface using Huygen's principle is carried out along the lines introduced by Davies. Davies original equation is extended to include a contribution from the component of the surface normal which is parallel to the average surface. The effect of this component is to multiply the usual expression for incoherent backscatter by a factor of1/ cos^{4} PsiwherePsiis the angle between the radar line of sight and the normal to the average surface.  相似文献   

Bistatic radar cross sections are calculated using two modern scattering models: the small slope approximation (both first- and second-order), and the phase perturbation technique. The problem is limited to scalar-wave scattering from two-dimensional, randomly rough Dirichlet surfaces with a Gaussian roughness spectrum. Numerical results for the cross sections are compared to those found using the classical Kirchhoff, or physical optics, approximation and perturbation theory. Over a wide range of scattering angles, the new results agree well with the classical results when the latter are considered to be accurate. A comparison between the new results shows that the phase perturbation method gives better results in the backscattering region for correlation lengths greater than approximately one wavelength, while both the first- and second-order small slope approximations yield greater accuracy in the forward scattering direction at low grazing angles  相似文献   

Forward-backward method for scattering from dielectric rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The iterative forward-backward (FB) method is a recently proposed efficient technique for numerical evaluation of scattering from perfectly conducting rough surfaces. Extension of the method to include scattering from imperfect conducting surfaces, with a high imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant, has also been proposed. The FB method is further generalized to analyze scattering from dielectric rough surfaces with arbitrary complex dielectric constant. Electric and magnetic equivalent surface currents are split into forward and backward components and equations governing these current components are obtained. As a solution, an iterative scheme is proposed and its convergence rate is analyzed. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is assessed by comparing the obtained scattering results with "exact" ones, computed by employing the usual method of moments (MoM).  相似文献   

Generalized formulations are presented to analyze the electric field scattered from multiple penetrable shallow objects buried beneath two-dimensional random rough surfaces. These objects could have different materials, shapes, or orientations. In addition, their separation distance may range from a fraction of a wavelength to several wavelengths. The fast algorithm, steepest descent fast multipole method (SDFMM), is used to compute the unknown electric and magnetic surface currents on the rough ground surface and on the buried objects. Parametric investigations are presented to study the effect of the objects proximity, orientations, materials, shapes, the incident waves polarization, and the ground roughness on the scattered fields. A significant interference is observed between the objects when they are separated by less than one free space wavelength. Even when the clutter due to the rough ground is removed, the return from the second object, can be dominating causing a possible false alarm in detecting the target. The results show that the distortion in target signature significantly increases with the increase of both the proximity to a clutter item and the ground roughness.  相似文献   

Several techniques are considered for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering from rough ocean surfaces. A rigorous Multi-level Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM) is employed, as well as a high-frequency ray-based solution. The MLFMM analysis is implemented in scalable form, allowing consideration of scattering from very large surfaces (in excess of 100/spl lambda//spl times/100/spl lambda/, where A represents the electromagnetic wavelength). Plane-wave incidence is assumed, and a key aspect of the MLFMM study involves investigating techniques for rough-surface truncation. The rough surface is modeled as a target placed in the presence of an infinite half-space background; to minimize edge effects, the surface is smoothly tapered into the planar half space. We also consider the technique of employing a resistive taper on the edges of the rough surface. These two truncation techniques are compared in accuracy, memory requirements (RAM), and in computational time (CPU). The MLFMM results are used to validate an approximate ray-based high-frequency model that allows rapid analysis of large surfaces. The computational results are compared to measured forward-scattering data from scaled laboratory measurements, used to simulate scattering from an ocean surface.  相似文献   

A higher order multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) is presented for solving integral equations of electromagnetic wave scattering by three-dimensional (3-D) conducting objects. This method employs higher order parametric elements to provide accurate modeling of the scatterer's geometry and higher order interpolatory vector basis functions for an accurate representation of the electric current density on the scatterer's surface. This higher order scheme leads to a significant reduction in the mesh density, thus the number of unknowns, without compromising the accuracy of geometry modeling. It is applied to the electric field integral equation (EFIE), the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE), and the combined field integral equation (CFIE), using Galerkin's testing approach. The resultant numerical system of equations is then solved using the MLFMA. Appropriate preconditioning techniques are employed to speedup the MLFMA solution. The proposed method is further implemented on distributed-memory parallel computers to harness the maximum power from presently available machines. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the method as well as the convergence of the higher order scheme  相似文献   

Various authors have justified the far-fields approximation for rough surface scattering using one of the classical approximations for the scattered fields, usually considering either the coherent scattered field or the incoherent scattered intensity. An exact expression for the field scattered from a perfectly conducting rough surface is considered. The expression for the incoherent scattered intensity is formally derived, and a condition under which the far-field approximation is valid is found, independent of specific approximations for the surface or scattered fields or for the surface height statistics. The condition so derived is, under many circumstances, substantially less restrictive than that derived before in the general case. Furthermore, the previous results may be easily recovered by further specialization of our result.  相似文献   

Bistatic specular scattering from rough dielectric surfaces   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the nature of bistatic scattering from rough dielectric surfaces at 10 GHz. This paper focusses specifically on the dependence of coherent and incoherent scattered fields on surface roughness for the specular direction. The measurements, which were conducted for a smooth surface with ks<0.2 (where k=2π/λ and s is the RMS surface height) and for three rough surfaces with ks=0.5, 1.39, and 1.94, included observations over the range of incidence angles from 20° to 65° for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. For the coherent component, the reflectivity was found to behave in accordance with the prediction of the physical optics model, although it was observed that the Brewster angle exhibited a small negative shift with increasing roughness. The first-order solution of physical optics also provided good agreement with observations for hh-polarized incoherent scattering coefficient, but it failed to predict the behavior of the vv-polarized scattering coefficient in the angular range around the Brewster angle. A second-order solution is proposed which appears to partially address the deficiency of the physical optics model  相似文献   

对现有的粗糙度比较样块和其他典型粗糙目标进行了后向光散射特性的实验。实验结果表明,当入射光为632.8 nm波长时,随着入射角的增大,不同的被测目标的散射强度变化得比较明显。如果被测目标的表面斜率均方根比较接近,可以发现它们整体的散射光强度变化趋势几乎一样,而且它们的偏振度也相差不大。表面斜率很小的被测目标,相对其他被测目标,其散射光光强明显大很多,其偏振度也是最大的,说明相对光滑的表面探测到的后向散射光强度比相对粗糙表面探测到的散射光强度大得多。文中关于典型粗糙表面后向散射偏振特性的研究结果对于探讨进行目标识别的理论及应用方面有一定的价值。  相似文献   

The problem of electromagnetic scattering from a conducting or dielectric rough surface with arbitrary shape is studied. An exact solution, using a differential method, is provided for a plane wave with one-dimensional irregularity of the interface. The problem is reduced to the resolution of a linear system of partial differential equations with constant coefficients, and to the computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a truncated infinite matrix. Numerical application is made to show the angular distribution of energy density in the case of an arbitrary profile of the scattering surface and its evolution when the nonperiodic profile tends to become periodic. The near field is computed on the interface and its enhancement in the illuminated region is observed. It increases with the height of the irregularity and with the frequency  相似文献   

为了研究电介质随机表面散射特性的物理产生机制,采用基于Kirchhoff近似的Monte-Carlo方法进行了数值计算,得到了一组不同粗糙程度的电介质随机表面在s线偏振光入射时的散射光强度空间分布.所有表面自相关长度相同.结果表明,随均方根高度的增加,散射光强度空间分布呈现峰值衰减、展宽和向后向移动的特征.对这些散射特...  相似文献   

Preconditioned iterative solution of scattering from rough surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extensions to the functionally identical forward-backward (FB) and method of ordered multiple interactions iterative techniques have been introduced that improve the convergence characteristics with specific scattering geometries. These extensions are shown to be mathematically equivalent to applying preconditioners to the discretized integral equation that is iteratively solved. The same preconditioners can be used with any iterative solution technique. Numerical examples show that the generalized minimal residual (GMRES) and bi-conjugate gradient-stable (BICGSTAB) algorithms give similarly rapid convergence when applied to a preconditioned discretized integral equation  相似文献   

Examines a heuristic algorithm which guarantees reciprocity in the cross-section equations when the phase perturbation approximation is used. The results obtained using a Gaussian surface roughness spectrum are superior to those of either the phase perturbation or the reversed phase perturbation method and agree well with the exact results obtained using a Monte Carlo integral equation technique  相似文献   

大粗糙度表面激光散射特性实验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩香娥  吴振森 《激光技术》1997,21(3):151-155
本文利用激光散射自动测量系统,对经喷丸处理后的钢基粗糙表面及其喷漆表面的后向激光雷达散射截面(LRCS)进行了测量。测量波长分别为λ=633nm和λ=904nm.在λ=904nm,利用粗糙面电磁散射理论的基尔霍夫方法对上述样片进行了理论计算,其中将粗糙表面视为双尺度模型,根据驻留相位法和标量近似法理论计算双尺度模型随机粗糙表面的散射强度角分布,其理论值与实验测量结果有较好的吻合。  相似文献   

Xia  M.Y. Chan  C.H. 《Electronics letters》2003,39(9):710-712
An efficient approach for simulation of random rough surface scattering is developed based on using a single integral equation formulation and a multilevel sparse-matrix canonical-grid method. Merits of the scheme are demonstrated using two wind-driven ocean surfaces, one which is very rough and the other large in size.  相似文献   

为了检测目标的边缘信息,采用激光扫描目标表面、通过回波信号变化来得到目标的边缘信息的方法,利用随机面元模型,分析了刚性随机粗糙平面的激光散射特点,建立了实用化的随机粗糙平面激光散射理论模型,并给出了正入射时几种情况下的激光散射图像,分析了平面目标的激光散射能量计算方法,仿真了光束在平面目标表面做正弦摆动时,光斑在不同位置的反射能量,利用激光信号的强度变化,采用峰(谷)检出法或者过零检出法就可以得到物体的边缘信息。结果表明,通过回波信号的变化,可以得到目标的边缘轮廓。  相似文献   

A fast method of moments is presented to calculate electromagnetic wave scattering from layered one-dimensional rough surfaces. The formulation is provided for M stratified homogeneous regions, separated by M-1 rough surfaces, and solved using point matching and pulse basis functions. Compared to the single surface case, the solution of scattering from M-1 surfaces requires significantly more memory and computational time. To facilitate the solution, the forward-backward method with spectral acceleration is applied. As an example, a dielectric layer on a perfect electric conductor surface is studied. The numerical results are compared with the analytical solution for layered flat surfaces to partly validate the formulation. The accuracy, efficiency, and convergence of the method are then studied for various rough surfaces and layer permittivities.  相似文献   

In this paper, with reference to short-pulse three-dimensional scattering from moderately rough surfaces, we present a comparison between Gabor-based narrow-waisted Gaussian beam (NW-GB) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithms. NW-GB algorithms have recently emerged as an attractive alternative to traditional (ray-optical) high-frequency/short-pulse approximate methods, whereas FDTD algorithms are well-established full-wave tools for electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering. After presentation of relevant background material, results are presented and discussed for realistic parameter configurations, involving dispersive soils and moderately rough surface profiles, of interest in pulsed ground penetrating radar applications. Results indicate a generally satisfying agreement between the two methods, which tends to improve for slightly dispersive soils. Computational aspects are also compared.  相似文献   

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