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K.J. Langenberg R. Bärmann R. Marklein S. Irmer H. Müller M. Brandfaß B. Potzkai 《NDT & E International》1997,30(4):205-210
Electromagnetic and elastodynamic scattering and inverse scattering techniques are combined to provide a better understanding of wave propagation and obstacle imaging in concrete. In particular we propose an electromagnetic inversion algorithm for ground probing radar data to include information about the dipole moment of the antenna; a new elastodynamic inversion scheme is even capable of processing the complete pressure and shear wave information as contained in the components of the displacement vector simultaneously, where we compute the necessary synthetic data with the numerical EFIT code (Elastodynamic Finite Integration Technique) as extended to statistically inhomogeneous media in order to validate the inversion algorithm. 相似文献
A quantitative analysis of oxide growth stresses is carried out for the model advanced by Rhines and Wolf in which new oxide forms along preexisting oxide grain boundaries. The mean oxide stress developed within the oxide is calculated using standard techniques from continuum dislocation theory. This analysis shows that the mean growth stress is compressive and is directed parallel to the oxide/ matrix interface. The growth stress is found to be independent of the oxide scale thickness, provided that the scale is thicker than the oxide grain size. However, in thin scales, the growth stress is very sensitive to oxide scale thickness. The compressive growth stress increases in direct proportion to the width of the new grain boundary oxide layer formed. The oxide scale is expected to either fail by buckling, or the growth mode will change to one in which additional compressive stresses are not generated. 相似文献
A mathematical model was established to simulate the weld pool development and dynamic process in stationary laser-MIG hybrid welding. Surface tension and buoyancy were considered to calculate liquid metal flow patter, moreover, typical phenomena of MIG welding, such as filler droplets impinging weld pool, electromagnetic force in the weld pool, and typical phenomena of laser beam welding, such as recoil pressure, Inverse Bremsstrahlung absorption, Fresnel absorption were all considered in the model. The laser beam and arc couple effect were introduced into this model by the plasma width during hybrid welding. The role of recoil pressure in the weld formation was discussed. Transient weld pool shape and complicated liquid metal velocity distribution from two kinds weld pool to an unified weld pool were calculated. The simulated weld bead geometry with consideration recoil pressure was in good agreement with experimental measurement. 相似文献
具有弹性连接的组合机身压力机振动分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对组合机身压力机的结构特点 ,采用自由界面模态综合法进行振动分析 ,为使计算模型符合由拉紧螺栓实现各组合部件间弹性连接的实际结构 ,形成了弹性连接刚度阵 ,并对相关结构的刚度阵进行了修正 ,用该模型对一新型双击式螺旋压力机进行了计算 ,计算得到的固有频率与实测值相符。 相似文献
根据市场需求设计伺服压力机的传动系统,利用SolidWorks软件进行压力机传动系统三维建模,并进行强度和刚度分析,校核各主要零部件是否满足设计要求。 相似文献
针对汽车变速销的形状、尺寸以及材料性能等特点,选定了单工步开式模锻的成形方法。使用CAE有限元分析软件Deform-3D对初始工艺方案进行仿真研究,分析了材料成形过程中的热、力情况,否定了初始工艺方案的可行性。从坯料尺寸、坯料温度以及模具结构3个方面出发,对成形工艺进行改进,制定了3套改进方案,并通过模拟方法得到较优工艺,即:坯料尺寸为Φ17 mm×47.5 mm,坯料温度为700℃,在凹模上增加Φ60 mm×0.2 mm的飞边槽以及在凸模前端设置1个Φ12 mm×0.5 mm的凸起。采用改进后的模具及优化工艺进行实验验证,证明了该工艺的可行性。 相似文献
Fatigue damage of materials is an important problem that causes a lot of failures in mechanical systems. It is very important to detect this fatigue as early as possible. Nowadays, most of the nondestructive testing methods are off-line: the inspection is carried out periodically and in some cases the device has to be dismounted. So we risk to exceed, for example, the critical length of a crack. In this article, an on-line method based on the variation in transmission of a multisine ultrasonic wave during opening and closing of a surface crack is developed. As a validation experiment, a propagation fatigue crack in a sinusoidally loaded wing panel is considered. It will be shown that the on-line method is very sensitive to crack propagation. 相似文献
提出了一种对滚齿机内联系传动链因传动副磨损而引起传动误差的补偿方法,介绍了这种方法的原理及换置计算。 相似文献
介绍了一种新式的黑色弹性耳塞套橡胶模结构,采用低成本的传统液压生产工艺,满足了高质量、低成本要求,实现批量生产,对生产类似制件具有一定的参考作用。 相似文献