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本文从评价方法、条文设置框架、条文设置思路等方面对"节水与水资源利用"章节控制项、节水系统、节水器具与设备、非传统水源利用等各部分内容要点进行简单分析和介绍。  相似文献   

天津生态城在完成30 km^2核心区建设过程中,通过实施指标体系建设与提升、推进再生水等基础设施建设,提前完成非传统水利用率> 50%的规划建设目标。同时,结合生态城三区合一的建设需求与现状水资源利用情况,对2020年、2030年的总用水量进行预测分析,结合区域可利用的不同水资源,进行科学合理的优化配置,推进水资源的高效利用,提升非传统水资源的利用效率。按照水资源匹配方案,非传统水资源利用率近期有可能达到60%以上,含生态补水的非传统利用率甚至超过70%,污水资源利用率可达到100%,保证年均生态补水换水两次以上,基本可使景观水体达到地表Ⅳ类水要求,2020年和2030年人均用水指标分别不高于110 L/(人·d)和100 L/(人·d),达到生态城指标体系的新目标要求。实现生态城水资源供需平衡与优化配置,为生态城水资源的科学利用规划与管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

刘少由 《四川建材》2019,(1):136-137
建筑活动消耗能源巨大,并对环境产生不利影响,为贯彻国家技术经济政策,节约资源,保护环境,发展绿色建筑迫在眉睫。在绿色建筑设计前,应充分了解项目所在区域的市政排水条件、水资源状况、气候特点等,通过全面的分析研究制定水资源利用方案,提高水资源利用率,减少市政排水量和污水排放量。本文结合实际工程分析和探讨了非传统水源利用方案。本工程要求达到绿色一星的标准,在非传统水源利用方案中采用雨水收集回用系统,用于小区的绿化灌溉,道路、广场冲洗。  相似文献   

为解决海岛缺水问题,需要开发利用新型水资源。通过对非传统水资源概念的阐述,介绍了海水淡化、污水回用和雾水收集的机理和应用。通过对Tenerife岛在非传统水资源开发利用的实例分析,介绍了海水淡化、污水回用和雾水收集在海岛运用的经验。  相似文献   

在乡镇建筑的绿色建筑低技术的开发应用中,水资源的合理化利用必将成为不可忽视的重点。针对绿建给排水设计出现的与原设计衔接不够、设计内容表达重点不突出、节水方式设计内容不完善、非传统水资源利用率低等问题,结合湖南地区的气候、地理环境、自然资源、经济发展情况,对节水和水资源利用方面的设计问题进行探讨,合理设置节水供水方式,突出节水内容表达,充分利用雨水非传统水源用于生活杂用水,提高非传统水源利用率。  相似文献   

基于深圳国际低碳城会展中心的建筑布局和运营特点,设计时采用了水资源再生利用、雨水降污截流和节水技术等绿色节水技术,这些技术的应用大大降低了该工程对传统水资源的依赖,提高了非传统水资源利用率,并减少了污染物的排放。  相似文献   

新型水源的开发以及再生水和其它非传统水源的应用,特别是城市污水的再生利用,是解决水资源短缺和水污染的有效途径.以天津开发区为例,重点介绍和分析了该地区的城市水资源再生循环回用体系与新水源的开发和综合利用的效果、特色等.  相似文献   

水资源可持续利用是我们经济社会发展的战略问题,必须在充分注意节约用水的基础上,多方面开发非传统水源,缓解城市缺水危机,减少了排水量,减轻了城市洪水灾害威胁,促进水资源的可持续利用和良性循环,目前开展的雨水收集利用就是城市水资源可持续利用的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

新版《福建省绿色建筑评价标准》的颁布实施进一步明确了对节水与水资源利用的要求,增加了其在标准中的权重。绿色建筑节水与水资源利用的技术措施包括低影响开发、用水效率和非传统水源利用三个方面内容,并且各项技术均有独特的节水效果和适用范围,为绿色建筑的发展提供了不可或缺的支持。  相似文献   

以杭州紫郡华庭项目为例,从空间布局设计优化、水资源调配利用、智能化技术应用等多个方面,探索绿色建筑建设过程中对非传统水源应用的优化设计研究。提出非传统水源的应用应与建筑其他功能相契合,使建筑和谐地立于海绵之上。  相似文献   

海岸线的稀缺和不可再生性,使得海岸线资源更加宝贵。"离岸建岛"是目前国际上最先进的一种用海理念,它在保持海岸线原初状态的同时也解决了土地短缺问题。依海而建的漳州招商局经济技术开发区在2000年总体规划修编时就提出了人工岛的建设设想,随着时机的成熟,在考察了"迪拜棕榈岛"和专家多次充分论证的前提下,漳州招商局经济技术开发区拉开了人工岛开发建设的序幕。  相似文献   

Water demand in Jordan is of concern because all sectors are facing a supply shortage. In 1998–99, deficits in irrigation, municipal and industrial water supply were 35%, 30% and 9% respectively. By the year 2010, it is anticipated that the gap between supply and demand will reach about 515 million m3 unless non-conventional resources are used.
This paper (a) assesses the potential use of treated sewage for irrigation, (b) discusses the viability of using treated sewage in agriculture, (c) addresses an assessment of the water budget in Jordan and means to overcome the water deficit, and (d) presents scenarios and recommendations for sustainable water management. Strategies to meet unsatisfied water demand include the use of non-conventional water resources and improving efficiency in water-distribution systems and demand management.  相似文献   

中水回用是循环经济重点领域的一个方面。厦门大学漳州校区区域有较好的中水原水供应群,也有较稳定的中水利用片。经经济分析和发展展望,可以认为该区域发展中水利用是可行的且有较好回报的。  相似文献   

可持续用水发展状况的国际比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了经济合作与发展组织(OECD)中的30个国家,包括美国和日本等发达国家近几十年来用水的发展情况,对比了中国多年来在用水和城市用水方面的发展历程,提出了可持续用水发展的一些规律,同时对中国未来可持续用水的发展提出了分析意见。  相似文献   

漳州市地处我国东南沿海地震带,是我国重点抗震设防城市,又属全国地震重点监视防御区。在市委、市政府重视下,抗震工作坚持“预防为主、平震结合、常备不懈”和“经济建设同防灾工作一齐抓”的方针,认真落实抗震防灾的各项要求,组织编制了《漳州市区抗震防灾规划》。本文对编制和实施抗震防灾规划,提高漳州城市综合抗震能力问题作初步探讨。  相似文献   

It is something of a paradox that, at this time when the global demand for water is rising faster than ever before, knowledge of the world's water resources is waning. The networks of instruments which provide the basis for this knowledge are considered, with the errors of measurements involved. Work on reducing these errors, particularly the introduction of total quality management, is discussed. The conclusion is reached that a reliable assessment of the world's water resources is some distance away. This presents problems to bodies involved in their development and management and to those organizations who wish to provide the United Nations' Commission for Sustainable Development with an assessment of global water resources for its session in 1997 - an assessment which will then be presented to a special session of the UN General Assembly.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(7):570-580
Slums are a common feature in developing countries. The pressure of growing urbanization is exacerbating the deplorable socio-environmental conditions in the slums, where providing water supply remains as a key challenge. Public utilities usually are reluctant to supply water to slums due to lack of tenure and other policy hurdles. Alternative options such as conventional public-private partnerships (PPP) are not always feasible for slums. The authors investigated NGO led water supply arrangements in six slums of Dhaka city to show that the interventions are a variant form of PPP that differs from the conventional form in terms of institutional, financial and social aspects. These non-conventional PPPs used social capital of slum dwellers as a major resource in about 200 slums enabling approximately 100,000 poor slum dwellers to gain legal access to public water supply. It also increased water revenue collection efficiency and helped in reforming related public policies in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Much economic activity depends on the environmentalresource base (soils, water, vegetation, climate) that ultimately underpins virtually all human endeavor. This environmental-resource support is obviously important for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and hydropower generation. It is less obviously important for public health: without regular supplies of domestic-household water with sufficient quantity and quality, the risk of sanitation-disease increases. Much the same applies, through indirect linkages, to such further economic sectors as communications and education.These considerations are especially significant for developing countries. A greater share of their economies is usually dependent on the environmental-resource base than is the case with developed-world economies; and at the same time, the resource base, being generally tropical in location, is more fragile and hence susceptible to depletion than is the case with temperate-zone countries. Thus there is a premium on safeguarding the environmental-resource base as an integral part of those processes known as sustainable development.This is a revised and expanded version of a paper prepared for a Seminar on Land and Water Management, Economic Development Institute, The World Bank, November 10–21, 1986. The author is a consultant in Environment and Development, Upper Meadow, Old Road, Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author, and should not be attributed to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations or to any individual acting on their behalf.  相似文献   

The continuous evolution, proliferation and resilience of informal housing in cities of developing countries defy all attempts by their formal planning processes to marginalise and relegate them to the periphery. In most instances, their rapid and uncontrolled growth has overwhelmed city planning authorities. More importantly, strategies for financing these informal housing units present complex networks of sources not clearly discussed in the housing literature. Using two informal communities—Ayigya-Zongo and Dakodwom—in Kumasi, Ghana, this paper explores the nature and characteristics of these non-conventional housing financing strategies. The study reveals an evolving and enduring non-conventional informal housing financing system effective for providing convenient and affordable housing for the urban poor; but this system is continuously sidelined by the conventional urban planning and housing financing systems. We argue against these attitudes of formal institutions towards these non-conventional housing financing strategies, and submit that these strategies are the gradual, incremental, and collective responses of residents in informal communities to a hostile formal urban planning and housing environment. Hence the dynamics of these non-conventional housing financing schemes point to a complex and fluid network of informal housing financial sources and structures, which are co-evolving with the processes of informal urbanisation and social learning among residents in informal settlements.  相似文献   

介绍聚乙烯管道材料的发展过程,阐述了耐开裂聚乙烯(PE100-RC)管道材料的研发、关键技术要求以及在非传统管道安装中的应用。探讨了PE100-RC管道材料用于非传统管道安装的经济性以及PE100-RC管道系统的安全性。  相似文献   

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