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随着欧美国家对日用陶瓷铅镉溶出限量标准的提高,骨瓷等高档瓷产品使用含铅釉装饰已不能满足出口要求。为满足现实需要,对陶瓷制品进行无铅装饰是现代陶瓷发展的必然趋势。本文结合FERRO公司的无铅釉系列产品,简单介绍了骨瓷等高档瓷用低温烧成无铅釉的优势和使用要求。 相似文献
骨瓷用低温高光泽透明无铅釉的应用试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着欧美国家铅、镉溶出量标准的提高,骨瓷产品使用台铅釉装饰已不能满足出口要求,使用无铅釉装饰是必然趋势。笔者结合FERRO公司的骨瓷用无铅釉产品,测试了其主要产品性能。 相似文献
笔者以无铅熔块釉为基础釉,使用已素烧的瓷坯为坯体,通过选择合适的包裹红色料,成功研制出没有铅镉溶出、适合高档瓷装饰的低温大红釉。同时,通过色度对比分析,研究了影响大红釉发色的因素,得出了结论。 相似文献
参照经验配方,合理选用原料,根据各氧化物的作用,调整基础釉配方,进行探索性试验。通过对比试验,确定了无铅生料透明釉为高CaO,无或少量MgO,适量ZnO、Al2O3的长石—石灰质釉,并给出了无铅生料透明釉的最佳配方。 相似文献
参照经验配方,合理选用原料,根据各氧化物的作用,调整基础釉配方,进行探索性试验。通过对比试验,确定了无铅生料透明釉为高CaO,无或少量MgO,适量ZnO、Al2O3的长石—石灰质釉,并给出了无铅生料透明釉的最佳配方。 相似文献
为了降低日用瓷的烧成温度,本文重点研究了实现日用瓷中温烧成的坯釉配方。通过在坯料中加入矿化剂、在釉料中加入多组元熔剂,使瓷器烧成温度降低到1230-1250℃,目前该工艺已投入生产应用:产品理化性能达到普通日用细瓷的标准。 相似文献
主要从坯、釉膨胀系数的差值,坯、釉中间层形成的情况,釉层的弹性与抗张强度,坯体的吸湿膨胀,粘度和表面张力等5个方面论述了影响建筑陶瓷坯釉适应性的因素。 相似文献
通过对羧甲基纤维素作用机理、性能特点的分析,讨论陶瓷墙地砖生产中釉浆添加剂羧甲基纤维素的正确使用及选型应注意的关键问题。 相似文献
Xiaosu Cheng Shanjun Ke Qianghong Wang Hui Wang Anze Shui Pingan Liu 《Ceramics International》2012,38(6):4901-4908
The objective of this work was to design a transparent glaze for matching single-crystalline anorthite porcelain. Excessive amounts of quartz were used in glaze to improve surface hardness. Technological properties including hardness and thermal shock resistance were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were also carried out to analyze the microstructure. The phases found in glaze were aluminosilicate glass, quartz and cristobalite crystals. The Vickers hardness of the transparent glaze was about 2.48 GPa, which was much higher than that of commercial soft glaze and was close to hard porcelain glaze due to forming dispersed crystal particles (quartz and cristobalite) in the glass matrix. Moreover, the thermal expansion coefficient of the glaze was slightly lower than that of porcelain body which was easy to produce compressive stress in glaze surface to increase the strength of porcelain. And no cracks were observed on glaze surface after heat exchange three times from 220 °C to 25 °C, presenting excellent thermal shock resistance. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2006,26(4-5):741-746
In this study, the use of pumice as an alternative fluxing agent instead of Na-Feldspar in the transparent roof tile glaze composition was investigated. The experiments were designed as a mixture experiment. According to heating microscope results, pumice was observed deforming at 850 °C and flowing at 1270 °C. Considering the properties of the pumice it is possible to use it in raw glaze (without using frit) applications instead of feldspar. Colour, brightness and hardness values of fired samples were measured. These data were analysed with MINITAB 13.0 statistical software programme. Microstructure of glaze/tile interfaces of single fired samples was studied by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The use of pumice in the glaze composition showed no negative effect on the colour, brightness and hardness values and decreased the flowing temperature of the glaze. It was concluded that pumice could easily replace Na-Feldspar as an alternative fluxing agent in appropriate proportions in such kind of a roof tile glaze composition without causing undesired consequences. 相似文献
以提高电瓷白釉白度为目的,研制出新型磷锆乳浊釉。通过对釉用原料的使用目的、作用原理、配方确定原则的分析讨论,探讨了磷锆釉的乳浊机理,得出了磷灰石在乳浊釉中的使用价值。 相似文献
景德镇有着悠久的制陶历史,其中有精美的陶瓷雕塑,在陶瓷雕塑装饰中有着极为丰富的表现方法,如:青花、青花斗彩、新彩、粉彩、古彩、色釉等。 相似文献
1 LTCC的概念及特点 所谓低温共烧陶瓷(Low-Temperature Cofired Ceramics,简称LTCC)技术,就是将低温烧结陶瓷粉制成厚度精确而且致密的生瓷带,作为电路基板材料,在生瓷带上利用激光打孔、微孔注浆、精密导体浆料印刷等工艺制出所需要的电路图形,并将多个无源元件埋入其中,然后叠压在一起,在900℃下烧结,制成三维电路网络的无源集成组件,也可制成内置无源元件的三维电路基板,在其表面可以贴装IC和有源器件,制成无源/有源集成的功能模块. 相似文献
北京东陶合资已 8年多 ,通过学习日本东陶的生产经验 ,形成了一整套卫生陶瓷釉药管理经验 ,现介绍如下 ,供同行参考。1 釉浆的生产工艺流程图2 原料部分管理原料、颜料根据料的品种及不同入场时间的分仓分批码放 ,由专人取样试验。2 .1 原料入场试验采集样品时 ,先目测原料的外观 ,检查呈色和掺杂物的情况 ,然后如图 1所示从 18处采取原料 ,共取 2 0 左右。图 1 采取原料的顺序图 将采取的原料均匀平铺在干净的大塑料布上划分成 4份 ,一半保存 ,一半试验。试验时取一部分做化学分析 ,另一部分和上一批做对比试验调合成釉药 (分别制样… 相似文献