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The concepts of $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})$ -fuzzy (p-, q- and a-) ideals of BCI-algebras are introduced and some related properties are investigated. In particular, we describe the relationships among ordinary fuzzy (p-, q- and a-) ideals, (??,?????? q)-fuzzy (p-, q- and a-) ideals and $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})$ -fuzzy (p-,q- and a-) ideals of BCI-algebras. Moreover, we prove that a fuzzy set??? of a BCI-algebra X is an $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})$ -fuzzy a-ideal of X if and only if it is both an $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})$ -fuzzy p-ideal and an $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})$ -fuzzy q-ideal. Finally, we give some characterizations of three particular cases of BCI-algebras by these generalized fuzzy ideals.  相似文献   

We relate the exponential complexities 2 s(k)n of $\textsc {$k$-sat}$ and the exponential complexity $2^{s(\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf}))n}$ of $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ (the problem of evaluating quantified formulas of the form $\forall\vec{x} \exists\vec{y} \textsc {F}(\vec {x},\vec{y})$ where F is a 3-cnf in $\vec{x}$ variables and $\vec{y}$ variables) and show that s(∞) (the limit of s(k) as k→∞) is at most $s(\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf}))$ . Therefore, if we assume the Strong Exponential-Time Hypothesis, then there is no algorithm for $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ running in time 2 cn with c<1. On the other hand, a nontrivial exponential-time algorithm for $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ would provide a $\textsc {$k$-sat}$ solver with better exponent than all current algorithms for sufficiently large k. We also show several syntactic restrictions of the evaluation problem $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ have nontrivial algorithms, and provide strong evidence that the hardest cases of $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ must have a mixture of clauses of two types: one universally quantified literal and two existentially quantified literals, or only existentially quantified literals. Moreover, the hardest cases must have at least n?o(n) universally quantified variables, and hence only o(n) existentially quantified variables. Our proofs involve the construction of efficient minimally unsatisfiable $\textsc {$k$-cnf}$ s and the application of the Sparsification lemma.  相似文献   

This paper is intended as an attempt to describe logical consequence in branching time logics. We study temporal branching time logics $\mathcal {BTL}^{\mathrm {U,S}}_{\mathrm {N},\mathrm {N}^{-1}}(\mathcal {Z})_{\alpha }$ which use the standard operations Until and Next and dual operations Since and Previous (LTL, as standard, uses only Until and Next). Temporal logics $\mathcal {BTL}^{\mathrm {U,S}}_{\mathrm {N},\mathrm {N}^{-1}}(\mathcal {Z})_{\alpha }$ are generated by semantics based on Kripke/Hinttikka structures with linear frames of integer numbers $\mathcal {Z}$ with a single node (glued zeros). For $\mathcal {BTL}^{\mathrm {U,S}}_{\mathrm {N},\mathrm {N}^{-1}}(\mathcal {Z})_{\alpha }$ , the permissible branching of the node is limited by α (where 1≤αω). We prove that any logic $\mathcal {BTL}^{\mathrm {U,S}}_{\mathrm {N},\mathrm {N}^{-1}}(\mathcal {Z})_{\alpha }$ is decidable w.r.t. admissible consecutions (inference rules), i.e. we find an algorithm recognizing consecutions admissible in $\mathcal {BTL}^{\mathrm {U,S}}_{\mathrm {N},\mathrm {N}^{-1}}(\mathcal {Z})_{\alpha }$ . As a consequence, it implies that $\mathcal {BTL}^{\mathrm {U,S}}_{\mathrm {N},\mathrm {N}^{-1}}(\mathcal {Z})_{\alpha }$ itself is decidable and solves the satisfiability problem.  相似文献   

The inverse and reverse counterparts of the single-machine scheduling problem $1||L_{\max }$ are studied in [2], in which the complexity classification is provided for various combinations of adjustable parameters (due dates and processing times) and for five different types of norm: $\ell _{1},\ell _{2},\ell _{\infty },\ell _{H}^{\Sigma } $ , and $\ell _{H}^{\max }$ . It appears that the $O(n^{2})$ -time algorithm for the reverse problem with adjustable due dates contains a flaw. In this note, we present the structural properties of the reverse model, establishing a link with the forward scheduling problem with due dates and deadlines. For the four norms $\ell _{1},\ell _{\infty },\ell _{H}^{\Sigma }$ , and $ \ell _{H}^{\max }$ , the complexity results are derived based on the properties of the corresponding forward problems, while the case of the norm $\ell _{2}$ is treated separately. As a by-product, we resolve an open question on the complexity of problem $1||\sum \alpha _{j}T_{j}^{2}$ .  相似文献   

Gábor Wiener 《Algorithmica》2013,67(3):315-323
A set system $\mathcal{H} \subseteq2^{[m]}$ is said to be separating if for every pair of distinct elements x,y∈[m] there exists a set $H\in\mathcal{H}$ such that H contains exactly one of them. The search complexity of a separating system $\mathcal{H} \subseteq 2^{[m]}$ is the minimum number of questions of type “xH?” (where $H \in\mathcal{H}$ ) needed in the worst case to determine a hidden element x∈[m]. If we receive the answer before asking a new question then we speak of the adaptive complexity, denoted by $\mathrm{c} (\mathcal{H})$ ; if the questions are all fixed beforehand then we speak of the non-adaptive complexity, denoted by $\mathrm{c}_{na} (\mathcal{H})$ . If we are allowed to ask the questions in at most k rounds then we speak of the k-round complexity of $\mathcal{H}$ , denoted by $\mathrm{c}_{k} (\mathcal{H})$ . It is clear that $|\mathcal{H}| \geq\mathrm{c}_{na} (\mathcal{H}) = \mathrm{c}_{1} (\mathcal{H}) \geq\mathrm{c}_{2} (\mathcal{H}) \geq\cdots\geq\mathrm{c}_{m} (\mathcal{H}) = \mathrm{c} (\mathcal{H})$ . A group of problems raised by G.O.H. Katona is to characterize those separating systems for which some of these inequalities are tight. In this paper we are discussing set systems $\mathcal{H}$ with the property $|\mathcal{H}| = \mathrm{c}_{k} (\mathcal{H}) $ for any k≥3. We give a necessary condition for this property by proving a theorem about traces of hypergraphs which also has its own interest.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce the polyadic tense $\theta$ -valued $\L$ ukasiewicz–Moisil algebras (=polyadic tense $\hbox{LM}_{\theta}$ -algebras), as a common generalization of polyadic tense Boolean algebras and polyadic $\hbox{LM}_{\theta}$ -algebras. Our main result is a representation theorem for polyadic tense $\hbox{LM}_{\theta}$ -algebras.  相似文献   

The behavior of total quantum correlations (discord) in dimers consisting of dipolar-coupled spins 1/2 are studied. We found that the discord $Q=0$ at absolute zero temperature. As the temperature $T$ increases, the quantum correlations in the system increase at first from zero to its maximum and then decrease to zero according to the asymptotic law $T^{-2}$ . It is also shown that in absence of external magnetic field $B$ , the classical correlations $C$ at $T\rightarrow 0$ are, vice versa, maximal. Our calculations predict that in crystalline gypsum $\hbox {CaSO}_{4}\cdot \hbox {2H}_{2}{\hbox {O}}$ the value of natural $(B=0)$ quantum discord between nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms is maximal at the temperature of 0.644  $\upmu $ K, and for 1,2-dichloroethane $\hbox {H}_{2}$ ClC– $\hbox {CH}_{2}{\hbox {Cl}}$ the discord achieves the largest value at $T=0.517~\upmu $ K. In both cases, the discord equals $Q\approx 0.083$  bit/dimer what is $8.3\,\%$ of its upper limit in two-qubit systems. We estimate also that for gypsum at room temperature $Q\sim 10^{-18}$  bit/dimer, and for 1,2-dichloroethane at $T=90$  K the discord is $Q\sim 10^{-17}$  bit per a dimer.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Crank–Nicolson-type compact ADI scheme is proposed for solving two-dimensional fractional subdiffusion equation. The unique solvability, unconditional stability and convergence of the scheme are proved rigorously. Two error estimates are presented. One is $\mathcal{O }(\tau ^{\min \{2-\frac{\gamma }{2},\,2\gamma \}}+h_1^4+h^4_2)$ in standard $H^1$ norm, where $\tau $ is the temporal grid size and $h_1,h_2$ are spatial grid sizes; the other is $\mathcal{O }(\tau ^{2\gamma }+h_1^4+h^4_2)$ in $H^1_{\gamma }$ norm, a generalized norm which is associated with the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral operator. Numerical results are presented to support the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The concept of $(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})The concept of ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`(q)])(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})-fuzzy interior ideals of semigroups is introduced and some related properties are investigated. In particular, we describe the relationships among ordinary fuzzy interior ideals, (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy interior ideals and ([`( ? )],[`( ? )] ú[`(q)])(\overline{\in},\overline{\in} \vee \overline{q})-fuzzy interior ideals of semigroups. Finally, we give some characterization of [F] t by means of (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy interior ideals.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the concept of $\lambda $ -statistical convergence of order $\theta $ and strong $\lambda $ -summability of order $\theta $ for the sequence of fuzzy numbers. Further the same concept is extended to the sequence of fuzzy functions and introduce the spaces like $S_\lambda ^\theta (\hat{f})$ and $\omega _{\lambda p} ^\theta (\hat{f})$ . Some inclusion relations in those spaces and also the underlying relation between these two spaces are also obtained.  相似文献   

Consider a family ${(X_i)_{i \in I}}$ of random variables endowed with the structure of a Bayesian network, and a subset S of I. This paper examines the problem of computing the probability distribution of the subfamily ${(X_{a})_{a \in S}}$ (respectively the probability distribution of ${ (X_{b})_{b \in {\bar{S}}}}$ , where ${{\bar{S}} = I - S}$ , conditional on ${(X_{a})_{a \in S}}$ ). This paper presents some theoretical results that makes it possible to compute joint and conditional probabilities over a subset of variables by computing over separate components. In other words, it is demonstrated that it is possible to decompose this task into several parallel computations, each related to a subset of S (respectively of ${{\bar{S}}}$ ); these partial results are then put together as a final product. In computing the probability distribution over ${(X_a)_{a \in S}}$ , this procedure results in the production of a structure of level two Bayesian network structure for S.  相似文献   

Let $ Q$ be a complete residuated lattice. Let $\text {SetR}(Q)$ be the category of sets with similarity relations with values in $ Q$ (called $ Q$ -sets), which is an analogy of the category of classical sets with relations as morphisms. A cut in an $ Q$ -set $(A,\delta )$ is a system $(C_{\alpha })_{\alpha \in Q}$ , where $C_{\alpha }$ are subsets of $A\times Q$ . It is well known that in the category $\text {SetR}(Q)$ , there is a close relation between special cuts (called f-cuts) in an $ Q$ -set on one hand and fuzzy sets in the same $ Q$ -set, on the other hand. Moreover, there exists a completion procedure according to which any cut $(C_{\alpha })_{\alpha }$ can be extended onto an f-cut $(\overline{C_{\alpha }})_{\alpha }$ . In the paper, we prove that the completion procedure is, in some sense, the best possible. This will be expressed by the theorem which states that the category of f-cuts is a full reflective subcategory in the category of cuts.  相似文献   

Most state-of-the-art approaches for Satisfiability Modulo Theories $(SMT(\mathcal{T}))$ rely on the integration between a SAT solver and a decision procedure for sets of literals in the background theory $\mathcal{T} (\mathcal{T}{\text {-}}solver)$ . Often $\mathcal{T}$ is the combination $\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2$ of two (or more) simpler theories $(SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2))$ , s.t. the specific ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ must be combined. Up to a few years ago, the standard approach to $SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2)$ was to integrate the SAT solver with one combined $\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2{\text {-}}solver$ , obtained from two distinct ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ by means of evolutions of Nelson and Oppen’s (NO) combination procedure, in which the ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ deduce and exchange interface equalities. Nowadays many state-of-the-art SMT solvers use evolutions of a more recent $SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2)$ procedure called Delayed Theory Combination (DTC), in which each ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solver$ interacts directly and only with the SAT solver, in such a way that part or all of the (possibly very expensive) reasoning effort on interface equalities is delegated to the SAT solver itself. In this paper we present a comparative analysis of DTC vs. NO for $SMT(\mathcal{T}_1 \cup \mathcal{T}_2)$ . On the one hand, we explain the advantages of DTC in exploiting the power of modern SAT solvers to reduce the search. On the other hand, we show that the extra amount of Boolean search required to the SAT solver can be controlled. In fact, we prove two novel theoretical results, for both convex and non-convex theories and for different deduction capabilities of the ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ , which relate the amount of extra Boolean search required to the SAT solver by DTC with the number of deductions and case-splits required to the ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ by NO in order to perform the same tasks: (i) under the same hypotheses of deduction capabilities of the ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ required by NO, DTC causes no extra Boolean search; (ii) using ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ with limited or no deduction capabilities, the extra Boolean search required can be reduced down to a negligible amount by controlling the quality of the $\mathcal{T}$ -conflict sets returned by the ${\mathcal{T}_i}{\text {-}}solvers$ .  相似文献   

For hyper-rectangles in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ Auer (1997) proved a PAC bound of $O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(d+\log \frac{1}{\delta}))$ , where $\varepsilon$ and $\delta$ are the accuracy and confidence parameters. It is still an open question whether one can obtain the same bound for intersection-closed concept classes of VC-dimension $d$ in general. We present a step towards a solution of this problem showing on one hand a new PAC bound of $O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(d\log d + \log \frac{1}{\delta}))$ for arbitrary intersection-closed concept classes, complementing the well-known bounds $O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(\log \frac{1}{\delta}+d\log \frac{1}{\varepsilon}))$ and $O(\frac{d}{\varepsilon}\log \frac{1}{\delta})$ of Blumer et al. and (1989) and Haussler, Littlestone and Warmuth (1994). Our bound is established using the closure algorithm, that generates as its hypothesis the intersection of all concepts that are consistent with the positive training examples. On the other hand, we show that many intersection-closed concept classes including e.g. maximum intersection-closed classes satisfy an additional combinatorial property that allows a proof of the optimal bound of $O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(d+\log \frac{1}{\delta}))$ . For such improved bounds the choice of the learning algorithm is crucial, as there are consistent learning algorithms that need $\Omega(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(d\log\frac{1}{\varepsilon} +\log\frac{1}{\delta}))$ examples to learn some particular maximum intersection-closed concept classes.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1995, the codes $\hbox {d}^{3}\hbox {f}$ (distributed density driven flow) and $\hbox {r}^{3}\hbox {t}$ (radionuclides, reaction, retardation, and transport) for modeling density-driven groundwater flow and nuclide transport using UG toolbox are developed in the framework of several joint projects. During this time, the codes were substantially extended as well as numerically improved, and the development is still ongoing. Now, $\hbox {d}^{3}\hbox {f}$ and $\hbox {r}^{3}\hbox {t}$ are no longer restricted to modeling of porous media, they also may be used for fractured rock. These are powerful tools that are able to handle salt and heat transport, salt concentrations up to saturation and complex hydrogeological structures with high permeability contrasts.  相似文献   

We study certain properties of Rényi entropy functionals $H_\alpha \left( \mathcal{P} \right)$ on the space of probability distributions over ?+. Primarily, continuity and convergence issues are addressed. Some properties are shown to be parallel to those known in the finite alphabet case, while others illustrate a quite different behavior of the Rényi entropy in the infinite case. In particular, it is shown that for any distribution $\mathcal{P}$ and any r ∈ [0,∞] there exists a sequence of distributions $\mathcal{P}_n$ converging to $\mathcal{P}$ with respect to the total variation distance and such that $\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \mathop {\lim }\limits_{\alpha \to 1 + } H_\alpha \left( {\mathcal{P}_n } \right) = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{\alpha \to 1 + } \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } H_\alpha \left( {\mathcal{P}_n } \right) + r$ .  相似文献   

In this study, we introduce the sets $\left[ V,\lambda ,p\right] _{\Updelta }^{{\mathcal{F}}},\left[ C,1,p\right] _{\Updelta }^{{\mathcal{F}}}$ and examine their relations with the classes of $ S_{\lambda }\left( \Updelta ,{\mathcal{F}}\right)$ and $ S_{\mu }\left( \Updelta ,{\mathcal{F}}\right)$ of sequences for the sequences $\left( \lambda _{n}\right)$ and $\left( \mu _{n}\right) , 0<p<\infty $ and difference sequences of fuzzy numbers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give the first construction of a pseudorandom generator, with seed length O(log n), for CC0[p], the class of constant-depth circuits with unbounded fan-in MOD p gates, for some prime p. More accurately, the seed length of our generator is O(log n) for any constant error ${\epsilon > 0}$ . In fact, we obtain our generator by fooling distributions generated by low-degree polynomials, over ${\mathbb{F}_p}$ , when evaluated on the Boolean cube. This result significantly extends previous constructions that either required a long seed (Luby et al. 1993) or could only fool the distribution generated by linear functions over ${\mathbb{F}_p}$ , when evaluated on the Boolean cube (Lovett et al. 2009; Meka & Zuckerman 2009). En route of constructing our PRG, we prove two structural results for low-degree polynomials over finite fields that can be of independent interest.
  1. Let f be an n-variate degree d polynomial over ${\mathbb{F}_p}$ . Then, for every ${\epsilon > 0}$ , there exists a subset ${S \subset [n]}$ , whose size depends only on d and ${\epsilon}$ , such that ${\sum_{\alpha \in \mathbb{F}_p^n: \alpha \ne 0, \alpha_S=0}|\hat{f}(\alpha)|^2 \leq \epsilon}$ . Namely, there is a constant size subset S such that the total weight of the nonzero Fourier coefficients that do not involve any variable from S is small.
  2. Let f be an n-variate degree d polynomial over ${\mathbb{F}_p}$ . If the distribution of f when applied to uniform zero–one bits is ${\epsilon}$ -far (in statistical distance) from its distribution when applied to biased bits, then for every ${\delta > 0}$ , f can be approximated over zero–one bits, up to error δ, by a function of a small number (depending only on ${\epsilon,\delta}$ and d) of lower degree polynomials.

This paper considers scheduling tasks while minimizing the power consumption of one or more processors, each of which can go to sleep at a fixed cost  $\alpha $ . There are two natural versions of this problem, both considered extensively in recent work: minimize the total power consumption (including computation time), or minimize the number of “gaps” in execution. For both versions in a multiprocessor system, we develop a polynomial-time algorithm based on sophisticated dynamic programming. In a generalization of the power-saving problem, where each task can execute in any of a specified set of time intervals, we develop a $(1+{2 \over 3} \alpha )$ -approximation, and show that dependence on $\alpha $ is necessary. In contrast, the analogous multi-interval gap scheduling problem is set-cover hard (and thus not $o(\lg n)$ -approximable), even in the special cases of just two intervals per job or just three unit intervals per job. We also prove several other hardness-of-approximation results. Finally, we give an $O(\sqrt{n})$ -approximation for maximizing throughput given a hard upper bound on the number of gaps.  相似文献   

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