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<正>富士施乐第三届BEST-OF-THE-BEST最佳数码印刷作品大奖赛奖励全球杰出的数码印刷作品2011年3月15日富士施乐宣布2011最佳数码印刷作品大奖赛正式启动。该大奖赛是富士施乐专为表彰其至尊合作伙伴用施乐/富士施乐数码印刷技术进行作品创新而举办的权威赛事。今年是该赛事举办的第三年,大赛将见证来自世界各地的参赛者如何使用最先进数码印刷设备制作出最杰出的作品。"最佳数码印刷作品大奖赛不仅有助于推动数码印刷业的发展和发掘其无限潜能,更为企业提供了与竞争对手同台较量的机会,同时可令企业对自身业务进行评估,从而为客户带来更多创造力和价值。"富士施乐国际事业部区域市场经理MikeBraggins先生说。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that back pain is a serious problem within the nursing profession. This paper commences with a review of epidemiological data concerning the magnitude of this problem: first, with regard to the excess prevalence of back pain in nurses (as compared with the general population); second, with regard to the impact of back pain in terms of sickness absence, and labour turnover; and third, with regard to the association between back pain and patient handling. There follows a formalized assessment of the level of risk inherent in a number of common patient-handling procedures. (This is based upon a new analysis of a number of existing sources of data which have not been gathered together before.) For each procedure, intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is calculated as a function of patient weight and the level of risk is measured in terms of the probability of a criterion level of 45 mmHg (6.0 kPa) being violated. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for an ergonomic approach to the design of safe systems of work.  相似文献   

A brief survey of the incidence of back trouble among the members of the Consumers' Association's car test unit led on to a survey of differences in the way those with and those without back trouble rated the comfort of car seats. The methods are described in some detail. It is suggested that people with back trouble may be a useful test tool for designers. It is concluded that car seats should cater for a wider range of a driver size, and should allow individual drivers to adjust the amount of support given to different areas of the body.  相似文献   

M Scholey  M Hair 《Ergonomics》1989,32(2):179-190
The pattern of back pain in physiotherapists was compared to that in a control group, matched for age and sex, using a self-administered questionnaire. The annual incidence and prevalence, point and life-time prevalence as well as anatomical distribution were similar in both groups to that found previously in nurses and the general population despite the fact that almost all the physiotherapists had been involved with back care education. The recurrence rate was also similar despite the physiotherapists taking earlier steps to avoid further back pain. Physiotherapy was seen to be a stressful occupation in terms of the presence of occupational factors associated with back pain. Physiotherapists were more likely to attribute their back pain to work and the initial onset to a work-related incident. Newly qualified physiotherapists were particularly vulnerable, although they were more satisfied with their training in lifting skills than their older colleagues. Although further research is required, an ergonomics approach to the clinical working environment and a critical appraisal of the value of training in lifting skills and back education programmes are recommended.  相似文献   

An analysis of three health surveys in the Dutch working population is described, aimed at the identification of Dutch trades and professions with relative high and low prevalence rates of back pain. The sample was representative of the working population in the Netherlands and consisted of 5840 men and 2908 women. The analysis included 33 trades and 34 professions, with at least 50 respondents for each. A total of 26·6% of the workers reported back pain quite often. Almost 2% reported absence from work in the last two months, and 4% considered their back pain to be a chronic disabling disease. There was a substantial variation in prevalence rate of low-back pain between trades and professions ranging from 12% to 4%. Trades with relatively high prevalence rates were found to be the building materials industry, the construction industry and road transportation, and the wholesale industry. Trades with relatively low prevalence rates were found to be banking, public administration and commercial services. Workers in the construction industry and supervisory production workers, plumbers, drivers and cleaners have a relatively high prevalence rate of back pain. Chemists, scientists, bookkeepers, secretaries and administrative professions have a relatively low prevalence rate of back pain. It is concluded that high prevalence rates of back pain are found in particular in non-sedentary professions. Priorities in prevention of back pain should be directed towards the group with relatively high prevalence rates identified above.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify major occupational factors that were significantly correlated with back pain in pregnant women working in higher education, health care and service areas. A total of 73 working pregnant women were surveyed using questionnaires specifically designed for evaluating correlations between occupational factors and severity of back pain; 37 women were interviewed at both 20 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, 17 at 20 weeks only, and 19 were interviewed at 34 weeks only. “Rest breaks allowed” and “job autonomy” were negatively correlated with severity of back pain at 20 weeks of pregnancy. “Staying in a confined area” and “having restricted space” were positively correlated with severity of back pain at 34 weeks of pregnancy. The study suggests that allowing pregnant women to take more rest breaks and to have more job autonomy may reduce the severity of back pain during early pregnancy, and that allowing movement outside the working area and providing less restricted space may reduce back pain during late pregnancy.  相似文献   

Massimo Bovenzi 《Ergonomics》2015,58(7):1103-1116
In a three-year follow-up study, the occurrence of neck and shoulder pain (NSP) in terms of frequency, duration and intensity was investigated in a population of 537 male professional drivers. Over the follow-up period, the cumulative incidences for neck and shoulder pain were 31.9% and 21.4%, respectively. After adjustment for potential confounders, a measure of cumulative whole-body vibration exposure was significantly associated with all NSP outcomes. Lifting loads and work with hands above shoulder level were significantly related to shoulder outcomes, while driving with trunk bent or twisted was associated with neck pain. Limited job decision, low social support and job dissatisfaction were significant predictors of neck outcomes. Psychological distress was associated with all NSP outcomes. The findings of this cohort study suggest that NSP outcomes are of multifactorial origin in driving occupations.

Practitioner Summary: This prospective cohort study highlighted the multifactorial nature of neck and shoulder pain (NSP) outcomes in a population of professional drivers. Cumulative whole-body vibration exposure, physical load factors and adverse psychosocial environment at the workplace, as well as individual-related psychological distress, were significant predictors of the occurrence of NSP in the professional drivers.  相似文献   

This study employed multifactorial variables to determine the effect of schoolbag weight on the occurrence of back pain among primary schoolchildren and also determined the reliability and factorability of their survey responses. A total of 615 prepubescent children aged between 7 and 12 years with a boy to girl ratio of 2:3 participated in the study. Of these children, 205 were also selected for a test–retest to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. The kappa coefficient was used to analyze dichotomous and nominal variables, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used for the categorical variables. Correlation techniques were also used to investigate backpack-induced back pain problems. The test–retest revealed that dichotomous and demographic (k = 0.7–1.0), psychosocial perception of pain (ICC = 0.6–0.72) and backpack culture (ICC = 0.6–0.78) variables all demonstrated good and high reliability. Variables associated with multiple responses, however, recorded low reliability value. The exploratory factor analysis also reveals six factors, of which only psychosocial perception of pain, individual rating ability and backpack culture accounted for more than 70% of the variance explained during the analysis. Both the subjective and objective variables revealed the significant effect of the children's heavy bag on their degree of feeling back pain (F(2,612) = 3.72, p = 0.02), neck inclination (F(2,166.15) = 54.8, p < 0.0001), back inclination (F(2,183.9) = 60.92, p < 0.0001), pulse rate (F(2,155.31) = 4.07, p = 0.019) and saturated oxygen (F(2,152.83) = 5.95, p = 0.003) were significantly associated with the weight of their schoolbags. The significant effect of age was also identified as the measuring variables were all negatively correlated with the children's age. Backpack–back pain intervention and awareness are still needed especially among the younger primary schoolchildren who are at greater risk of back pain from backpack usage.  相似文献   


In a questionnaire survey the prevalence of back pain in 163 helicopter pilots was compared to that in a control group of 297 non-flying air force officers who underwent the same pre-employment medical examination. Since pilots document their hours of flight in a personal flight log, an accurate estimate of the duration of exposure could be made. In addition, vibration levels of the helicopters were measured and an accumulative vibration dose was calculated for each pilot. 'Transient' back pain of a short duration was more frequent amongst the pilots compared to the control group, and the prevalence of 'chronic' back pain of a persistent nature was also higher amongst the helicopter pilots. Transient back pain seemed to be most strongly related to the average hours of flight per day, whereas chronic back pain was more closely related to total hours of flight or the accumulative vibration dose. A significant higher prevalence of this chronic back pain was observed only after 2000 hours of flight or a vibration dose of 400 mh/s. The observed health effects may be due to vibration or constrained posture but are most likely due to concomitant exposure to both factors.  相似文献   


The role of training in techniques of patient handling with respect to control of the back pain problem within the nursing profession has been examined. An evaluation of some of the methods commonly taught and the ability and time required to acquire such skills have been investigated. In relation to the use of four existing techniques carried out by eight student nurses on a 53 kg subject, it has been shown that the shoulder (Australian) lift produces least stress, as assessed through intraabdominal pressure (IAP). Subjective measures of comfort have shown that the nurses found the shoulder and orthodox lifts more comfortable. No differences were found between techniques for the ‘patient’ comfort ratings. A pilot investigation of training for eight handling procedures has suggested that little improvement, as assessed by IAP, has occurred throughout the trial or at a follow-up session. In many instances a decrement of performance has been observed. Further epidemiology has been presented which shows no relationship between the time spent training in such techniques and subsequent point prevalence of back pain. The current emphasis on training has been questioned and the need for controlled prospective trials is stressed. An approach requiring the development of intrinsically safe systems of work, with particular emphasis on the contribution of ergonomics, has been advanced.  相似文献   


A survey of 3912 nurses suggests that 750,000 working days are lost annually from back pain and that 1 in 6.(159 per-1000 at risk) attributes the onset of pain to a patient-handling incident. Attempts to identify risk areas within nursing using point prevalence data have failed to confirm previous results using historical data (Stubbs et al 1980). Evidence is presented that suggests the conditions being assessed in each case are different. The need for further epidemiological data is emphasized together with ergonomic assessment of the tasks performed throughout the nursing profession. Such an assessment will form the foundation for safer systems of work within the National Health Service and, it is hoped, a reduction in the magnitude of the back pain problem.  相似文献   

In a prospective cohort study of 537 male professional drivers, the occurrence of sciatic pain showed stronger associations with measures of internal lumbar load expressed in terms of daily compressive dose, Sed (MPa), and risk factor, R (non-dimensional), according to ISO/WD 2631-5 (2013), than with measures of daily vibration exposure calculated as either 8-h energy-equivalent frequency-weighted acceleration (ms? 2 r.m.s.) or vibration dose value (ms? 1.75) according to the EU Directive on mechanical vibration (2002). Herniated lumbar disc, previous lumbar trauma and physical work load were also powerful predictors of the occurrence of sciatic pain over time. Psychosocial work environment was poorly associated with sciatic pain. The boundary values of risk factor (R) for low and high probabilities of adverse health effects on the lumbar spine, as proposed by international standard ISO/WD 2631-5 (2013), tend to underestimate the health risk in professional drivers.  相似文献   

Back pain in the nursing profession. II. The effectiveness of training   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The purpose of this study was to investigate the existence of neck pain and arm pain among professional forest machine drivers and to find out if pain were related to their whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 529 forest machine drivers in northern Sweden and the response was 63%. Two pain groups were formed; 1) neck pain; 2) neck pain combined with arm pain. From WBV exposure data (recent measurements made according to ISO 2631–1, available information from reports) and from the self-administered questionnaire, 14 various WBV exposure/dose measures were calculated for each driver. The prevalence of neck pain reported both for the previous 12 months and for the previous 7 d was 34% and more than half of them reported neck pain combined with pain in one or both arms. Analysis showed no significant association between neck pain and high WBV exposure; however, cases with neck pain more often experienced shocks and jolts in the vehicle as uncomfortable. There was no significant association between the 14 WBV measures and type of neck pain (neck pain vs. neck pain combined with arm pain). It seems as if characteristics of WBV exposure can explain neither existence nor the type of neck pain amongst professional drivers of forest machines. The logging industry is important for several industrialised countries. Drivers of forest machines frequently report neuromusculoskeletal pain from the neck. The type of neck pain is important for the decision of treatment modality and may be associated with exposure characteristics at work.  相似文献   

E-commerce is a big business with a growing market size and has been a major driving force in the IT industry for the past decade. Companies now need to provide online shopping or marketing Web presence to allow for direct customer connections. In this article, the author reviews some primary e-commerce technologies, including auctions, negotiation, recommender systems, automated shopping, and trading. This paper also looks at how Web 2.0 provides new e-commerce opportunities.  相似文献   

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《Network Security》2002,2002(12):17-19
Series introductionNetworks dominate today’s computing landscape and commercial technical protection is lagging behind attack technology. As a result, protection programme success depends more on prudent management decisions than on the selection of technical safeguards. Managing Network Security takes a management view of protection and seeks to reconcile the need for security with the limitations of technology.  相似文献   

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