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针对延迟容忍网络中的组播路由问题,提出了一种基于委托转发技术的组播路由算法。该算法是在详细分析组播路由设计需求的基础上,结合延迟容忍网络中节点移动特性,对委托转发技术中节点属性值和节点对转发标准进行重新设计。其节点属性值是面向组播会话的,节点对转发标准是动态适应网络状态的。仿真结果表明,相比于其他基于复制方式的组播路由算法,该算法具有更好的性能,尤其是在对网络开销的控制方面,因此,更适用于延迟容忍网络。  相似文献   

由于延迟容忍网络(DTN)的不稳定连接和高延时特性,传统的拥塞控制方法并不适用于DTN。提出一种基于节点状态的自适应拥塞控制机制(ACC-NS)。为满足不同的服务质量需求,将网络中的消息分为普通消息和特殊消息,其中特殊消息要求更高的传输率。根据节点的拥塞程度将节点状态分为三个等级,每个节点根据自己所处的拥塞状态和当前缓存空间使用率自主决策消息的接收行为。将VACCINE和基于消息相遇计数方法进行结合,以清除冗余消息副本。将ACC-NS和另两种经典的路由协议进行对比,ACC-NS实现了更好的性能。  相似文献   

Security and privacy are crucial to the wide deployments of delay tolerant networks. Without security and privacy guarantees, people are reluctant to accept such a new network paradigm. To address the security and privacy issues in delay tolerant networks, in this paper, based on ID-based ring signatures and Merkle hash tree techniques, we present a new efficient anonymous authentication mechanism. The newly proposed mechanism not only achieves good security properties, including authentication, anonymity and confidentiality, but also has strong robustness and high efficiency.  相似文献   

为适应容迟网络的动态变化,提高路由性能,结合空间节点分布和节点度中心性,提出一种节点密度感知的容迟网络路由协议DAR。该协议引入移动模型的节点分布,通过感知节点当前所处位置的节点密度,动态选择在网络中传播的消息副本数量,并根据节点的度中心性选择中继和分配消息副本数量。仿真结果表明,DAR能够提高传输率、降低传输延迟,在一定程度上降低了资源消耗。  相似文献   

针对延迟容忍移动传感器网络(DTMSN)的随机移动特性和连通的间歇性等问题,提出了基于网络编码的可靠传输机制。基于DTMSN传感器节点的移动性和网络编码技术,综合考虑了影响DTMSN服务质量保障的各种因素,将数据包以簇为单位映射到网络中,基于误码率机会选择中继转发节点确定最佳传输方案。仿真实验分析结果表明,所提可靠传输机制在误码率、实时性和能效方面与直接传递和泛洪算法相比具有更优越的性能。  相似文献   

Delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN) is an approach to networking where intermittent connectivity exists: it is often afforded by a store and forward technique. Depending on the capability of intermediary nodes to carry and forward messages, messages can be eventually delivered to their destination by mobile nodes with an appropriate routing protocol. To have achieved a successful delivery, most DTN routing protocols use message duplication methods. Although messages are rapidly transferred to the destination, the redundancy in the number of message copies increases rapidly. This paper presents a new routing scheme based on a stochastic process for epidemic routing. Message redundancy is efficiently reduced and the number of message copies is controlled reasonably. During the contact process of nodes in the network, the number of message copies changes, and according to the variability in the number of copies, we construct a special Markov chain, birth and death process, on the number of message copies then calculate and obtain a stationary distribution of the birth and death process. Comparing the theoretical model with the simulation we have performed we see similar results. Our method improves on time-to-live (TTL) and antipacket methods, in both redundancy and delivery success efficiency.  相似文献   

基于效用的容迟网络路由技术研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
容迟网络作为移动自组网和传感器网络最新的发展形式,在智能公路、生物监测、卫星通信、乡村通信、个人信息交换等领域具有十分广阔的应用前景。容迟网络路由设计是一个富有挑战性和前景的新兴研究领域,本文概述了容迟网络路由技术的发展、面临的挑战和评价指标,对容迟网络路由协议进行了分类,详细介绍了目前主要基于效用的路由协议基本原理和特点,并进行深入分析和比较,最后结合该领域当前研究现状,对未来研究容迟网络效用路由算法进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

简介延迟容忍网络,论述和追踪国内外延迟容忍网络路由协议的研究进展,对现有的延迟容忍网络路由协议进行了分类研究,着重介绍了一些经典路由协议,对不同类别路由协议的特点和性能进行了分析和比较,并详细介绍了冗余副本消除,最后提出延迟容忍网络路由协议需要解决的问题和进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

杨波  王雷 《计算机应用》2010,30(12):3180-3183
针对H-EC数据转发机制所存在的系统漏洞问题,提出了一种有效解决系统漏洞的方法,同时提出了一种对数据块进行有效划分的方法。在此基础上,设计并实现了一种新的数据转发机制——增强混合擦除编码机制(EH-EC)。在OMNET++下的仿真结果表明:EH-EC时延更少,转发成功率更高,但是相对H-EC会增加少量的路由信息冗余。  相似文献   

Network coding techniques offer an emerging solution to efficient data transmission in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN). To date, abundant techniques have been developed on exploiting network coding in DTN, however, most of them bring additional overhead due to the extra coded message redundancy. In this paper, we analyze the coded message redundancy issue, and then propose NTC, an efficient network coding scheme for DTN. In NTC, a novel metric named “redundancy ratio” is introduced within the anti-entropy message exchange process. We also discuss the design and implementation of practical NTC in detail. To evaluate the performance of our proposed NTC scheme, we implement NTC in ONE, the current state-of-the-art simulator for DTN. Simulation results show that, comparing with existing schemes, our proposed NTC scheme has significant advantages in enhancing the message delivery ratio and reducing the transmission overhead.  相似文献   

在简要分析了无线容迟与容断传感器网络的基本特征之后,根据其网络结构,提出了无线容迟与容断传感器网络体系结构;然后介绍了典型的应用领域;最后指出了其进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

针对传染路由协议(EPI)的泛洪机制会造成容迟网络资源浪费的问题,提出将节点间的历史相遇信息引入传染路由协议的改进算法(EPI-HT),以达到准确选择数据下一跳转发节点的目的。仿真结果表明,改进后的EPI-HT比EPI明显抑制了数据泛洪传输,可提高交付率,同时降低端到端时延。  相似文献   

The advent of large-scale distributed systems poses unique engineering challenges. In open systems such as the internet it is not possible to prescribe the behaviour of all of the components of the system in advance. Rather, we attempt to design infrastructure, such as network protocols, in such a way that the overall system is robust despite the fact that numerous arbitrary, non-certified, third-party components can connect to our system. Economists have long understood this issue, since it is analogous to the design of the rules governing auctions and other marketplaces, in which we attempt to achieve socially-desirable outcomes despite the impossibility of prescribing the exact behaviour of the market participants, who may attempt to subvert the market for their own personal gain. This field is known as “mechanism design”: the science of designing rules of a game to achieve a specific outcome, even though each participant may be self-interested. Although it originated in economics, mechanism design has become an important foundation of multi-agent systems (MAS) research. In a traditional mechanism design problem, analytical methods are used to prove that agents’ game-theoretically optimal strategies lead to socially desirable outcomes. In many scenarios, traditional mechanism design and auction theory yield clear-cut results; however, there are many situations in which the underlying assumptions of the theory are violated due to the messiness of the real-world. In this paper we review alternative approaches to mechanism design which treat it as an engineering problem and bring to bear engineering design principles, viz.: iterative step-wise refinement of solutions, and satisficing instead of optimization in the face of intractable complexity. We categorize these approaches under the banner of evolutionary mechanism design.  相似文献   

针对容迟网络中节点由于资源有限而表现出来的自私特性,为改善网络中节点的合作行为,进而提高网络的整体性能,提出一种基于演化博弈(EGT)的节点合作行为促进机制。首先,采用囚徒困境模型建立节点与其邻居博弈的收益矩阵;其次,基于度中心性定义节点的社会权威性;进一步地,在节点策略更新规则时考虑社会权威的影响,选择当前邻居中社会权威较高的节点进行模仿学习;最后,在机会网络环境仿真器上基于真实的动态网络拓扑数据进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明,与随机选择邻居的费米(Fermi)更新规则相比,考虑社会权威的更新规则能够更好地促进节点合作行为的涌现,进而提升网络的整体性能。  相似文献   

延迟容忍移动无线传感器网络路由策略综述*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,关于间断连通的延迟容忍移动无线传感器网络(DTMSN)有很多研究,其中最关键的问题之一是路由,因此针对DTMSN提出了不同的路由协议。对DTMSN路由协议进行分类,着重介绍几种当前具有代表性的路由协议,并对协议的能量效率、服务质量和扩展性等方面进行了分析和比较。最后对DTMSN路由协议的进一步研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对延迟容忍网络多Ferry路由设计方案MRT-Tree中普通节点的缓存和能量消耗过多的不足之处,提出了星型拓扑多Ferry路由设计MRT-Star.新设计使用专用的缓存装置来取代普通节点作为转发节点,并改变了普通节点的分配方式和Ferry节点的交互方式.最后,通过数学计算和数学分析表明MRT-Star在不额外消耗普通节点的缓存和能量的同时,还能获得比MRT-Tree较低的数据传输延迟.  相似文献   

Delay tolerant networks (DTNs) are wireless mobile networks that do not guarantee the existence of a path between a source and a destination at any time. When two nodes move within each other’s transmission range during a period of time, they can contact each other. The contact of nodes can be periodical, predictable and nonpredictable. In this paper, we assume the contact of nodes is nonpredictable so that it can reflect the most flexible way of nodes movement. Due to the uncertainty and time-varying nature of DTNs, routing poses special challenges. Some existing schemes use utility functions to steer the routing in the right direction. We find that these schemes do not capture enough information of the network. Thus, we develop an extended information model that can capture more mobility information and use regression functions for data processing. Experimental results from both our own simulator and real wireless trace data show that our routing algorithms based on the extended information model can increase the delivery ratio and reduce the delivery latency of routing compared with existing ones.  相似文献   

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