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基于MPLS流量工程的约束路由的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
约束路由的使用促进了基于MPLS的流量工程的发展和实现.简单介绍了MPLS流量工程中约束路由的技术框架,提出了在支持Diff-Serv的MPLSTE环境下实施约束路由的一种算法,使得在保证使用有效链路的同时也保证了链路的QoS.  相似文献   

Internet energy consumption is rapidly becoming a critical issue due to the exponential traffic growth and the rapid expansion of communication infrastructures worldwide. We address the problem of energy-aware intra-domain traffic engineering in networks operated with a shortest path routing protocol. We consider the problem of switching off (putting in sleep mode) network elements (links and routers) and of adjusting the link weights so as to minimize the energy consumption as well as a network congestion measure. To tackle this multi-objective optimization problem with priority (first minimize the energy consumption and then the network congestion), we propose a Mixed Integer Linear Programming based algorithm for Energy-aware Weights Optimization (MILP-EWO). Our heuristic exploits the Interior Gateway Protocol Weight Optimization (IGP-WO) algorithm for optimizing the OSPF link weights so as to minimize the total cost of link utilization. The computational results obtained for eight real network topologies and different types of traffic matrices show that it is possible to switch off a substantial number of nodes and links during low and moderate traffic periods, while guaranteeing that network congestion is low enough to ensure service quality. The proposed approach is also validated on two networks of emulated Linux routers.  相似文献   

《Computer Communications》2001,24(15-16):1648-1660
For reducing network information to achieve scalability in large ATM networks, ATM Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) adopts hierarchical routing. Consequently, although routing complexity is significantly reduced, numerous issues in PNNI routing require further study to achieve more efficient, accurate, scalable, and QoS-aware routing.Several methods are adopted herein to achieve efficient, scalable, and QoS-aware ATM PNNI routing. First, an efficient aggregation scheme, referred to as Asymmetric Simple, is proposed. The aggregated routing information includes available bandwidth, delay and cost. Second, two approaches for defining link costs are investigated, namely, the Markov Decision Process (MDP) approach and the Competitive On-Line (COL) routing approach, and these are compared with the Widest Path (WP) approach. Finally, a dynamic update policy, referred to as the dynamic cost-based update (DCU) policy, is proposed to improve the accuracy of the aggregated information and the performance of hierarchical routing, while decreasing the frequency of re-aggregation and information distribution.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed Asymmetric Simple aggregation scheme yields very good network utilization while significantly reducing the amount of advertised information. Between these two link cost functions, the MDP approach provides a systematic method of defining call admission function and yields better network utilization than the COL approach. The proposed DCU policy also yields an enhanced network utilization while significantly reducing the frequency of re-aggregation and the amount of distributed aggregation information.  相似文献   

Saqib  Chen-Nee   《Performance Evaluation》2007,64(9-12):994-1008
Legacy IP routing restricts the efficacy of traffic engineering solutions. This restriction stems from the constraint that traffic at a node must be uniformly split across all next-hop nodes corresponding to equal cost shortest path to a destination. Proposals that alleviate this constraint either completely overhaul legacy IP routing, or introduce complex control and/or forwarding plane components. This additional complexity departs from the elegant simplicity of legacy routing protocols where statically optimized link weights embed all traffic engineering semantics.

We present Interface Split Routing (ISR), which retains the basic forwarding and control mechanism of legacy IP routing. Furthermore, a set of link weights embed all traffic engineering semantics in ISR. However, ISR makes possible finer-grained traffic engineering by configuring independent sets of next-hops to a destination at each incoming interface. This lends itself well to modern router architectures where each incoming interface has its own forwarding table. Consequently, at the aggregated node level, traffic to a particular destination may be non-uniformly distributed across next-hop nodes. Hence, ISR allows additional flexibility in routing traffic as compared to default IP routing while retaining its simplicity. We conduct simulation studies on representative ISP topologies to compare ISR with traditional link-weight-optimized routing. ISR reduces the difference between optimal routing and weight-optimized routing by 50%.  相似文献   

李蓬  黄河  郝莹 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(16):3867-3869
对最小干涉算法进行了链路权值优化研究,提出集中和分布相结合的方式计算显式路由的方法.使用专门的策略和权值服务器PAWS为链路计算权值,标记边缘路由器LER实施分布式最小干涉算法,计算满足带宽的显式路由.通过路由算法及其体系结构的优化,提高了MPLS显式路由计算的效率和准确性,增强了MPLS流量工程系统的可扩展性.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2000,32(1):1-16
Hop-by-hop inter-domain routing protocols, such as border gateway protocol (BGP) and inter-domain routing protocol (IDRP), use independent route selection to realize domains' local policies. A domain chooses its routes based on path attributes present in a route. It is widely believed that these inter-domain routing protocols always converge. We show that there exist domain policies that cause BGP/IDRP to exhibit persistent oscillations. In these oscillations, each domain repeatedly chooses a sequence of routes to a destination. Complex oscillation patterns can occur even in very simple topologies. We analyze the conditions for persistent route oscillations in a simple class of inter-domain topologies and policies. Using this analysis, we evaluate ways to prevent or avoid persistent oscillations in general topologies. We conclude that if a hop-by-hop inter-domain routing protocol allows unconstrained route selection at a domain, the protocol may be susceptible to route oscillations. Constraining route selection to a provably “safe” procedure (such as shortest path) can reduce the number of realizable policies. Alternatively, a routing policy registry can help detect unsafe policies.  相似文献   

传统的信任模型在域间路由系统中存在着证书管理困难等问题。针对域间路由系统结构的特点,提出一种新的信任模型-TTM(Translator Trust Model)。分析结果表明,TTM在满足一定安全需求的基础上,其证书规模仅为传统模型的1%,具有良好的规模可扩展性。  相似文献   

MPLS流量工程的问题最终可以归结为数据流传输的路径确定问题,即显式路径的确立问题.通过对XUE算法的分析,提出了一种新的基于链路和路径的动态路由算法-LPK.依据网络链路平均利用率的取值范围对网络进行裁剪,在选路由时优先选择轻度占用的链路,避开重度占用的链路;从路径的角度出发,计算每条路径中的各链路带宽利用率相对于网络中链路带宽利用率均值的方差.用C++语言完成了该算法的实现,同时验证了该算法较SPF算法及XUE算法的有效性.  相似文献   

BGP作为Internet域间路由的基本协议, 其安全问题一直受到学界的关注, 特别是安全性与实现难度之间的折中。针对传统解决方案S-BGP(secure BGP)的不足, 在定义关键节点KN(key node)的基础上, 利用KN对路由信息安全验证的特殊功能, 提出了更加轻量级的解决方案——基于关键节点的域间路由安全机制 SR-KN(secure routing based on key node)。通过对比分析表明, SR-KN在保证BGP安全的前提下, 减少了全网证书规模及存储量, 且具有更好的收敛性能。  相似文献   

The inter-domain routing system faces many serious security threats because the border gateway protocol(BGP) lacks effective security mechanisms.However,there is no solution that satisfies the requirements of a real environment.To address this problem,we propose a new model based on immune theory to monitor the inter-domain routing system.We introduce the dynamic evolution models for the "self" and detection cells,and construct washout and update mechanisms for the memory detection cells.Furthermore,borrowing an idea from immune network theory,we present a new coordinative method to identify anomalous nodes in the inter-domain routing system.In this way,the more nodes working with their own information that join the coordinative network,the greater is the ability of the system to identify anomalous nodes through evaluation between nodes.Because it is not necessary to modify the BGP,the ITMM is easy to deploy and inexpensive to implement.The experimental results confirm the method’s ability to detect abnormal routes and identify anomalous nodes in the inter-domain routing system.  相似文献   

互联网中传统的最短路径路由算法本质上存在导致拥塞的可能。网络拥塞不仅会降低网络性能,而且会使得服务提供商难以完成对客户的服务质量保证。通过在路由选择阶段面向流量工程实施优化,能够避免拥塞,提高网络资源利用率。概述面向流量工程的约束路由算法的研究进展。首先阐述了三类主要的流量工程优化目标:最小化网络资源占用、负载平衡和最小干涉,然后分析了各类典型算法,最后对此方向的研究进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

域间路由协同监测无需扩展原有BGP协议、支持增量部署且实现成本低,是目前解决域间路由系统安全问题较为有效且可行的一种方法.然而参与节点的行为自治、多变,在协同监测过程中或者隐藏部分路由信息或者共享路由信息的意愿较低,致使难以获取到足够全面、详细的路由监测信息,从而降低了域间路由协同监测的可用性.将上述问题抽象为非合作博弈问题,并基于博弈论的思想,提出一种域间路由协同监测激励策略GTIS.利用信誉状态参数量化描述节点的行为表现,然后根据节点在各次信息交互时的行为策略选择,对其信誉状态进行动态调整,从而以获取更大的长期收益为驱动,鼓励节点选择友好的行为策略.同时制定"人性化"的惩罚机制遏制节点的投机行为,对行为多次偏离的节点进行叠加惩罚,有效区分"初犯"节点和"惯犯"节点.实验结果表明,GTIS策略能够有效激励节点积极、诚实地参与协同监测,提高协同节点间信息交互的成功率,为域间路由协同监测的高效运行提供有力支撑.  相似文献   

In hierarchical routing schemes, nodes are grouped into clusters at multiple levels, and a given node sees only a summarized view of the entire network. Hierarchical routing introduces error, which is the difference between the hierarchical path length and the optimal path length using flat routing. Since in practice the routing table size at each node is limited, we formulate the constrained optimization problems of finding a hierarchy structure that minimizes either the worst case or average case routing error. We prove results characterizing solutions of these problems, and present dynamic programming solution algorithms and computational results.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中分簇多跳通信方式产生的能量负载不均衡问题,提出一种能量均衡的动态间隔分层路由协议(EHRD)。它通过层次间隔动态调整算法动态调整层次间隔,使得层次的能量消耗不均匀状况得到缓解,从而达到整个网络能量负载均衡。用NS2仿真测试结果显示:能量均衡的动态间隔分层路由协议在网络能量负载、网络生存时间、缓解网络“热区”问题上有所提高。  相似文献   

域间路由系统是互联网的关键基础设施,对域间路由系统中的关键节点实施保护具有重要意义。针对现有关键节点识别方法识别出的关键节点不能反映节点在失效传播过程中起到关键作用的问题,提出了基于传播动力学的关键节点识别方法。该方法通过综合考虑节点失效后引发的负载重分配和UPDATE报文传播对周围节点和边产生的影响,提出了基于DDF-CFM模型的节点重要性评估模型。实验结果表明,该方法相比已有方法识别关键节点的准确程度至少提高7.3%。同时,在10 000个网络的规模下,仅5个关键节点失效就将导致大规模的域间路由系统级联失效。  相似文献   

The main challenge in developing large data network in the wide area is in dealing with the scalability of the underlying routing system. Accordingly, in this work we focus on the design of an effective and scalable routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) framework supporting advance reservation services in wavelength-routed WDM networks crossing multiple administrative domains. Our approach is motivated by the observation that traffic in large optical networks spanning several domains is not controlled by a central authority but rather by a large number of independent entities interacting in a distributed manner and aiming at maximizing their own welfare. Due to the selfish strategic behavior of the involved entities, non-cooperative game theory plays an important role in driving our approach. Here the dominant solution concept is the notion of Nash equilibria, which are states of a system in which no participant can gain by deviating unilaterally its strategy. On this concept, we developed a selfish adaptive RWA model supporting advance reservation in large-scale optical wavelength-routed networks and developed a distributed algorithm to compute approximate equilibria in computationally feasible times. We showed how and under which conditions such approach can give rise to a stable state with satisfactory solutions and analyzed its performance and convergence features.  相似文献   

在研究不确定业务量矩阵下的鲁棒路由时,为了能够保证网络的绝对性能(如最大链路使用率不大于某一门限值),提出算法TSSA按照ISPs给定的链路使用率门限值r把业务量矩阵的变化范围D划分成K部分,对其中的K-1部分可以分别求出一套满足最大链路使用率不大于r的最佳路由方案。仿真结果显示,与使用针对单个TM求出的最佳路由方案对D进行分割相比,TSSA可以把D分割成更少的子集合。  相似文献   

BGP是Internet域间路由协议事实上的标准,但是路由异常会严重干扰正常的BGP协议行为。域间路由监测利用现有网络资源对路由行为进行检测,具有扩展性好、部署方便以及不需对现有协议修改等特点,并能将监测结果用于路由配置的改进。异常检测引擎是域间路由监测系统的重要组成部分,本文采用动态的检测链生成技术在实现单视图中异常检测功能的同时提高了检测类型的扩展性,并提出一种基于相关数据集的快速定位和视图分类索引的异常检测算法提高了多视图检测的效率。实验表明,检测引擎在基于网络拓扑结构和路由状态的异常检测方面能力突出,并对多源冲突路由具有较好的检测效果。  相似文献   

Intra‐domain routing protocols are based on Shortest Path First (SPF) routing, where shortest paths are calculated between each pair of nodes (routers) using pre‐assigned link weights, also referred to as link metric. These link weights can be modified by network administrators in accordance with the routing policies of the network operator. The operator's objective is usually to minimize traffic congestion or minimize total routing costs subject to the traffic demands and the protocol constraints. However, determining a link weight combination that meets a network operator's objectives is a difficult task. In this paper, we study the link weight optimization problem in intra‐domain networks. This problem is proved to be NP‐hard with hard protocol constraints, e.g., a flow is evenly distributed along the shortest paths between its origin and destination nodes. We present two fast heuristic approaches to generate efficient link metrics for intra‐domain routing. Some promising experimental results are reported.  相似文献   

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