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A novel high-speed silicon photodetector that operates at a wavelength of 830 nm is reported. It consists of a Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) detector that is fabricated on a 5-μm thick silicon membrane. The detector has a measured -3 dB bandwidth of 3 GHz at 10 V, which is almost one order of magnitude larger than the reported bandwidth of conventional silicon MSM detectors as measured at 830 nm. The DC responsivity is 0.17 A/W, corresponding to an internal quantum efficiency of 60.5% and an external quantum efficiency of 25.4%. The large bandwidth and good responsivity at the wavelength of interest, combined with its low operating voltage and compatibility with most silicon integrated circuit technologies, make this detector a promising candidate for monolithic optoelectronic receiver circuits for use in short distance optical communication systems and computer interconnects 相似文献
An interdigitated metal-semiconductor-metal Schottky barrier photodetector monolithically integrated with a ridge waveguide and suitable for the 1.3-1.6 μm wavelength range is reported. The GaInAs detector on top of a GaInAsP (Λg=1.2 μm) guide used a 35 nm layer of GaAs to enhance the Schottky barrier. Internal quantum efficiencies of around 80% and a pulse response of 147 ps (FWHM) were obtained 相似文献
采用低压-金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)法在(0001)方向的AlN/蓝宝石模板上生长得到Al组分为40%的AlGaN材料,设计并制作了MSM型AlGaN日盲紫外探测器。通过HRXRD,SEM,AFM对AlGaN材料进行了表征,结果表明:该材料为六方相结构,且应变程度很小,粗糙度(RMS)为1.32 nm。通过测试器件在230320 nm之间、在不同偏压下的光谱响应曲线,发现器件的截止波长在285 nm附近,截止边很陡峭;器件的峰值响应波长为275 nm;在7 V偏压下,器件峰值响应度达到最大2.8 mA/W;零偏压下,器件的暗电流1×10-13A,器件的暗电流很小。 相似文献
Aboudou A. Vilcot J.P. Decoster D. Chenoufi A. Delhaye E. Boissenot P. Varin C. Deschamps F. Lecuru I. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(10):793-795
An interdigitated GaAlAs/GaAs metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector designed to be fully integrable with HIGFET-based digital integrated circuits and which exhibit a dark current as low as 100 pA at 10 V bias voltage is presented. Static and dynamic responsivities are reported, as well as noise properties. Photocurrents (for bias voltage higher than 4 V) comparable to those measured with a pin photodiode, and a shot noise cutoff frequency in excess of 13 GHz were recorded.<> 相似文献
Xiang A. Wohlmuth W. Fay P. Sung-Mo Kang Adesida I. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1996,14(5):716-723
An accurate model for In0.53Ga0.47As metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors is presented for circuit-level simulation. Dark and dc current characteristics are investigated and modeled. To accurately simulate the large-signal response of MSM photodetectors, impulse response functions and convolution integrals are implemented into SPICE. The transit-time limitation is also incorporated into the small-signal analysis. Most circuit parameters preserve the physical meaning. S-parameter measurements are used to find the circuit parameters critical to transient and ac analyses. Results are compared with experimentally obtained data, and excellent agreement is obtained consistently on InGaAs photodetectors of different sizes 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1980,27(1):2-10
The use of the neutron transmutation for producing precisely compensated, extrinsic idium-doped, silicon detector material of high infrared responsivity is reported. Highly indium-doped silicon crystals containing (1 to 3) × 1017cm-3indium concentrations and residual acceptors in the low 1012cm-3have been grown by float-zone doping. The high purity obtained by this growth technique enables very low net donor compensation densities to be achieved by neutron irradiation in a reactor. Transmuted phosphorus concentrations ranging from (1 to 20) × 1012cm-3have been investigated and compensation densities,N_{D} - N_{A} , as low as 2 × 1012cm-3have been achieved in irradiated samples after suitable damage annealing. Residual radioactivity due to transmuted indium isotopes approaches negligibly low levels for the neutron fluences required with high purity float-zone Si:In material. Significant improvements in infrared detector performance have been demonstrated with neutron compensated indium-doped silicon. Peak responsivities up to 100 A/W at 50 K and 103-V/cm detector bias have been measured, corresponding to dc photoconductive gains in the 30 to 40 range and mobility-lifetime products > 10-3cm2/V. Additional studies indicate that the detector responsivity, which is adversely affected by high-temperature CCD fabrication processes, can be restored significantly by phosphorus gettering techniques. 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1965,53(11):1714-1722
High gain silicon photodetectors were designed and fabricated using a sandwich structure of gold compensated n-type material. Steady-state photoconductive current gains as high as 26 were measured, while transient peak gains of 50 were attained. The measured response time varied from 10-6to 2×10-7sec, depending inversely upon the incident light intensity. The electron lifetimes were calculated using the existing capture cross-section data of the gold recombination centers. These results are in good agreement with the estimated electron lifetime based upon the measured photoconductive current gain and the calculated transit time values. The detectivity of some of the devices was typically D*(λp , 900, 1) =9.5×109cm (c/s)1/2/watt and the noise equivalent power NEP = 1.6×10-11watts/(c/s)1/2. 相似文献
Xiying Chen Nabet B. Cola A. Quaranta F. Currie M. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2003,24(5):312-314
An AlGaAs-GaAs-based resonant-cavity-enhanced, heterostructure metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector with delta modulation doping operating at 850 nm is reported. Delta doping of the top AlGaAs layer produces a confined electron cloud and an associated electric field. Photocurrent spectral response shows the delta-doped photodetector has larger spectral response than the undoped one at all wavelengths. The delta-doped device also shows lower dark current and higher photo response compared to an undoped one, resulting in over an order of magnitude increase in its dynamic range. Time responses indicate that the doped devices have larger amplitudes but smaller full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) than the undoped ones. The increase in responsivity and speed of response is attributed to the vertical electric field and suitable potential profile in the direction of growth, while the decrease of the dark current is due to the confined electron cloud. 相似文献
金属-半导体-金属(MSM)结构4H-SiC紫外光电探测器的研制 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3
MSM结构探测器具有结构与工艺简单、制备成本低、量子效率高等特点而在探测器应用中得到重视。本文制备了采用镍作为肖特基接触形成的MSM4H—SiC紫外光电探测器,并测量和分析了在不同的偏压下其光电特性。结果表明,该探测器的暗电流非常小,在偏压为15V的时候,漏电流密度约为70nA/cm^2,光电流比暗电流高约2个数量级,其光谱响应表明,其最高光谱响应与380nm的比值约为1000倍,说明该探测器具有良好的紫外可见比。 相似文献
S. V. Averin P. I. Kuznetsov V. A. Zhitov L. Yu. Zakharov N. V. Alkeev 《Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics》2013,58(3):273-276
Ultraviolet photodetectors based on interdigital Schottky-barrier contacts to a ZnCdS/GaP heterostructure, which have low dark currents, are fabricated and investigated. It is found that the characteristics of the spectral response of these detectors depend on the bias and the long-wavelength boundary of the response of a ZnCdS/GaP metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) diode can be shifted from 355 nm to 440 nm as the bias varies from 40 to 80 V. It is found that, at the wavelength of the maximum photosensitivity (355 nm), the ampere-watt sensitivity of the detector is 0.1 A/W. 相似文献
In this work, we present the influence of dimensional parameters on dark current and photocurrent of the metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector (MSM). MSM photodetectors of different sizes have been fabricated on GaAs (NID). The active area of MSM samples varies between 1×1 μm2 and 10×10 μm2 with equal electrodes spacing and finger widths (l=D) varying between 0.2 and 1 μm. The I(V) characterization in inverse and direct polarization in darkness shows good symmetry of curves, which shows the good performance of components and successful fulfillment of the Schottky contacts. The application of laser fiber of incident light power of 16 mW at wavelength of 850 nm for the illumination of the MSM photodetectors showed the evolution of the photocurrent ranging from 0.75 to 1.81 mA, respectively, for 1 to 0.2 μm electrodes spacing at 3 V and active area S=3×3 μm2. We showed also that variation ranging from 0.45 to 2.5 mA, respectively, for S=1×1 μm2 to S=10×10 μm2 at 3 V and 0.3 μm electrodes spacing. The resistance of MSM photodetectors obtained evolved proportionally to the electrodes spacing (0.87 kΩ for D=0.2 μm and 2.27 kΩ for D=1 μm with S=3×3 μm2) and inversely proportional to the surface area (2.02 kΩ for S=1×1 μm2, and 0.56 kΩ for S=10×10 μm2 with 0.3 μm inter electrodes spacing). 相似文献
Callender C.L. Robitaille L. Noad J.P. Gouin F. Almeida C.A. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1997,15(9):1700-1707
The integration of metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector arrays with polyimide ridge waveguides is demonstrated. MSM detectors were fabricated using transparent indium tin oxide (ITO) interdigitated electrodes on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. An optical buffer layer of SiO2 was deposited and patterned, and then polyimide ridge waveguides were fabricated on top by spin coating and photolithography. The guides were multimode with widths from 10 to 50 μm. Light at 830 nm was coupled efficiently from the waveguides through gaps in the SiO 2 buffer layer into the underlying detector structures. Absolute responsivities of the integrated MSM devices were around 0.5 A/W and the 3 dB bandwidths of 5-6 GHz were measured. Division of the input signal between sets of two and four detectors under a single waveguide has been achieved, highlighting the potential for the fabrication of integrated optoelectronic switches 相似文献
Cha-Shin Lin Yun-Chen Chang Rong-Hwei Yeh Jyh-Wong Hong 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2003,50(5):1306-1313
The authors have studied higher dark-current temperature dependence in a trench-electrode Si-based metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector which has a hydrogenated intrinsic amorphous silicon (i-a-Si:H) dark-current suppression layer. The poor dark-current temperature-dependence performance could be improved significantly by reducing the number of trap states in the depletion region of the reverse-biased crystalline/amorphous Si heterojunction. To reduce the trap states, a modified plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system, which reduced the ion bombardment on the Si substrate, was employed to deposit an i-a-Si:H layer. Moreover, since fewer trap states in a photodetector will result in a degradation of the fall time of the temporal response of the device, a Ti electrode, which has a lower Schottky barrier height (0.62 eV) than that (0.84 eV) of the previous Cr electrode used with i-a-Si:H, was employed for compensation. The device obtained exhibited very good dark-current stability and temporal response. The dark current only increased from 6 to 34 nA, when the operating temperature was increased from room temperature (R. T.) to 57/spl deg/C, much lower than that of the previously reported 3-V bias voltage one (from 22 to 209 nA). Device responsivity and quantum efficiency also showed obvious improvement, both at R. T. (0.192 A/W and 0.29) and 57/spl deg/C (0.213 A/W and 0.32, respectively) and were higher than those previously reported (0.174 A/W and 0.26, at 57/spl deg/C). 相似文献
J.H. Burroughes M. Hargis 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1991,3(6):532-534
The authors have fabricated long-wavelength abrupt-junction InGaAs/AlInAs metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors that are potentially compatible with AlInAs/InGaAs H-MESFETs. The detectors have nanoampere dark currents and low capacitance. The responsivity at 10 MHz is 0.32 A/W, corresponding to at least 90% internal collection efficiency. The device performance limitations due to charge storage at the InGaAs/AlInAs interface are discussed, and it is shown that despite charge pile up, high data rates (>3 GHz) have been achieved at low bias voltages, provided the incident intensity is low.<> 相似文献
A GaAs metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector with ultrasmall gold islands deposited on its photosensitive surface is described. The interdigitated detector is fabricated on a semi-insulating substrate in a MESFET-compatible technology. Responsivity as high as 1.8 A/W is obtained at 0.86 μm and a bias voltage of 8 V. This represents over a sixfold increase with respect to responsivity of a conventional MSM photodetector. The mechanism for dark current is suggested and breakdown characteristics are presented 相似文献
Wen-Rong Chang Yean-Kuen Fang Shyh-Fann Ting Yong-Shiuan Tsair Cheng-Nan Chang Chun-Yu Lin Shih-Fang Chen 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2003,24(9):565-567
A visible-blind ultraviolet (UV) photodetector (PD) with metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structure has been developed on a cubic-crystalline SiCN film. The cubic-crystalline SiCN film was deposited on Si substrate with rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (RTCVD). The optoelectron performances of the SiCN-MSM PD have been examined by the measurement of photo and dark currents and the currents' ratio under various operating temperatures. The current ratio for 254-nm UV light of the detector is about 6.5 at room temperature and 2.3 at 200/spl deg/C, respectively. The results are better than the counterpart /spl beta/-SiC of 5.4 at room temperature, and less than 2 for above 100/spl deg/C, thus offering potential applications for low-cost and high-temperature UV detection. 相似文献
Min Yang Kern Rim Rogers D.L. Schaub J.D. Welser J.J. Kuchta D.M. Boyd D.C. Rodier F. Rabidoux P.A. Marsh J.T. Ticknor A.D. Qingyun Yang Upham A. Ramac S.C. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2002,23(7):395-397
We report a novel silicon lateral trench photodetector that decouples the carrier transit distance from the light absorption depth, enabling both high speed and high responsivity. The photodetector, fabricated with fully VLSI compatible processes, exhibits a 6-dB bandwidth of 1.5 GHz at 3.0 V and an external quantum efficiency of 68% at 845 nm wavelength. A photoreceiver with a wire-bonded lateral trench detector and a BiCMOS transimpedance amplifier demonstrates excellent operation at 2.5 Gb/s data rate and 845 nm wavelength with only a 3.3 V bias 相似文献
Ghioni M. Zappa F. Kesan V.P. Warnock J. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1996,43(7):1054-1060
A novel silicon photodetector suitable for high-speed, low-voltage operation at 780- to 850-nm wavelengths is reported. It consists of an interdigitated p-i-n detector fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate by using a standard bipolar process. Biased at 3.5 V, this device attains a -3-dB bandwidth in excess of 1 GHz at λ=840 nm. The dc responsivity measured at λ=840 nm on nonoptimized structures ranges from 0.05 to 0.09 A/W, depending on the finger shadowing factor. A new approach for improving the responsivity is proposed and quantitatively analyzed. The fabricated devices exhibit extremely low dark currents, small capacitance, large dynamic range, and no evidence of low-frequency gain. The overall performance and process compatibility of these photodetectors make them viable candidates for the fabrication of silicon monolithic receivers for fiber-optic data links 相似文献
A combination of mesa and planar techniques has enabled detectors of InGaAs on InP substrates to be masked during diffusion and later passivated by SiO2 films without degrading the dark current. Preliminary lifetests at 100°C are encouraging. 相似文献
Dejan M. Gvozdić Jovan B. Radunović 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》1996,17(6):1001-1009
This paper analyses the influence of nonstationary effects on response pulswidth of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector (MSM-PD) made of a two-valley semiconductor. A phenomenological model is used for 2D numerical simulation of carrier transport and intervalley transfer. The analysis of the pulsewidth response of the MSM-PD has been made for various micron and submicron structures, bias voltages and incident light wavelengths. 相似文献