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结合舵机动刚度测试试验台的研制,设计开发舵机动刚度测控系统软件,舵机动刚度测控系统采用分布式控制、上下位机结构,通过合理设计测控系统的软件,使得系统采集频率足够高,能够满足系统测试精度;重点介绍舵机动刚度测控系统上下位机的软件设计,并对软件的主要技术特点进行分析;调试结果表明,测试系统软件的功能合理,满足系统测试精度和技术指标要求.  相似文献   

舵是船舶操纵运动的主要控制装置,舵叶转动产生转船力矩从而使船转向来达到控制航向的目的。在舵设计过程中,包括选取舵型,舵面积,展弦比等参数,研究表明,优化展弦比与优化其他舵参数相比,可以更好的改善舵效。本文采用四自由度的船舶运动数学模型,以舵面积和展弦比为优化参数,通过遗传算法对其进行优化选取。仿真结果表明,通过遗传算法的参数优化使船在回转过程中回转半径与稳定外倾的综合控制效果达到最佳。  相似文献   

防空火力分配建模及优化方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在综合考虑防空对抗双方作战价值的基础上,建立了一种用于防空作战多武器系统对抗多批目标的火力分配模型,在此基础上,提出了基于粒子群优化(PSO)算法以及粒子群与遗传算法相结合(PSO—GA)的火力优化分配方法.通过仿真,并与遗传算法(GA)进行了比较,验证了火力分配模型的可行性以及所提出优化方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

混合体系多塔斜拉桥竖弯刚度评估动力学理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于斜拉桥的受力特点和形状特征,提出了用于混合体系多塔斜拉桥面内竖弯刚度评估的多梁离散弹簧动力学模型.首先,在课题组相关成果的基础之上,介绍了采用传递矩阵法对不同体系斜拉桥的处理方式.然后,通过使用连续性条件和边界条件,建立了混合体系多塔斜拉桥竖弯刚度评估的基本理论.最后,以赤石大桥为例,建立了相应的有限元模型,并将本文方法算出的频率与有限元和实测得到的频率进行对比,表明本文方法的正确性,可用于混合体系多塔斜拉桥面内竖弯刚度的评估.  相似文献   

探讨并建立了兵力分配问题的数学模型,提出了运用混合遗传算法分配兵力的方法.该方法在引入粒子群算法的社会信息共享机制的基础上,通过采取交叉、变异概率正切递增和最差个体随机变异的改进策略,以达到兵力分配效能最优的目的.实验结果表明,该算法较常规遗传算法有一定的改进,可为指挥员做出科学、有效的决策提供支持.  相似文献   

测试性指标的优化分配关系到改进系统测试性水平所需的费用。建立了基于费用函数的测试性指标优化分配模型。根据费用函数需满足的基本要求,以费用最小为目标,设计了一种实用的非线性费用函数。分析了费用函数中各参数对费用的影响以及各参数的获取方法。针对该非线性规划问题,在给定的系统测试性指标下,采用遗传算法求解全局最优解。应用结果表明遗传算法能够获得合理的测试性分配值,费用函数可以用于系统测试性指标的优化分配。  相似文献   

王磊  周军  呼卫军 《计算机仿真》2012,(4):72-75,233
关于飞行器稳定性优化控制问题,由于近空间无尾飞行器具有典型的通道间强耦合且多个操纵面介入单个通道控制,执行机构的复杂化和非线性导致控制系统设计实时性和响应性差,精度达不到要求。为提高姿态控制器控制精度,减小力矩分配误差,提出通过解耦控制系统和控制分配逻辑来分别解决对象的耦合和多操纵面的力矩分配问题。通过将动态逆设计方法与变结构控制理论相结合,设计了一种强鲁棒性的解耦控制律,并在加权伪逆算法的基础上,提出采用舵面偏角修正操纵面的效率矩阵,从而实现了强耦合非线性对象的高精度控制。仿真结果表明,控制器解耦效果良好且具有较强鲁棒性,控制分配算法减小了80%力矩分配误差,满足了飞行器的控制需求。  相似文献   

传统的优化算法大多数由于计算量大或者容易使性能指标落入局部最优值而严重制约了模型的应用与发展,而用遗传算法等新的智能算法求解则会很简洁和方便。文章针对遗传算法在应用中存在的局限性,采用了小生境技术的遗传算法,结合精英保留策略、种群多样性保持方案、新的适应度值标定方式等改进遗传算法。通过对动态交通分配的特点分析,建立了动态交通分配模型,利用改进的遗传算法对模型进行求解。仿真结果体现了动态交通分配模型的有效性和改进遗传算法的优越性,大大提高了动态交通分配模型的实用价值。  相似文献   

针对无人机编队内多机作战目标分配问题,提出一种改进的无人机编队内多机作战目标分配算法;该算法综合考虑敌我双方机动优势、航程优势、速度优势、角度优势、高度优势、武器性能优势和其它因素优势等,首先采用层次分析法(AHP法)计算综合态势评估优势函数的各个权系数,建立无人机编队内目标分配综合态势评估优势函数模型,然后运用改进的矩阵法进行循环迭代计算进行威胁评估和排序,进而进行无人机编队内目标分配;采用该算法进行仿真研究,仿真结果表明算法计算快,且分配结果理想。  相似文献   

合理的货位分配可以有效降低企业仓储成本,提升仓储系统拣选和配送效率,进而提高企业运作的整体效率。为了深入分析国内外学者对货位分配优化研究的现状和趋势,对近年来国内外相关文献进行分析总结。归纳出了货位分配优化目标,介绍了各优化目标的模型建立和适用对象;分析了货位分配优化常用的算法,并对相关算法进行对比分析;探讨了货位分配优化研究的趋势,为进一步深入研究货位分配优化提供了参考。  相似文献   

A method for function allocation was developed and applied to the conflict detection and resolution problem in the next generation air transportation system. The method identifies key capabilities required of agents, automated or human, to achieve the goals of the system through state‐based modeling. For conflict detection and resolution in the next generation air transportation system, those capabilities include the ability to accurately identify current separation, predict future losses of separation and collisions, and identify four‐dimensional trajectory changes that, when implemented, will result in proper future separation. The modeling method feeds into an analysis of potential levels of automation across four stages of information processing, yielding a taxonomy of possible function allocation schemes, which can then be analyzed with respect to system and operator performance needs. The taxonomy is identified and analyzed for the current and future conflict detection and resolution system in air traffic control. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

一种高效粒子群优化算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
高卫峰  刘三阳 《控制与决策》2011,26(8):1158-1162
针对标准粒子群算法收敛速度慢和易出现早熟收敛等问题,提出一种高效粒子群优化算法.首先利用局部搜索算法的局部快速收敛性,对整个粒子群目前找到的最优位置进行局部搜索;然后,为了跳出局部最优,保持粒子的多样性,给出一个学习算子.该算法能增强算法的全局探索和局部开发能力.通过对10个标准测试函数的仿真实验并与其他算法相比较,结果表明了所提出的算法具有较快的收敛速度和很强的跳出局部最优的能力,优化性能得到显著提高.  相似文献   

We propose a mechanism for auctioning bundles of multiple divisible goods in a network where buyers want the same amount of bandwidth on each link in their route. Buyers can specify multiple routes (corresponding to a source-destination pair). The total flow can then be split among these multiple routes. We first propose a one-sided VCG-type mechanism. Players do not report a full valuation function but only a two-dimensional bid signal: the maximum quantity that they want and the per-unit price they are willing to pay. The proposed mechanism is a weak Nash implementation, i.e., it has a non-unique Nash equilibrium that implements the social-welfare maximizing allocation. We show the existence of an efficient Nash equilibrium in the corresponding auction game, though there may exist other Nash equilibria that are not efficient. We then generalize this to arbitrary bundles of various goods. Each buyer submits a bid separately for each good but their utility function is a general function of allocations of bundles of various divisible goods. We then present a double-sided auction mechanism for multiple divisible goods. We show that there exists a Nash equilibrium of this auction game which yields the efficient allocation with strong budget balance.  相似文献   

多Agent系统中基于招投标的任务分配优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁芝琴  刘永  王凯 《计算机应用》2010,30(7):1906-1908
在利用多Agent系统辅助生产任务分配过程中,为避免仅凭招投标结果来确定任务分配方案时只能获得局部最优的问题,提出了一种生产任务分配全局优化方法。建立了基于招投标结果的生产任务分配优化目标函数,设计了退火进化算法,实现生产任务的综合评标。通过实例验证说明算法求解该问题可行有效,便于获得生产任务分配的全局最优方案。  相似文献   

Composed of various topologies, the k-ary n-cube system is desirable for accepting and executing topologically different tasks. To utilize its large amount of processor resources, several allocation strategies have been reported, each with certain restrictions that affect performance. For improvement, we propose a new allocation strategy for the k-ary n-cubes. The proposed strategy is an extension of the TC strategy for hypercubes and is able to recognize all subcubes with different topologies requested by tasks. Complexity analysis and performance comparison between related strategies are provided to demonstrate their advantages and disadvantages. Simulation results show that with full subcube recognition ability and no internal fragmentation, our strategy always exhibits better performance  相似文献   

A biometric discretization scheme converts biometric features into a binary string via segmenting every one-dimensional feature space into multiple labelled intervals, assigning each interval-captured feature element with a short binary string and concatenating the binary output of all feature elements into a bit string. This paper proposes a bit allocation algorithm for biometric discretization to allocate bits dynamically to every feature element based on a Binary Reflected Gray code. Unlike existing bit allocation schemes, our scheme bases upon a combination of bit statistics (reliability measure) and signal to noise ratio (discriminability measure) in performing feature selection and bit allocation procedures. Several empirical comparative studies are conducted extensively on two popular face datasets to justify the efficiency and feasibility of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

To solve high-dimensional function optimization problems, many evolutionary algorithms have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new cooperative coevolution orthogonal artificial bee colony (CCOABC) algorithm in an attempt to address the issue effectively. Cooperative coevolution frame, a popular technique in evolutionary algorithms for large scale optimization problems, is adopted in this paper. This frame decomposes the problem into several subcomponents by random grouping, which is a novel decomposition strategy mainly for tackling nonseparable functions. This strategy can increase the probability of grouping interacting variables in one subcomponent. And for each subcomponent, an improved artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, orthogonal ABC, is employed as the subcomponent optimizer. In orthogonal ABC, an Orthogonal Experimental Design method is used to let ABC evolve in a quick and efficient way. The algorithm has been evaluated on standard high-dimensional benchmark functions. Compared with other four state-of-art evolutionary algorithms, the simulation results demonstrate that CCOABC is a highly competitive algorithm for solving high-dimensional function optimization problems.  相似文献   

A Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is collection of mobile nodes and communicates using wireless network without having any fixed infrastructure. This paper proposes an algorithm used to allocate the resources for multimedia applications using mobile agent technology in MANET. In addition to that, it allocates the resources for hand-off applications and new applications.  相似文献   

An efficient task allocation scheme for 2D mesh architectures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient allocation of processors to incoming tasks in parallel computer systems is very important for achieving the desired high performance. It requires recognizing the free available processors with minimum overhead. In this paper, we present an efficient task allocation scheme for 2D mesh architectures. By employing a new approach for searching the mesh, our scheme can find the available submesh without scanning the entire mesh, unlike earlier designs. Comprehensive computer simulation reveals that the average allocation time and waiting delay are much smaller than earlier schemes of comparable performances, irrespective of the size of meshes and distribution of the shape of the incoming tasks  相似文献   

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