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针对现有接入协议的性能随着WLAN中节点个数增加而显著下降的问题,本文提出一种新的基于多门限估计激活节点个数的自适应退避算法.该算法优化了时延模型,针对最优退避竞争窗口,分析给出了竞争窗口是激活节点数目的线性函数以及准确的窗系数计算方法;通过更公平地计算空闲时隙间隔,使用三个门限来识别节点个数变化的四种情况,实现了节点个数的估计.理论分析表明,该退避算法使得碰撞概率较小并能获得较高的总吞吐量,同时节点个数的变化对性能影响较小.仿真验证了分析的正确性和算法较好的可扩展性,在公平性方面也优于其它算法. 相似文献
在移动Ad hoc网络中,无线信道由多个节点共享,合理协调多个节点访问共享信道的媒体接入控制(MAC,Medium Access Control)协议是移动Ad hoc网络的关键技术之一。退避算法在MAC协议中起着至关重要的作用。针对目前退避算法存在的问题,本文提出了一种改进算法,根据网络节点发送数据包成功与否,预测网络信道空闲或繁忙的趋势,应用趋势合理地调节退避算法中节点发送数据时退避值的大小,并通过Omnet++软件对算法进行了仿真分析对比。 相似文献
基于IEEE 802.11的无线Ad hoc网络的接入性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
无线Ad hoc网络对无线接入平台有着独特的要求,当前广泛使用的是基于IEEE802.1l标准的接入平台。本文从理论和仿真两个方面考察IEEE802.1l标准采用的CSMA/CA接入方式对于无线多跳Ad hoc网络接入性能的影响,并找出制约该性能的因素。 相似文献
该文提出一种新的MAC协议,其目的是增加802.11b的网络容量。虽然IEEE的802.11b协议提供了较高的原始速率,但是物理层和MAC层随速率提高而引入的额外开销也不断增大。此外,物理层规范定义了两种物理层数据单元格式,但是研究者没有研究如何利用开销小的物理层数据单元来提高802.11b的容量。该文提出一种物理层自适应的算法,它能自适应地选择802.11b物理层规范中的两种不同物理层数据单元格式进行传输,并计算相应的网络分配向量。通过NS仿真证明,该协议能够提高网络的性能,如端到端的时延,有效吞吐量和传包率,特别是在高负载,高速率情况下。 相似文献
为了提升无线网络的整体性能,通过IEEE 802.11MAC(媒体访问控制)层DCF(分布式协调功能)在基本工作模式下所使用的二进制退避算法和CW(竞争窗口)的大小对网络整体性能的影响进行了分析。采用了增大初始CW、取消信道从忙碌变为空闲后继续退避需要等待的DIFS(分布式帧间间隔)和设置一个中间值作为阀值使得节点发送失败或成功后采用不同的退避算法进行退避这3种措施来优化DCF方式下的退避机制。经OPNET仿真验证,改进算法能够有效地降低网络接入时延并能提高网络吞吐量。 相似文献
ad hoc网络中数据管理与传输算法的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
数据的管理与有效传输是ad hoc网络资源能否得到最大化利用,实现网络的最优化运行的一个关键因素.本文利用数据管理的方法,实现相关数据的有效传输以及对数据的有效调度,解决了网络资源浪费问题,并减少了单个节点执行多个任务花费的时间. 相似文献
针对无线局域网IEEE 802.11MAC层二进制退避算法的不足,当前已经提出多种典型退避算法。主要针对预约发送类退避算法进行研究分析,并提出与EBA不同的实现措施,对NS2网络仿真软件的Mac802.11模块进行了修改和扩展,实现了NS2对改进的预约退避算法的实现。结果表明,与标准DCF相比,改进的预约退避算法也能对IEEE802.11无线局域网的吞吐量、时延等方面性能有所改善。为今后基于NS2对预约退避算法的进一步开发研究奠定基础。 相似文献
一种新的基于多包接收的ad hoc网络媒体接入算法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
多包接收技术在无线网络中的应用为提高网络吞吐量提供了一种新思路。本文在结合多包接收技术的基础上提出了一种应用于ad hoc网络的新的媒体接入控制算法,并对其吞吐量作了分析,与IEEE802.11MAC接入方式进行了性能比较。仿真结果表明,在业务量大于某一特定值时,新算法可以显著的提高ad hoc网络的吞吐量。 相似文献
The IEEE 802.11 MAC layer is known for its unfairness behavior in ad hoc networks. Introducing fairness in the 802.11 MAC protocol may lead to a global throughput decrease. It is still a real challenge to design a fair MAC protocol for ad hoc networks that is distributed, topology independent, that relies on no explicit information exchanges and that is efficient, i.e. that achieves a good aggregate throughput. The MadMac protocol deals with fairness and throughput by maximizing aggregate throughput when unfairness is solved. Fairness provided by MadMac is only based on information provided by the 802.11 MAC layer. MadMac has been tested in many configurations that are known to be unfair and compared with three protocols (IEEE 802.11 and two fair MAC protocols). In these configurations, MadMac provides a good aggregate throughput while solving the fairness issues. 相似文献
移动自组织网络中的多信道 MAC 调度码的设计与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于有限域上多项式,设计了一类用于支持多类业务移动自组织网络的多信道拓扑透明MAC调度码。这类调度码能够为各类节点提供有保证的服务质量,并且能够利用多信道资源有效地减小码长。性能分析表明,这类拓扑透明MAC调度码在码长以及最小保证吞吐量等方面优于扩展的TDMA固定分配方案。 相似文献
Recently more and more research interest focuses on the energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks and many related routing algorithms are reported. In this paper, a new optimized priority based energy efficient routing algorithm is presented and priority is added to the existing routing algorithm according to the residual energy proportion of the nodes. Lower residual energy means lower priority and the nodes with lower priority are less likely to forward packets to other nodes. The algorithm needs no global information of the networks and only a little modification is needed to the existing algorithm, so it is practical to be implemented. The algorithm can improve the performance of routing discovery, routing maintenance and cache management at the same time. Some optimization strategy is taken to reduce the network overhead and the lifetime of the network is much longer and the network with our algorithm can transfer much more effective data. Simulation with NS-2 is done and satisfying results are obtained with this algorithm. The results show that the algorithm is efficient. 相似文献
首先基于车辆trace数据提取了粗粒度的车辆移动信息,在此基础上,继续研究了trace数据的细粒度的车辆移动模型;然后基于移动模型提出了车辆自组织网络的路由算法(RPT-D),根据车辆移动特征将报文更快地传输到目的地;接着将对传输的QoS需求放入报文选路目标中,得到扩展性和选路结果更好的RPT-GA算法;最后通过仿真实验,分别从传输时延、投递成功率、跳数和辅助报文数量等4个性能参数角度,基于车辆trace数据将所提出的路由算法与经典的车辆自组织网路由算法(IGRP和GPSR)进行比较,实验结果验证了所提算法的有效性。 相似文献
Mao-Lun ChiangAuthor Vitae 《Ad hoc Networks》2012,10(3):388-400
Reliability is an important research topic in the study of distributed systems. Under many circumstances, a healthy processor in a distributed system needs to reach a common agreement before performing some special tasks even if the faults exist. In order to achieve fault-tolerance in distributed systems, one must deal with the Byzantine Agreement (BA) problem. Most BA problem require all the healthy processors to obtain an agreement at the same round, this kind of agreement is called an Immediate Byzantine Agreement (IBA). Another kind of agreement, Eventual Byzantine Agreement (EBA), allows its participants to reach a common agreement at different rounds when the fact < fp (fact is the number of actual arbitrary faulty processors; fp is the number of tolerate arbitrary faulty processors). However, the traditional EBA problem is solved in well-defined networks, but the Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) are increasing in popularity. Therefore, EBA problem is revisited under dual failure mode (processors and transmission media) in the MANET. The proposed protocol, Early Dual Agreement Protocol (EDAP), can achieve agreement while tolerating the maximum number of faulty processors and transmission media in a MANET by using the minimum number of message exchanges. Furthermore, our protocol can manage and organize the network efficiently even if the processors move around the network. 相似文献