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传统的基于带宽请求的固定资源预留链路接入控制算法(BRLAC)不能适应网络状态和业务需求的变化,针对该类算法接入成功率和系统带宽利用率不高的问题,基于概率分析了系统预留带宽的大小,并提出一种动态带宽资源预留分配链路接入控制算法(DBRRA),该算法通过判断业务流优先级允许动态地从其他业务流调整预留带宽。仿真实验证明,DBRRA算法有较高的接入成功率、系统带宽利用率和较好的时延特性。  相似文献   

针对协作式虚拟环境中,协作对象对数据报文的传送有着不同服务要求,提出了一种基于协作层次的动态层次式带宽分配方法。该方法通过带宽预留的方式,能根据协作服务等级和网络链路状况,在主动路由器上对网络带宽进行动态调整,为协作用户提供了高质量的带宽传输保证。仿真结果显示,H、M、L层次的用户由于级别不同而在网络负载变化时能得到适合自身层次的带宽。其分析表明,该方法在系统网络负载变化时能保证不同协作用户之间的数据信息传输的质量要求。  相似文献   

基于无线网络中设计提供服务质量(quality of service,QoS)的路由协议是一项具有挑战性的工作,提出无线卫星网络中基于定向天线的服务质量保证的空间重用的带宽预留算法。卫星网络中许多音/视频会议、远程教育等重要应用,需要服务质量保证。无线网络中的定向天线技术提供了显著增加空间重用性的能力,提高无线网络中的数据传输效率。研究使用定向天线的无线卫星网络中基于时分多址的带宽预留算法,该算法给不同方向的地面终端分配相同时隙来提高带宽资源的空间重用性,提高通信效率。通过模拟实验分析研究证明,该算法在服务质量调用成功率、吞吐量和延迟方面有比较好的性能。  相似文献   

讨论了在进行有QoS保证的路由选择的研究中所遇到的一些问题,并提出了一种新的带宽预留的路由选择算法MBR。MBR算法把路由选择分为两个阶段:路由发现和带宽预留。在路由发现阶段,算法首先寻找多条到达目的节点的路径,然后在带宽预留阶段,对寻找到的路径进行带宽预留,最后由目的节点决定使用哪些路径进行传输。由于MBR算法是采用同时寻找多条路径来进行带宽预留,因此它与其它带宽预留算法相比,具有更高的成功率。  相似文献   

舒炎泰  董林芳 《计算机应用》2006,26(7):1532-1535
提出使用带内信令系统实现跨层的邻居预留机制(NR INSIGNIA),该机制在进行带宽预留时考虑MAC层的信道竞争。节点为某个QoS流预留一定带宽之后,在所有的邻居节点上同时预留等量的带宽,以此来消除信道竞争对带宽预留产生的不利影响。仿真试验对比了没有邻居预留机制的原始INSIGNIA(In band signaling system)系统与NR INSIGNIA系统的性能,结果表明NR INSIGNIA系统可以显著提高QoS流的平均预留包比率、投递率,减少端-端延迟。  相似文献   

丁剑  陈伍军  刘旸  黄皓 《计算机工程与应用》2004,40(11):121-124,158
该文提出了一种基于VirtualClock算法的自适应成比例带宽分配算法(ProportionalAdaptiveBandwidthAllo-cationAlgorithmBasedonVirtualClock,PABVC)。该算法将所有的业务流分为绑定流和非绑定流,并根据不同流的配置加以调度,从而实现了绑定带宽同时自适应成比例分配带宽的目的。由于算法的各个部分相关性较弱,所以在保留算法框架和核心部分算法的基础上,可以灵活地加以组合,实现不同的算法变种。最后,该文分析了PABVC算法的优缺点,并且提出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

为了解决HTTP自适应流中分段较长时带宽估计不准的问题,提出一种改进的带宽估计方法。该方法包括段内估测和段间估测:段内估测通过指数平均方法平滑段内抽样带宽序列求得该段的即时带宽;段间估测通过逻辑斯谛方程预测即时带宽的变化值来求得下一段的估测带宽。在实际的HTTP Live Streaming(HLS)系统上对提出方法进行验证,实验结果表明,该方法不但能有效地捕捉到实际带宽的快速变化,迅速地跟随大的网络波动,而且能够较好地平滑小的网络波动。此外,该方法仅需在应用层做控制,实现简单。  相似文献   

一种视频流畅度优先的带宽自适应方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于现有基于平均接收质量的带宽自适应方法,在自适应过程中会出现视频质量振荡,且在可用带宽急剧恶化时会出现中断的问题,提出了一种流畅度优先的带宽自适应方法。该方法引入了图着色优先级算法,在带宽自适应过程中,在保证视频的流畅播放的前提下,通过判断是否振荡调整,改变平均质量范围,以达到减少视频振荡次数的效果。仿真结果表明,该方法在自适应调整传输速率、有效利用带宽的同时,保证了流畅度并减少视频质量振荡,符合预期目标。  相似文献   

越来越多的高性能网络通过电路交换或MPLS/GMPLS技术提供专用信道,支持大数据传输。为带宽预留服务开发有效的调度算法已成为提高网络资源利用率和满足应用用户传输要求的关键任务。高性能网络中即时带宽的研究集中关注在单次性能,本文对于即时调度中的周期性能优化,考虑一个新的问题:即时调度中的周期调度最大化问题。本文证明此问题是NP问题,针对此问题提出并实现了一个启发式算法:FBMHA,对FBMHA与Greed-MSR算法进行了大量的实验进行评估。实验结果表明,FBMHA算法相比于Greed-MSR算法在成功率和传输数据量方面有大的提升,表现出了FBMHA算法的优越性。  相似文献   

提出了一种非对称的双向资源预留协议(ABiRSVP),它通过测算ACK报文的长度来确定反向预留的带宽,从而在改善TCP性能的同时,更好地提高了网络的带宽利用率,并通过仿真实验证明了该协议的有效性。  相似文献   

In the present and next generation wireless networks, cellular system remains the major method of telecommunication infrastructure. Since the characteristic of the resource constraint, call admission control is required to address the limited resource problem in wireless network. The call dropping probability and call blocking probability are the major performance metrics for quality of service (QoS) in wireless network. Many call admission control mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to decrease connection dropping probability for handoffs and new call blocking probability in cellular communications. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive call admission control and bandwidth reservation scheme using fuzzy logic control concept to reduce the forced termination probability of multimedia handoffs. Meanwhile, we adopt particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique to adjust the parameters of the membership functions in the proposed fuzzy logic systems. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve satisfactory performance when performance metrics are measured in terms of the forced termination probability for the handoffs, the call blocking probability for the new connections and bandwidth utilization.  相似文献   

The percentages of blocking and forced termination rates as parameters representing quality of services (QoS) requirements are presented. The relation between the connection statistics of mobile users in a cell and the handoff number and new call number in next duration in each cell is explored. Based on the relation, statistic reservation tactics are raised. The amount of bandwidth for new calls and handoffs of each cell in next period is determined by using the strategy. Using this method can guarantee the communication system suits mobile connection request dynamic. The QoS parameters: forced termination rate and blocking rate can be maintained steadily though they may change with the offered load, Some numerical experiments demonstrate this is a practical method with affordable overhead.  相似文献   

Internet业务流由大量相互竞争的数据流构成。为了保障各种网络业务所需的服务质量,需要在这些数据流之间进行近似公平的带宽分配。文章提出了采用多令牌桶进行带宽分配的机制,提供了一定的流间隔离与保护。仿真实验表明,该算法在保护网关的缓冲区和控制带宽的公平分配方面是有效的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two intelligent localization schemes for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The two schemes introduced in this paper exhibit range-free localization, which utilize the received signal strength (RSS) from the anchor nodes. Soft computing plays a crucial role in both schemes. In the first scheme, we consider the edge weight of each anchor node separately and combine them to compute the location of sensor nodes. The edge weights are modeled by the fuzzy logic system (FLS) and optimized by the genetic algorithm (GA). In the second scheme, we consider the localization as a single problem and approximate the entire sensor location mapping from the anchor node signals by a neural network (NN). The simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes by comparing them with the previous methods.  相似文献   

刘金梅  王思明 《计算机仿真》2003,20(2):28-30,33
该文通过仿真和理论探讨了影响区分服务带宽分配公平性的主要因素,并提出了若干提高带宽分配公平性的措施和建议,如:修改标记策略,调度策略等,区分服务中的带宽分配公平性是区分服务中的一个重要性能,主要是指同一聚流内的各个微流能够得到公平对待,平等地共享该聚流的资源。  相似文献   

An adaptive seamless streaming dissemination system for vehicular networks is presented in this work. An adaptive streaming system is established at each local server to prefetch and buffer stream data. The adaptive streaming system computes the parts of prefetched stream data for each user and stores them temporarily at the local server, based on current situation of the users and the environments where they are located. Thus, users can download the prefetched stream data from the local servers instead of from the Internet directly, meaning that the video playing problem caused by network congestion can be avoided. Several techniques such as stream data prefetching, stream data forwarding, and adaptive dynamic decoding were utilized for enhancing the adaptability of different users and environments and achieving the best transmission efficiency. Fuzzy logic inference systems are utilized to determine if a roadside base station or a vehicle can be chosen to transfer stream data for users. Considering the uneven deployment of BSs and vehicles, a bandwidth reservation mechanism for premium users was proposed to ensure the QoS of the stream data premium users received. A series of simulations were conducted, with the experimental results verifying the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed work.  相似文献   

InfiniBand(简称IB)网络的质量服务策略(简称IB QoS)能有效地分离和控制在IB网络上并发传输的不同应用负载的带宽,从而为基于InfiniBand网络互连的高性能计算(简称HPC)平台和数据中心平台用户提供网络服务的质量保障。但在IB QoS机制下,高优先级权值、低优先级权值和QoS因子3个关键参数究竟如何影响带宽分配,"IBA规范"并没有明确规定,目前也缺少相关的文档说明。首先在基于当前主流IB产品的实验平台上进行大量的IBQoS带宽测试实验,总结出IB QoS带宽分配机制的重要特性:当QoS因子和高优先级权值取值确定时,随着低优先级权值的增长,高优先级VL和低优先级VL的带宽比呈锯齿形增长,锯齿的偏幅逐渐减小,且周期性达到某一定值;接着根据测试数据推测出带宽分配与高优先级权值、低优先级权值和QoS因子等3个关键变量之间的量化关系式,并通过随机抽样检测的方式验证了该关系式的正确性;最后从量化关系式出发,用数学证明的方式为前面总结的带宽分配特性找到了理论依据。  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于宽带无线多媒体网络的上行无线带宽分配方案。该方案将业务数据分为3种类型,即实时恒定速率业务、恒定变速率业务、非实时业务,针对不同业务对时延和带宽的不同需求,采取不同的方法获取上行带宽,较好地解决了多业务并发时的上行带宽分配问题,较传统技术提高了带宽利用率,减少了协议开销和传输时延。在详细描述算法的基础上,建立了对应的仿真系统对算法进行了验证。  相似文献   

Guarantees of services in a networked environment are provided by the proper allocation and scheduling of network and system resources. A lot of research in packet scheduling, QoS routing, traffic multiplexing, etc. has been aimed at providing deterministic or statistical service guarantees, while utilizing resources efficiently. In this paper, we propose a resource reservation scheme for a class of multimedia presentations. We characterize this class of multimedia presentations as synchronized distributed multimedia sessions, which we believe are important components of many multimedia applications. In addition to multimedia presentations, the reservation scheme applies to applications with synchronized resource requirements. Based on resource inquiry and interval analysis, the scheme is also able to find feasible resource allocation schedules for resource reservation requests. Built upon a layer of resource abstraction, the scheme suits well with today's heterogeneous network environment.  相似文献   

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