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We propose a novel tracking control for induction motors in which only stator currents are used for feedback. Local exponential rotor speed and flux modulus tracking are achieved for any constant reference value and for restricted time-varying reference signals; any known motor parameters values (including constant load torque) and any initial condition, including rotor speed and fluxes, belonging to an explicitly computed domain of attraction are allowed. 相似文献
基于自适应观测器的无速度传感器感应电机控制 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
针对采用极点配置的自适应速度观测器存在不稳定区域的问题,建立了全阶自适应状态观测器并给出了观测器的速度辨识律.应用Lyapunov稳定性理论,观测器的增益借助于MATLAB LMI工具箱求解两个双线性矩阵不等式得到.在MATLAB 6.5/SIMULINK环境下,建立了无速度传感器感应电机直接转矩控制的仿真实验平台,给出了无速度传感器直接转矩控制的仿真结果.仿真结果表明本文给出的自适应观测器在全速范围内具有很好的稳态性能,并具有很好的鲁棒性.同时,在以TMS320F240为核心的感应电机直接转矩控制系统上进行了速度辨识实验,实验结果验证了方案的有效性. 相似文献
Victor M. Hernández-Guzmán Victor Santibáñez Ramón Silva-Ortigoza 《International journal of control》2013,86(10):2153-2164
In this note we prove, for the first time, that indirect field-oriented control of voltage-fed induction motors achieves global asymptotic stability when used to regulate position in rigid robots. This results in the simplest controller proposed until now to solve this problem. Our stability analysis considers inner current loops driven by linear PI controllers and an external position loop driven by a saturated PD controller. 相似文献
Sebastian Ibarra-Rojas Author Vitae Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez Author Vitae 《Automatica》2004,40(6):1079-1085
The current problems to successfully apply sensorless controllers for induction motors are the existence of operation regimes for which the performance is remarkably deteriorated, due to the difficulties in estimating correctly motor speed and flux, and the lack of a theoretical explanation for this kind of behavior. In this paper a global observability analysis for these machines is carried out. It is first shown that all indistinguishable trajectories of the system, i.e. pairs of state trajectories with the same input/output behavior, can be described by a differential equation on a manifold, named here the indistinguishable dynamics. Studying the stability properties of this latter system it can be shown that the induction motor is not completely observable nor detectable in a local or in a global sense, and for every set of parameters. This implies that it is impossible to construct a state observer for the motor that converges for every trajectory of the system. Moreover, the indistinguishable dynamics provides a systematic method to study, understand and explain particular operation regimes, and this is illustrated by some case studies of practical relevant operating conditions. 相似文献
A solution to the longstanding problem of sensorless control of an electrical machine is provided in this paper. That is, the construction of an asymptotically stable controller that regulates the mechanical speed of the motor, measuring only the electrical coordinates. The result is presented for a non‐salient permanent magnet synchronous motor perturbed by an unknown constant load torque. The proposed scheme is a fourth order nonlinear observer‐based controller that does not rely on—intrinsically nonrobust—operations like open‐loop integration of the systems dynamical model nor signal differentiation and can be easily implemented in real time. The controller is easy to commission, with the tuning gains directly determining the convergence rates of the position, speed, and load torque observers. Simulation and experimental results are presented. In particular, a comparison with a sensorless field‐oriented controller, recently proposed in the drives literature, is carried out. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hou-Tsan Lee 《International journal of control》2013,86(11):2209-2222
A sensorless speed/position tracking control scheme for induction motors is proposed subject to unknown load torque via adaptive strictly positive real (SPR) approach design. A special nonlinear coordinate transform is first provided to reform the dynamical model of the induction motor. The information on rotor fluxes can thus be derived from the dynamical model to decide on the proportion of input voltage in the d-q frame under the constraint of the maximum power transfer property of induction motors. Based on the SPR approach, the speed and position control objectives can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is to provide the speed/position control of induction motors while lacking the knowledge of some mechanical system parameters, such as the motor inertia, motor damping coefficient, and the unknown payload. The adaptive control technique is thus involved in the field oriented control scheme to deal with the unknown parameters. The thorough proof is derived to guarantee the stability of the speed and position of control systems of induction motors. Besides, numerical simulation and experimental results are also provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. 相似文献
利用Petri模糊神经网络构造电流观测器,基于电流观测值构造感应电动机的转子磁通观测器,根据磁通观测值进行电动机转子速度的计算.基于一种新颖的感应电动机解耦模型,设计了感应电动机的滑模反推控制器,并给出了Petri模糊神经网络的收敛性证明.通过MATLAB仿真验证了系统设计的有效性. 相似文献
The problem of controlling an induction motor without rotor speed measurements is addressed. Arbitrary smooth reference signals for rotor speed and rotor flux modulus are required to be tracked globally (i.e. from any initial condition). A global second-order tracking control is obtained, which is based on a novel rotor speed observer. Simulation results are provided which illustrate the controller performance. 相似文献
In this article, a sensorless output feedback controller is designed in order to drive the induction motor (IM) without the use of flux and speed sensors. First, an observer that uses only the measured stator currents is synthesised to estimate the mechanical variables (speed and load torque) and the magnetic variables (fluxes) by structurally taking into account the unobservability phenomena of the sensorless IM (SIM) and the parametric uncertainties. Second, a current-based field-oriented sliding mode control that uses the flux and the speed estimates given by the former observer is developed so as to steer the estimated speed and flux magnitude to the desired references. Since the observer error dynamic is independent from the known input control and depends on the IM parametric uncertainties, a kind of separation principle is introduced to guarantee the practical stability of the whole closed-loop system ‘observer–controller’ (‘O-C’) according to observability and unobservability time variation. A significant benchmark taking into account the unobservability phenomena of the SIM is presented to show the performances of the whole control scheme against experimental set-up. 相似文献
孙筠 《自动化与仪器仪表》2008,(1):16-19
介绍了空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)控制策略在无速度传感器矢量控制系统中的实现,在此基础上给出了基于DSP的全数字化调速系统,并分别建立了改进的电压型转子磁链观测模型和PI自适应速度估算模型.实验结果表明所采用的控制方法正确可行,控制系统具有良好的性能. 相似文献
This work deals with a sliding mode control scheme for discrete time nonlinear systems. The control law synthesis problem is subdivided into a finite number of subproblems of lower complexity, which can be solved independently. The sliding mode controller is designed to force the system to track a desired reference and to eliminate unwanted disturbances, compensating at the same time matched and unmatched parameter variations. Then, an observer is designed to eliminate the need of the state in the controller implementation. This design technique is illustrated determining a dynamic discrete time controller for induction motors. 相似文献
Avoiding mechanical (speed, torque) sensors in electric motor control entails cost reduction and reliability improvement. Furthermore, sensorless controllers (also referred to output-feedback) are useful, even in the presence of mechanical sensors, to implement fault tolerant control strategies. In this paper, we deal with the problem of output-feedback control for induction motors. The solutions proposed so far have been developed based on the assumption that the machine magnetic circuit characteristic is linear. Ignoring magnetic saturation makes it not possible to meet optimal operation conditions in the presence of wide range speed and load torque variations. Presently, an output-feedback control strategy is developed on the basis of a motor model that accounts for magnetic saturation. The control strategy includes an optimal flux reference generator, designed in order to optimize energy consumption, and an output-feedback designed using the backstepping technique to meet tight speed regulation in the presence of wide range changes in speed reference and load torque. The controller sensorless feature is achieved using an adaptive observer providing the controller with online estimates of the mechanical variables. Adaptation is resorted to cope with the system parameter uncertainty. The controller performances are theoretically analyzed and illustrated by simulation. 相似文献
针对便携式呼吸机要求电机控制系统硬件电路简单、速度控制精确、稳定可靠等特点,设计了基于电机专业驱动芯片ML4425的无位置传感器无刷直流电机控制系统,软件结合了变速积分PID算法的优点,实现精确稳定的速度闭环控制。试验结果表明,本控制系统调速性能好、稳定可靠,符合便携式呼吸机的要求,已应用于实际的产品中。 相似文献
An adaptive interconnected observer for induction motor (IM) drive without mechanical sensors (speed sensor and load torque sensor) is presented. The observer estimates the fluxes, the angular velocity, the load torque and the stator resistance even under or near unobservable conditions. Practical stability based on Lyapunov theory is proved to guarantee the strongly uniformly practical stability of the estimation error dynamics. A contribution of this article is the experimental validation of the observer on reference trajectories of a sensorless IM observer benchmark. The trajectories of this benchmark are chosen to test the motor near and under conditions of unobservability. Robustness with respect to parameters variations is proved and experimentally verified. 相似文献
Guillermo J. Rubio José M. Cañedo Vadim I. Utkin Alexander G. Loukianov 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
The authors propose a robust nonlinear controller based on a block control linearization technique combined with a second order sliding mode super‐twisting algorithm for controlling the rotor speed of single‐phase induction motors. The block control approach is used to design a sliding manifold in terms of the stator current and its desired value. The super‐twisting sliding mode algorithm is applied then to render the designed manifold be attractive. A nonlinear observer is designed to estimate the unmeasured variables (rotor flux linkages and torque load). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The paper deals with the motion control of an induction motor. Because the nonlinear state equations describing the dynamics of such a machine can be embedded into a linear model with the rotor speed ω as a varying parameter, advantage is taken of some recent results on the control of linear parameter‐varying systems, thus ensuring stability independently of how the varying parameter changes in time within a compact set. The adopted control structure consists of a fast inner electric loop that controls the stator currents and an outer mechanical loop that generates the torque acting on the motor shaft. Of crucial importance is the design of the internal model controller for the current loop. In particular, it is proved that an algebraically equivalent electric motor model admits a Lyapunov function that, together with its Lyapunov derivative, is independent of ω and of all motor parameters. This result allows us to find an upper bound on the norm of the Youla–Kucera parameter that ensures robust stability against speed measurement errors. Simulations carried out on a benchmark motor model show that the adopted control strategy performs well. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper reports the basic concept and recent industrial applications of a sensorless vector-controlled speed-control system for an inverter-fed induction motor in Japan. The vector control artificially gives the linear torque controllability, which is inherent for a separately excited DC motor, to the induction motor drive. First, in this paper, the fundamental concept of vector control is introduced. Next, representative speed-sensorless vector-control systems will be related. Also, a method for the automatic measurement of the electrical parameters of the induction motor is introduced. To know the motor parameters precisely is especially important for a speed-sensorless vector-control system. Finally, several examples of industrial applications of the sensorless speed control are described. 相似文献
In this short paper we present a discrete-time field oriented controller (FOC) for current-fed induction motors which insures global asymptotic speed regulation as well as rotor flux norm tracking. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such a result is rigorously established for a controller implemented in discrete-time. To insure global stability a condition on the reference for the rotor flux norm, which is time-varying, is imposed. This condition disappears as the sampling period goes to zero, hence allowing for independent speed regulation and rotor flux norm tracking. One important feature of our scheme is that, compared with the first-difference approximation of the classical indirect FOC, the additional computational burden is negligible. It is also shown that the result can easily be extended to the case of tracking time-varying references in speed or position. 相似文献