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We used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to evaluate trophic similarity between sauger Sander canadensis and walleye S. vitreus in three Missouri River impoundments characterized by unique differences in riverine habitat. Mean δ15N was similar for sauger and walleye in each reservoir ranging from 15.7 to 17.8‰ for sauger and 15.2 to 17.7‰ for walleye. However, mean δ13C was greater for sauger (?24‰) than for walleye (?25‰) in Lake Oahe (lacustrine habitat), where rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax is an important prey species for walleye. Variation in δ15N and δ13C values was similar between walleye and sauger in Lewis and Clark Lake (riverine habitat), but was greater for sauger than for walleye in Lake Oahe, implying that in pelagic environments, sauger exhibit a larger diet breadth and lower diet consistency compared with walleyes. Isotope analyses support observations from traditional gut content studies that diet overlap between sauger and walleye varies with environmental conditions and is more similar in riverine food webs than in large lakes and impoundments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sauger (Sander canadensis) supported recreational and commercial fisheries in Lake Erie until the fishery collapsed in the early-1950s, with extirpation of sauger occurring soon after. Previous attempts to rebuild populations via stocking programs were unsuccessful, and the reasons for lack of success are unclear. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Wildlife is re-examining the feasibility of reintroducing sauger because the current fish community and habitat conditions appear more suitable for sauger survival and proliferation. Selecting potential sources for reintroduction programs requires consideration of several factors. Donor and recipient ecosystems and life histories should be similar, the source population should have sufficient genetic diversity to withstand losses in diversity associated with hatchery practices, and the source and donor populations should have similar genetic diversity metrics and should be accessible while broodstock is developed. A review of the literature and a genetic analysis of historical sauger collections from Lake Erie and contemporary samples from possible donor populations in five different watersheds was performed to evaluate potential candidate sources for a re-introduction program. We compared genetic diversity, life history parameters, and ecosystem conditions of historical Lake Erie sauger to contemporary sauger populations from the Ohio River (Bellville, Meldahl, and New Cumberland pools), Missouri River, Ottawa River, Lake of the Woods, and Lake Winnebago. While life history and ecological conditions were similar across populations, there was genetic differentiation among potential donor sources and historical collections of sauger from Lake Erie, with contemporary populations from the Ohio River being most like historic Lake Erie sauger.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes basin was historically populated by multiple, coevolved coregonine species, but much of that diversity has been lost. In Lakes Erie and Ontario, both lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and cisco (Coregonus artedi) occurred in high numbers before habitat degradation, overfishing, invasive species, and other factors caused significant declines. There is growing interest in restoring these populations, and suggested actions include restoration of critical habitats such as spawning habitat. Unfortunately, our current understanding of lake whitefish and cisco spawning habitat characteristics and locations in these lakes is limited. To highlight areas of potential importance for conservation and restoration, we used random forest models and data on historical spawning locations to predict lake whitefish and cisco spawning habitats based on hypothesized key factors including wind fetch, ice cover duration, distance from 1st and 6th order tributaries, and lake bottom substrate. Our model accurately predicted spawning habitat locations for 71% and 54% of cases for lake whitefish and cisco, respectively. Fetch was the most important variable in the lake whitefish model, with spawning habitats being most likely to occur in regions of low to moderate fetch. Cisco spawning habitats were most likely to occur in areas of relatively low fetch near a 1st order stream. We used these models to predict spawning habitat locations for both species across Lakes Erie, Ontario, and St. Clair. Our results improve our understanding of lake whitefish and cisco spawning habitat characteristics and will aid in the spatial prioritization of actions to restore these native fishes.  相似文献   

There is an expansive and expanding delta at the confluence of the Niobrara and Missouri Rivers in the Lewis and Clark Reservoir. The delta provides diverse aquatic habitat that is somewhat similar to the historic Missouri River and to remnant river habitats. As such, the delta may have relatively high fish species diversity compared to lentic reservoir habitats. To compare patterns of fish diversity between the delta and reservoir habitats, we collected fish in several nursery habitats in both areas using four gear types (seine, gill net, electrofisher and fyke net) on three occasions (July, August and September) in 2005. Species richness was higher in the delta ( n = 34) than the reservoir ( n = 22). Thirteen species composed more than 1% of delta collections while only four species composed more than 1% of reservoir collections. Species diversity (Fisher's α) was also significantly higher in the delta. Higher species diversity in the delta may be explained by higher habitat diversity. These results suggest that newly forming deltas have the potential to protect and restore fish species diversity, because they retain natural river functions such as sediment transport and habitat formation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive hydroelectric development in the Columbia River system has eliminated most mainstem riverine habitat available for spawning by fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). The two remaining populations, Hanford Reach, Columbia River and Hells Canyon Reach, Snake River, are separated geographically and their status is markedly different. Annual escapements to Hanford Reach have averaged approximately 80 000 adults, while the Snake River run size has declined to <1500 adults over the past 10 years. We compared their spawning habitat characteristics over a range of measurement scales, as a means to identify strategies for rebuilding the weak Snake River population. Physical habitat characteristics of redds were similar for both study areas. Redd locations were correlated with channel characteristics, such as braiding and sinuosity. Several differences between the two spawning areas were identified at the watershed scale: the Hells Canyon Reach had a much steeper longitudinal gradient, was largely confined by bedrock, and had a more variable flow regime. These features are controlling variables that operate at the reach‐scale to limit the availability and size of substrate and other conditions that influence egg deposition and incubation survival. Geomorphological characteristics of the two study sites are sufficiently different to indicate that the production potential of the Hells Canyon Reach population is markedly lower than that of the Hanford Reach population. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Restoration of a wild-produced lake trout Salvelinus namaycush population in Lake Ontario has not been successful despite the adult population often meeting or exceeding restoration targets. Lack of high-quality spawning habitat in Lake Ontario is suggested as one impediment to recruitment of wild lake trout, although the quantity and location of spawning habitat is poorly understood. If high-quality spawning habitat is limited in Lake Ontario, lake trout may be using uncommon spawning locations such as rivers. Anecdotal angler accounts point to the Niagara River as a lake trout spawning location. To better understand the potential of the Niagara River as a spawning location, egg and juvenile fish collections were conducted 12–14 river kilometers from the mouth of the Niagara River from 2010 to 2012; and mature female lake trout with surgically implanted acoustic tags were monitored from 2015 to 2019. Genetic analyses confirmed 60% of collected eggs and 93% of collected post-hatch juvenile fish in the Niagara River were lake trout. Tagged female lake trout returned to the Niagara River over consecutive years during the spawning season. The short duration of lake trout presence in the river (mean = 56 days/year) suggests female lake trout use the Niagara River primarily for spawning. Diversity in spawning locations may provide lake trout population’s resilience against environmental variability through a portfolio effect. Improved identification of riverine spawning locations, including their overall contribution to wild recruitment, may be a useful tool for managers to restore a wild-produced population of lake trout in Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

Lake trout spawn primarily in lakes, and the few river-spawning populations that were known in Lake Superior were believed to be extirpated. We confirmed spawning by lake trout in the Dog River, Ontario, during 2013–2016 by the collection of and genetic identification of eggs, and we describe spawning meso- and microhabitat use by spawning fish. Between 2013 and 2016, a total of 277 lake trout eggs were collected from 39 of 137 sampling locations in the river. The majority of eggs (220) were collected at the transition between the estuary and the river channel crossing the beach. Lake trout eggs were most often located near the downstream end of pools in areas characterized by rapid changes in depth or slope, coarse substrates, and increased water velocities, where interstitial flows may occur. Depths in wadeable areas where eggs were found averaged 0.9?m (range: 0.4 to 1.3?m) and substrate sizes consisted of large gravel, cobble, and boulder; comparable to spawning characteristics noted in lakes. Water velocities averaged 0.66?m·s?1 (range: 0.33 to 1.7?m3·s?1) at mid-depth. This information on spawning habitat could be used to help locate other remnant river-spawning populations and to restore river-spawning lake trout and their habitat in rivers that previously supported lake trout in Lake Superior. The Dog River population offers a unique opportunity to understand the ecology of a river spawning lake trout population.  相似文献   

The Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri is an endangered native fish species currently protected under federal and international agreements. The impoundment of riverine habitats by water storages has substantially decreased the availability of dense beds of macrophyte (e.g. Vallisneria nana) in shallow water, the preferred spawning habitat of Australian lungfish. Storage management, such as storage drawdown and maintaining storages at specific levels, may impede establishment and development of dense macrophyte beds, although the effects of storage operation on macrophytes are poorly understood. Storage bathymetry and modelled stream data were used to examine the impact of water level changes (frequency and magnitude) on V. nana habitat within storages and associated riverine areas. Three storages located within the natural range of the Australian lungfish in the Burnett River (Ben Anderson Barrage, Ned Churchward Weir and Paradise Dam) were found to provide limited potential for V. nana habitat when at the full supply level. Furthermore, water storages within the distribution of Australian lungfish fluctuate by ±1 m more frequently in comparison to associated riverine environments. These frequent water level fluctuations challenge the establishment of dense macrophyte beds required for lungfish spawning. Since aquatic macrophytes and streamflow play an integral role in lungfish spawning, management of water storages should focus on releases to the downstream reaches. These releases should mimic natural flow and water temperature regimes to allow establishment and growth of V. nana beds in synchrony with the timing of Australian lungfish spawning. Riverine reaches downstream of storages have the greatest potential for restoration of macrophyte beds. © 2014 Queensland Government, Department of Natural Resources and Mines. River Research and Applications © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The selection of an approach to evaluate habitat suitability for a specific fish or life stage has been a matter of concern in habitat quality modelling studies. This study has taken Jinshaia sinensis, a commercially valuable fish endemic to the Jinsha River, China, as the target fish species. One‐ and two‐dimensional hydrodynamic models were coupled and combined with fish habitat models for a middle reach of the Jinsha River. The resulting ecohydraulic model was used to predict the changes in hydrodynamics and spawning habitat suitability that resulted from the operation of an under‐construction reservoir downstream of the study area. The preference function (product, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and minimum value) and fuzzy logic habitat evaluation methods were compared to predict the spawning habitat suitability of the fish. The model was validated using the numbers of spawning eggs, and the results show that both the arithmetic mean and fuzzy logic method can be used to predict spawning habitat suitability. The model predictions show that the hydrodynamics of the study area would be altered if the impoundment water level exceeded 969 m. During the spawning season, the spawning habitat suitability would increase from April to early June and has little change from early June to July under the impact of the reservoir impoundment. The optimal river discharge rate for fish spawning is ~3,500 m3/s, and this would not change after the reservoir begins operation. This research can benefit other regions that will be affected by planned dams by predicting the impacts of reservoir operation on fish habitat quality, and the results will help decision makers protect the health of rivers and the overall ecosystem.  相似文献   

Condit Dam is one of the largest hydroelectric dams ever removed in the USA. Breached in a single explosive event in October 2011, hundreds‐of‐thousands of cubic metres of sediment washed down the White Salmon River onto spawning grounds of a threatened species, Columbia River tule fall Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. We investigated over a 3‐year period (2010–2012) how dam breaching affected channel morphology, river hydraulics, sediment composition and tule fall Chinook salmon (hereafter ‘tule salmon’) spawning habitat in the lower 1.7 km of the White Salmon River (project area). As expected, dam breaching dramatically affected channel morphology and spawning habitat due to a large load of sediment released from Northwestern Lake. Forty‐two per cent of the project area that was previously covered in water was converted into islands or new shoreline, while a large pool near the mouth filled with sediments and a delta formed at the mouth. A two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model revealed that pool area decreased 68.7% in the project area, while glides and riffles increased 659% and 530%, respectively. A spatially explicit habitat model found the mean probability of spawning habitat increased 46.2% after dam breaching due to an increase in glides and riffles. Shifting channels and bank instability continue to negatively affect some spawning habitat as sediments continue to wash downstream from former Northwestern Lake, but 300 m of new spawning habitat (river kilometre 0.6 to 0.9) that formed immediately post‐breach has persisted into 2015. Less than 10% of tule salmon have spawned upstream of the former dam site to date, but the run sizes appear healthy and stable. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

American shad Alosa sapidissima populations along the Atlantic Coast of North America are near historic lows despite management actions designed to rebuild stocks. Florida's St. Johns River supports the southernmost population of this anadromous species, and as water use in the St. Johns basin increases, there is concern that their spawning may be affected. We assessed American Shad movement and habitat use in the St. Johns River during three spawning migrations (2009–2011) using acoustic telemetry. Spatial distribution patterns of telemetered shad during each year were largely similar; most shad were located within reaches from Lake Monroe (rkm 276) to just downstream of Lake Harney (rkm 308); some individuals made excursions as far upstream as Lake Poinsett (rkm 386+). Water levels varied among years (low‐water level: 2009 and 2011; higher water level: 2010), and lower water levels may have contributed to an apparent constriction of spawning grounds in 2009 and 2011. Telemetered shad selected deeper sections of river with faster currents. Our results verified that the primary spawning grounds for American shad in the St. Johns have not changed substantially in the past 50 years; thus, these areas should rank high for habitat protection. We also demonstrated linkages between American Shad distribution and habitat use and river flow that should be further developed and considered in future water withdrawal, regulation, or conservation efforts. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Saginaw Bay is a shallow, nutrient-rich embayment in Lake Huron that historically had a complex network of natural rocky reefs. These reef habitats were used as spawning and nursery areas for a variety of fish species, but decades of land-use related sedimentation caused many of these reefs to be degraded. Our study objectives were to analyze abiotic and biotic conditions on degraded and remnant reefs and describe spawning patterns of walleye (Sander vitreus) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) at these sites to determine the potential for increased utilization following reef restoration. During fall and spring 2014–2016, we evaluated water quality and egg predation at four sites with varying levels of reef degradation. Further, we documented reproductive utilization through capture of spawning adults and quantification of egg deposition. Walleye and lake whitefish utilized multiple sites for reproduction; however, densities of spawners and deposited eggs were low, suggesting that they were not utilizing study sites as major spawning locations. Walleye and lake whitefish eggs were eaten by multiple fish species, including larger fish such as channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Dissolved oxygen levels were adequate (i.e., >7 mg 02 L?1) during spring walleye egg incubation; however, bottom dissolved oxygen levels became very low at some sites during winter ice cover, coinciding with lake whitefish egg incubation. As restoration of rocky reefs proceeds in the Bay, evidence of remnant reef spawning fish bodes well for long-term success, though potential limiting factors such as low dissolved oxygen, sedimentation, and egg predation require continued monitoring.  相似文献   

Habitat associations of upper Volga river fishes are defined within a cycle of spawning, feeding and overwintering migrations. The migration cycles of resident riverine fishes are categorized as obligate rheophils, limno-rheophils and limnophils. Forty-four fish species in 14 families occurred in the upper Volga River before regulation. Four mainstem reservoirs were constructed on the upper Volga between 1937 and 1957: Ivankovo, Uglich, Rybinsk and Gorky. They are maintained in a stage of delayed and sustained annual flood pulse. Additional impacts of reservoir construction include the creation of a new pelagic habitat, replacement of floodplains by lacustrine littoral and sublittoral habitats, creation of a complex bathyal habitat from former river channels and replacement of riverine flow patterns by pelagic water mass circulations. Populations of rheophilic species declined, while a new pelagophilic fish guild developed. Forty-six fish species are now present; seven species were lost and nine introduced after impoundment. Spawning, feeding and wintering habitats are outlined for reservoir guilds. Ichthyomass increased three to four times following reservoir construction and commercial fish harvest from Rybinsk Reservoir between 1945 and 1992 ranged from 2220 to 4304 t/y. Reservoirs of the upper Volga have limited bioproductivity due to a deficiency and uneven distribution of reproductive habitats, decreasing bottom irregularity, seasonal anomalies of flooding and draining of the littoral and sublittoral and underestimating the importance of tributaries. Lack of littoral reproductive habitat can be remedied by increasing the area of protected littoral through the construction of chains of small islands, diking and reclamation of bogged areas. Improved reproduction of migrating local stocks can be achieved by removing sand bars across tributary mouths, construction of artificial spawning grounds and restoration and preservation of preferred habitats in the main channel.  相似文献   

Generalized habitat criteria for spawning sites of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) using depth, water velocity and substrate size were created based on published information. In addition, information on critical intragravel conditions for egg development was summarized. Salmon spawned mostly in relatively deep, swift‐velocity habitats (20–50 cm, 35–65 cm s?1), whereas trout selected slightly shallower and slower flowing spawning sites (15–45 cm, 20–55 cm s?1). Salmon and trout preferred pebbles (16–64 mm) for spawning. The minimum oxygen concentration for successful incubation of eggs varies with the developmental stage of eggs, and supply of it may be reduced by deposited fine sediment. Habitat criteria for spawning sites are narrower than those for small juveniles; therefore the use of separate criteria is recommended. In addition to the traditional habitat criteria variables (depth, water velocity, substrate), the critical intragravel factors affecting egg survival should be incorporated in biologically meaningful criteria for spawning habitat modelling. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Precipitation in fall and winter is important to recharge aquifers in Northern California and the Pacific Northwestern United States, causing the baseflow in rivers ascend during the time when Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) construct redds. Herein, we evaluate the availability of spawning habitats under a constant streamflow common in regulated rivers against ascending baseflows patterned from free‐flowing rivers. A binomial logistic regression model was applied to predict the suitability of redd locations based on physical characteristics. Next, two‐dimensional hydrodynamic habitat models were developed at two locations representing a broad range of channel forms common in large rivers. Hydrodynamic and habitat models were leveraged together to simulate the quality, amount, and spatial distribution of spawning habitat at a series of individual flow rates, as well as the combined effect of those flow rates through a spawning season with ascending baseflows. Ascending baseflows increased the abundance of spawning habitat over individual streamflows at a site where the river channel is confined by levee‐like features. However, improvements were greater at an unconfined site that facilitated lateral connectivity and greater expansion of wetted channel area as streamflows increased. Ascending baseflows provided spatial separation in preferred habitats over a spawning season, which may reduce the risk of superimposition among runs or among species. Ascending baseflows provided a benefit across the range of hydrologic regimes in a 100‐year gauge record ranging from 20% to 122% improvements in habitat area over low streamflows that are currently used to manage for spawning habitat. Although replicating natural flow regimes in managed systems can be impossible or impractical, these results demonstrate that incorporating elements of the natural flow regime like ascending baseflows can benefit the restoration and conservation of riverine species.  相似文献   

Sufficient genetic diversity can aid populations to persist in dynamic and fragmented environments. Understanding which mechanisms regulate genetic diversity of riverine fish can therefore advance current conservation strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate how habitat fragmentation interacted with population genetic diversity and individual behaviour of freshwater fish in large river systems. We studied a population of the long‐distance migratory, iteroparous freshwater salmonid European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in south‐eastern Norway. Genotyping (n = 527) and radio‐tracking (n = 54) of adult fish throughout a 169‐km river section revealed three major migration barriers limiting gene flow and depleting genetic diversity upstream. Individuals from upstream areas that had dispersed downstream of barriers showed different movement behaviour than local genotypes. No natal philopatry was found in a large unfragmented river section, in contrast to strong fidelity to spawning tributaries known for individuals overwintering in lakes. We conclude that (a) upstream sub‐populations in fragmented rivers show less genetic variation, making it less likely for them to adapt to environmental changes; (b) fish with distinct genotypes in the same habitat can differ in their behaviour; (c) spawning site selection (natal philopatry) can differ between fish of the same species living in different habitats. Together this implies that habitat loss and fragmentation may differently affect individual fish of the same species if they live in different types or sections of habitat. Studying behaviour and genetic diversity of fish can unravel their complex ecology and help minimize human impact.  相似文献   

三峡初期蓄水对典型鱼类栖息地适宜性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三峡工程是长江中游干流最大的骨干工程,蓄水后下游水文情势发生明显改变。分析水库运行后下游水文情势的改变情况,将为了解大型水利工程对河流健康状况的影响程度和开展生态保护提供有意义的信息和帮助。本文选择宜昌站作为研究对象,并以中华鲟和四大家鱼为典型代表物种,研究三峡工程初期蓄水对下游生态系统的影响。结果表明,三峡工程蓄水运行后,(1) 坝下宜昌站生态水文条件发生明显变化,主要表现为多年平均水温上升,多年平均流量、水位和含沙量下降;(2) 非汛期的水温以及汛期的流量、水位和含沙量月径流过程明显改变;(3) 下游生态水文条件的改变,导致中华鲟鲟卵孵化适宜度和四大家鱼产卵适宜度明显降低;(4) 栖息地内生态水文条件的变化是影响中华鲟鲟卵孵化和四大家鱼产卵行为的关键因素,而不是影响中华鲟产卵和四大家鱼鱼卵孵化的关键因素。  相似文献   

Northern form Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma malma) have been designated as a species of Special Concern in Canada due to declines in population abundance and potential threats. Concern over detrimental effects of low flows on population abundance prompted research on how variability in discharge regimes influence habitat availability. Habitat suitability indices for prespawning and spawning adult anadromous Dolly Varden from two streams were integrated into a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic habitat model to assess the effect of flow variability on usable habitat. Regional hydrographs were used to identify an ecologically relevant range of flows that provided optimal spawning habitat for these populations and examine the relationship between abundance and discharge. Adults spawned in the tail end of pools at moderate water depths and water velocities, and used pebble‐ to cobble‐sized substrate for building redds; whereas, prespawning adults occupied deeper pools with moderate velocities and used cobble for cover. Model outputs showed that spawning habitat availability was optimized at flow rates between 1.6 and 3.0 m3/s and between 1.0 and 6.0 m3/s in Fish Hole Creek (FHC) and Little Fish Creek, respectively. A positive relationship between flows during the fall spawning period and abundance of the FHC population suggests that higher flows coinciding with optimal habitat availability may have contributed to positive recruitment. To strengthen and refine this habitat–population relationship for Dolly Varden in this area requires investigation of a broader suite of variables associated with environmental regimes and physical habitat in reaches used for spawning.  相似文献   

In August 2000, a continuous flow release was initiated below a diversion dam in the Bridge River, British Columbia, to rewater 4 km of stream bed that had been without flow for 37 years. Within a month after the start of flows, periphyton and invertebrate populations were present in the previously dry reach. Juvenile salmonids were common downstream of the rewetted reach, but only a few moved upstream to the new habitats after flow restoration. However, adult salmon quickly colonized the rewetted area and spawned 1–8 months after the onset of flow. Age‐0 salmonid abundance was high 1 year later and appeared to be largely due to successful spawning in the new reach rather than the upstream migration of juveniles. We conclude that the full colonization of the new reach will take more than a year as a consequence of the migratory patterns of the salmonids species in the river, and that monitoring programs for habitat restoration should be cognizant of the lags in the response of target populations because of their life histories. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain habitats provide critical spawning and rearing habitats for many large‐river fishes. The paradigm that floodplains are essential habitats is often a key reason for restoring altered rivers to natural flow regimes. However, few studies have documented spatial and temporal utilization of floodplain habitats by adult fish of sport or commercial management interest or assessed obligatory access to floodplain habitats for species' persistence. In this study, we applied telemetry techniques to examine adult fish movements between floodplain and mainstem habitats, paired with intensive light trap sampling of larval fish in these same habitats, to assess the relationships between riverine flows and fish movement and spawning patterns in restored and unmodified floodplain distributaries of the Apalachicola River, Florida. Our intent is to inform resource managers on the relationships between the timing, magnitude and duration of flow events and fish spawning as part of river management actions. Our results demonstrate spawning by all study species in floodplain and mainstem river habitat types, apparent migratory movements of some species between these habitats, and distinct spawning events for each study species on the basis of fish movement patterns and light trap catches. Additionally, Micropterus spp., Lepomis spp. and, to a lesser degree, Minytrema melanops used floodplain channel habitat that was experimentally reconnected to the mainstem within a few weeks of completing the restoration. This result is of interest to managers assessing restoration activities to reconnect these habitats as part of riverine restoration programmes globally. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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