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钱敏  储德义 《中国水利》2005,(13):184-185,188
淮河流域水资源紧缺,污染严重,节约与保护已经成为流域水资源可持续开发利用的最有效途径.针对淮河流域节水现状及存在的问题,分析了淮河流域节水型社会建设的难点,提出政府推进是关键,完善机制和节水技术推广应用是重点的观点,应因地制宜地推进淮河流域节水型社会建设.  相似文献   

河流泥沙科学研究的创新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张红武 《中国水利》2004,(22):19-21
在从事科研工作的实际中,总结出河流泥沙科学研究的创新方法.科技创新的前提条件是,选择工程实际中涉及河流泥沙学科的有价值的重大课题.通过制订正确的技术路线、在前人的假设中寻找创新的突破口、敢于突破原有的理论束缚而勇闯禁区,都是取得河流泥沙研究创新成果的重要因素.  相似文献   

学术界对河流分类分级分段等展开了充分研究,但缺乏系统分析及统一认识。基于流域、水系和干流河道河流形态3要素,提出了独立与非独立河流分类方法;对世界范围内55条独立河流与长江非独立支流水系分别进行了分类应用研究和综合排序;初步构建了河流形态学。研究成果包括:(1)独立河流遵循河口优先原则,河流形态复杂性可划归为复合流域水系与复杂干流河道;基于河长与流域面积约0.5次方的相关关系,构建了流域特征长度、流域综合面积和河流弯曲指数3个河流形态特性指标。(2)流域综合面积排序世界前十位的河流是亚马孙河、尼罗河、刚果河、鄂毕河、叶尼塞河、长江、勒拿河、密西西比河、尼日尔河、阿穆尔河;归纳总结的长江流域河流水系“谱系”河流数量为1,4,9,24,49,63,374,581。(3)河流形态学包括河流分类、分级及分段“基石”研究和干流河道形态研究。研究河流分类及增设河流形态学可填补河流地貌学与河床演变学之间的研究空白,逐步形成河流“几何(河流形态学)-运动(河床演变学)-动力特性(河流动力学)”的研究体系。  相似文献   

加强流域综合管理服务经济社会协调发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶建春 《中国水利》2007,(24):69-71
2007年,太湖流域管理局按照水利部党组的部署,在流域水利实践中深入贯彻落实科学发展观,践行可持续发展治水思路,以保障流域防洪、供水、水生态安全和服务经济社会协调发展为目标,认真履行流域管理职责,积极推进流域综合管理与治理。一年来,通过全局干部职工的共同努力,基本完成了年度工作任务,  相似文献   

邓坚 《中国水利》2005,(13):186-188
海河流域水资源短缺且时空分布不均,随着经济社会的快速发展,水资源的供需矛盾异常突出.节水型社会建设将是解决流域水资源匮乏问题的一项最根本、最有效的战略举措.通过分析海河流域面临的水资源形势、节水型社会建设过程中存在的问题,指出了流域管理机构在节水型社会建设中应开展的主要工作,以促进流域节水型社会的建设.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域综合治理与节水型社会建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑浩 《中国水利》2005,(13):197-199
对塔里木河流域综合治理安排的"四源一干"节水工程进行了分析,提出了流域水资源管理节水型社会建设保障措施:一是积极稳妥地进行农林牧结构调整,严格控制灌溉面积;二是遵循当地水资源承载能力,发展特色经济;三是突出节水措施,促进流域经济向高效用水、高产出、高效益方向发展;四是实行水权制度;五是实行严格的取水许可制度;六是加强流域水资源管理节水配套法规体系建设,加大执法力度.  相似文献   

河道采砂管理与构建和谐社会   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
马水山 《中国水利》2006,(22):10-13,23
以水砂资源的可持续利用保障经济社会的可持续发展,维护河流健康,促进人水和谐,意义十分重大。河道非法采砂不仅严重危及公共安全,而且影响当地的社会稳定与和谐。尽管近年来各地各级水行政主管部门依法加强管理,采取了多种积极有效的措施,为创造良好的社会稳定环境及构建和谐社会做了积极、有效的工作。加强河道采砂管理工作的主要对策是构建流域管理与区域管理的和谐关系,但目前河道采砂管理工作中仍然存在着影响社会稳定与和谐的一些消极因素,应进一步完善法规,加强监管。  相似文献   

采用相关数学模型,选择CODMN和氨氮为预测因子,预测允许纳污能力和污染物排放量,预测污染物浓度沿程变化和对下游河段影响范围.通过分析远东国际城项目入河排污口排污对水功能区水质的影响、对生态的影响、对地下水水质的影响以及对第三者的影响,从而论证排污口设置合理性,并提出合理性建议.  相似文献   

The study and management of rivers have undergone a metamorphosis over the last four decades, transitioning from individual sub‐disciplines towards interdisciplinary approaches and an increased focus on viewing riverine landscapes as social‐ecological systems. Within this context, there is a growing emphasis on the need to take resilience‐based approaches to living with rivers in a sustainable way that maximises public security, infrastructure protection, and economic, ecological, and cultural benefits and values. The concept of viewing rivers as social‐ecological systems is gaining traction in science and management discourse; however, the idea is not new, and indigenous knowledge systems consistently place humans within the natural world. Integrating environmental knowledge, in its various forms, plays a key role in understanding issues and developing solutions for freshwater managers, especially in the context of rivers as social‐ecological systems. The 5th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science conference, themed “Integrating Multiple Aquatic Values,” provided a forum for sharing environmental knowledge underpinning freshwater management critical for achieving multiple goals. The papers in this special issue highlight the fundamental properties of rivers as social‐ecological systems and the attempts to integrate multiple values concerned with rivers and their landscapes. From a series of case studies, a set of challenges and opportunities emerge that have the potential to further the management and research of rivers as social‐ecological systems and integrate multiple aquatic values. Key to this is acknowledging and respecting the value that indigenous worldviews and knowledge bring. We also echo the call of other authors that if the overall goals are that rivers, societies, and their interactions are to result in positive social and ecological outcomes for people and rivers, then integrating and respecting multiple values and knowledge systems will be required.  相似文献   

试论河道采砂管理与和谐社会建设   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以水砂资源的可持续利用保障经济社会的可持续发展,维护健康河流,促进人水和谐相处,具有十分重要的意义.介绍了河道非法采砂严重危及公共安全和当地的社会稳定与和谐的具体表现,以及近年来各地各级水行政主管部门依法加强管理,采取多种积极有效的措施,为创造比较良好的社会稳定与和谐环境所做的具体工作,并指出了目前河道采砂管理工作中仍然存在影响社会稳定与和谐的消极因素,提出了新形势下加强河道采砂管理工作的主要对策.  相似文献   

探索南方河网地区节水型社会建设的有效形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫臻 《中国水利》2005,(13):160-162
南方河网地区水资源量丰沛,社会经济发达,由于工业化高速发展,城市化进程加快,水污染加剧,已成为较为严重的水质型缺水地区.南方河网地区建设节水型社会要树立建立社会用水的良性循环观念,促进与水相关的生态循环系统的持续健康和平衡,强调积极预防和主动控制污染,并注重"节水"与"防污"同步并重,加强制度建设,因地制宜建立节水型农业、节水型工业、节水型城镇和社区及节水型农村,建立和完善水安全体系.  相似文献   

New Zealand's Waikato River has had a short but intense history of development, primarily through land‐use change and flow regulation in the upper river, and in the lower river through flood control works, non‐native species invasion, and land‐use intensification. The river undergoes sharp transitions across montane‐flood plain‐coastal environments over a short distance and under similar climate. Together with specialized life‐history requirements of many native fish, these features provide valuable insights into large river ecology and management. Testing approaches to determine outcomes of water quality changes have highlighted the value of functional indicators over traditional biotic measures for monitoring anthropogenic impacts. Initiatives to enhance native fish populations in the lower river have included remediation of migration barriers to improve access to tributary habitat, enhancement of tidal spawning habitat, and traps and gates to limit movement of large pest fish into flood plain lakes for spawning. This example of a southern temperate large river system highlights the importance of recruitment habitat and connectivity for native fish communities dominated by migratory species. Their slender bodies provide opportunities to create semipermeable barriers that enable access to flood plain habitats while restricting larger invasive fish. Recent initiatives have increased momentum to restore the ecological health of this river, but the underpinning science to guide priority actions is often lacking, and there is limited monitoring over the scales and time frames required to evaluate effectiveness.  相似文献   

加强流域水资源管理促进节水型社会建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓涌涌  李立 《中国水利》2005,(15):18-19
建设节水型社会是解决我国水资源短缺问题的根本出路.流域管理机构参与节水型社会建设以流域综合规划为基础,以明晰和分配初始水权为核心,以实施取水许可制度为重点,将流域控制性工程纳入流域统一管理,建立流域水法规体系,充分发挥流域管理对节水型社会建设的促进作用.  相似文献   

The contribution of citizen scientists to worldwide environmental monitoring has increased rapidly, particularly over the last two decades, as initiatives have become increasingly wide ranging in scope and style. River monitoring and assessment faces many challenges, especially over the longer‐term. Difficult decisions are being made over what can be measured and where. Citizen scientists are helping address these challenges by providing information on properties of river ecosystems, in particular biotic and water quality indicators, at lower cost and higher spatial and temporal coverage than would otherwise be possible and by contributing to data interpretation especially through their local knowledge. A notable deficit, however, has been the monitoring of physical characteristics and outcomes of physical interventions. Furthermore, the development of frameworks, such as the catchment partnership approach in the United Kingdom, within which volunteers, non‐governmental organisations, charities, and statutory bodies collaborate to improve understanding of river environments and decision making, is facilitating the engagement needed to support a new generation of integrated citizen science surveys. Within the United Kingdom, citizen scientists use the Modular River Survey to record river habitat data at a range of spatial scales to monitor physical changes and complement biological monitoring, notably the Riverfly Monitoring Initiative and associated “Riverfly Plus” surveys. They also collect geomorphological data and provide data for restoration appraisal. We present and analyse Modular River Survey data to illustrate how such new generation, multiscale, multipurpose monitoring methods can extract maximum value from the ever‐increasing citizen river science approach.  相似文献   

Whereas 6 decades ago little attention was accorded to the influence of human activity on affecting river channel adjustment, great progress has been made subsequently, with many contributions published in River Research and Applications. Many concepts have been involved, and this paper considers how they have arisen and developed during a sequence of complementary research stages. The first stage during the 1970s and 1980s, including research by Geoff Petts, involved “recognition of change” and saw the emergence of two separate research strands focused on different timescales: over shorter timescales river channel adjustments affected by the impacts of dams and reservoirs, channelization, land use changes, and urban effects; over longer timescales investigations of river metamorphosis. The second “realization” stage involved significant advances in understanding by considering interaction between these two timescales, more detailed investigations of changing processes, a more holistic catchment‐based approach, and incorporation of ecological changes. These advances led into the third stage, “application” of results, stimulated by analysis of the effects of hard and soft engineering, development of international drivers such as the Water Framework Directive, and concern for what is “natural.” This paper evaluates this sequence of stages, the concepts that have emerged, the extent to which they are consistent and sustainable, and how they can provide the foundation for evaluation of channel adjustments. The effects of urbanization in Fountain Hills, Arizona, USA provide an illustration. Finally, the future requirement for adaptation of existing concepts and the possible development of new ones is briefly considered in the context of global environmental changes.  相似文献   

Permanent international river basin organizations (IRBOs) come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from those which are mainly facilitative in nature to those empowered to act on their own. Although differences in IRBO types may have important impacts on transboundary water resources management, systematic analysis of variation in their structure and responsibilities is scant. This paper synthesizes and applies a typology to determine the structural composition, abundance, spatial distribution, scale and in-basin configurations of the different forms of IRBOs. The results provide a set of options for future IRBOs, and serve to ground-truth and nuance theoretical divisions between different types of organizations in transboundary basins.  相似文献   

从天台县始丰溪流域治理谈山溪性河道整治的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山溪性河道洪灾发生频数高,涉及面广,危害性大,河道整治的技术要求高。近年来,天台县对始丰溪流域进行了大规模整治,总结其中的一些具体做法和经验教训,对进一步搞好山溪性河道整治工作提供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

程绪水 《治淮》2004,(12):10-12
淮河是我国第一条进行流域水污染综合治理的大江大河,列入了"九五"、"十五"国家治理重点.1994年5月,国务院环委会在安徽省蚌埠市组织召开了第一次淮河流域环保执法检查现场会,揭开了淮河治污序幕,经过10年努力,淮河流域严重水污染局面得到了初步控制.10年后,淮河流域水污染问题再次成为全社会关注的热点,尤其是今年7月淮河中下游出现的水污染过程,反映出淮河治污的艰巨性和长期性.最近,国务院副总理曾培炎在淮河流域水污染防治现场会讲话中指出,淮河流域的总体治理目标,就是要从根本上消除水污染,实现流域生态系统的良性循环,再造一条山清水秀的新淮河.这不仅是水污染防治工作的目标,也是对水资源保护工作提出的要求.  相似文献   

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