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城市河道护岸规划设计中的生态模式 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
城市河道生态护岸具有滞洪补枯与调节水位、增强水体自净能力及保护生物植被的功能。介绍了生态护岸的基本类型和适用范围,使用中应根据河岸的具体情况,创造生态、景观、工程等多方面融合的护岸形式。 相似文献
中国中小河道生态治理与修复策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对我国目前中小河道治理中存在的问题与原因,提出河道生态治理和修复的对策:加强生态技术的应用,改变条块分割的中小河道管理体制;引入市场竞争机制,制定科学长效考核方式;分类施策以提高工作效率和资金使用效率;严厉查处非法侵占河道、湿地及滨水区的行为;高度重视生活垃圾和生猪养殖对河道的污染;大力推进水体污染物减排;减少水资源消耗,等。 相似文献
在简要介绍城市河流系统治理策略的基础上,详细论述其在鹅颈水生态修复中的应用。鹅颈水治理以流域为空间单位,准确把握河流主要问题,综合考量水资源、水安全、水环境、水生态、水文化,坚持工程和非工程措施并重,分阶段逐步实现洪水风险管理、外源污染控制、河流水质修复、河流生态系统恢复的目标。结果表明,鹅颈水目前已基本消除黑臭,水质逐渐提升至国家地表水Ⅳ类水标准。提出进一步加强河流生态系统恢复、优化管理制度、逐步建立全过程和全指标生态监测评估体系、实施弹性管理等鹅颈水系统治理措施。 相似文献
为构建中国河流自然风景价值保护的可实施途径,通过剖析中美相关政策与案例,针对中国西部河流分类提出了3种模式:基于国家公园与自然保护地体系构建的"自然型"河流保护模式,在具有突出价值的已开发河流上的"共生型"河流保护模式,在已建水利工程面临退役的河流上的"修复型"河流保护模式。基于中国河流保护的特殊性提出以下保护策略:"自然型"河流应从国土空间规划角度,进行河流价值识别、环境影响评估与低影响自然体验教育项目引入;"共生型"河流应从低收益高消耗向高收益低影响发展方式转变,推进协调保护与开发矛盾的河流立法、基础科学研究与构建多方对话平台;"修复型"河流应从干流开发优先、支流保护优先角度,加强多学科参与河流修复试点项目的合作。 相似文献
为了掌握湖北省天门市水环境质量状况,制定水生态环境恢复和保护规划,选择该市主要河湖典型断面进行了水质监测分析。分析结果表明,天门市城区河流、湖泊、沟渠的水质均为劣Ⅴ类,水生态系统遭受破坏,水体的污染已经成为制约当地社会经济发展的制约因素。根据对该市水环境状况的分析,制定了水污染控制规划、城市生态水网规划、城市水体生态修复与滨水景观规划、河道综合整治规划以及水生态管理保障体系建设规划。 相似文献
参考国内外相关研究成果,在全面掌握我国城市河湖水生态环境现状与问题的基础上,采用层次分析法、隶属度函数计算等分析方法,建立了城市河湖水生态系统的评价指标体系与评价标准,并以江苏省为例,利用历史数据以及监测资料,对城市河湖水生态环境现状进行了实证分析。结果表明,所构建的评价指标体系能够对城市河湖水生态环境进行较为全面的分析,可为城市河湖水污染综合治理和城市生态建设提供科学依据与实证参考。 相似文献
基于生态系统分析的河道最小生态需水计算方法研究(Ⅰ) 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了河道生态系统的水文与地形子系统的最小生态需水,提出计算河道水体最小生态需水的方法——水文与河道形态分析法,并建立了计算方法体系.水文与河床形态分析法的基本思想是用尽量少的水维持尽量多的河流特征和功能,并将河流特征和功能维持在一定的水平,以维持河流的生命.还研究了水文、地形和生物子系统,提出计算该子系统最小生态需水的方法——生物空间最小需求法.生物空间最小需求法的基本思想是以鱼类为指示生物,从鱼类对生存空间的最小需求来确定最小生态需水.采用上述两种方法计算了淮河流域颍河周口水文站断面的最小生态流量,为7m^3/s,占多年平均天然流量的5.6%. 相似文献
In Piedmont (Italy) the impact of human beings is causing some deep environmental changes in freshwaters and their inhabitants, so much so that we need to develop some practical tools for immediate use in providing accurate ecological assessments of the freshwater system and of the conditions of the species living there, one of which is Telestes muticellus, an endangered Cyprinidae found in the western Alps and the central Apennines in Italy. We aimed to help manage this species by assessing its presence using two types of data‐mining approaches—decision‐tree models and artificial neural networks. We built models using 10 environmental input variables to classify sites as positive or negative for the species. The unpruned decision tree models classified a high percentage of instances correctly and made accurate predictions, as did the post‐pruned tree models. The post‐pruned methods yielded simpler trees and therefore clearer models. Generally, the artificial neural networks (ANN) performed better than the decision tree models, except in the case of Cohen's k. We used the sensitivity analysis technique to understand which inputs are the most important ones for building the ANN model we obtained. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The northern Shaanxi province of China has severe water shortages, especially in coal mining areas, and it is very important to calculate the riverine ecological instream flows (EIFs) and analyse the runoff profit‐loss situation. Using the Kuye River as a case study, the EIF was calculated for different years and seasons using the instream flows rate (IFR) method and compared with the Tennant and the minimum monthly average flow (MAF) methods. The recommended value of the Kuye River EIF was obtained by an analysis of the results of these three methods. The river runoff profit‐loss situation associated with the EIF was also calculated and the main reason for the loss explained. The Kuye River EIF was calculated to be 1.69 to 11.14 m3/s by the IFR method, 1.94 to 8.50 m3/s by the Tennant method, and 3.81 to 10.87 m3/s by the MAF method. Based on these results, the EIF annual recommended value of the Kuye River was 4.00 m3/s for the 1961–2010 period. The wet season (July–October), average season (March–June), and dry season (November–following Feb) EIFs were 6.50, 3.50, and 2.00 m3/s, respectively. The Kuye River had a large surplus runoff within the EIF prior to1999, but from 1999 to 2010, the runoff and EIF were very close and the April to June average runoff did not meet the EIF. The main factors that affected the river runoff were rainfall, temperature, water and soil conservation, coal mining, and water consumption for industry and domestic use, with coal mining becoming a more important factor since 1999. This case study provides important technical support and guidance for the ecological restoration of the Kuye River basin, and the concept can be applied to other similar coal mining areas. 相似文献