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Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of a series of adducts formed by the Co(II)-substituted R-state insulin hexamer are reported. The His-B10 residues in this hexamer form tris imidazole chelates in which pseudotetrahedral Co(II) centers are completed by an exogenous fourth ligand. This study investigates how the MCD signatures of the Co(II) center in this unit are influenced by the chemical and steric characteristics of the fourth ligand. The spectra obtained for the adducts formed with halides, pseudohalides, trichloroacetate, nitrate, imidazole, and 1-methylimidazole appear to be representative of near tetrahedral Co(II) geometries. With bulkier aromatic ligands, more structured spectra indicative of highly distorted Co(II) geometries are obtained. The MCD spectrum of the phenolate adduct is very similar to those of Co(II)-carbonic anhydrase (alkaline form) and Co(II)-beta-lactamase. The MCD spectrum of the Co(II)-R6-CN- adduct is very similar to the CN- adduct of Co(II)-carbonic anhydrase. The close similarity of the Co(II)-R6-pentafluorophenolate and Co(II)-R6-phenolate spectra demonstrates that the Co(II)-carbonic anhydrase-like spectral profile is preserved despite a substantial perturbation in the electron withdrawing nature of the coordinated phenolate oxygen atom. We conclude that this type of spectrum must arise from a specific Co(II) coordination geometry common to each of the Co(II) sites in the Co(II)-R6-phenolate, Co(II)-R6-pentafluorophenolate, Co(II)-beta-lactamase, and the alkaline Co(II)-carbonic anhydrase species. These spectroscopic results are consistent with a trigonally distorted tetrahedral Co(II) geometry (C3v), an interpretation supported by the pseudotetrahedral Zn(II)(His)3(phenolate) center identified in a Zn(II)-R6 crystal structure (Smith, G. D., and Dodson, G. G. (1992) Biopolymers 32, 441-445).  相似文献   

The DNA binding properties of a series of imidazole-containing and C-terminus-modified analogues 4-7 of distamycin are described. These analogues contain one to four imidazole units, respectively. Data from the ethidium displacement assay showed that these compounds bind in the minor groove of DNA, with the relative order of binding constants of 6 (Im3) > 7 (Im4) > 5 (Im2) > 4 (Im1). The reduced binding constants of these compounds for poly(dA-dT) relative to distamycin, while they still interact strongly with poly(dG-dC), provided evidence of GC sequence acceptance. The preferences for GC-rich sequences by these compounds were established from a combination of circular dichroism (CD) titration, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), and methidiumpropylethylenediaminetetraacetate-iron(II) [MPE.Fe-(II)] footprinting studies. In the CD studies, these compounds produced significantly larger DNA-induced ligand bands with poly(dG-dC) than poly(dA-dT) at comparable ligand concentrations. 1H-NMR studies of the binding of 5 to d-[CATGGCCATG]2 provided further evidence of the recognition of GC sequences by these compounds, and suggested that the ligand was located on the underlined sequence in the minor groove with the C-terminus oriented over the T residue. MPE footprinting studies on a GC-rich BamHI/SalI fragment of pBR322 provided unambiguous evidence for the GC sequence selectivity for some of these compounds. Compounds 4 and 7 produced poor footprints on the gels; however, analogues 5 and 6 gave strong footprints.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Variable temperature magnetic circular dichroism spectra have been measured on oxidised Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin. Evidence has been obtained for the presence of two one-electron charge-transfer transitions, sulphur to ferric ion, in the region 15 000 to 28 000 cm-1. The first moment of the lower energy band is consistent with it being the orbital transition t1 non-bonding sulphur orbital, to the 2 e ferric d-orbital. The magnitude of the spin-orbit coupling constant in the lower excited state has been determined and shown to be small compared with the axial distortion. The splitting of the low energy band observed in the absorption spectrum can therefore be equated directly with the axial distortion of the lowest excited charge-transfer state. Finally, the potential utility of making saturation experiments at very low temperatures has been examined.  相似文献   

Near-ultraviolet difference absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectra were recorded upon recombination of synthetic S-peptide analogs, i.e. 1epsilon, 7epsilon-diguanidino-[Tyr8]-,1epsilon,7epsilon-diguanidono-[Asn14]-, [Phe(F)8, Orn10]- and 1epsilon, 7epsilon-diguanidino-S-peptide, with S-protein. Environmental alterations of Phe-8 in the S-peptide and Tyr-25 in the S-protein, derived from the association process, lead to strong optical signals whose location and magnitude were clearly defined by means of a comparative analysis of the above spectra. Additionally, the spectroscopic effects resulting from insertion of a tyrosyl residue into an hydrophobic environment in the presence or absence of hydrogen-bonding partners were identified and compared with similar findings obtained from the model compound p-cresol.  相似文献   

The iron storage protein bacterioferritin (BFR) consists of 24 identical subunits, each containing a dinuclear metal binding site called the ferroxidase center, which is essential for fast iron core formation. Cobalt(II) binding to wild-type and site-directed variants of Escherichia coli BFR was studied by optical and magnetic techniques. Data from absorption spectroscopy demonstrate the binding of two cobalt(II) ions per subunit of wild-type and heme-free BFR, each with a pseudotetrahedral or pentacoordinate geometry, and EPR studies show that the two cobalt(II) ions are weakly magnetically coupled. Studies of variants of BFR in which a single glutamic acid residue at the ferroxidase center is replaced by alanine confirm that this is the site of cobalt(II) binding, since the altered centers bind only one cobalt(II) ion. This work shows that the electroneutrality of the ferroxidase center is preserved on binding a pair of divalent metal ions. Optical and EPR data show that cobalt(II) binding to BFR exhibits positive cooperativity, with an average Kd of approximately 1 x 10(-5) M. The favored filling of the ferroxidase center with pairs of metal ions may have mechanistic implications for the iron(II) binding process. Discrimination against oxidation of single iron(II) ions avoids odd electron reduction products of oxygen.  相似文献   

1. Low temperature magnetic circular dichroism spectra of high and low spin derivatives of metmyoglobin and myoglobin have been measured in the Soret and high wavelength regions. 2. The large difference in intensity of the Soret magnetic circular dichroism bands suggest that a correlation exists between the signal intensity and spin state of the heme-iron. 3. From a comparison of the high and low spin sepctra of the myoglobin derivatives it is concluded that oxymyoglobin contains between 10 and 20% of a ferrous high spin component below 100 degrees K.  相似文献   

The addition of Hg(ClO4)2(Hg(II)) to 2'-deoxyadenosine (dA), thymidine (dT), to their respective 5'-monophosphates (dAp,dTp) as well as to the dinucleoside phosphates 2'-deoxyadenylyl-(3'-->5')-2'-deoxyadenosine (d(ApA)), 2-deoxyadenylyl-(3'-->5')thymidine(d(ApT)), thymidylyl-(3'-->5')-2'-deoxyadenosine (d(TpA)), and thymidylyl-(3'-->5')thymidine (d(TpT))--all dissolved in 0.1 M NaClO4, 5 mM cacodylic acid buffer, pH 7--produces major alterations in the circular dichroism (CD) of the dimers but no or only small changes in the CD of the monomers. Of particular interest are the Hg(II)-induced changes in the CD of d(ApT) and d(TpA): they are strongly sequence-dependent and, within reason, progress in a "mirror"-like fashion when the concentration of Hg(II) is varied. In the absence of Hg(II), the CD of the dimers is conservative (d(TpT)), or near-conservative (d(ApA), d(ApT), d(TpA)), but becomes nonconservative upon the addition of Hg(II). The rotational strength R of the various Cotton effects of the dimers was evaluated as a function of Hg(II) concentration. Features of the CD spectra of mercurated d(ApA) and d(TpT) persist in the CD spectra of mercurated poly[d(A).(T)], but there is little obvious agreement of the CD spectra of mercurated d(ApT) and d(TpA) with the CD of mercurated poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)].  相似文献   

Fe(III), Cu(II), Co(III), and Mn(III) complexes of ovo- and human serum transferrins show resonance enhanced Raman bands near 1600, 1500, 1270, and 1170 cm-1 upon excitation with laser frequencies which fall within the visible absorption bands of those metalloproteins. Comparison of the visible absorption and resonance Raman spectra of the Cu(II)-transferrin complexes with those for the Cu(II) model compound, bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenolato)diimidazolecopper(II) monohydrate, indicates that the resonance Raman bands are due to enhancement of phenolic vibrational modes. For the model (Cu(II) compound, a normal coordinate analysis was used to aid our assignment of the observed resonance bands at 1562, 1463, 1311, and 1122 cm-1 to A1 vibrational modes of the 2,4,6-trichlorophenolato moiety. These assignments are consistent with those made for Cu(II)-transferrins. The latter assignments were based upon calculated A1 frequencies for p-methylphenol (Cummings, D.L., and Wood, J.L. (1974), J. Mol. Struct. 20, 1). The wavelength shifts in the resonance bands for the model compound from those for Cu(II)-transferrins are due to the influence of the chloro substituents on the planar vibrations of phenol. These results clearly identify tyrosine as a ligand in copper binding to transferrins.  相似文献   

[1-Sarcosine,8-isoleucine]angiotensin II (Sar-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Ile) has been shown to be a potent antagonist of the pressor action of angiotensin II. With a view to increase half-life in vivo of this peptide, the amino acid residue at position 4 (tyrosine) or position 5 (isoleucine) was replaced with the corresponding N-methylated residue. This change drastically reduced the antagonistic properties of this analog. The present work was therefore undertaken to investigate the effect of N-methylation on overall conformation of these peptides and to determine the conformational requirements for maximum agonistic or antagonistic properties. Conformation studies were carried out by circular dichroism and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in aqueous solution as a function of pH. The results indicated that: (i) angiotensin II and [1-sarcosine,8-isoleucine]angiotensin II gave practically identical spectroscopic data; and (ii) N-methylation in either position 4 or position 5 resulted in remarkable changes in the peptide backbone and a severe limitation in rotational freedom of side chains in tyrosine, isoleucine, and histidine residues. However, rotational restriction of the tyrosine side chain was found to be less pronounced in [1-sarcosine,4-N-methyltyrosine,8-isoleucine]angiotensin II than in [1-sarcosine,5-N-methylisoleucine,8-isoleucine]angiotensin II. Thus, these results suggest that: (i) the backbone and side chain structure of a potent angiotensin II antagonist should resemble that of the hormone, angiotensin II, so that it can mimic the hormone in recognizing and binding with the receptor on the cell membrane; and (ii) greater impact of N-methylation in position 5 on the overall conformation of these peptides points to the controlling influence of position 5 (isoleucine) in aligning the residues in the central segment (tyrosine-isoleucine-histidine) of angiotensin II and its potent agonist and antagonist analogs in a nearly extended structure. Any change in this arrangement may lead to reduced biological activity.  相似文献   

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