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Vitronectin receptors α v β 3 and α v β 5 have emerged as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of osteoporosis, restenosis, ocular disease, tumor‐induced angiogenesis, metastasis, and sickle‐cell anemia. Among a collection of compounds, a new potent integrin antagonist was synthesized, and its binding toward the αvβ3 and αvβ5 receptors was evaluated. This molecule is a suitable candidate as a vector for therapeutics and diagnostics.


The αvβ3 integrin receptor plays an important role in tumor metastasis and tumor‐induced angiogenesis. The inhibition of this receptor with diverse ligands, antibodies, or cyclic peptides is a promising research field for the treatment of a variety of tumors. The replacement of Phe‐(Me)Val dipeptide by a β‐lactam ring in Cilengitide has led to new products that show higher inhibitory activity than the parent cyclopeptide. In particular, substitution of a peptide bond β‐lactam‐NH‐Asp linkage by a β‐lactam‐O‐Asp ester linkage increases the activity of the new cyclodepsipeptide. In the same way it has been found that open‐chain compounds of the form Asp‐β‐lactam‐Arg can interact with the receptor and inhibit its activity moderately. The integrin inhibitory activity of the synthesized compounds has been established by using the CGH array, a method that appears to be a more reliable trial than the classical adhesion test.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of novel chelates of Gd and (68)Ga with DPTA, DOTA, HP-DOA3, as well as with AAZTA, a novel chelating agent developed by our research group. These chelating agents were appropriately conjugated, prior to metal complexation, with DB58, an RGD peptidomimetic, conformationally constrained on an azabicycloalkane scaffold and endowed with high affinity for integrin α(ν)β(3) . Because α(ν)β(3) is involved in neo-angiogenesis in solid tumors and is also directly expressed in cancer cells (e.g. glioblastomas, melanomas) and ovarian, breast, and prostate cancers, these constructs could prove useful as molecular imaging probes in cancer diagnosis by MRI or PET techniques. Molecular modeling, integrin binding assays, and relaxivity assessments allowed the selection of compounds suitable for multiple expression on dendrimeric or nanoparticulate structures. These results also led us to an exploratory investigation of (68)Ga complexation for the promising (68)Ga-PET technique; the AAZTA complex 15((68)Ga) exhibited uptake in a xenograft model of glioblastoma, suggesting potentially useful developments with new probes with improved affinity.  相似文献   

We investigated the antimicrobial activities of N-substituted glycine "peptoid" oligomers incorporating cationic and hydrophobic side chains. Head-to-tail macrocyclization was employed to enhance antimicrobial activity. Both linear and cyclic peptoids, ranging from six to ten residues, demonstrate potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These peptoids do not cause significant lysis of human erythrocytes, indicating selective antimicrobial activity. Conformational ordering established upon macrocyclization is generally associated with an enhanced capacity to inhibit bacterial cell growth. Moreover, increased hydrophobic surface area also plays a role in improving antimicrobial activity. We demonstrate the potency of a cyclic peptoid in exerting antimicrobial activity against clinical strains of S. aureus while deterring the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

Currently, the clinical impact of cell therapy after a myocardial infarction (MI) is limited by low cell engraftment due to low cell retention, cell death in inflammatory and poor angiogenic infarcted areas, secondary migration. Cells interact with their microenvironment through integrin mechanoreceptors that control their survival/apoptosis/differentiation/migration and proliferation. The association of cells with a three-dimensional material may be a way to improve interactions with their integrins, and thus outcomes, especially if preparations are epicardially applied. In this review, we will focus on the rationale for using collagen as a polymer backbone for tissue engineering of a contractile tissue. Contractilities are reported for natural but not synthetic polymers and for naturals only for: collagen/gelatin/decellularized-tissue/fibrin/Matrigel™ and for different material states: hydrogels/gels/solids. To achieve a thick/long-term contractile tissue and for cell transfer, solid porous compliant scaffolds are superior to hydrogels or gels. Classical methods to produce solid scaffolds: electrospinning/freeze-drying/3D-printing/solvent-casting and methods to reinforce and/or maintain scaffold properties by reticulations are reported. We also highlight the possibility of improving integrin interaction between cells and their associated collagen by its functionalizing with the RGD-peptide. Using a contractile patch that can be applied epicardially may be a way of improving ventricular remodeling and limiting secondary cell migration.  相似文献   

Herein we report the synthesis of a set of constrained peptidomimetics endowed with an electrophilic vinyl ester warhead and structurally related to a previously identified lead compound, a potent and irreversible inhibitor of falcipain‐2 (FP‐2). FP‐2 is the main hemoglobinase of the malaria parasite P. falciparum. The new compounds were evaluated for their inhibition against FP‐2, and the results were rationalized on the basis of docking experiments. These studies underscore the pivotal role of both the ester function at the P1′ site and the trifluoromethyl group of the P3 side chain in determining the correct orientation of the Michael acceptor warhead in the catalytic site, and as a consequence, the potency of the inhibitors as well as their reversible or irreversible mode of inhibition.  相似文献   

The inhibition of amyloid formation is a promising therapeutic approach for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Peptide‐based inhibitors, which have been widely investigated, are generally derived from original amyloid sequences. Most interestingly, trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide of α‐glucose, is effective in preventing the aggregation of numerous proteins. We have determined that the development of hybrid compounds could provide new molecules with improved properties that might synergically increase the potency of their single moieties. In this work, the ability of Ac‐LPFFD‐Th, a C‐terminally trehalose‐conjugated derivative, to slow down the Aβ aggregation process was investigated by means of different biophysical techniques, including thioflavin T fluorescence, dynamic light scattering, ESI‐MS, and NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, we demonstrate that Ac‐LPFFD‐Th modifies the aggregation features of Aβ and protects neurons from Aβ oligomers' toxic insult.  相似文献   

An alkaline cellulase ß-1,4-endoglucanase; NK1) froman alkalophilk Bacillus sp. shows great similarity in aminoacid sequence to a neutral cellulase (BSC) from Bacillus subtilis,despite a considerable difference in their pH activity profiles.Multiple amino acid exchanges by site-directed mutagenesis,using BSC as the reference, were performed on the residues inregion 5 of NK1, which was previously shown to be responsiblefor the high enzyme activity of this alkaline cellulase in abroad alkaline pH range. Two amino acid residues, Ser287 andAla296, were identified as being responsible for the activityin the alkaline range. The double mutation, Ser287 to Asn andAla296 to Ser, of NK1 made its pH activity profile almost thesame as that of BSC. On the other hand, the pH activity profilein the acidic range was not significantly affected by variousamino acid replacements including these two positions in region5. This observation, together with the information availableon other endoglucanases, suggests that the above two amino acidsubstitutions caused a profound effect through rearrangementof the hydrogen bond network forming the substrate-binding siteor the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The adsorption of phenylalanine, aspartic acid, asparagine and aspartame from phosphate-buffered aqueous solutions with modified divinyl-benzene-polystyrene resins has been investigated using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The pH studied was 2.8, the temperature range was 293-313 K and the ionic strength was maintained at 1.0 mol dm?3. Over the range of variables investigated, the adsorption isotherms are linear and may be characterized by temperature and pH-dependent apparent adsorption equilibrium constants, characteristic of the resin-adsorbate system. By studying the dependence on temperature of this adsorption constant, heats of adsorption and entropy of adsorption have been estimated. In terms of the heat liberated on adsorption, the amino acids and a dipeptide can be ranked thus: aspartame > phenylalanine > aspartic acid > asparagine.  相似文献   

Solute carrier proteins (SLCs) are membrane proteins controlling fluxes across biological membranes and represent an emerging class of drug targets. Here we searched for inhibitors of divalent metal transporters in a library of 1,676 commercially available 3D-shaped fragment-like molecules from the generated database GDB-17, which lists all possible organic molecules up to 17 atoms of C, N, O, S and halogen following simple criteria for chemical stability and synthetic feasibility. While screening against DMT1 (SLC11A2), an iron transporter associated with hemochromatosis and for which only very few inhibitors are known, only yielded two weak inhibitors, our approach led to the discovery of the first inhibitor of ZIP8 (SLC39A8), a zinc transporter associated with manganese homeostasis and osteoarthritis but with no previously reported pharmacology, demonstrating that this target is druggable.  相似文献   

Eighteen coumarin derivatives were tested as inhibitors of oxidosqualene cyclases (OSCs) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trypanosoma cruzi, Pneumocystis carinii, Homo sapiens, and Arabidopsis thaliana, all expressed in an OSC-defective strain of S. cerevisiae.35 All the compounds have an aminoalkyl chain bound to an aromatic nucleus; unconventional synthetic procedures (microwave- and ultrasound-promoted reactions) were successfully used to prepare some of them. The most interesting structure-dependent difference in inhibitory activities was observed with an N-oxide group replacement of the tertiary amino group at the end of the side chain. An interesting species specificity also emerged: T. cruzi OSC was the least sensitive enzyme; P. carinii and A. thaliana OSCs were the most sensitive. The remarkable activities of three compounds on the T. cruzi enzyme and of five of them on the P. carinii enzyme suggest the present series as a promising compound family for the development of novel antiparasitic agents.  相似文献   

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