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The present study aims to compare differences in reported risky driving behaviors of drivers – males and females – having and not having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), by using a checklist of driving behaviors based on the Driving Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ). Unlike the studies which employ the DBQ by asking the subjects to fill the questionnaire once, in this present study, the participants were asked to report their behaviors on a daily basis for 30 consequent days. The checklist included two factors of risky driving behavior: Violation and Faults. Thirty-eight drivers – 10 males and 9 females with ADHD, and 9 males and 10 females without ADHD (N-ADHD) as control groups – participated in the study. The results showed that the mean of the unsafe behaviors of ADHD was higher, i.e., less safe driving, compared to that of N-ADHD. However, a statistically significant effect was found only between male ADHD and male N-ADHD for the Faults. In order to check the effect of the length of the study, the 30 days duration of the research was divided into three consecutive periods. The reported driving habits of the female ADHD showed safer behaviors than those of the males. Unlike the findings of N-ADHD of both genders, which showed a tendency towards safer driving reports in the three periods, both genders of the ADHD showed higher rates of Faults, i.e., a decrease in safety driving reports, in the three periods. The findings suggest that ADHD drivers differ from the N-ADHD drivers in making driving mistakes, i.e., Faults, due to their lack of sustained attention, but not in making Violations. However, some of the results in the present study were not very strong. Possible explanations for this as well as methodological considerations are discussed, and further research is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of an on-road procedure, the Driving Observation Schedule (DOS), for monitoring individual driving behavior. DOS was developed for use in the Candrive/Ozcandrive five-year prospective study of older drivers. Key features included observations in drivers’ own vehicles, in familiar environments chosen by the driver, with start/end points at their own homes. Participants were 33 drivers aged 75+ years, who drove their selected route with observations recorded during intersection negotiation, lane-changing, merging, low speed maneuvers and maneuver-free driving. Driving behaviors were scored by a specialist occupational therapy driving assessor and another trained observer. Drivers also completed a post-drive survey about the acceptability of DOS. Vehicle position, speed, distance and specific roadways traveled were recorded by an in-vehicle device installed in the participant's vehicle; this device was also used to monitor participants’ driving over several months, allowing comparison of DOS trips with their everyday driving. Inter-rater reliability and DOS feasibility, acceptability and ecological validity are reported here. On average, drivers completed the DOS trip in 30.48 min (SD = 7.99). Inter-rater reliability measures indicated strong agreement between the trained and the expert observers: intra-class correlations (ICC) = 0.905, CI 95% 0.747–0.965, p < 0.0001; Pearson product correlation, r (18) = .83, p < 0.05. Standard error of the measurement (SEM), method error (ME) and coefficient of variation (CV) measures were consistently small (3.0, 2.9 & 3.3%, respectively). Most participants reported being ‘completely at ease’ (82%) with the driving task and ‘highly familiar with the route’ (97%). Vehicle data showed that DOS trips were similar to participants’ everyday driving trips in roads used, roadway speed limits, drivers’ average speed and speed limit compliance. In summary, preliminary findings suggest that DOS can be scored reliably, is of feasible duration, is acceptable to drivers and representative of everyday driving. Pending further research with a larger sample and other observers, DOS holds promise as a means of quantifying and monitoring changes in older drivers’ performance in environments typical of their everyday driving.  相似文献   

Driver inattention is a significant cause of motor vehicle collisions and incidents. The purpose of this study was to translate the Attention-Related Driving Error Scale (ARDES) into Chinese and to verify its reliability and validity. A total of 317 drivers completed the Chinese version of the ARDES, the Dula Dangerous Driving Index (DDDI), the Attention-Related Cognitive Errors Scale (ARCES) and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) questionnaires. Specific sociodemographic variables and traffic violations were also measured. Psychometric results confirm that the ARDES-China has adequate psychometric properties (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.88) to be a useful tool for evaluating proneness to attentional errors in the Chinese driving population. First, ARDES-China scores were positively correlated with both DDDI scores and number of accidents in the prior year; in addition, ARDES-China scores were a significant predictor of dangerous driving behavior as measured by DDDI. Second, we found that ARDES-China scores were strongly correlated with ARCES scores and negatively correlated with MAAS scores. Finally, different demographic groups exhibited significant differences in ARDES scores; in particular, ARDES scores varied with years of driving experience.  相似文献   

介绍了Windows环境WDM模式驱动程序的基本情况,并以具体PCI视频采集卡为例给 出了技术的实现办法。驱动程序为视频采集卡提供了与PC机通讯的方式,有效地控制采集卡存储数据。  相似文献   

Driving speed and the risk of road crashes: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Driving speed is an important factor in road safety. Speed not only affects the severity of a crash, but is also related to the risk of being involved in a crash. This paper discusses the most important empirical studies into speed and crash rate with an emphasis on the more recent studies. The majority of these studies looked at absolute speed, either at individual vehicle level or at road section level. Respectively, they found evidence for an exponential function and a power function between speed and crash rate. Both types of studies found evidence that crash rate increases faster with an increase in speed on minor roads than on major roads. At a more detailed level, lane width, junction density, and traffic flow were found to interact with the speed-crash rate relation. Other studies looked at speed dispersion and found evidence that this is also an important factor in determining crash rate. Larger differences in speed between vehicles are related to a higher crash rate. Without exception, a vehicle that moved (much) faster than other traffic around it, had a higher crash rate. With regard to the rate of a (much) slower moving vehicle, the evidence is inconclusive.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to validate a new version of the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) on a sample of French drivers in order to gain a better understanding of different driver behaviors, by differentiating two types of violations (aggressive and ordinary), three types of errors (dangerous, inattention and inexperience) and by taking positive behaviors into account. 525 drivers (205 men and 320 women), between 18 and 79 years of age, filled in a questionnaire on line including the 41 items in the new version of the DBQ and information relative to their mobility and their accident history. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed a six-factor structure: “dangerous errors”, “inattention errors”, “inexperience errors”, “ordinary violations”, “aggressive violations” and “positive behaviors”. A revised version with 23 items of the new version of the DBQ was produced by selecting the items that loaded most strongly on the six factors. The results also showed the link between demographic variables (age and gender), mobility (kilometers driven weekly), the DBQ scores and the involvement in an accident in the previous five years. This study permitted to validate a more detailed version of the “Driving Behavior Questionnaire” among French drivers of all age and all level of experience.  相似文献   

When or whether elderly drivers stop driving is concerning not only to the drivers themselves but also to their family members. Therefore, it is important for family members to take the initiative if they wish to obtain information on the likelihood of the drivers’ involvement in crashes. On the basis of the older drivers’ Everyday Behavior Questionnaire (EBQ) developed in this paper, we attempt to predict drivers’ involvement in crashes using the responses given by their family members. The results revealed that this 14-item questionnaire has a sufficient level of internal consistency as well as a significant correlation (r = 0.29) with the experience of involvement in crashes in the last three years (p < 0.01). Although the EBQ is a proxy-reported questionnaire and does not include items directly related to driving behaviors, the correlation between the EBQ and crash involvement is stronger than that of the self-reported Driver Behavior Questionnaire reported in deWinter and Dodou (2010), who conducted a meta-analysis and estimated the overall correlation among samples of earlier studies. In addition, logistic regression analysis showed that the EBQ score and the exposure to driving risks, measured by the frequency of driving, are significant predictors of involvement in crashes.  相似文献   

Previous research has noted that novice drivers are at greatest risk of an accident. One reason that has been reported for this is that they have not developed the optimum visual search strategies of their more experienced counterparts. One might expect that new drivers might be taught the appropriate visual skills while learning to drive, though this requires instructors to have introspection into their own visual skills before they can be passed on to the student. In addition novice drivers should be able to acquire the instructed skills. This study used an image-based questionnaire to assess driving instructors’ and novice drivers’ priority ratings for attending to different areas of the driving scene across nine scenarios. It was predicted that if instructors and novices have introspection into the relative importance of these different areas, there should be agreement across the sample of participants. Additionally it was considered important to assess which areas of the visual scene are important across all different scenarios and which areas change in priority with a change in scenario. Results showed that for both groups the opinions regarding visual field prioritisation were highly consistent when compared to chance. Despite the rating consistencies, group differences were found, across all scenarios with “Rear View Mirrors” being the visual field with the most frequent observed group differences. Certain categories (“Road Ahead” and “Mirrors”) were highly ranked across all scenarios, while other categories were more scenario specific. We conclude that both groups have insight into some elements of visual search. However, in many occasions the prioritisation was different between driving instructors and novice drivers. It appears that during the learning process the novice drivers did not adopt the prioritisation strategies seen in driving instructors. This has important implications for the teaching of visual skills in driving.  相似文献   

The present study developed a revised version of the driving anger expression inventory (25-items) and a short (15-item) version using data from 551 drivers. Split half factor analyses on both versions confirmed the original four factors; personal physical aggressive expression, use of a vehicle to express anger, verbal aggressive expression and adaptive/constructive expression. The two DAX versions were strongly correlated, demonstrating the suitability of both forms of the scale and the aggressive forms of expression were higher for drivers who reported initiating road rage interactions. Total aggressive expression was also higher for drivers who reported recent crash-related conditions, such as: loss of concentration, losing control of their vehicle, moving violations, near-misses and major crashes. The revised DAX and DAX-short provide shorter versions of the 49-item DAX that can more easily be combined with other questionnaires and require smaller sample sizes to analyse. Further research is required to validate these tools among different samples and populations.  相似文献   

中国保健食品的优势与发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国保健品最大特点与优势是传统养生学与现代营养学及食品科学相结合,历史悠久,近年发展迅速。文章论述了中国保健食品的历史与现状,基本理论与技术内容,行政管理与市场监督,并对目前出现的一些问题及对策进行了讨论。  相似文献   

To increase competitive advantage for manufacturers, collaboration product development (CPD) has recently become an important issue. Based on the CPD concept, this study focuses on the centre-satellite system (CSS) with five major roles (i.e. centre factory) and their interactions and the technology of web services using service-oriented architecture (SOA) to propose a system framework, entitled the collaborative product development framework for centre satellite system (CPDF-CSS). The CPDF-CSS comprises five modules: CF-MA module, DH-MA module, ODM-MA module, OEM-MA module, and EC-MA module. Next, based on the CPDF-CSS, a generic communication component (GCC) is designed for the interoperability among five modules under heterogeneous contexts. Finally, this study presents a case involving the motorcycle industry for evaluating the implementation of CPDF-CSS. The contributions of this study to the CPD are discussed.  相似文献   

在构建竞争要素指标体系的基础上,对我国制造企业进行了问卷调查.调查结果表明,我国制造企业对竞争要素重要性排序是:质量、成本、交货、柔性与创新,但不同行业对竞争要素的重要性排序各有差异,从而为我国企业制定制造战略与制造资源组织模式的构建提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

中药提取新技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对几种中药提取新技术如超临界二氧化碳萃取技术、酶解提取、微波萃取等新技术的原理和特点,以及这些新技术在中药研究中的应用作一综述,为我国中药研究提供参考。  相似文献   

中医的渊源和对中医学发展的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
传统的中医学源远流长,博大精深,疗效显著,由于种种历史原因,加之自身流派众多,传承艰难,流传至今,已不能满足现代社会的发展与要求。中医要发展,须走“医学衷中纳西”的与时俱进之路。中医自身要统一理论认识,统一辩证纲领,统一到“五脏阴阳”之中,以“三维守恒”指导辩证,要明确医学的目的,认识生命的本质和生命运动的机制;要宏观与微观相结合,整体与局部相统一,以唯象涵盖唯物,以辩证指导分析,以调为本,以平为期;要司岁备药,先法制病,对中药剂型进行改进,以适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

中国钢铁工业的现状和发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
钢铁材料良好的综合性能和易于循环利用等特点,至今仍是人类社会发展所需的不可替代的材料。在过去的20年里,中国的钢铁工业取得了巨大的进步,粗钢年产量已超过1×108t,工艺流程和技术不断得到革新和发展,钢铁品种多样化,满足了国民经济不断发展的需要;薄板坯连铸、低温轧制等高新技术的应用使中国的钢铁工业更具有竞争力和吸引力;致力发展与环境友好、省能的新一代钢铁工业得到了人们广泛的关注;电场、磁场、微波场及超声波等多种物理场将大大强化化学反应和优化凝固过程,它们的运用将会对未来的钢铁工业带来革命性的变化。  相似文献   

随着经济社会发展,人们对健康服务的需求快速增长。中医药是我国独具特色的健康资源,也是潜力巨大的经济资源。中医药健康服务主要包括养生、保健、医疗、康复等,但核心是以中药相关产品为主体的健康服务供给。随着中药现代化进程的推进,也促进了中药大健康产业的悄然形成,形成了涉及中药种植,产品研发、生产、流通、销售在内的跨行业、跨区域的产业链,并具有调整产业结构、增加就业、农民增收、服务医改、惠及民生及保护生态等综合优势。本文介绍了中药大健康产业发展的现状,分析存在的问题和不足,提出了一个战略中心(以服务健康需求为中心),两个战略重点(规划监管、提质增效),四个发展方向(规范种植、新品研发、商贸物流、国际发展)和六项重点任务。  相似文献   

开发了中文二次文献自动生成系统,介绍了该系统的体系结构,主要构成,设计思想及其基本原理。  相似文献   

The live imaging techniques have been developed and applied to investigate for the first time the growth and development of Chinese cabbage for 18 days under microgravity conditions on board the Chinese SJ-8 recoverable satellite. These experiments offer insight into plant behaviors operating during plant development in space. Two automatic, preprogrammed CCD cameras were installed in the plant experimental chamber. The experimental objectives were: (1) seed germination; (2) seedling growth; (3) flower opening and pollination. The growth of seedlings and flowers were followed by time lapse photography at 2 h intervals. Serial real-time images of the Chinese cabbage plant growth under microgravity were successfully obtained through the remote operating system. The image data obtained from space experiment, in comparison with the results from ground control (1 g) and 3D clinostat stimulate experiments, showed that the height of plant and the number of leaves were significantly reduced under the microgravity conditions, but characters of leaf arrangement and leaf shape were not altered obviously. Flower opening and expansion were inhibited by exposed to space flight condition. The petals of flowers from both SJ-8 grown plants and clinostat rotated plants couldn’t fully expand before wilted. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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