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This study focused on how teams allocated attention between a driving-related spatial task and a verbal task, and how different kinds of verbal interactions affected performance of the driving-related task. In Experiment 1, 29 two-person teams performed an interactive verbal task while one team member also performed a simulated driving task. Of the team members performing only the verbal task, half could see their partner’s spatial situation, as a car passenger can (in-person condition), and half were remotely located, similar to someone speaking to a driver using a cell-phone. Teams interacted verbally at an overall slower rate during remote than in-person interactions, suggesting that remote verbal interactions are more difficult than in-person interactions. Verbal interactions degraded situation awareness for driving-related information while performing the spatial task; and this degradation was not greater during remote than in-person interactions. Experiment 2 used a faster-paced verbal task and found greater degradation of situation awareness due to the verbal task. These findings are potentially relevant to the issue of how passenger and cell-phone conversations affect driving performance.  相似文献   

Studies have documented a link between distracted driving and diminished safety; however, an association between distracted driving and traffic congestion has not been investigated in depth. The present study examined the behavior of teens and young adults operating a driving simulator while engaged in various distractions (i.e., cell phone, texting, and undistracted) and driving conditions (i.e., free flow, stable flow, and oversaturation). Seventy five participants 16–25 years of age (split into 2 groups: novice drivers and young adults) drove a STISIM simulator three times, each time with one of three randomly presented distractions. Each drive was designed to represent daytime scenery on a 4 lane divided roadway and included three equal roadway portions representing Levels of Service (LOS) A, C, and E as defined in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Participants also completed questionnaires documenting demographics and driving history. Both safety and traffic flow related driving outcomes were considered. A Repeated Measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance was employed to analyze continuous outcome variables and a Generalized Estimate Equation (GEE) Poisson model was used to analyze count variables. Results revealed that, in general more lane deviations and crashes occurred during texting. Distraction (in most cases, text messaging) had a significantly negative impact on traffic flow, such that participants exhibited greater fluctuation in speed, changed lanes significantly fewer times, and took longer to complete the scenario. In turn, more simulated vehicles passed the participant drivers while they were texting or talking on a cell phone than while undistracted. The results indicate that distracted driving, particularly texting, may lead to reduced safety and traffic flow, thus having a negative impact on traffic operations. No significant differences were detected between age groups, suggesting that all drivers, regardless of age, may drive in a manner that impacts safety and traffic flow negatively when distracted.  相似文献   

According to accident statistics for Taiwan, the two most common traffic accident locations in urban areas are roadway segments and intersections. On roadway segments, most collisions are due to drivers not noticing the status of leading vehicle. At intersections, most collisions are due to the other driver failing to obey traffic signs. Using a driving simulator equipped with a collision warning system, this study investigated driving performance at different accident locations and between different alarm contents, and identified the relationship between crash occurrences and driving performance. Thirty participants, aged 20-29 years, were recruited in this study. Driving performance measures were perception-reaction time, movement-reaction time, speed and a crash. Experimental results indicated that due to different demands for processing information under different traffic conditions, driving performance differed at the two traffic accident locations. On a roadway segment, perception-reaction time for a beep was shorter than the time for a speech message. Nevertheless, at an intersection, a speech message was a great help to drivers and, thus, perception-reaction time was effectively reduced. In addition, logistic regression analysis indicates that perception-movement time had the greatest influence on crash occurrence.  相似文献   

Traffic offences present danger to the offender, and to others. This study examines differences in decision making and personality between traffic offenders and non-offenders. Fifty-one traffic offenders participating in penalty courses were compared to a control group of 36 drivers who were not penalized for traffic offences in the 5 years prior to the study. All participants performed the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), a popular decision task employed for assessing cognitive impulsivity, and completed the "big five" personality questionnaire. The results showed that traffic offenders made fewer advantageous choices on the IGT; and an analysis with a formal cognitive model, the Expectancy Valance model, suggests that this results from offenders' high weighting of gains compared to losses. An examination of personality factors reveals that traffic offenders were more extraverted. The predictive power of IGT performance was comparable to that of the personality factor. These results demonstrate that the IGT can be useful for studying individual differences in risk taking in a real-world task, and combined with the EV model, identify the sources of these differences.  相似文献   

Objective: to examine linkages between cannabis use and traffic accident risks in a birth cohort of 907 young New Zealanders studied from 18 to 21 years. Methods: during the course of a 21-year longitudinal study of a birth cohort of 907 New Zealand born children information was gathered on (a) annual frequency of cannabis use over the period from 18 to 21 years; (b) annual rates of traffic accidents during the period 18–21 years; (c) measures of driver behaviours and characteristics. The association between cannabis use and traffic accident risk was examined among the 907 sample members who reported driving a motor vehicle between the ages of 18 and 21 years. Results: there were statistically significant relationships between reported annual cannabis use and annual accident rates. This association was present only for ‘active’ accidents in which driver behaviours contributed to the accident; those using cannabis more than 50 times per year had estimated rates of active accidents that were 1.6 (95% CI 1.2–2.0) times higher than the rate for non-users. However, statistical control for driver behaviours and characteristics related to cannabis use (drink driving behaviour; risky/illegal driving behaviours; driver attitudes; gender) eliminated the association between cannabis use and traffic accident risks. Conclusions: although cannabis use was associated with increased risks of traffic accidents among members of this birth cohort, these increased risks appear to reflect the characteristics of the young people who used cannabis rather than the effects of cannabis use on driver performance.  相似文献   

Driving through rain results in reduced visual performance, and car designers have proposed countermeasures in order to reduce the impact of rain on driving performance. In this paper, we propose a methodology dedicated to the quantitative estimation of the loss of visual performance due to the falling rain. We have considered the rain falling on the windshield as the main factor which reduces visual performance in driving. A laboratory experiment was conducted with 40 participants. The reduction of visual performance through rain was considered with respect to two driving tasks: the detection of an object on the road (contrast threshold) and reading a road sign. This experiment was conducted in a laboratory under controlled artificial rain. Two levels of rain intensity were compared, as well as two wiper conditions (new and worn), while the reference condition was without rain. The reference driving situation was night driving. Effects of both the rain level and the wipers characteristics were found, which validates the proposed methodology for the quantitative estimation of rain countermeasures in terms of visual performance.  相似文献   

The number of traffic fatalities reached a peak in many highly motorised countries around 1970. Some previous studies have suggested that the turning point in the number of traffic fatalities was inevitable and did not reflect a change in the underlying trends influencing the number of traffic fatalities. Other studies suggest that trends in traffic growth and fatality rate changed from before to after the turning point. This paper proposes two hypotheses about the turning point in the number of traffic fatalities. One hypothesis is that the long-term trends in traffic growth and fatality rate were the same before and after the turning point. The other hypothesis is that the long-term trends in traffic growth and fatality rate were different before and after the turning point was reached, in particular that the annual percentage decline in fatality rate became greater after the turning point than before. Such a change would suggest that road safety policy became more effective. Analysis of data for six countries (Denmark, Great Britain, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United States) lends stronger support to the latter hypothesis than to the former. The lesson for policy makers, in particular in countries where the number of traffic fatalities is still growing, is that they should not expect a turning point to be reached without policy interventions.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and performance of traffic control devices in school zones have been impacted significantly by many factors, such as driver behavioral attributes, roadway geometric features, environmental characteristics, weather and visibility conditions, region-wide traffic regulations and policies, control modes, etc. When deploying traffic control devices in school zones, efforts are needed to clarify: (1) whether traffic control device installation is warranted; and (2) whether other device effectively complements this traffic control device and strengthens its effectiveness. In this study, a generic approach is developed to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of various traffic control devices deployed in school zones through driving simulator-based experiments. A Traffic Control Device Selection Model (TCDSM) is developed and two representative school zones are selected as the testbed in Beijing for driving simulation implementation to enhance its applicability. Statistical analyses are conducted to extract the knowledge from test data recorded by a driving simulator. Multiple measures of effectiveness (MOEs) are developed and adopted including average speed, relative speed difference, and standard deviation of acceleration for traffic control device performance quantification. The experimental tests and analysis results reveal that the appropriateness of the installation of certain traffic control devices can be statistically verified by TCDSM. The proposed approach provides a generic framework to assess traffic control device performance in school zones including experiment design, statistical formulation, data analysis, simulation model implementation, data interpretation, and recommendation development.  相似文献   

Manufacturing systems are subject to a degradation process that leads to machine failure if no action is taken. Machine failures reduce the performance of the manufacturing system with loss of profits. The research proposed here concerns the evaluation of the manufacturing system performance in dynamic conditions when different maintenance policies are implemented in a multi-machine manufacturing system controlled by multi-agent-architecture. There are two extreme maintenance policies that can be applied: no preventive maintenance, where action is taken on the failure state, and intensive preventive maintenance, which can eliminate unforeseen failures, but at a high cost. Dynamic policy maintenance is proposed to reduce the number of maintenance operations of the preventive policy. A discrete simulation environment has been developed in order to investigate the performance measures and the indexes of the costs of maintenance policies. The simulations have been conducted for several levels of mix, product demand and working time uncertainty. The simulation results show that the proposed approach leads to better performance for the manufacturing system and reduces the number of maintenance operations (cost index of the maintenance policy), except in the case of the mean time between failure, which is characterised by a very low standard deviation.  相似文献   

Previous research has noted that novice drivers are at greatest risk of an accident. One reason that has been reported for this is that they have not developed the optimum visual search strategies of their more experienced counterparts. One might expect that new drivers might be taught the appropriate visual skills while learning to drive, though this requires instructors to have introspection into their own visual skills before they can be passed on to the student. In addition novice drivers should be able to acquire the instructed skills. This study used an image-based questionnaire to assess driving instructors’ and novice drivers’ priority ratings for attending to different areas of the driving scene across nine scenarios. It was predicted that if instructors and novices have introspection into the relative importance of these different areas, there should be agreement across the sample of participants. Additionally it was considered important to assess which areas of the visual scene are important across all different scenarios and which areas change in priority with a change in scenario. Results showed that for both groups the opinions regarding visual field prioritisation were highly consistent when compared to chance. Despite the rating consistencies, group differences were found, across all scenarios with “Rear View Mirrors” being the visual field with the most frequent observed group differences. Certain categories (“Road Ahead” and “Mirrors”) were highly ranked across all scenarios, while other categories were more scenario specific. We conclude that both groups have insight into some elements of visual search. However, in many occasions the prioritisation was different between driving instructors and novice drivers. It appears that during the learning process the novice drivers did not adopt the prioritisation strategies seen in driving instructors. This has important implications for the teaching of visual skills in driving.  相似文献   

An approach is given to planning measurement monitoring methods for establishing how well complicated objects meet the requirements of standardization documents, which is based on computer simulation. An example is given of defining the accuracy specifications for measurements from calculations on customers’ and producers’ risks, and also monitoring errors of the first and second kinds. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 5, pp. 19–22, May, 2007.  相似文献   

Geographical Information System (GIS) technology has been a popular tool for visualization of accident data and analysis of hot spots in highways. Many traffic agencies have been using GIS for accident analysis. Accident analysis studies aim at the identification of high rate accident locations and safety deficient areas on the highways. So, traffic officials can implement precautionary measures and provisions for traffic safety. Since accident reports are prepared in textual format in Turkey, this situation makes it difficult to analyze accident results. In our study, we developed a system transforming these textual data to tabular form and then this tabular data were georeferenced onto the highways. Then, the hot spots in the highways in Afyonkarahisar administrative border were explored and determined with two different methods of Kernel Density analysis and repeatability analysis. Subsequently, accident conditions at these hot spots were examined. We realized that the hot spots determined with two methods reflect really problematic places such as cross roads, junction points etc. Many of previous studies introduced GIS only as a visualization tool for accident locations. The importance of this study was to use GIS as a management system for accident analysis and determination of hot spots in Turkey with statistical analysis methods.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of traffic calming measures (TCM) on major roads in rural and urban areas. More specifically we investigated the effect of gate constructions located at the entrance of the urban area and horizontal curves within the urban area on driving behavior and workload. Forty-six participants completed a 34 km test-drive on a driving simulator with eight thoroughfare configurations, i.e., 2 (curves: present, absent) × 2 (gates: present, absent) × 2 (peripheral detection task (PDT): present, absent) in a within-subject design.  相似文献   

Road crashes are the main cause of death of young people in the developed world. The reasons that cause traffic crashes are numerous; however, most researchers agree that a lack of driving experience is one of the major contributing factors. In addition it has been demonstrated that environmental factors such as driving during night and rain increases the risk of a crash. Both of these factors may be related to drivers’ visual search strategies that become more efficient with increased experience.In the present study we recorded the eye movements of driving instructors and learner drivers while they drove three virtual routes that included day, night and rain routes in a driving simulator.The results showed that driving instructors had an increased sampling rate, shorter processing time and broader scanning of the road than learner drivers. This broader scanning of the road could be possibly explained by the mirror inspection pattern which revealed that driving instructors fixated more on the side mirrors than learner drivers. Also it was found that poor visibility conditions, especially rain, decrease the effectiveness of drivers’ visual search. The lack of interaction between driving experience and visibility suggests that some aspects of visual search are affected by general rather than situation specific driving experience.The present findings support the effect of driving experience in modifying eye movement strategies. The high accident risk of night and rain driving could be partly explained by the decrement in visual search strategies during these conditions. Finally it is argued that the use of driving simulators can provide valuable insights regarding driving safety.  相似文献   

The objective of this review essay is to both chronicle and analyse literature in the area of visual inspection. Classical as well as contemporary papers are included to describe both the historical development and the state of the art of visual inspection theories and technologies. Human operators, despite well-documented problems, often perform visual inspection. While supervized machine systems obviate some of the problems associated with human inspectors, other problems still exist. In particular, accounting for a supervisor's perception of a machine's performance (as gauged, e.g. by trust) and consequent actions. The difficulties associated with these two alternatives have led to the emergence of a third alternative: collaborative human/machine or hybrid systems, which combine the advantages of both alternatives—in theory. However, in practice, how to best distribute the functions between a human and machine, in a dynamic environment in real time, is problematic. Moreover, a human's perceptions of its counterpart's performance remain an issue. These unresolved problems are subjects for future research. In the interim, the alternatives are critiqued to create a basis for establishing guidelines to select the alternative that is best suited for a given situation.  相似文献   

A practical method is developed for estimating the performance of highly reliable dynamic systems in random environment. The method uses concepts of univariate extreme value theory and a relatively small set of simulated samples of system states. Generalized extreme value distributions are fitted to state observations and used to extrapolate Monte Carlo estimates of reliability and failure probability beyond data. There is no need to postulate functional forms of extreme value distributions since they are selected by the estimation procedure. Our approach can be viewed as an alternative implementation of the method in [7] for estimating system reliability. Numerical examples involving Gaussian and non-Gaussian system states are used to illustrate the implementation of the proposed method and assess its accuracy.  相似文献   

Worldwide, both brake lamps and tail lamps on motor vehicles are required to be red. Previous studies have not examined the effect of this confound in a complex, high-traffic scenario in a driving simulator or on visuomotor behavior. In the first experiment, drivers detected brake lamps on nine lead vehicles and lane changes on two rear vehicles in a 15 min simulated night time highway drive. A second experiment was used to examine the findings in the context of pre-attentive visual processing research. A third experiment analyzed visuomotor behavior and subjective workload during a vigilance task to further evaluate this hypothesis. For all studies, tail lamp color was manipulated, resulting in two conditions: the currently mandated red tail lamps and red brake lamps vs. yellow tail lamps and red brake lamps. Compared to current rear lighting, employing yellow tail lamps with red brake lamps reduced RT, error, subjective workload, improved performance in detecting lane changes and also changed visuomotor behavior. It is suggested that the mechanism allowing better performance is pre-attentive, parallel visual processing.  相似文献   

Risk management is a major concern in supply chains that have high levels of uncertainty in product demand, manufacturing process or part supply. The uncertainties frequently manifest as dynamic events that pose a threat to interrupting supply chain operation. Depending on the nature and severity of uncertainty, the impact of dynamic events can be distinguished into three categories: deviation, disruption, and disaster. Many studies in literature addressed modelling of deviation events. In this paper, a dynamic system model of supply chains is described which can be applied to managing disruptive events in full-load states of manufacturing chains. An example of disruptive events is given which arises from demand shocks in distribution channel. The procedure to construct full-load production functions of complex manufacturing nodes with internal queuing delay is described. Analytic optimal solution is derived for the dynamic model. Given an unordinary event of demand shock, this model can be used to determine if demand shock can be absorbed by a manufacturing chain and the level of contingent resources that must be synchronously activated in multiple nodes of the chain. This model can be used to reduce what could have been a disruptive event into a deviation event, thus enhancing risk management.  相似文献   

Autonomous weapon systems (AWS) are considered particularly dangerous because they could make war somewhat independent of humans. Should that be the case-some argue-there would be neither rules nor empathy or compassion on the battlefield, and we would no longer know who was responsible for the crimes committed. For these reasons, a vast movement committed to banning such weapons emerged. Sharing the goal of greater compliance with the humanitarian law and-at the same time-embracing a realist conception of relations between groups and states, in this article we argue in favor of the idea that the technological development of AWS, in particular the possibility of observing and directing any warfare action remotely, opens new opportunities for the regulation of military actions. We also claim that a ban of such weapons is likely to be not only ineffective but also factually unrealistic; so, we propose to encourage research on AWS with the goal of embedding in them strict constraints of use. The idea is that the process will be triggering more humane conflicts in compliance with international law. To this extent, we suggest the establishment of ‘war juries’ composed of representative citizens, who would monitor all military actions of their country and decide how and when to limit them.  相似文献   

Anjan Bose 《Sadhana》1993,18(5):815-841
The dynamic behaviour of a large interconnected electric power system is characterized by a simultaneous set of nonlinear algebraic and ordinary differential equations. The solution is obtained by numerical methods and the simulation of the transient behaviour for a few seconds after a fault is the standard analytical procedure used in planning and operational studies of the system. The need for on-line simulation in near real time for more efficient operation has encouraged the search for faster solution methods and the use of parallel computers for this purpose has attracted the attention of many researchers. The success of parallelization depends on three factors: the problem structure, the computer architecture, and the algorithm that takes maximum advantage of both. In this problem, the generator equations are only coupled through the electrical network providing some parallelization in (variable) space, and a solution is needed at each time step leading to some parallelization in time (waveform relaxation). However, since the problem formulation is not completely decoupled, parallel algorithms can only be developed by trading off any relaxation with a degradation in convergence. The fastest sequential algorithm used today is the combination of implicit trapezoidal integration with a dishonest Newton solution. The Newton algorithm is not parallel at all but has the fastest convergence while a Gauss-Jacobi algorithm is completely parallel but converges very slowly. A relaxation of the Newton algorithm appears to be a good compromise. As for the parallel hardware, the coupling seems to require significant communication between processors thus favouring a data-sharing architecture over a message-passing hypercube. Special architectures to match the problem structure have also been an area of investigation. This paper elaborates on the above issues and assesses the present state-of-the-art.  相似文献   

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