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Our study focused on the lateral position of drivers in relation to risk on rural crest vertical curves, using a field site proposed by a local operator of the French road network (Conseil Général de Maine-et-Loire, 49). The final goal was to test one road treatment on this field site. The study consisted of three stages. The first, using driving simulators, selected two perceptual treatments (i.e., rumble strips on both sides of the centerline and sealed shoulders) from five that were tested in order to help drivers maintain lateral control when driving on crest vertical curves. The rumble strips were installed first on the field site.  相似文献   

Approximately 48% of all fatal collisions in Europe are classified as single-vehicle run-off-road or head-on collisions. These crashes relate to trajectory control (road departure) and represent a safety challenge. In France, single-vehicle run-off-road crashes represent 21% of all crashes and head-on collisions represent 11%. This study evaluated the effectiveness of four perceptual treatments (i.e., a painted center line, post-delineators, rumble strips on both sides of the center line and sealed shoulders) in supporting the driver to maintain lateral control; that is, to support the driver to keep in the center of his/her lane. Forty-three participants drove a fixed-base driving simulator, on a simulated straight 3 km rural road with two crest vertical curves (CVC). Four sections were chosen for analysis: a reference section (i.e., the first CVC), a test section (i.e., the second CVC), a pre-test section (i.e., immediately before the second CVC) and a post-test section (i.e., immediately after the second CVC). The results showed that drivers drive more at the center of their lane with the rumble strips on both sides of the center line and with the sealed shoulders than with the actual marking (here center line) or other treatments.  相似文献   

Combined horizontal and vertical alignments are frequently used in mountainous freeways in China; however, design guidelines that consider the safety impact of combined alignments are not currently available. Past field studies have provided some data on the relationship between road alignment and safety, but the effects of differing combined alignments on either lateral acceleration or safety have not systematically examined. The primary reason for this void in past research is that most of the prior studies used observational methods that did not permit control of the key variables. A controlled parametric study is needed that examines lateral acceleration as drivers adjust their speeds across a range of combined horizontal and vertical alignments. Such a study was conducted in Tongji University’s eight-degree-of-freedom driving simulator by replicating the full range of combined alignments used on a mountainous freeway in China. Multiple linear regression models were developed to estimate the effects of the combined alignments on lateral acceleration. Based on these models, domains were calculated to illustrate the results and to assist engineers to design safer mountainous freeways.  相似文献   

Three engineering treatments were implemented in a driving simulator study to assess the effect of road-based measures on alleviating the symptoms of fatigue. Using results from previous research on the effect of circadian rhythms on fatigue-related crashes, two groups of male drivers were recruited for this study: young shift workers under the age of 35, who attended immediately after their night shift, and older drivers over the age of 45, who completed the study during the ‘post lunch dip’ period, after consuming lunch. Eye tracking (PERCLOS) and lateral driver performance measures were used to assess whether baseline measures of fatigue changed after drivers experienced each of the three treatments, which included variable message signs, chevrons and rumble strips. Results showed a marked difference in these measures between drivers’ baseline (not fatigued) and experimental (fatigued) visits. There were also some reductions in lateral deviation and eye closure (as measured by PERCLOS) when the treatments were encountered, but no marked difference between the three treatments. These results suggest that in addition to driver- and vehicle-based methods currently employed to mitigate the effects of fatigue, the inclusion of such engineering measures may help alleviate fatigue-related impairments in driving, particularly if such treatments are implemented during long stretches of straight monotonous roads which are known to be associated with fatigue-related crashes. However, positive effects of the treatments were short lived, prompting the need for further investigations on their optimal frequency of presentation and combination to achieve maximum impact from these low-cost, road-based treatments.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to investigate, by means of a driving simulator experiment, drivers’ behaviour in terms of speed, deceleration, and lateral position on major approaches of rural intersections in relation to different perceptual cues.In the experiment, ten different design conditions with and without speed-reducing treatments along the approach to the intersection were tested. Twenty-three drivers drove a test route two times and data from the second drive were used for comparison. The order of the ten design conditions was counterbalanced for all the drivers to minimize the presentation order effect. Three different data analysis techniques were used: (a) cluster analysis of speed and lateral position data, (b) statistical tests of speed and lateral position data, and (c) categorical analysis of deceleration behaviour patterns.The most effective treatments were the dragon teeth markings (based on the principle of optical road narrowing), the colored intersection area (based on the principle of intersection highlighting), and the raised median island (based on the principle of physical road narrowing). These measures, in comparison to the base intersection, produced: (1) a significant speed reduction starting from 250 m before the intersection in the range between 13 and 23 km/h, (2) a significant change in the deceleration behaviour with a reduction in the proportion of drivers which did not decelerate, and (3) a shift away from the intersection of the deceleration beginning. Given the significant effects on drivers’ behaviour, the dragon teeth markings, the colored intersection area, and the raised median island are strongly recommended for real world implementation.  相似文献   

Although Cruise Control (CC) is available for most cars, no studies have been found which examine how this automation system influences driving behaviour. However, a relatively large number of studies have examined Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) which compared to CC includes also a distance control. Besides positive effects with regard to a better compliance to speed limits, there are also indications of smaller distances to lead vehicles and slower responses in situations that require immediate braking. Similar effects can be expected for CC as this system takes over longitudinal control as well. To test this hypothesis, a simulator study was conducted at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Twenty-two participants drove different routes (highway and motorway) under three different conditions (assisted by ACC, CC and manual driving without any system). Different driving scenarios were examined including a secondary task condition. On the one hand, both systems lead to lower maximum velocities and less speed limit violations. There was no indication that drivers shift more of their attention towards secondary tasks when driving with CC or ACC. However, there were delayed driver reactions in critical situations, e.g., in a narrow curve or a fog bank. These results give rise to some caution regarding the safety effects of these systems, especially if in the future their range of functionality (e.g., ACC Stop-and-Go) is further increased.  相似文献   

In this study a driving simulator was used to determine changes in mental effort in response to manipulations of steering demand. Changes in mental effort were assessed by using subjective effort ratings, physiology, and the standard deviation of the lateral position. Steering demand was increased by exposure to narrow lane widths and high density oncoming traffic while speed was fixed in all conditions to prevent a compensatory reaction. Results indicated that both steering demand factors influence mental effort expenditure and using multiple measures contributes to effort assessment. Application of these outcomes for adaptive automation is envisaged.  相似文献   

Deceleration lanes are important because they help drivers transition from high-speed lanes to low-speed ramps. Although they are designed to allow vehicles to depart the freeway safely and efficiently, many studies report high accident rates on exit ramps with the highest percentage of crashes taking place in deceleration lanes.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of traffic calming measures (TCM) on major roads in rural and urban areas. More specifically we investigated the effect of gate constructions located at the entrance of the urban area and horizontal curves within the urban area on driving behavior and workload. Forty-six participants completed a 34 km test-drive on a driving simulator with eight thoroughfare configurations, i.e., 2 (curves: present, absent) × 2 (gates: present, absent) × 2 (peripheral detection task (PDT): present, absent) in a within-subject design.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of three doses of cannabis and alcohol (placebo, low and high doses), both alone and in combination, on the driving performance of young, novice drivers and more experienced drivers. Alcohol was administered as ethanol (95%) mixed with orange juice in doses of approximately 0, 0.4 and 0.6 g/kg. Cannabis was administered by inhalation of smoke from pre-rolled cannabis cigarettes (supplied by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, USA). Active cigarettes contained 19 mg delta-9-THC. Using a counterbalanced design, the simulated driving performance of 25 experienced and 22 inexperienced drivers was tested under the nine different drug conditions in an arterial driving environment during which workload was varied through the drive characteristics as well as through the inclusion of a secondary task. High levels of cannabis generally induced greater impairment than lower levels, while alcohol at the doses used had few effects and did not produce synergistic effects when combined with cannabis. Both cannabis and alcohol were associated with increases in speed and lateral position variability, high dose cannabis was associated with decreased mean speed, increased mean and variability in headways, and longer reaction time, while in contrast alcohol was associated with a slight increase in mean speed. Given the limitations of the study, it is of great interest to further explore the qualitative impairments in driving performance associated with cannabis and alcohol separately and how these impairments may manifest in terms of crash characteristics.  相似文献   

Sleepiness has been identified as one of the most important factors contributing to road crashes. However, almost all work on the detailed changes in behavior and physiology leading up to sleep related crashes has been carried out in driving simulators. It is not clear, however, to what extent simulator results can be generalized to real driving. This study compared real driving with driving in a high fidelity, moving base, driving simulator with respect to driving performance, sleep related physiology (using electroencephalography and electrooculography) and subjective sleepiness during night and day driving for 10 participants. The real road was emulated in the simulator. The results show that the simulator was associated with higher levels of subjective and physiological sleepiness than real driving. However, both for real and simulated driving, the response to night driving appears to be rather similar for subjective sleepiness and sleep physiology. Lateral variability was more responsive to night driving in the simulator, while real driving at night involved a movement to the left in the lane and a reduction of speed, both of which effects were absent in the simulator. It was concluded that the relative validity of simulators is acceptable for many variables, but that in absolute terms simulators cause higher sleepiness levels than real driving. Thus, generalizations from simulators to real driving must be made with great caution.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to test the effectiveness of speed reduction markings (SRMs). The empirical data including vehicle operations and drivers’ psychological and physical reactions were collected in a driving simulator. An index—the relative speed difference—was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of speed reduction markings. Researchers analyzed data to test the effectiveness of speed reduction markings and quantitatively study their effects and the deceleration process. Out of 15 subjects, there were 1 (7%), 2 (13%), and 7 (47%) subjects who decelerated while driving through the downhill section in the No SRMs scenario, Longitudinal SRMs scenario and Transverse SRMs scenario, respectively. In terms of speed and subjects’ decelerating maneuver, the results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the contrast analysis (S–N–K method) showed that transverse speed reduction markings (TSRMs) could significantly influence subjects’ speed choice and maneuver (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

In China, the Chevron alignment sign on highways is a vertical rectangle with a white arrow and border on a blue background, which differs from its counterpart in other countries. Moreover, little research has been devoted to the effectiveness of China’s Chevron signs; there is still no practical method to quantitatively describe the impact of Chevron signs on driver performance in roadway curves. In this paper, a driving simulator experiment collected data on the driving performance of 30 young male drivers as they navigated on 29 different horizontal curves under different conditions (presence of Chevron signs, curve radius and curve direction). To address the heterogeneity issue in the data, three models were estimated and tested: a pooled data linear regression model, a fixed effects model, and a random effects model. According to the Hausman Test and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the random effects model offers the best fit. The current study explores the relationship between driver performance (i.e., vehicle speed and lane position) and horizontal curves with respect to the horizontal curvature, presence of Chevron signs, and curve direction. This study lays a foundation for developing procedures and guidelines that would allow more uniform and efficient deployment of Chevron signs on China’s highways.  相似文献   



Illicit drugs such as MDMA and methamphetamine are commonly abused drugs that have also been observed to be prevalent in drivers injured in road accidents. Their exact effect on driving and driving behavior has yet to be thoroughly investigated.


Sixty-one abstinent recreational users of illicit drugs comprised the participant sample, with 33 females and 28 males, mean age 25.45 years. The three testing sessions involved oral consumption of 100 mg MDMA, 0.42 mg/kg methamphetamine, or a matching placebo. The drug administration was counter-balanced, double-blind, and medically supervised. At each session driving performance was assessed 3 h and 24 h post drug administration on a computerized driving simulator.


At peak concentration overall impairment scores for driving (F2,118 = 9.042, p < 0.001) and signaling (F2,118 = 4.060, p = 0.020) were significantly different for the daytime simulations. Performance in the MDMA condition was worse than both the methamphetamine (p = 0.023) and placebo (p < 0.001) conditions and the methamphetamine condition was also observed to be worse in comparison to the placebo (p = 0.055). For signaling adherence, poorer signaling adherence occurred in both the methamphetamine (p = 0.006) and MDMA (p = 0.017) conditions in comparison to placebo in the daytime simulations.


The findings of this study have for the first time illustrated how both MDMA and methamphetamine effect driving performance, and provide support for legislation regarding testing for the presence of illicit drugs in impaired or injured drivers as deterrents for driving under the influence of illicit drugs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a meta-analysis of studies that have evaluated the effects of an edgeline on speed and lateral position of motorised road users. Together with many other study characteristics, 41 estimates of the effects of an edgeline on speed and 65 on lateral position were extracted from the studies. The results of the evaluation studies show a great variety in effects. Both negative and positive effects on speed and lateral position were found; amongst others, increases in speed up to 10.6 km/h, as well as decreases in speed up to 5.0 km/h, and shifts of the lateral position towards the centre of the road up to 30 cm, as well as shifts towards the edge of the road up to 35 cm. Further analyses resulted in the determination of study characteristics that influence the effects of an edgeline on speed and lateral position. It is concluded that the effects of an edgeline on speed are related to the presence of a centreline. Applying an edgeline to a road without a centreline increases the speed of road users, and replacing a centreline by an edgeline decreases the speed. Results with respect to adding an edgeline to a road with a centreline were unclear. Another conclusion is that shoulder width and road environment contribute to the effects of an edgeline on lateral position. In combination with wide shoulders or buildings and/or trees next to the road, edgelines lead to shifts of the lateral position towards the edge of the road, and in combination with narrow shoulders or open fields, edgelines lead to shifts towards the centre of the road.  相似文献   

This paper considers pre-impact vehicle maneuvers and analyzes the resulting driver motion from their comfort seating position. Part I of this work consists of analyzing the driver behavior during a crash. The study is conducted using the LAMIH driving simulator and involves 76 participants. The emergency situation is created by a truck emerging from behind a tractor on the opposite side of the road and tearing along the participant. The driver positioning throughout the simulation is recorded via five video cameras allowing view of the front scene, the driver face, feet and pedals, hands on the steering wheel and global lateral view. Data related to braking force, seat pressure, muscular activity for major groups of muscles and actions on the steering wheel are also collected.The typical response to this type of emergency event is to brace rearward into the seat and to straighten the arms against the steering wheel, or, to swerve to attempt to avoid the impacting vehicle. While turning the steering wheel, the forearm can be directly positioned on the airbag module at time of crash which represents a potential injurious situation.These positions are used in Part II to determine scenario of positions for numerical simulation of a frontal collision.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to test the effectiveness and adaptability of speed reduction markings (SRMs) in downhill sections on urban roads with distinct roadway grades. Empirical data including vehicle speed and acceleration were collected in a driving simulator. Subjective questionnaires were conducted, and two indexes – the relative speed difference and standard deviation of acceleration – were developed to evaluate the effectiveness and adaptability of SRMs. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of driving simulator related to different road alignments and types of SRMs has been validated through a field test. Results of subjective questionnaires showed that the majority of subjects had no feelings of nervousness, but they were affected by SRMs while driving through downhill sections in all four scenarios (i.e., downhill sections with vertical grades of 3, 2, 1.5 and 1%). In terms of vehicle speed and acceleration, the results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the contrast analysis (S–N–K method) indicated that SRMs were significantly effective when roadway grades of downgrade sections were 1.5, 2 and 3%, while transverse speed reduction markings (TSRMs) had significantly worse adaptability (P < 0.05). Therefore, this research recommends that TSRMs could be placed in downhill sections with roadway grades of 1.5 or 2%; longitudinal speed reduction markings (LSRMs) could be placed in downhill sections with a roadway grade of 3%. Whether SRMs are placed in downhill sections with a roadway grade of 1% would depend on other factors such as financial issues and crash records, which are not considered in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a driving simulator study which sought to analyze the effect that: (a) three roadside configurations on a two-lane rural road lined with trees have on speed and lateral position of the driver, depending on different cross-sections as well as geometric elements; (b) the beginning of the guardrail barrier has upon the driver's behavior whenever this occurs on the left curve, right curve or tangent.  相似文献   

Horizontal curves have been recognized as a significant safety issue for many years, a more important factor than road width or sight distance. The research literature suggests that driver errors associated with horizontal curves result from three inter-related problems: failures of driver attention, misperceptions of speed and curvature, and poor lane positioning. To examine the roles of attentional, perceptual, and lane placement factors in driver behaviour at curves, two groups of curve treatments were identified for testing with a driving simulator. The first group of treatments consisted of four combinations of warning signs designed to alert drivers to the presence of curves and produce a reduction in curve approach speeds. The second group was comprised of several types of road markings designed to affect drivers' speed and lane position as they drove through curves. The results indicated that advance warning signs by themselves were not as effective at reducing speeds as when they were used in conjunction with chevron sight boards and/or repeater arrows. Of the road marking treatments only rumble strips produced any appreciable reductions in speed. A herringbones road marking was found to produce significant improvements in drivers' lane positions, effectively flattening the drivers' paths through the curves. A treatment combining the herringbones treatment with chevron and repeater arrow signs produced both a reliable reduction in speed as well as improved lane positions. The results are interpreted as evidence that treatments that highlight perceptual cues are the most effective means of moderating drivers' curve speeds.  相似文献   

Through the use of meta-analysis, this study investigated the relationships between driving anger and five types of driving outcomes (aggressive driving, risky driving, driving errors, near misses and accidents). The moderating effects of three variables (age, study publication year, and participants’ country of origin) on these relationships were also examined. A total of 51 studies published over the past two decades met the inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis. The results showed that driving anger significantly predicted all three types of aberrant driving, with zero-order correlations of 0.312, 0.243, and 0.179 with aggressive driving, risky driving and driving errors, respectively. The correlations between driving anger and accident-related conditions, though at relatively weaker levels, were still statistically significant. Tests for effects of the moderating variables suggested that driving anger was a stronger predictor of risky driving among young drivers than among old drivers. Also, the anger–aggression association was found to decrease over time and vary across countries. The implications of the results and the directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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