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10月31日,东营出入境检验检疫局华泰直通场站设施启用暨华泰大厦荣膺四星级饭店揭牌仪式在华泰工业园隆重举行。如今,在华泰直通场站和引水工程已经建成使用、“兴广”铁路正在加快建设的基础上,东营检验检疫局华泰直通场站设施及电子执法监控系统正式启用,进一步完善了华泰大发展的条件,为华泰全面参与国际市场竞争,开展国际贸易和国际物流业务奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

3月26日,国家发改委副秘书长甘智和、山东省副省长王仁元一行,在市委书记石军、市长刘国信等领导的陪同下,来华泰考察调研。华泰集团董事长李建华陪同领导们先后参观了华泰国际陆路口岸、20万t新闻纸生产线及华泰荣誉展室。在座谈中,董事长李建华就华泰近几年的发展和规划做了认真汇报。甘秘书长充分肯定了华泰在振兴民族工业的道路上做出的突出贡献,并且对华泰今后几年的发展规划提出了指导意见和更高的要求。一、建议华泰走兼并联合的道路。目前,由于国家对环保的更高要求,勒令5万t以下的小型造纸厂关闭或改组。在这个有利条件下,华泰可以…  相似文献   

华泰集团,作为山东省同行业第一家A股上市的企业,经过30多年的风雨发展历程,已逐渐成为国内造纸行业的明星企业、旗帜集团。从一个以草浆为主的地方小造纸厂,发展到今天以废纸和商品木浆为主要原料、全球最大的高档新闻纸生产基地,华泰集团走过了不寻常而又光辉的发展道路。企业发展的灵魂是企业文化。华泰集团能够在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,保持高速发展,很重要的原因就是发挥了文化的作用。52年来,以集团董事长李建华为代表的领导班子成员身上体现出了一种强烈的事业心和责任感,对市场的洞察和驾驭能力,对企业发展的战略远见和谋划能力,不断学习和创新的思维方式,以及把企业利益看得高于自身利益的人格魅力等等,构成了华泰企业文化的重要内容,对整个华泰企业文化体系的形成和发展发挥了至关重要的作用。回顾总结李建华主笔书写的华泰创业史,探究华泰成功的神奇魅力,真实记录华泰人在经营管理和企业文化建设方面创造的一个又一个传奇,第一部反映华泰集团发展历史和企业文化的著作——《传奇华泰》,应运而生。关心本刊的读者一定不会忘记,《中华纸业》在2002~2004年曾连续刊登了邵文修同志撰写的关于晨鸣集团的长篇报告文学《永兴之路——晨鸣纸业集团发展纪实》。该文连载刊出后,得到了行业领导和一些老专家、老同志的称赞,不少热心读者致电致函表达自己的意见和建议,对晨鸣集团的发展和取得的经验给予了充分的肯定和高度的评价。如果说《永兴之路》以通讯的形式反映了晨鸣的发展变化,那么《传奇华泰》则是通过更加具体生动的事例反映了华泰的管理思想和企业文化。全书分为《崛起篇》、《谋略篇》、《管理篇》、《文化篇》共四篇十六个章节,除《?  相似文献   

3月29日,芬兰美卓造纸机械集团总裁本特尔·卡斯特德先生一行3人到华泰集团进行友好访问,卡斯特德先生参观了整个华泰工业园,并重点参观了20万t新闻纸车间。在与董事长李建华的座谈中,卡斯特德先生说,美卓在过去华泰的发展中起的作用太小,还远远不够,表示愿意为华泰今后的腾飞发展做出更大的贡献。李建华董事长对卡斯特德先生的来访表示了热烈的欢迎,对由美卓公司供货的16万t生产线的复卷机和包装线的良好运行和优质服务给予了高度评价。同时,李建华还向客人介绍了华泰下一步的发展规划。美卓造纸机械集团总裁本特尔·卡斯特德访问华泰@孙亚…  相似文献   

3月23日,福伊特(VOITH)造纸与织物集团总裁汉斯·穆勒先生一行6人来到华泰,在视察了福伊特造纸维修服务中心东营分公司之后,汉斯·穆勒总裁与李建华董事长进行了友好的座谈和交流。李建华对汉斯·穆勒的来访表示了热烈的欢迎,对福伊特集团给予华泰的大力支持和优质服务表示了衷心感谢。汉斯·穆勒在饶有兴致地听完李建华讲述的华泰下一步的发展规划后表示,华泰的发展速度令人非常惊讶,发展前景也非常广阔。衷心地希望福伊特与华泰的友好合作关系能够延续100年,甚至超过100年。汉斯·穆勒一行参观了福伊特提供的20万t新闻纸生产线的现场运…  相似文献   

近日,华泰集团下属的国际物流公司与全球最大的船务公司——马士基公司达成合作协议。6月7日,伴随着马士基集装箱在华泰国际物流直通场站落地,使华泰直通场站成为山东最大的内陆箱站。华泰一马士基箱站的开通运营将大大促进国际物流公司国际货运代理业务的顺利开展,为进一步降低华泰产品的出口成本,多渠道、全方位地开拓国际市场奠定了坚实基础,是华泰集团“大物流”发展的重要里程碑。  相似文献   

10月31日上午,东营出入境检验检疫局华泰直通场站综合设施启用仪式在华泰工业园隆重举行。东营检验检疫局华泰直通场站综合设施正式启用,进一步完善了华泰大发展的条件,为华泰全面参与国际市场竞争,开展国际贸易和国际物流业务奠定了良好基础。东营华泰直通场站于2003年7月动工兴建,2004年7月正式开通运营,是经青岛海关、山东出入境检验检疫局和山东省交通厅批准设立,由华泰集团投资建设的鲁北地区最大的国际集装箱内陆中转站,也是全省唯一一家依托企业建立的集装箱直通场站。该场站占地约35万m2,除具有集装箱装卸、运输、堆存、拆装及清洁…  相似文献   

王浩  宋传义 《纸和造纸》2006,25(5):87-88
日前.华泰集团与山东大学历时一年联合编制的《华泰集团循环经济建设发展规划》(以下简称《规划》)通过了山东省环保局专家组的评审论证。《规划》对华泰集团进行了综合评价.提出了大力发展循环经济的指导思想.建立了主要环境目标和评价指标体系.提出了生态产业的发展规划.以及9项确保有效实施的保障措施。  相似文献   

孙亚军 《中华纸业》2006,27(10):102
日前,世界银行组织旗下国际金融公司林纸部门的首席投资官三德先生一行到华泰进行友好访问。华泰集团董事长李建华对三德先生的来访表示了热烈的欢迎,并向客人详细介绍了华泰的发展情况。三德先生听后欣然表示愿与华泰建立长期稳定的合作伙伴关系,特别是在林纸一体化等项目上,双方将会有广阔的合作空间。  相似文献   

<正>通讯员成小敏报道日前,山东省商务厅公布2014—2016年度山东省重点培育和发展的国际知名品牌名单,山东华泰纸业股份有限公司的"华泰"品牌作为轻工工艺行业唯一一家造纸企业入选。近年来,华泰纸业股份有限公司依托科技创新,积极实施"品牌兴企"战略,建立了完善的质量管理体系和知识产权制度,"华泰"品牌在行业内具有较高的国际知名度,完全具备参与国际市场竞争的优势和实力。  相似文献   

王鸥  李涛  吴薇  籍保平 《食品科技》2012,(2):2-5,10
对从红茶菌中分离出的菌株(Gluconacetobacter sp.A4)进行研究,分别以红茶、荷叶、荷叶与山楂、荷叶与决明子为底物进行发酵,以传统红茶菌混合发酵为对照,通过对其产物D-葡萄糖二酸-1,4-内酯含量等指标的测定来评价发酵效果,同时研究了不同底物红茶菌发酵液对消化酶活性的影响。结果表明:在30℃、发酵8 d的情况下,以荷叶山楂A4发酵液发酵最为充分,其次为红茶A4发酵液。红茶A4发酵液的D-葡萄糖二酸-1,4-内酯(DSL)生成量最高。各发酵液对脂肪酶的抑制作用以红茶A4发酵液抑制作用最强,荷叶A4发酵液次之;对α-淀粉酶的抑制作用,以荷叶决明子A4发酵液的抑制率最高,红茶A4发酵液次之。不同红茶菌发酵液对消化酶的活性具有抑制作用,为其减肥机理的研究以及功能饮料的开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

企业文化是企业物质文化,精神文化与制度文化的总和,它不仅是企业的灵魂,而且成为企业竞争力的支撑,中国各文化名酒企业都有其鲜明个性的优秀企业文化:茅台确立“发展绿色茅台,人文茅台,科技茅台”的文化战略思想;泸州老窖“与环境相依,与社会同行,与人类共存”和“共生”理念,剑南春的企业精神为“团结,务实,高质,创新”;湘泉则以“策文化营销,借名人造势”,为发展,以沟则以“群众文化”为基础,宝丰遵循“造实在酒,做实在人”和“君子爱财,取之有道”的传统道德观,道光廿五倡导”为企业发展以苦为乐,为创造财富一马当先,为实现人生价值自强不息”,汝阳杜康推崇“人人争当英雄,绩效是检验人生价值的基本标准”,孔府家倡导“以德治企,以制管人,以智取胜”的企业经营哲学,今世缘则主张“今世有缘,今生无悔”的浪漫主义情调。  相似文献   

论述了河南盐业体制沿革情况及当前存在的问题,组建河南盐业集团的条件和优势,并指出组建河南盐业集团的必要性与可行性.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of the diets with varying content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on ATPase activity in the heart, kidneys and lungs of Wistar rats. During 3 weeks the rats received different diets. Group I was kept on the diet poor in PUFA, Group II on the diet rich in linoleic acid, and Group III on the diet rich in linolenic acid. The content of PUFA in food has no effect on ATPase activity in the lungs. The maximal activity of Mg-ATPase in the heart was seen in the Group III rats, while the minimal in the Group I rats (P less than 0.05). On the contrary, Na, K-ATPase activity was minimal in the Group III rats (P-0.05). Examination of ATPase activity in the kidneys has demonstrated no substantial difference between Groups II and III as regards Mg-ATPase activity, whereas Mg-ATPase activity in the Group I animals was significantly reduced (P less than 0.02). As Na, K-ATPase activity in the kidneys increased (Group II, P-0.05) excretion of Na and K with urine considerably diminished.  相似文献   

Marcha or murcha is a traditional amylolytic starter used to produce sweet-sour alcoholic drinks, commonly called jaanr in the Himalayan regions of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet (China). The aim of this study was to examine the microflora of marcha collected from Sikkim in India, focusing on yeast flora and their roles. Twenty yeast strains were isolated from six samples of marcha and identified by genetic and phenotypic methods. They were first classified into four groups (Group I, II, III, and IV) based on physiological features using an API test. Phylogenetic, morphological, and physiological characterization identified the isolates as Saccharomyces bayanus (Group I); Candida glabrata (Group II); Pichia anomala (Group III); and Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, Saccharomycopsis capsularis, and Pichia burtonii (Group IV). Among them, the Group I, II, and III strains produced ethanol. The isolates of Group IV had high amylolytic activity. Because all marcha samples tested contained both starch degraders and ethanol producers, it was hypothesized that all four groups of yeast (Group I, II, III, and IV) contribute to starch-based alcohol fermentation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare patient satisfaction with a room service (RS) menu style versus a traditional menu (TM) in a Canadian pediatric hospital. METHODS: A sample of 20 subjects (Group A) was surveyed before implementation of the RS menu and a second sample of 20 subjects (Group B) was surveyed after implementation. RESULTS: All subjects in Group B rated overall satisfaction with meals as greatly exceeding or exceeding expectations after implementing the new menu style. Also, 65% of Group B subjects rated quality of food as greatly exceeding or exceeding their expectations after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: To improve meal satisfaction for pediatric oncology and hemodialysis patients, the RS menu style is a worthwhile option.  相似文献   

杨志琴 《酿酒科技》2004,(3):110-113
“湘酒鬼”全力打造的品牌八大创新概念:“绿色酒鬼、质量酒鬼、文化酒鬼、旅游酒鬼、务实酒鬼、规范酒鬼、诚信酒鬼和服务酒鬼”。2004年、“酒鬼人”的神圣使命是“重塑品悼、再造‘酒鬼’、创新形象、尽展‘湘酒鬼’全新风采”。“酒鬼”酒一经问世,即充满了独特的文化韵致与丰富的人文内涵,以极其浪漫而神秘的个性文化形象跃然而出,以鲜活而跃动的品名概念一扫传统酒类名称沉闷之风“酒鬼”酒瓶堪称惊世之作,在返璞归真中显示出历史的厚重感,具有极高的审美价值。而今的“酒鬼”人高擎文化大旗.大力度开掘“酒鬼”品牌文化的深层底蕴与丰厚内涵,张扬其独特文化个性,展示其巨大文化魅力,充分发挥“酒鬼”品悼形象传播的文化震撼效应。今年,将拍摄《“酒鬼”企业文化》系列电视专题片,全方位的深度挖掘和集中展示“酒鬼”魅力,将“酒鬼”文化的探索与传播提升到一个更高境界。(庞晓)  相似文献   

《Food microbiology》1997,14(2):133-142
The multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE) technique was applied to food isolates shown to belong in the generaChryseobacteriumandEmpedobacter. One hundred and thirty isolates of which 27 were reference strains, were used in this study. On the basis of the MEE data, the isolates were placed in seven electrophoretic clusters. Ninety-one isolates were clustered in Group 1 and includedChryseobacterium indologenes, Chryseobacterium gleumandChryseobacterium balustinum. Group 2 contained 10 isolates which remained unidentified but were closely associated with Group 1. Group 3 with three isolates was identified as aChryseobacterium meningosepticumgroup. Group 4 contained nine isolates which includedChryseobacterium indoltheticumandChryseobacterium scophthalmum. Groups 5 and 7 with four and eight isolates respectively, remained unidentified while Group 6 containing five isolates, was identified as theEmpedobactergroup. It was found in this study that this technique was not able to differentiate between all the species ofChryseobacteriumbut that species could be arranged in order of relatedness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fermented rice flour (khao‐khab, a non‐glutinous rice) and related products are Thai traditional products. The types of acetic acid bacteria (AAB) microflora in khao‐khab have not been reported. In this study, Acetobacter strains were isolated and identified based on the phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics and molecular aspects. RESULTS: Twenty‐five acetic acid bacteria isolated from fermented rice products and a starter for sweetened rice in Thailand by an enrichment culture approach, were assigned to the genus Acetobacter by phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characterisations. On the basis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence and 16S–23S rRNA gene ITS restriction analyses, 25 isolates were divided into six groups and identified at the specific level: (1) Group 1 included five isolates, which were identified as A. indonesiensis; (2) Group 2 included two isolates, which were identified as A. lovaniensis; (3) Group 3 included one isolate, which was identified as A. orientalis; (4) Group 4 included eleven isolates, which were identified as A. pasteurianus; (5) Group 5 included three isolates, which were identified as A. syzygii and (6) Group 6 included three isolates, which were unidentified and considered to constitute a new species. CONCLUSION: Results revealed that various Acetobacter species were distributed in Thai fermented rice flour and related products. A novel Acetobacter species was isolated from the product. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Summary The physico-chemical properties are reported for a group of whey protein powders prepared on a commercial or semi-commercial scale by three companies and chemically characterized as described elsewhere (Holt et al ., 1999). The dependence of the apparent β-lactoglobulin % on the recovered % showed that the nine samples could be placed in three distinct groups with β-lactoglobulin weight % of 70.9 ± 1.1 (Group 1), 62.0 ± 3.4 (Group 2) and 39.5 ± 4.9 (Group 3). Measurements by 1H-NMR spectroscopy, on 3 of the samples confirmed that the native fold still predominated in the β-lactoglobulin. β-lactoglobulin could be crystallized from all the powders and the normal space group and cell dimensions were determined for the 8 samples that gave crystals of good enough quality for X-ray studies. Differential scanning microcalorimetry of samples dispersed in a phosphate buffer showed a clear difference between Goups 1 and 2 with a more prominent peak due to α-lactalbumin in the Group 2 samples. Light scattering and size exclusion chromatography showed that two types of aggregates were present to a variable extent in all the samples and after a heat treatment, the larger aggregates tended to predominate in Group 2. The rheology measurements, also made in the phosphate buffer, showed a difference of gel stiffness during heat treatment between the Group 1 and Group 2 samples with the exception of the BORCwpc+ sample. Within each group, gel stiffness increased with the degree of lactoslylation of the β-lactoglobulin. Interfacial measurements on samples dispersed in water presented a more complex pattern of behaviour although surface tension measurements at the air water interface of the Group 2 samples showed a two-step pattern of surface tension decrease with time, compared to a single step pattern in the Group 1 samples.  相似文献   

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