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The knowledge about the position and movement of people is of great importance in mobile robotics for implementing tasks such as navigation, mapping, localization, or human-robot interaction. This knowledge enhances the robustness, reliability and performance of the robot control architecture. In this paper, a pattern classifier system for the detection of people using laser range finders data is presented. The approach is based on the quantified fuzzy temporal rules (QFTRs) knowledge representation and reasoning paradigm, that is able to analyze the spatio-temporal patterns that are associated to people. The pattern classifier system is a knowledge base made up of QFTRs that were learned with an evolutionary algorithm based on the cooperative-competitive approach together with token competition. A deep experimental study with a Pioneer II robot involving a five-fold cross-validation and several runs of the genetic algorithm has been done, showing a classification rate over 80%. Moreover, the characteristics of the tests represent complex and realistic conditions (people moving in groups, the robot moving in part of the experiments, and the existence of static and moving people).  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel behavior-modulation technique using a fuzzy discrete event system (FDES) for behavior-based robotic control. The method exploits the multivalued feature of fuzzy logic (FL) and event-driven property of a discrete event system (DES) to generate the activity of a behavior using fuzzy state vectors. State-based prediction of an activity is accomplished using fuzzily defined event matrices. A central arbiter employs priority-based arbitration among the activity state vectors and generates new event matrices to modify the activity states of the behaviors. The method combines aspects of both command fusion and behavior arbitration. Furthermore, the proposed approach has the ability to define state-based observability and controllability to handle sensory uncertainty and environmental dynamics. Observability describes decision vagueness associated with sensory data, whereas controllability specifies undesirable state-reach within the observed environment. Real-time results of FDES-based mobile robot navigation are presented and compared against four different modulation methods to validate its superior performance.  相似文献   

《Applied Soft Computing》2007,7(2):540-546
The design of fuzzy controllers for the implementation of behaviors in mobile robotics is a complex and highly time-consuming task. The use of machine learning techniques, such as evolutionary algorithms or artificial neural networks for the learning of these controllers allows to automate the design process. In this paper, the automated design of a fuzzy controller using genetic algorithms for the implementation of the wall-following behavior in a mobile robot is described. The algorithm is based on the Iterative Rule Learning (IRL) approach, and a parameter (δ) is defined with the aim of selecting the relation between the number of rules and the quality and accuracy of the controller. The designer has to define the universe of discourse and the precision of each variable, and also the scoring function. No restrictions are placed neither in the number of linguistic labels nor in the values that define the membership functions.  相似文献   

The automatic design of controllers for mobile robots usually requires two stages. In the first stage, sensorial data are preprocessed or transformed into high level and meaningful values of variables which are usually defined from expert knowledge. In the second stage, a machine learning technique is applied to obtain a controller that maps these high level variables to the control commands that are actually sent to the robot. This paper describes an algorithm that is able to embed the preprocessing stage into the learning stage in order to get controllers directly starting from sensorial raw data with no expert knowledge involved. Due to the high dimensionality of the sensorial data, this approach uses Quantified Fuzzy Rules (QFRs), that are able to transform low-level input variables into high-level input variables, reducing the dimensionality through summarization. The proposed learning algorithm, called Iterative Quantified Fuzzy Rule Learning (IQFRL), is based on genetic programming. IQFRL is able to learn rules with different structures, and can manage linguistic variables with multiple granularities. The algorithm has been tested with the implementation of the wall-following behavior both in several realistic simulated environments with different complexity and on a Pioneer 3-AT robot in two real environments. Results have been compared with several well-known learning algorithms combined with different data preprocessing techniques, showing that IQFRL exhibits a better and statistically significant performance. Moreover, three real world applications for which IQFRL plays a central role are also presented: path and object tracking with static and moving obstacles avoidance.  相似文献   

借助模糊概念和模糊运算,对时间区间的描述很容易实现。对于指定的日历模式,不同的时间区间可根据它们的隶属度具有不同的权重。在模糊日历代数基础上,结合增量挖掘和累进计数的思想,提出了一种基于模糊日历的模糊时序关联规则挖掘方法。理论分析和实验结果均表明,该算法是高效可行的。  相似文献   

Mobile devices can now handle a great deal of information thanks to the convergence of diverse functionalities. Mobile environments have already shown great potential in terms of providing customized services to users because they can record meaningful and private information continually for long periods of time. Until now, most of this information has been generally ignored because of the limitations of mobile devices in terms of power, memory capacity and speed. In this paper, we propose a novel method that efficiently infers landmarks for users to overcome these problems. This method uses an effective probabilistic Bayesian network model for analyzing various kinds of log data in mobile environments, which were modularized in this paper to decrease complexity. We also present a cooperative inference method, and the proposed methods were evaluated with mobile log data generated and collected in the real world.  相似文献   

Discovery of fuzzy temporal association rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a data mining system for discovering interesting temporal patterns from large databases. The mined patterns are expressed in fuzzy temporal association rules which satisfy the temporal requirements specified by the user. Temporal requirements specified by human beings tend to be ill-defined or uncertain. To deal with this kind of uncertainty, a fuzzy calendar algebra is developed to allow users to describe desired temporal requirements in fuzzy calendars easily and naturally. Fuzzy operations are provided and users can define complicated fuzzy calendars to discover the knowledge in the time intervals that are of interest to them. A border-based mining algorithm is proposed to find association rules incrementally. By keeping useful information of the database in a border, candidate itemsets can be computed in an efficient way. Updating of the discovered knowledge due to addition and deletion of transactions can also be done efficiently. The kept information can be used to help save the work of counting and unnecessary scans over the updated database can be avoided. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed system. A performance comparison with other systems is also given.  相似文献   

The design of fuzzy controllers for the implementation of behaviors in mobile robotics is a complex and highly time-consuming task. The use of machine learning techniques such as evolutionary algorithms or artificial neural networks for the learning of these controllers allows to automate the design process. In this paper, the automated design of a fuzzy controller using genetic algorithms for the implementation of the wall-following behavior in a mobile robot is described. The algorithm is based on the iterative rule learning approach, and is characterized by three main points. First, learning has no restrictions neither in the number of membership functions, nor in their values. In the second place, the training set is composed of a set of examples uniformly distributed along the universe of discourse of the variables. This warrantees that the quality of the learned behavior does not depend on the environment, and also that the robot will be capable to face different situations. Finally, the trade off between the number of rules and the quality/accuracy of the controller can be adjusted selecting the value of a parameter. Once the knowledge base has been learned, a process for its reduction and tuning is applied, increasing the cooperation between rules and reducing its number.  相似文献   

Data mining is the process of extracting desirable knowledge or interesting patterns from existing databases for specific purposes. In real-world applications, transactions may contain quantitative values and each item may have a lifespan from a temporal database. In this paper, we thus propose a data mining algorithm for deriving fuzzy temporal association rules. It first transforms each quantitative value into a fuzzy set using the given membership functions. Meanwhile, item lifespans are collected and recorded in a temporal information table through a transformation process. The algorithm then calculates the scalar cardinality of each linguistic term of each item. A mining process based on fuzzy counts and item lifespans is then performed to find fuzzy temporal association rules. Experiments are finally performed on two simulation datasets and the foodmart dataset to show the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Most of the existing video object detection schemes are either computationally extensive or fail to detect moving objects in different challenging situations. In this paper, we propose a robust and computationally inexpensive scheme to detect moving objects in video. The threefold approach begins with computation of difference images using temporal information. Difference images are calculated by subtracting two input frames, at each pixel position. Instead of generating difference images using the traditional continuous frame difference approach, we propose using a fixed number of alternate frames centered around the current frame. This approach aids in reducing the computational complexity without compromising on quality of the difference images. After computation of difference images, a novel post-processing scheme is employed by utilizing gamma correction factor and Mahalanobis distance metric to reduce false positives and false negatives. Object segmentation is finally performed on the refined difference image by a local fuzzy thresholding scheme. This avoids problems that are usually encountered in hard thresholding, especially pixel misclassification, which is the most important one. For robust experimental analysis, videos from changedetction.net, CAVIAR, and http://perception.i2r datasets have been used. These selected videos contain a wide variety of common challenges faced during object detection. Some examples are the presence of dynamic backgrounds, shadows, bad weather, etc. The results establish the effectiveness of the proposed scheme over some of the existing schemes both qualitatively and quantitatively as delineated in the experimental result section.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach for detecting previously unencountered malware targeting mobile device is proposed. In the proposed approach, time-stamped security data is continuously monitored within the target mobile device (i.e., smartphones, PDAs) and then processed by the knowledge-based temporal abstraction (KBTA) methodology. Using KBTA, continuously measured data (e.g., the number of sent SMSs) and events (e.g., software installation) are integrated with a mobile device security domain knowledge-base (i.e., an ontology for abstracting meaningful patterns from raw, time-oriented security data), to create higher level, time-oriented concepts and patterns, also known as temporal abstractions. Automatically-generated temporal abstractions are then monitored to detect suspicious temporal patterns and to issue an alert. These patterns are compatible with a set of predefined classes of malware as defined by a security expert (or the owner) employing a set of time and value constraints. The goal is to identify malicious behavior that other defensive technologies (e.g., antivirus or firewall) failed to detect. Since the abstraction derivation process is complex, the KBTA method was adapted for mobile devices that are limited in resources (i.e., CPU, memory, battery). To evaluate the proposed modified KBTA method a lightweight host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS), combined with central management capabilities for Android-based mobile phones, was developed. Evaluation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the new approach in detecting malicious applications on mobile devices (detection rate above 94% in most scenarios) and the feasibility of running such a system on mobile devices (CPU consumption was 3% on average).  相似文献   

This paper surveys recent results in pursuit-evasion and autonomous search relevant to applications in mobile robotics. We provide a taxonomy of search problems that highlights the differences resulting from varying assumptions on the searchers, targets, and the environment. We then list a number of fundamental results in the areas of pursuit-evasion and probabilistic search, and we discuss field implementations on mobile robotic systems. In addition, we highlight current open problems in the area and explore avenues for future work.  相似文献   

Lee, Stolfo, and Mok 1 previously reported the use of association rules and frequency episodes for mining audit data to gain knowledge for intrusion detection. The integration of association rules and frequency episodes with fuzzy logic can produce more abstract and flexible patterns for intrusion detection, since many quantitative features are involved in intrusion detection and security itself is fuzzy. We present a modification of a previously reported algorithm for mining fuzzy association rules, define the concept of fuzzy frequency episodes, and present an original algorithm for mining fuzzy frequency episodes. We add a normalization step to the procedure for mining fuzzy association rules in order to prevent one data instance from contributing more than others. We also modify the procedure for mining frequency episodes to learn fuzzy frequency episodes. Experimental results show the utility of fuzzy association rules and fuzzy frequency episodes for intrusion detection. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

With increasing demand on reliable robotic platforms that can alleviate the burden of daily painstaking tasks, researchers have focused their effort towards developing robotic platforms that possess a high level of autonomy and versatility in function. These robots, capable of operating either individually or in a group, also possess the structural modular morphology that enables them to adapt to the unstructured nature of a real environment. Over the past two decades, significant work has been published in this field, particularly in the aspects of autonomy, mobility and docking. This paper reviews the primary methods in the literature related to the fields of modular and reconfigurable mobile robotics. By bringing together aspects of modularity, including docking and autonomy, and synthesizing the most relevant findings, there is optimism that a more complete understanding of this field will serve as a starting ground for innovation and integration of such technology in the urban environment.  相似文献   

The basic goal of scene understanding is to organize the video into sets of events and to find the associated temporal dependencies. Such systems aim to automatically interpret activities in the scene, as well as detect unusual events that could be of particular interest, such as traffic violations and unauthorized entry. The objective of this work, therefore, is to learn behaviors of multi-agent actions and interactions in a semi-supervised manner. Using tracked object trajectories, we organize similar motion trajectories into clusters using the spectral clustering technique. This set of clusters depicts the different paths/routes, i.e., the distinct events taking place at various locations in the scene. A temporal mining algorithm is used to mine interval-based frequent temporal patterns occurring in the scene. A temporal pattern indicates a set of events that are linked based on their relationship with other events in the set, and we use Allen's interval-based temporal logic to describe these relations. The resulting frequent patterns are used to generate temporal association rules, which convey the semantic information contained in the scene. Our overall aim is to generate rules that govern the dynamics of the scene and perform anomaly detection. We apply the proposed approach on two publicly available complex traffic datasets and demonstrate considerable improvements over the existing techniques.  相似文献   

We propose a user-centric rule filtering method that allows to identify association rules that exhibit a certain user-specified temporal behavior with respect to rule evaluation measures. The method can considerably reduce the number of association rules that have to be assessed manually after a rule induction. This is especially necessary if the rule set contains many rules as it is the case for the task of finding rare patterns inside the data. For the proposed method, we will reuse former work on the visualization of association rules [M. Steinbrecher, R. Kruse, Visualization of possibilistic potentials, in: Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, in: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 4529, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 295–303] and use an extension of it to motivate and assess the presented filtering technique. We put the focus on rules that are induced from a data set that contains a temporal variable and build our approach on the requirement that temporally ordered sets of association rules are available, i.e., one set for every time frame. To illustrate this, we propose an ad-hoc learning method along the way. The actual rule filtering is accomplished by means of fuzzy concepts. These concepts use linguistic variables to partition rule-related domains of interest, such as the confidence change rate. The original rule sets are then matched against these user concepts and result in only those rules that match the respective concepts to a predefined extent. We provide empirical evidence by applying the proposed methods to hand-crafted as well as real-world data sets and critically discuss the current state and further prospects.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the navigation subsystem of a mobile robot which operates in human environments to carry out different tasks, such as transporting waste in hospitals or escorting people in exhibitions. The paper describes a hybrid approach (Roaming Trails), which integrates a priori knowledge of the environment with local perceptions in order to carry out the assigned tasks efficiently and safely: that is, by guaranteeing that the robot can never be trapped in deadlocks even when operating within a partially unknown dynamic environment. The article includes a discussion about the properties of the approach, as well as experimental results recorded during real-world experiments.  相似文献   

分类是许多研究领域的关键问题,模糊规则的提取质量对分类器的性能又有着极大影响.所提取的规则不仅在分类能力上要达到最优,同时在规则数量上也不能太多,否则会影响规则搜索和匹配的速度.结合人工免疫的克隆选择原理,采用克隆选择算法,提取通过多精度模糊分割产生的大量模糊if—then规则中的少数精华规则,从而建立了模糊分类所需要的有效规则集合,同时还对优化目标函数进行了改进.经仿真实验证明,该方法所提取的模糊规则具有分类准确率高,规则数目较少等特点。  相似文献   

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