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The mechanism of the intramolecular proton transfer in the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is studied. The kinetic isotope effects after H/D exchange were determined for the individual photocycle reactions and used as an indicator. Significant differences in the kinetic isotope effects are observed between the intramolecular proton transfer on the release and the uptake pathways. The results suggest a fast intramolecular proton transfer mechanism in the proton release pathway, which is similar to the one proposed for ice, where the rate limiting step is the proton movement within the H bond. However, the reactions in the intramolecular proton uptake pathway occur in a mechanism similar to the one suggested for liquid water, where the rate limiting step is given by a rotational rearrangement of H bonded network groups. We propose that the experimental evidence for a proton wire mechanism given here for bacteriorhodopsin is of general relevance also for other proton transporting proteins.  相似文献   

Primary solvent deuterium, primary substrate deuterium, multiple solvent deuterium/substrate deuterium, and multiple solvent deuterium/13C isotope effects on V/K6PG have been measured for the Candida utilis and sheep liver 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases (6PGDH). Proton inventory data suggest the presence of a significant medium effect in a step preceding hydride transfer and the presence of a kinetic solvent deuterium isotope effect on hydride transfer. Multiple isotope effect data confirm the presence of multiple solvent deuterium sensitive steps, likely including a conformational change preceding hydride transfer, hydride transfer, and decarboxylation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of human type II inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase has been probed by measurements of primary deuterium kinetic isotope effects, and by determination of the stereochemical course of the reaction. The deuterium isotope effects on Vmax from [2-deutero]-IMP are unity for reactions with a variety of monovalent cation activators (K+, NH4+, Na+, Rb+) of various efficacy. In each case normal effects on Vmax/K(m) in the range of 1.9 to 3.5 are observed for both IMP and NAD, and are larger for NAD. These results demonstrate that both substrates can dissociate from the E.M+.IMP.NAD complex, therefore the kinetic mechanism is not ordered as previous steady-state kinetic studies have suggested. Comparison of reaction rates in D2O and H2O show no 2H isotope effect on Vmax, and a < or = twofold decrease in Vmax/K(m); thus, a proton transfer from solvent is not rate-limiting in turnover. The NMR spectrum of the [4-deutero]NADH produced in the reaction of [2-deutero]-IMP and NAD shows that the hydrogen is transferred to the B, or pro-S, side of the nicotinamide ring. Presteady-state kinetic experiments reveal a burst of NADH formation in the first turnover, demonstrating that a late step in the mechanism is rate-limiting. The rate of the burst phase is reduced approximately twofold with [2-deutero]IMP as substrate, indicating that the hydride transfer step is kinetically significant early in the reaction.  相似文献   

A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the deuterium isotope effects on the bacterial luciferase reaction is described. The experimental studies focus on determining if the unusual aldehydic deuterium isotope effect of approximately 1.5 observed in these reactions is an intrinsic isotope effect resulting from a single rate-limiting step or is a composite of multiple rate-limiting steps. The isotope effect observed is not significantly affected by variation in the aldehyde chain length, changes in the pH over a range of 6-9, use of alphaC106A and alphaC106S site-directed mutants, or chloride substitution at the 8-position of the reduced flavin, though the isotope effect is decreased when the 8-methoxy-substituted flavin is used as a substrate. From these observations it is concluded that the aldehydic isotope effect arises from the change in rate of a single kinetic step. A stopped-flow kinetic analysis of the microscopic rate constants for the reactions of 1-[1H]decanal and 1-[2H]decanal in the bacterial luciferase reaction was carried out, and aldehyde hydration isotope effects were determined. From the results it is estimated that the aldehydic deuterium isotope effect is approximately 1.9 after formation of an intermediate flavin C4a-hydroperoxy hemiacetal. Ab initio calculations were used to examine the transformation of the aldehyde into a carboxylic acid and to predict isotope effects for possible mechanisms. These calculations indicate that the mechanism involving rate-limiting electron transfer from the flavin C4a-hydroxide to an intermediate dioxirane is consistent with the enigmatic aldehydic isotope effect and that the intermediacy of a dioxirane is energetically plausible.  相似文献   

The present article reviews the results of experimental studies on paraquat neurotoxicity, started by our group several years ago--when clinical and experimental reports had increased the interest for the possibility that environmental chemicals, including paraquat, may be related to the development of Parkinson's disease-, and which are still continuing since paraquat appears to be a promising tool to study the mechanisms of neuronal cell death in vivo. Our observations have demonstrated that paraquat causes evident neurotoxic effects after intracerebroventricular or intracerebral injection in experimental animals; however, it seems that the herbicide does not exibit a selective neurotoxicity towards the dopaminergic nigro-striatal system since potent behavioural and electrocortical changes are induced by paraquat after injection in brain areas other than the substantia nigra and caudate nucleus. By studying the mechanisms through which paraquat induces neurotoxic effects in vivo, it was shown that either free radical production and activation of cholinergic and glutamatergic transmission may be regarded as related events which play a crucial role in paraquat-induced neurotoxicity. In addition, it was observed that in rats paraquat penetrates the blood-brain barrier following systemic administration to give rise to a differential brain regional distribution; the latter observation rises some concern over the hazard of paraquat as a potential environmental neurotoxin. Indeed, paraquat, administered systemically in rats produces behavioural excitation and brain damage. The brain damage appears to be selective for the pyriform cortex and this does not seem to be strictly related to the high concentrations reached by the herbicide in this area but to the higher vulnerability of this cortical area to the enhanced cholinergic transmission. The recent observation that paraquat, injected into the rat hippocampus, induces the expression of apoptotic neuronal cell death, appears of valuable interest also with a view to paraquat as an useful experimental model in the development of neuroprotective drugs able to block the molecular events which, once activated, are responsible for the induction of neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

Within the methylamine dehydrogenase (MADH)-amicyanin protein complex, long range intermolecular electron transfer (ET) occurs between tryptophan tryptophylquinone (TTQ) of MADH and the type I copper of amicyanin. The reoxidations of two chemically distinct reduced forms of TTQ were studied, a quinol (O-quinol) generated by reduction by dithionite and the physiologically relevant aminoquinol (N-quinol) generated by reduction by methylamine. The latter contains a substrate-derived amino group which displaces the C6 carbonyl oxygen on TTQ. ET from N-quinol MADH to amicyanin is gated by the transfer of a solvent exchangeable proton [Bishop, G. R., & Davidson, V. L. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 12082-12086]. The factors which influence this proton transfer (PT) reaction have been examined. The rate of PT increases with increasing pH and with increasing salt concentration. The salt effect is due to specific monovalent cations and is not a general ionic strength effect. The rate enhancements by pH and cations do not reflect an elimination of the PT step that gates ET. Over the range of pH from 5.5 to 9.0 and with cation concentrations from 0 to 200 mM, the observed rate of the redox reaction is still that of PT. This is proven by kinetic solvent isotope effect studies which show that a primary isotope effect persists even at the highest values of pH and cation concentration. A model is presented to explain how specific cations contribute to catalysis and influence the rate of PT in this reaction. The pH dependence is attributed to an ionizable group that is involved in cation binding. The effect of the cation is stabilization of a negatively charged reaction intermediate that is formed during the deprotonation of the N-quinol, and from which rapid ET to the copper of amicyanin occurs. The relevance of these findings to other enzymes which exhibit reaction rates that are influenced by monovalent cations is also discussed.  相似文献   

The role of Asp-L213 in proton transfer to reduced quinone QB in the reaction center (RC) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides was studied by site-directed replacement of Asp with residues having different proton donor properties. Reaction centers (RCs) with Asn, Leu, Thr, and Ser at L213 had greatly reduced (approximately 6000-fold) proton-coupled electron transfer [kAB(2)] and proton uptake rates associated with the second electron reduction of QB (QA- QB- + 2H(+)-->QAQBH2) compared to native RCs. RCs containing Glu at L213 showed faster (approximately 90-fold) electron and proton transfer rates than the other mutant RCs but were still reduced (approximately 70-fold) compared with native RCs. These results show that kAB(2) is larger when a carboxylic acid occupies the L213 site, consistent with the proposal that Asp-L213 is a component of a proton transfer chain. The reduced kAB(2) observed with Glu versus Asp at L213 suggests that Asp at L213 is important for proton transfer for some other reason in addition to its proton transfer capabilities. Glu-L213 is estimated to have a higher apparent pKa (pKa > or = 7) than Asp-L213 (pKa < or = 4), as indicated by the slower rate of charge recombination (D+QAQB(-)-->DQAQB) in the mutant RCs. The importance of the pKa and charge of the residue at L213 for proton transfer are discussed. Based on these studies, a model for proton transfer is proposed in which Asp-L213 contributes to proton transfer in native RCs in two ways: (1) it is a component of a proton transfer chain connecting the buried QB molecule with the solvent and/or (2) it provides a negative charge that stabilizes a proton on or near QB.  相似文献   

This article presents an outlook on the structure and function of terminal oxidases, the respiratory enzymes which catalyze the reduction of dioxygen to water in aerobic organisms. The structure of the redox active metals, their interactions with the protein matrix, and their role in electron transfer ligand binding and proton pumping are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Proton transfer in cytochromes P450 is a critical step in the activation of molecular oxygen. Extensive study of the P450cam active site has identified several residues that play a central role in dioxygen bond scission. A highly conserved carboxylate, aspartate-251 in P450cam in the distal helix I, participates in a series of hydrogen-bond/ion pairs near the molecular surface and has been implicated in the catalytic mechanism. Mutation of Asp251 is known to lower activity by 2 orders of magnitude and change the rate-limiting step in the catalytic cycle, suggesting a role for an acid functionality in generation of iron-oxygen reactive intermediates. The turnover rates of the Asp251Asn mutant in various protium-deuterium mixtures have been determined and show a significantly larger kinetic solvent isotope effect, with an overall magnitude of 10 compared to 1.8 for the wild-type P450cam. In addition, a much larger number of protons are involved in the rate-limiting step for the Asp251Asn mutant than in the wild-type enzyme. These results indicate that Asp251 is an essential part of the normal proton delivery machinery required for O-O bond scission. The crystal structure of the Aps251Asn mutant obtained from data collected at cryogenic temperatures has been refined to 1.9 A. Key hydrogen bonds required to hold Asp251 in position have been broken which allows the mutant Asn251 side chain to swing out and away from the O2 binding site leading to a more open active site. This change could allow easier access by water and thus contribute to the observed kinetic solvent isotope effects.  相似文献   

A new method for directly measuring 18O isotope effects on decarboxylation reactions has been developed. By running the reaction under high vacuum (10(-5) torr), CO2 leaves the solution before exchange with the oxygens of water to an extent greater than 2%. Thus, the method permits determination of 18O isotope effects with the precision of the isotope ratio mass spectrometer, and without the necessity of resorting to the remote label method and its attendant required syntheses. The method is used to determine 18O isotope effects for decarboxylation of oxalacetate (OAA) by Mg2+, and enzymatically by OAA decarboxylase from Pseudomonas putida; 13C isotope effects are also reported for this enzyme, as well as for decarboxylation of OAA by pyruvate kinase. Initial velocity patterns and pH profiles are reported for the P. putida enzyme, and all available data are used to discuss the kinetic and chemical mechanism of decarboxylation.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was conducted to investigate the association between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, history of major depressive disorder (MDD), and persistent or recurrent MDD among intravenous drug users. Psychiatric disorders were assessed in a sample of HIV-positive (HIV+) and HIV-negative (HIV-) intravenous drug users every 6 months for 3 years. Results indicated that HIV status and baseline MDD independently predicted persistent or recurrent episodes of MDD after gender, drug use, ethnicity, income, and the presence other psychiatric disorders were controlled statistically. Among HIV+ intravenous drug users with baseline MDD, 90% experienced at least one subsequent episode of MDD and 47% experienced at least three subsequent episodes of MDD. However, less than 40% of intravenous drug users with current MDD received treatment for emotional problems. These findings indicate that intravenous drug users with HIV infection and a history of MDD are at considerable risk for future episodes of MDD or recurrent MDD, and that increased provision of treatment for intravenous drug users with MDD may be necessary.  相似文献   

Isolated from bovine milk, xanthine oxidase (XO) and xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) are two interconvertible forms of the same protein, differing in the number of protein cysteines versus cystines. Most differences between XO and XDH are localized to the FAD center, the site at which the oxidizing substrates NAD and molecular oxygen react. A comparative study of the reduction of XO and XDH has been performed to assess differences in reactivity of the molybdopterin site, as well as subsequent electron-transfer events from molybdenum to 2Fe/2S and FAD centers. The compound 4-hydroxypyrimidine (4-OH-P) was chosen as reducing substrate because its higher Km value raised the possibility of binding weak enough to measure kinetically, and its high kcat value could allow detection of intramolecular electron-transfer reactions. As measured by stopped flow spectrophotometry, XO and XDH react with the first equivalent of 4-OH-P via similar mechanisms, differing in the magnitude of rate and dissociation constants. Using [2-2H]4-OH-P as substrate, a D(k/Kd) isotope effect of 1.9 to 2.3 suggests that movement of the hydrogen abstracted from substrate appreciably limits the rate of initial enzyme reduction from Mo(VI) to Mo(IV). Monitoring the visible spectrum of the enzymes, the first observed step is reduction of a single 2Fe/2S center and presumably re-oxidation of Mo(IV) to Mo(V). This suggests a common pathway for electron transfer involving reduction of a 2Fe/2S center prior to reduction of the second 2Fe/2S and FAD centers. Rates of the first electron transfer from molybdenum to the 2Fe/2S center are rapid, 290 s-1 with XO and 180 s-1 with XDH, and are consistent with rates measured by flash photolysis (Walker, M. C., Hazzard, J. T., Tollin, G., and Edmondson, D. E. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 5912-5917) allowing discrete observation of the electron-transfer reactions that occur during turnover. This step also exhibits a modest primary kinetic isotope effect of 1.5 to 1.6 when [2-2H]4-OH-P is used, possibly due to deprotonation of the molybdenum center prior to electron transfer. A second one-electron transfer, presumably oxidizing Mo(V) to Mo(VI), follows in a step coincident with product dissociation, consistent with a role for product release in controlling electron transfer events. The kinetics of this complex system are described and interpreted quantitatively in models that are consistent with all the data.  相似文献   

A mutant insulin receptor lacking the final 69 amino acids of the beta-subunit (delta 69) was used to examine the role of the receptor C-terminal domain in kinase activation. With increasing deletion of the C-terminus from 43 to 69 amino acids we show that exogenous peptide kinase activity is lost before autokinase activity. Despite this, phosphorylation of an in vivo insulin receptor substrate, IRS-1, and insulin bioeffects are similar to wild-type. In addition, with the exception of insulin-stimulated peptide phosphorylation, the reductant glutathione modified kinase activity in a similar manner for both wild-type and mutant delta 69 receptors. These results suggest that conformational changes proposed to occur within the receptor C-terminus upon insulin binding may not be necessary for kinase activation under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   

A class of isotope effects that alters isotope ratios on a mass-independent basis provides a tool for studying a wide range of processes in atmospheres of Earth and other planets as well as early processes in the solar nebula. The mechanism for the effect remains uncertain. Mass-independent isotopic compositions have been observed in O3, CO2, N2O, and CO in Earth's atmosphere and in carbonate from a martian meteorite, which suggests a role for mass-independent processes in the atmosphere of Mars. Observed mass-independent meteoritic oxygen and sulfur isotopic compositions may derive from chemical processes in the presolar nebula, and their distributions could provide insight into early solar system evolution.  相似文献   

The catalysis of the hydration of CO2 by human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) includes the transfer of a proton from zinc-bound water to histidine 64 utilizing a network of intervening hydrogen-bonded water molecules, then the proton is transferred to buffer in solution. We used stopped-flow spectrophotometry and 18O exchange between CO2 and water measured by mass spectrometry to compare catalytic constants dependent on proton transfer in HCA II and in the mutant H64A HCA II containing the replacement His64-->Ala. Maximal velocities and oxygen-18 exchange catalyzed by H64A HCA II showed that nearly all of the proton transfer with this mutant proceeded through the imidazole buffer. The following parameters were very similar or identical in catalysis by H64A HCA II compared with catalysis by wild-type HCA II both in the presence of large concentrations of imidazole (100 mM): the maximal rate of initial velocity and of exchange of 18O between CO2 and water, solvent hydrogen isotope effects on the maximal velocity, and the dependence of these isotope effects on the atom fraction of deuterium in solvent water. These results indicate that the proton transfer involving the zinc-bound water in catalysis is not significantly affected by the difference between the mobility of the free imidazole buffer and the side chain of His 64. Moreover, data for both the wild-type and mutant enzymes are consistent with proton transfer through intervening hydrogen-bonded water bridges in the active sites. These features of the proton transfer are discussed in terms of a model in which the first proton transfer from the zinc-bound water to an adjacent water is rate limiting.  相似文献   

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