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When the Mars Pathfinder (MPF) spacecraft lands on Mars, the Microrover Flight Experiment (MFEX) will be deployed and perform its mission to conduct technology experiments verifying the engineering design, to deploy an alpha proton x-ray spectrometer (APXS) to measure elemental properties of rocks and soil, and to image the MPF lander. In accomplishing this mission the MFEX rover must determine a safe path to goal locations traversing over a poorly known Martian surface. The rover does this mission with a capable mobile platform executing on-board autonomous functions of navigation and hazard avoidance. In this paper we describe the rover, its operational environment and the implementation of the on-board autonomous functions.  相似文献   

We overview our recent research on planetary mobility. Products of this effort include the Field Integrated Design & Operations rover (FIDO), Sample Return Rover (SRR), reconfigurable rover units that function as an All Terrain Explorer (ATE), and a multi-Robot Work Crew of closely cooperating rovers (RWC). FIDO rover is an advanced technology prototype; its design and field testing support NASA's development of long range, in situ Mars surface science missions. Complementing this, SRR implements autonomous visual recognition, navigation, rendezvous, and manipulation functions enabling small object pick-up, handling, and precision terminal docking to a Mars ascent vehicle for future Mars Sample Return. ATE implements on-board reconfiguration of rover geometry and control for adaptive response to adverse and changing terrain, e.g., traversal of steep, sandy slopes. RWC implements coordinated control of two rovers under closed loop kinematics and force constraints, e.g., transport of large payloads, as would occur in robotic colonies at future Mars outposts. RWC is based in a new extensible architecture for decentralized control of, and collective state estimation by multiple heterogeneous robotic platforms—CAMPOUT; we overview the key architectural features. We have conducted experiments with all these new rover system concepts over variable natural terrain. For each of the above developments, we summarize our approach, some of our key experimental results to date, and our future directions of planned development.  相似文献   

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover landed in Gale crater in August of 2012 on its mission to explore Mt. Sharp as the first planetary rover to collect and analyze rock and regolith samples. On this new mission, sampling operations were conceived to be executed serially and in situ, on a “sample chain” along which sample would be collected, then processed, then delivered to sample analysis instruments, analyzed there, and then discarded so the chain could be repeated. This paper describes the evolution of this relatively simple chain into a richer sampling network, responding to science and engineering desires that came into focus only as the mission matured, scientific discoveries were made, and anomalies were encountered. The rover flight and ground system architectures retained significant heritage from past missions, while extending capabilities in anticipation of the need for adaptation. As evolution occurred, the architecture permitted nimble extension of sampling behavior without time‐consuming flight software updates or significant impact to daily operations. This paper presents the major components of this architecture and discusses some of the results of successful adaptation across thousands of Sols of Mars operations.  相似文献   

Mars microrover navigation: Performance evaluation and enhancement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In 1996, NASA will launch the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft, which will carry an 11 kg rover to explore the immediate vicinity of the lander. To assess the capabilities of the rover, as well as to set priorities for future rover research, it is essential to evaluate the performance of its autonomous navigation system as a function of terrain characteristics. Unfortunately, very little of this kind of evaluation has been done, for either planetary rovers or terrestrial applications. To fill this gap, we have constructed a new microrover testbed consisting of the Rocky 3.2 vehicle and an indoor test arena with overhead cameras for automatic, real-time tracking of the true rover position and heading. We create Mars analog terrains in this arena by randomly distributing rocks according to an exponential model of Mars rock size frequency created from Viking lander imagery. To date, we have recorded detailed logs from over 85 navigation trials in this testbed. In this paper, we outline current plans for Mars exploration over the next decade, summarize the design of the lander and rover for the 1996 Pathfinder mission, and introduce a decomposition of rover navigation into four major functions: goal designation, rover localization, hazard detection, and path selection. We then describe the Pathfinder approach to each function, present results to date of evaluating the performance of each function, and outline our approach to enhancing performance for future missions. The results show key limitations in the quality of rover localization, the speed of hazard detection, and the ability of behavior control algorithms for path selection to negotiate the rock frequencies likely to be encountered on Mars. We believe that the facilities, methodologies, and to some extent the specific performance results presented here will provide valuable examples for efforts to evaluate robotic vehicle performance in other applications.  相似文献   

Achieving consistently high levels of productivity has been a challenge for Mars surface missions. While the rovers have made major discoveries and dramatically increased our understanding of Mars, they require a great deal of interaction from the operations teams, and achieving mission objectives can take longer than anticipated when productivity is paced by the ground teams' ability to react. We have conducted a project to explore technologies and techniques for creating self‐reliant rovers (SRR): rovers that are able to maintain high levels of productivity with reduced reliance on ground interactions. This paper describes the design of SRR and a prototype implementation that we deployed on a research rover. We evaluated the system by conducting a simulated campaign in which members of the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity rover) science team used our rover to explore a geographical region. The evaluation demonstrated the system's ability to maintain high levels of productivity with limited communication with operators.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Russian rover Marsokhod, designed by Babakin Center for Mars exploration and the navigation sub-system based on stereovision developed by the French Space Agency C.N.E.S. to provide the rover with autonomous motion ability, improving thus its exploration range on the surface of Mars. Tests of the complete vehicle, including autonomous locomotion, has been recently fulfilled on a Mars-like area build in C.N.E.S. for this purpose by a joined Russian-French team; the main results and conclusions of these test are related.  相似文献   

Rovers operating on Mars require more and more autonomous features to fulfill their challenging mission requirements. However, the inherent constraints of space systems render the implementation of complex algorithms an expensive and difficult task. In this paper, we propose an architecture for autonomous navigation. Efficient implementations of autonomous features are built on top of the ExoMars path following navigation approach to enhance the safety and traversing capabilities of the rover. These features allow the rover to detect and avoid hazards and perform significantly longer traverses planned by operators on the ground. The efficient navigation approach has been implemented and tested during field test campaigns on a planetary analogue terrain. The experiments evaluated the proposed architecture by autonomously completing several traverses of variable lengths while avoiding hazards. The approach relies only on the optical Localization Cameras stereo bench, a sensor that is found in all current rovers, and potentially allows for computationally inexpensive long‐range autonomous navigation in terrains of medium difficulty.  相似文献   

Under the umbrella of the European Space Agency (ESA) StarTiger program, a rapid prototyping study called Seeker was initiated. A range of partners from space and nonspace sectors were brought together to develop a prototype Mars rover system capable of autonomously exploring several kilometers of highly representative Mars terrain over a three‐day period. This paper reports on our approach and the final field trials that took place in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Long‐range navigation and the associated remote rover field trials are a new departure for ESA, and this activity therefore represents a novel initiative in this area. The primary focus was to determine if current computer vision and artificial intelligence based software could enable such a capability on Mars, given the current limit of around 200 m per Martian day. The paper does not seek to introduce new theoretical techniques or compare various approaches, but it offers a unique perspective on their behavior in a highly representative environment. The final system autonomously navigated 5.05 km in highly representative terrain during one day. This work is part of a wider effort to achieve a step change in autonomous capability for future Mars/lunar exploration rover platforms.  相似文献   

Highly accurate real‐time localization is of fundamental importance for the safety and efficiency of planetary rovers exploring the surface of Mars. Mars rover operations rely on vision‐based systems to avoid hazards as well as plan safe routes. However, vision‐based systems operate on the assumption that sufficient visual texture is visible in the scene. This poses a challenge for vision‐based navigation on Mars where regions lacking visual texture are prevalent. To overcome this, we make use of the ability of the rover to actively steer the visual sensor to improve fault tolerance and maximize the perception performance. This paper answers the question of where and when to look by presenting a method for predicting the sensor trajectory that maximizes the localization performance of the rover. This is accomplished by an online assessment of possible trajectories using synthetic, future camera views created from previous observations of the scene. The proposed trajectories are quantified and chosen based on the expected localization performance. In this study, we validate the proposed method in field experiments at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Mars Yard. Furthermore, multiple performance metrics are identified and evaluated for reducing the overall runtime of the algorithm. We show how actively steering the perception system increases the localization accuracy compared with traditional fixed‐sensor configurations.  相似文献   

In spite of the good performance of space exploratory missions, open issues still await to be solved. In autonomous or composite semi‐autonomous exploration of planetary land surfaces, rover localization is such an issue. The rovers of these missions (e.g., the MER and MSL) navigate relatively to their landing spot, ignoring their exact position on the coordinate system defined for the celestial body they explore. However, future advanced missions, like the Mars Sample Return, will require the localization of rovers on a global frame rather than the arbitrarily defined landing frame. In this paper we attempt to retrieve the absolute rover's location by identifying matching Regions of Interest (ROIs) between orbital and land images. In particular, we propose a system comprising two parts, an offline and an onboard one, which functions as follows: in advance of the mission a Global ROI Network (GN) is built offline by investigating the satellite images near the predicted touchdown ellipse, while during the mission a Local ROI Network (LN) is constructed counting on the images acquired by the vision system of the rover along its traverse. The last procedure relies on the accurate VO‐based relative rover localization. The LN is then paired with the GN through a modified 2D DARCES algorithm. The system has been assessed on real data collected by the ESA at the Atacama desert. The results demonstrate the system's potential to perform absolute localization, on condition that the area includes discriminative ROIs. The main contribution of this work is the enablement of global localization performed on contemporary rovers without requiring any additional hardware, such as long range LIDARs.  相似文献   

The Mars exploration rover mission has conducted continuous Mars surface operations for over 24 months to date. The operations processes and tools put in place before landing have continued to develop throughout the surface mission, evolving from a capability intended to operate for less than four months to one capable of continuing indefinitely. The MER operations design has been accepted as baseline for the Mars Science Laboratory mission, scheduled for launch in 2009. Our experiences during MER's exciting and unexpectedly extensive surface exploration phase may provide useful insights for other future long duration surface missions.  相似文献   

Distributed Control of Multi-Robot Systems Engaged in Tightly Coupled Tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NASA mission concepts for the upcoming decades of this century include exploration of sites such as steep cliff faces on Mars, as well as infrastructure deployment for a sustained robotic/manned presence on planetary and/or the lunar surface. Single robotic platforms, such as the Sojourner rover successfully flown in 1997 and the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) which landed on Mars in January of 2004, have neither the autonomy, mobility, nor manipulation capabilities for such ambitious undertakings. One possible approach to these future missions is the fielding of cooperative multi-robot systems that have the required onboard control algorithms to more or less autonomously perform tightly coordinated tasks. These control algorithms must operate under the constrained mass, volume, processing, and communication conditions that are present on NASA planetary surface rover systems. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of distributed control algorithms that build on our earlier development of an enabling architecture called CAMPOUT (Control Architecture for Multi-robot Planetary Outposts). We also report on some ongoing physical experiments in tightly coupled distributed control at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, CA where in the first study two rovers acquire and carry an extended payload over uneven, natural terrain, and in the second three rovers form a team for cliff access.  相似文献   

Since landing on the Meridiani Planum region of Mars in January 2004, the Mars exploration rover (MER) vehicle named Opportunity has been sending back pictures taken from several different craters that would provide evidence that the region did indeed have a watery past. This paper details the experience of driving Opportunity through this alien landscape during its first 400 days on Mars, from the point of view of the other rover planners, the people who tell the rover where to drive and how to use its robotic arm.  相似文献   

The Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Project was launched in mid-2000 to land two mobile exploration platforms at different science targets on the red planet. The centerpiece of each mission is the rover and its scientific payload. Spirit and Opportunity are identical vehicles, and each carries the same science payload and engineering subsystems. NASA's current Mars program is once again focused on missions to the Martian surface to answer fundamental questions of the extent Mars ever supported a liquid water environment on its surface, and hence the planet's ability to have sustained life.  相似文献   

Improved Rover State Estimation in Challenging Terrain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Given ambitious mission objectives and long delay times between command-uplink/data-downlink sessions, increased autonomy is required for planetary rovers. Specifically, NASA's planned 2003 and 2005 Mars rover missions must incorporate increased autonomy if their desired mission goals are to be realized. Increased autonomy, including autonomous path planning and navigation to user designated goals, relies on good quality estimates of the rover's state, e.g., its position and orientation relative to some initial reference frame. The challenging terrain over which the rover will necessarily traverse tends to seriously degrade a dead-reckoned state estimate, given severe wheel slip and/or interaction with obstacles. In this paper, we present the implementation of a complete rover navigation system. First, the system is able to adaptively construct semi-sparse terrain maps based on the current ground texture and distances to possible nearby obstacles. Second, the rover is able to match successively constructed terrain maps to obtain a vision-based state estimate which can then be fused with wheel odometry to obtain a much improved state estimate. Finally the rover makes use of this state estimate to perform autonomous real-time path planning and navigation to user designated goals. Reactive obstacle avoidance is also implemented for roaming in an environment in the absence of a user designated goal. The system is demonstrated in soft soil and relatively dense rock fields, achieving state estimates that are significantly improved with respect to dead reckoning alone (e.g., 0.38 m mean absolute error vs. 1.34 m), and successfully navigating in multiple trials to user designated goals.  相似文献   

After landing in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012, the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover traveled across regolith‐covered, rock‐strewn plains that transitioned into terrains that have been variably eroded, with valleys partially filled with windblown sands, and intervening plateaus capped by well‐cemented sandstones that have been fractured and shaped by wind into outcrops with numerous sharp rock surfaces. Wheel punctures and tears caused by sharp rocks while traversing the plateaus led to directing the rover to traverse in valleys where sands would cushion wheel loads. This required driving across a megaripple (windblown, sand‐sized deposit covered by coarser grains) that straddles a narrow gap and several extensive megaripple deposits that accumulated in low portions of valleys. Traverses across megaripple deposits led to mobility difficulties, with sinkage values up to approximately 30% of the 0.50 m wheel diameter, resultant high compaction resistances, and rover‐based slip up to 77%. Analysis of imaging and engineering data collected during traverses across megaripples for the first 710 sols (Mars days) of the mission, laboratory‐based single‐wheel soil experiments, full‐scale rover tests at the Dumont Dunes, Mojave Desert, California, and numerical simulations show that a combination of material properties and megaripple geometries explain the high wheel sinkage and slip events. Extensive megaripple deposits have subsequently been avoided and instead traverses have been implemented across terrains covered with regolith or thin windblown sand covers and megaripples separated by bedrock exposures.  相似文献   

We present a light‐weight body‐terrain clearance evaluation algorithm for the automated path planning of NASA's Mars 2020 rover. Extraterrestrial path planning is challenging due to the combination of terrain roughness and severe limitation in computational resources. Path planning on cluttered and/or uneven terrains requires repeated safety checks on all the candidate paths at a small interval. Predicting the future rover state requires simulating the vehicle settling on the terrain, which involves an inverse‐kinematics problem with iterative nonlinear optimization under geometric constraints. However, such expensive computation is intractable for slow spacecraft computers, such as RAD750, which is used by the Curiosity Mars rover and upcoming Mars 2020 rover. We propose the approximate clearance evaluation (ACE) algorithm, which obtains conservative bounds on vehicle clearance, attitude, and suspension angles without iterative computation. It obtains those bounds by estimating the lowest and highest heights that each wheel may reach given the underlying terrain, and calculating the worst‐case vehicle configuration associated with those extreme wheel heights. The bounds are guaranteed to be conservative, hence ensuring vehicle safety during autonomous navigation. ACE is planned to be used as part of the new onboard path planner of the Mars 2020 rover. This paper describes the algorithm in detail and validates our claim of conservatism and fast computation through experiments.  相似文献   

NASA Ames Research Center and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory jointly developed the collaborative information portal for NASA's Mars exploration rover mission. Mission managers, engineers, scientists, and researchers used this Internet-based enterprise software application to view current staffing and event schedules, download data and image files generated by the rovers, send and receive broadcast messages, and get accurate times in various Mars and Earth time zones. This article describes the application's features, architecture, and implementation, and conveys the lessons learned from its deployment.  相似文献   

以“祝融号”火星车为研究对象,基于车辆地面力学理论分析了火星车发生沉陷的机理,基于滑转率、电流、沉陷深度等给出沉陷判别方法,制定了不同条件下“祝融号”火星车的沉陷判别准则及脱困策略。验证试验结果表明:临界沉陷时滑转率为61.25%、驱动电流为1.90 A,达到沉陷临界值后“祝融号”火星车将无法直接驶离,而“祝融号”火星车主动悬架的蠕动是实现脱困的有效方法。研究成果可为“祝融号”火星车在轨使用策略提供试验数据和参考。  相似文献   

Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming popular among researchers and vital platforms for several autonomous mission systems. In this paper, we present the design and development of a miniature autonomous rotorcraft weighing less than 700 g and capable of waypoint navigation, trajectory tracking, visual navigation, precise hovering, and automatic takeoff and landing. In an effort to make advanced autonomous behaviors available to mini‐ and microrotorcraft, an embedded and inexpensive autopilot was developed. To compensate for the weaknesses of the low‐cost equipment, we put our efforts into designing a reliable model‐based nonlinear controller that uses an inner‐loop outer‐loop control scheme. The developed flight controller considers the system's nonlinearities, guarantees the stability of the closed‐loop system, and results in a practical controller that is easy to implement and to tune. In addition to controller design and stability analysis, the paper provides information about the overall control architecture and the UAV system integration, including guidance laws, navigation algorithms, control system implementation, and autopilot hardware. The guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) algorithms were implemented on a miniature quadrotor UAV that has undergone an extensive program of flight tests, resulting in various flight behaviors under autonomous control from takeoff to landing. Experimental results that demonstrate the operation of the GN&C algorithms and the capabilities of our autonomous micro air vehicle are presented. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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