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<正>中国原子能科学研究院的100 MeV质子回旋加速器是目前国内唯一一个可用于空间质子辐射损伤效应研究用的加速器,其建立的S3束流线上已在质子辐射生物效应方面开展了相关的工作。在中能质子辐射生物效应研究过程中,其质子剂量的准确性测量是研究其生物效应和照射剂量的量效关系的关键。目前采用的束流诊断方法是利用SEEM探测器和法拉第筒对标的方法对束流注量率以及质子注量进行诊断,然后通过换算  相似文献   

正为了测量100 MeV回旋加速器实际输出质子束流的能量,回旋加速器研究设计中心采用了Physikalisch-Technische Werkst tten(PTW)公司生产的水体模剂量测量系统(以下简称水箱)测量质子束流在水中的深度剂量曲线,确定布拉格峰位置。测量采用的是100 MeV回旋加速器南向单粒子效应束流线和单粒子效应实验台架。该束流线是一条水平方向固定的束流线,因此输出的质子束流为水平方向固定束。水箱的侧面有一个入射窗,入射窗处安装1个参考探测器。束流线与  相似文献   

中国原子能科学研究院(CIAE)在20世纪90年代建造了一台30 MeV紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器后,经过近30年的发展,先后自主研发成功了基于剥离引出技术的能量为10 MeV、14 MeV、100 MeV、硼中子俘获治疗用14 MeV/1 mA等系列能量的紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器。建成的100 MeV紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器(CYCIAE-100),是目前国际上能量较高的一台紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器,最高流强达到520 μA,束流功率达到52 kW。建成的硼中子俘获治疗用的质子回旋加速器,也是我国首次自主研发成功的引出质子束流强达到mA量级的强流质子回旋加速器。在系列能量的紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器研发过程中,CIAE对剥离引出后的束流色散效应、剥离膜与束流夹角对引出后的束流品质的影响、单圈剥离引出技术等紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器剥离引出技术等方面展开了研究,且自主开发出了剥离引出计算程序,为紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器的应用作出了贡献。  相似文献   

一、引言自从北京质子直线加速器的10 MeV段1982年底出束以来,于1985年已将其能量扩展到35 MeV,脉冲流强达到70 mA,作为从高压倍加器至质子直线加速器之间的750 keV束流输运线,经历了10 MeV和35 MeV两个阶段的调试和运行。它有效地将质子束流从高压倍加器输运到直线加速器,传输效率达到设计指标。本文介绍安装在这一束流输运线上的四极磁铁的设计、磁场测量结果及实际运行情况。  相似文献   

<正>100 MeV强流质子回旋加速器是由中国原子能科学研究院自主创新、自行研制的一台国际上最大的紧凑型强流质子回旋加速器,该加速器自投入运行以来,开展了大量的物理实验,为了满足不同实验对质子束的需求,设计了一种结构简单、易拆装的质子束收集装置(图1)。通常,基于100 MeV强流质子回旋加速器的质子束实验需将实验样品安装固定在束流的照射区域内,部分实验对束流的均匀性有特殊的要求,  相似文献   

快中子能谱是基于散裂中子源开展大气中子单粒子效应研究的关键输入参数,在线测量宽能区快中子能谱在近散裂靶位置面临飞行时间法不确定度大、中子通量高、本底干扰强等问题。设计了反冲质子望远镜(RPT)系统,利用Geant4模拟了20~200 MeV中子轰击不同厚度聚乙烯转换靶产生的反冲质子产额、角分布以及能谱,为优化探测系统设计提供了指导依据。通过模拟硅探测器与新型快响应CLLB闪烁体组成的二重符合RPT系统对入射中子的响应,分析了影响探测系统探测效率和能量分辨率的因素,确定了聚乙烯转换靶厚度为1 mm、符合质子探测器摆放角度为26.6°和探测器尺寸等重要参数,得到了RPT系统的中子响应函数矩阵,并计算了其探测效率达10-5,对高中子通量和复杂本底干扰环境下的快中子能谱在线测量具有指导意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

在加速器技术研究中,束流发射度是反映束流品质的重要物理参数,也是加速器和束流传输线设计的重要依据。100 MeV回旋加速器采用18 mA强流负氢离子源来产生负氢束,为了准确测量离子源的发射度,研制了一台强流负氢离子源发射度测量仪,介绍了其基本原理、机械设计和实验结果,得到了离子源的发射度信息,为100 MeV回旋加速器的设计提供了发射度参数。  相似文献   

塑料薄膜闪烁体在辐射作用下发射荧光的空间分布对于设计和优化闪烁探测器结构,提高测量的信噪比具有重要意义.利用平均能量为1.25 MeV 的60Co γ射线源辐照 0.5 mm 厚的 BC418薄膜闪烁体圆片,使其发射荧光,用光电倍增管测量薄膜发光在空间不同角度方向的相对强度.然后将薄膜侧面涂黑再进行测量,从而得到薄膜侧面的发光分布.实验结果表明,薄膜闪烁体发光在与法线成70°夹角附近有极大值,并验证了理论分析得到的由于在薄膜的表面发生全反射,薄膜闪烁体发射的荧光有较多份额传向边缘而由侧面出射的结论.  相似文献   

依据SC200超导质子回旋加速器的束流特性及调试需求,在质子束加速及引出的过程中需精确测量主机束流的位置信息。提出了采用辐射薄膜进行加速器束流位置诊断的方法,通过剂量计算得到了不同测量位置的薄膜最佳使用类型,借助测试平台对所有选型的薄膜进行实验验证。为优化薄膜的辐照变色效果,结合剂量及实验分析给出了不同测量位置的最佳照射时间。完成了所测位置的薄膜固定装置设计,并提出将薄膜变色区域可视化得束流位置信息的处理方案。  相似文献   

正束流均匀性是辐射生物学效应研究中的重要参数。使用中国原子能科学研究院100 MeV回旋加速器引出的1 Gy剂量的质子,分别照射了EBT3剂量胶片和热释光CTLD-100(LiF:Mg,Ti)探测器阵列,对辐射效应研究实验终端的束流的照射野均匀性进行了诊断。图1为获得的剂量胶片照射野照片以及分析得到的胶片灰度分布二维图,结果表明,在48mm×48 mm范围内,100 MeV质子的均匀性为96.3%。表1列出了分布在53mm×53mm面积上的热释光探测器阵列中各位置热释光片的相对测量值,结果表明,在48mm×48mm范围内,照  相似文献   

The preliminary experimental results of the generation and diagnostics of highpower ion beams on FLASH II accelerator are reported, The high-power ion beams presently are being produced in a pinched diode, The method for enhancing the ratio of ion to electron current is to increase the electron residing time by pinching the electron flow, Furthermore, electron beam pinching can be combined with electron reflexing to achieve ion beams with even higher efficiency and intensity. The anode plasma is generated by anode foil bombarded with electron and anode foil surface flashover. In recent experiments on FLASH II accelerator, ion beams have been produced with a current of 160 kA and an energy of 500 keV corresponding to an ion beam peak power of about 80 GW. The ion number and current of high power ion beams were determined by monitoring delayed radioactivity from nuclear reactions induced in a ^12C target by the proton beams, The prompt γ-rays and diode bremsstrahlung X-rays were measured with a PIN semi-conductor detector and a plastic scintillator detector, The current density distribution of ion beam were measured with a biased ion collector array. The ion beams were also recorded with a CR-39 detector.  相似文献   

100 MeV强流质子回旋加速器(CYCIAE-100)加速H-,引出质子束能量为75~100 MeV、最大束流强度为200 μA。为对束流输运线上的质子束流强度进行无阻挡实时监测,选择了直流流强监测器(DCCT),其在设计上考虑了空间限制、杂散磁场和外部高频干扰信号等因素对探头的影响。探头外采用了三重磁屏蔽设计,磁屏蔽外为1层黄铜的电屏蔽。采用了绝缘垫圈隔断束流输运线的直流导电性,束流输运线管壁通有冷却水以保证探头温度稳定。在绝缘垫圈处增加电容以满足探头对电容值的要求。采用高精度PLC-AI模块对DCCT的输出电压进行了读取。通过模拟束流的实验验证表明,DCCT设计合理可行,测量结果的线性度、误差等指标符合设计要求。  相似文献   

宏观检验实验是检验核数据正确性的重要实验方法之一。液体闪烁体中子探测器是中子核数据宏观检验实验中快中子能谱测量的主要探测器,其探测效率曲线的准确性关系到实验结果的精度。本文采用252Cf中子源的伴随γ射线和飞行时间法测得了液体闪烁体对2.0~10.0 MeV中子的相对探测效率曲线,同时利用飞行时间法和400 kV脉冲中子发生器的d-D反应中子源测得了2.9 MeV单能中子的绝对探测效率。将相对探测效率曲线归一到单能点的绝对效率,得到探测器在这一能区的绝对探测效率曲线。使用蒙特卡罗程序NEFF模拟相同参数的液体闪烁体探测器对10.0 MeV以下中子的探测效率曲线。最后将实验结果与模拟结果对比,结果表明实验得到的探测效率曲线合理、准确。  相似文献   

建设了一基于复旦大学2×3 MV串列加速器的单粒子微束装置。离子束经分析磁铁30°水平偏转传输后再经90°偏转磁铁竖直上行至辐照终端,以内径1.5 μm的毛细玻璃管微准直器获取离子微束。采用薄膜闪烁体结合光电倍增管的探测结构对微束离子进行精确探测和计数,并以高压静电偏转开关快速关断束流以实现对离子数目的精确控制。目前实验已获得在质子能量为3 MeV时,能散(能量分布曲线中半高宽FWHM)<60 keV、束分辨<2.2 μm、定量照射精度>95%的质子微束。本文对复旦大学单粒子微束的束流管道设计、微束获取、束开关及单粒子探测等核心环节的研制进展进行介绍。  相似文献   

利用HIRFL(兰州重离子研究装置)产生的55MeV/u的^40Ar^17 离子束,在辐照生物学实验终端,测量了其经过1.5mm厚有机玻璃后三个不同角度的碎片分布情况,探索了应用CsI(Tl) 快塑料闪烁探测器组成的Phoswich探测器研究重离子在生物材料中产生的核碎片角分布测量的可行性,结果表明这种实验方法是可行的,实验结果令人鼓舞,本工作为进一步的实验积累了可靠的经验。  相似文献   

A phoswich-type neutron detector was developed in order to measure high-energy cosmic ray neutron spectra in aircraft. The neutron detector consists of an EJ309 organic liquid scintillator that is 121.7mm in diameter and 121.7mm in length and is covered with a 15mm thick EJ299-13 outer plastic scintillator. The neutron response functions of the detector are required for the unfolding method to obtain the energy spectrum. The neutron response functions were created based on MCNPX simulations using an anticoincidence mode with the experimental light-output correlations with particle energies, uniformity of light collection and energy resolutions. The light-output correlation with particle energy, the uniformity of light collection and the energy resolutions were evaluated based on experiments. Measurements of neutron response functions were performed using four quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams from 40 to 80 MeV p-Li reactions to verify the calculated results. The calculated response functions show good agreement with the measurements. The angular response of the phoswich detector was confirmed to be isotropic from the calculation. The photon response functions of the detector were also calculated and agreed well with the measurements for 6.129MeV photons. Neutron and photon response matrices were created up to 300 and 50 MeV, respectively, over a wide energy range for experimental flights.  相似文献   

应用60Co强γ源进行康普顿散射,再结合0.67 MeV(137Cs源)和1.25 MeV(60Co源)标准γ源,获得裂变γ能区多种能量γ辐射。以国产掺铈氯化镧(LaCl3:Ce)闪烁晶体样品配光电倍增管构成快响应闪烁探测器,在这些γ能量下对LaCl3:Ce探测器灵敏度进行了测量。测量结果表明:以LaCl3:Ce对0.67 MeV γ的灵敏度为归一基准,LaCl3:Ce对1.25 MeV γ的灵敏度约为1.28;对尺寸为f40 mm×2 mm的LaCl3:Ce,能量在0.39~0.78 MeV之间对应的灵敏度最大为1.18,最小为0.96;对尺寸为f40 mm×10 mm的LaCl3:Ce,最大为1.06,最小为0.98。本测量数据可为理论计算LaCl3:Ce能量响应定标、校正提供测量数据参考,为获得裂变γ能区LaCl3:Ce探测器综合灵敏度提供实验数据依据。  相似文献   

A biomedical beam line has been designed for the experimental area of a proton therapy facility to deliver mm to sub-mm size beams in the energy range of 20-50 MeV using the TRANSPORT/TURTLE beam optics codes and a newly-written program. The proton therapy facility is equipped with a 230 MeV fixed-energy cyclotron and an energy selection system based on a degrader and slits, so that beam currents available for therapy decrease at lower energies in the therapeutic beam energy range of 70-230 MeV. The new beam line system is composed of an energy-degrader, two slits, and three quadrupole magnets. The minimum beam sizes achievable at the focal point are estimated for the two energies of 50 and 20 MeV. The focused FWHM beam size is approximately 0.3 mm with an expected beam current of 20 pA when the beam energy is reduced to 50 MeV from 100 MeV, and roughly 0.8 mm with a current of 10 pA for a 20 MeV beam.  相似文献   

Using a Perovskite crystal, a thermal detector has been designed for measurements of proton beam currents. For a given energy, the detector has a linear response with current intensity and an inverse response with chopping frequency. Measurements up to 50 nA (4.5 MeV H +) were carried out using a cyclotron, and a calibration curve is presented. The detector may be used over a wide range of energies, has a low cost, and is simple to construct. In addition, it can be used inside or outside vacuum, and it does not require an external bias field  相似文献   

Carbon depth profiling presents a strong analytical challenge for all the major ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques, with elastic backscattering spectroscopy (EBS) being widely implemented. In the past, the 12C(p,p)12C reaction has been successfully evaluated for proton beam energies up to 4.5 MeV. Currently, an attempt is being made to extend this evaluation to higher energies, namely up to Ep,lab = 7 MeV. There is a certain lack of available and/or coherent datasets in literature for these relatively high proton beam energies at backward angles, suitable for IBA. Moreover, the few existing datasets are in certain cases discrepant. Thus, in the present work, the differential cross-section of proton elastic scattering on carbon were measured between 140°and 170°, in steps of 10°, for the proton beam energy range between 2.7 and 7 MeV. The experimental results obtained, along with data from literature, were evaluated applying nuclear physics models. The evaluated results were benchmarked using a thick, mirror polished glassy carbon target at different beam energies and detector angles.  相似文献   

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