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如何开发中国奶酪市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 奶酪可能是世界上品种最繁多的营养食品之一。众所周知,奶酪中包含了乳中的几乎全部营养物质,其中脂肪和蛋白含量和浓度是普通的液体奶和酸奶的数倍以上,是优质的乳制品。由于种类繁多,奶酪的分类也有多种方法。可以是按产品的组织状态,分为软质、半软质、半硬质和硬质奶酪等。按照加工方式,分为原制和再制两大类,前者经过乳的发酵和凝乳的成熟,而后者加工过程  相似文献   

保林 《中国食品》2013,(5):52-53
在法国,"奶酪"是指奶在乳清沥干后凝结而成的产品。原料可以是牛奶、山羊奶或绵羊奶。可以使用未煮熟的奶或经巴斯德灭菌法消毒的奶酪的历史可以追溯到古代。历经岁月洗礼,奶酪成为可以代表风土的产品,因为它总是在确定的地理区域,根据独特的生产方法加工而成的。法国以其奶酪的种类繁多而闻名遐迩。戴高乐将军有一句名言:"你怎么治理一个有400种奶酪的国家。"人  相似文献   

正市民来电:接市民投诉,反映其在上海市徐汇区某小商户购买的奶酪,标签标识上表明该奶酪含有多种添加剂,怀疑存在违法添加。案件处理:经上海市徐汇区市场监管部门核查,该奶酪产品为"再制奶酪",其包装标识也合法合规,但该商户经营资质存在问题,相关部门已对其立案查处。提醒:市售奶酪品种众多,根据加工工艺可分为天然奶酪和再制奶酪两种。天然奶酪是牛乳经凝乳并排出乳清而制成的产品,按水分含量不同又可分为软质、半硬质、硬质或特硬质奶酪。再制奶酪是以天然奶酪为主要原  相似文献   

本文综述了再制奶酪的理化特性、微观结构及其功能特性,影响再制奶酪功能特性的原料配比、组成成分和各种加工条件.本文可供再制奶酪制造技术人员和乳品和食品科学专业的师生参考.  相似文献   

孟刚 《食品界》2023,(6):34-35
<正>近年来,以奶酪棒为代表的再制奶酪取得较大发展。为了满足消费者需求,在愈加激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,乳企纷纷寻找新的增长曲线,例如,目前许多企业推出了原制奶酪产品。业内人士认为,多元化是乳企突围的主要方向,这可以扩大奶酪的消费场景。但就原制奶酪产品而言,被市场广泛接纳还存在诸多挑战。  相似文献   

孟刚 《中国食品》2023,(11):100-101
<正>几年来,以奶酪棒为代表的再制奶酪取得了较大发展。为了满足消费者需求,在愈加激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,乳企纷纷寻找新的增长曲线,例如目前许多企业推出了原制奶酪产品。业内人士认为,多元化是乳企突围的主要方向,这样可以扩大奶酪的消费场景。但就原制奶酪产品而言,被市场广泛接纳还存在诸多挑战。  相似文献   

通过传统法制得天然奶油奶酪和以切达奶酪为原料直接酸化法制得的再制奶油奶酪进行功能性对比。发现两者在质构方面没有显著差异;从持水性方面来看,天然奶油奶酪的内部持水性总体上来说要优于再制奶酪组;从持油性方面来看,天然奶油奶酪的持油性要比再制奶油奶酪的持油性差,且差异显著(p<0.05)。在扫描电子显微镜下,天然奶油奶酪网络结构完整细密,呈缕状,空穴大小均一,对脂肪和水分的稳定能力强。而再制奶油奶酪呈一种更厚重的絮状网络结构,结构紧致,对脂肪和矿物质的保持有利。  相似文献   

黄镌 《美食与美酒》2012,(12):111-113
在法国,只有通过凝结后沥干而制成的奶制品才可以被称为“奶酪”(Fromage),以牛奶、山羊奶或绵羊奶为原料,使用未煮熟的奶或经巴斯德灭菌法消毒的奶,整个制作过程经过严格的卫生检验,让每一块入口的奶酪,不仅仅带来法式的口感,更代表了法国对食品安全的绝对严格标准。  相似文献   

食品状态图能够对食品的贮藏稳定性进行预测,并为产品的适宜加工原料和加工工艺提供参考。再制奶酪是中国目前乳品行业热点,为深入了解再制干酪加工贮藏性质,该文研究了再制干酪的吸附等温线,构建再制干酪的状态图。结果表明,再制干酪吸附等温线为典型"J"型曲线,含有非冻结水干酪样品随着湿基含水率从0.008 g/g增大到0.068 g/g,玻璃转化温度(glass transition temperature,Tg)从71.2℃降低至20.6℃;含有冻结水干酪样品随着湿基含水率从0.22 g/g增大到0.77 g/g,Tg从-19.7℃降低至-29.7℃,再制干酪最大冻结浓缩状态的Tg为-35.5℃,在此状态下的固形物湿基质量分数为79%。通过状态图可以直观了解再制干酪不同状态与物料的含水率和Tg之间的关系,协助预测再制干酪在储藏过程中的稳定性,为再制干酪加工及贮藏提供理论基础。  相似文献   

以实验室自制Mozzarella奶酪为主要原料研究了的常温保存再制奶酪,经过切割、加热融化、UHT超高温瞬时灭菌等工艺,利用质构仪、扫描电镜等仪器分析水分添加量对常温保存再制奶酪品质的影响。结果表明:水分添加量对再制奶酪的融化性和溶胶系数均有显著增大的趋势(P<0.05);而对再制奶酪物性中的硬度、黏着性、咀嚼性有相似的减小的趋势;水分对酪蛋白的乳化作用的影响体现在溶胶系数和pH值的增大,以及脂肪球的分散和数量减少,在一定范围内水分增加对酪蛋白乳化作用越好。  相似文献   

<正> 当前,我国奶业经过连续多年高速增长后,正处于转型的关键时期。因此,深入分析我国奶业的发展形势,把握其正确的发展方向,事关整个奶业产业的生存与发展。我国奶业发展的主要特点(一)原料奶生产能力显著增强我国奶业经过10多年的超常规发展,目前已成为仅次于印  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》1986,69(5):1462-1469
United States consumers are eating more fat than ever, but they are eating less animal fat. Per capita consumption of animal fat dropped 34% since 1960, and vegetable fat consumption increased by 77%. The shift to imitation dairy products is reflected in dairy product surpluses and resulting downward pressure on dairy product prices.The imitation product that threatens the dairy industry most is imitation cheese. The 205 million pounds of imitation cheese marketed in 1984 was 44% of US Department of Agriculture price support purchases of cheese.Average retail prices for various types of imitation cheese are 16 to 32% lower than natural cheese prices; pizza with imitation cheese averages 14% less in price than natural cheese pizza of the same brand. Imitation cheese takes up 16% of the shredded cheese shelf space, 2% of the unshredded and process cheese shelf space, and pizza made with imitation cheese has gained more than half the pizza shelf space in the United States.The following strategies are recommended to counter the imitation problem: 1) reduce price advantage of imported casein through negotations with the European Economic Community to reduce export subsidies: 2) work for clearer, more prominent labeling of imitation dairy products; 3) put more emphasis on butter-margarine blend products, which compete more directly with margarine than butter; 4) use more of the $197 million annual promotion funds from farmer checkoffs for promoting cheese. Buyer response to cheese promotion is three times the response from a similar investment in fluid milk promotion.  相似文献   

<正> 一、美国乳业及乳清粉行业近况 1.美国乳业近况在过去的二十年中,美国奶牛的存栏量总体呈下降趋势,但牛奶产量却稳步攀升,在2008年达到了860亿升。牛奶单产的不断提升得益于基因技术的不断进步、动物营养的不断改善以及养殖操作技术的不断改进。今年,美国奶牛的存栏量及牛奶的产量与2008年相比有所下降,这主要是由国内外市场的需求减少所造成的。在经济危机的影响下,美国奶牛养殖的损失较为严重,奶农纷纷减少了奶牛养殖数量。未来,美国经济的复苏直接  相似文献   

1.Production and consumption of paper and board 1. According to the survey made by China Paper Association,CPA, in 2007, there were about 3500 paper mills of China'spaper industry; their total output of paper & board was 73.50 million tons, increased by 13.08% compared with 65.00 mil-lion tons in 2006; the total paper & board consumption was72.90 million tons, increased by 10.45% compared with 66.00 million tons in 2006; paper & board per capita consumption reached 55 kg from 50 kg in 2006.  相似文献   

<正> 干酪,千百年来伴随人类文明的发展 延绵至今,以其独特的口味、丰富的营养含量深得欧美人士喜爱。在乳制品发达国家,生乳近半数以干酪形式消费,且产量仍稳中有升。在东方的日本、韩国,历史上也都没有消费干酪的传统,但日本经过近40年的发展已成为亚洲最大的干酪消费市场,人均年消费量达2公斤。韩国则在不到20年时间内干酪消费总量增长近150倍,人均年消费量为0.9公斤。而我国目前人均年消费量只有4  相似文献   

The author makes an attempt to explain the German dairy situation to Congress visitors from Great Britain by comparing the British and German dairy industries. Both countries, being large centres of consumption, are interesting outlets for those countries which depend upon the export of dairy products. The economic situation and structure of both countries are very similar. The main difference is the fact that market milk consumption in Great Britain - amounting to 60 per cent of total dairy milk - represents the most important factor of milk utilization, whereas in Germany this is only 30 per cent. Much of Germany's total milk production of 21,000 million kg/year is manufactured into butter. Butter consumption in Germany amounts to about 500,000 tons, 95 per cent of which is home produced, whereas 90 per cent of butter consumption in Great Britain is covered by imports. About 50 per cent of cheese consumption in Great Britain is covered by imports, whereas it amounts to 27 per cent in West Germany. For health reasons, fresh cheese varieties - preferably skim milk quarg and cream quarg - have gained great importance in Germany. 3–5 kg of ripened cheese varieties and 3-2 kg of fresh cheese varieties are consumed in Germany per capita each year. The latter figure corresponds to a total amount of 179,000 tons fresh cheese annually. Technical equipment of German market milk plants equals that of British plants; engineering facilities in Germany are highly influenced by technical developments in other countries. Typical German developments on the engineering sector are continuous buttermaking machines according to the system of Dr. Fritz and a number of continuous cheesemaking machines which facilitate operations in cheese factories. In 1965 500 continuous butter-making machines and 150 quarg separators operated in German dairies. The main factor for progress in the whole field of the dairy industry is the co-operation of all disciplines of science and practice. Therefore the importance of research utilization and every kind of extension service will increase in future.  相似文献   

中国造纸工业2011年度报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
(二○一二年五月)一、全国纸及纸板生产及消费情况(一)据中国造纸协会调查资料,2011年全国纸及纸板生产企业有3500多家,全国纸及纸板生产量9930万吨,较  相似文献   

<正> 中国啤酒行业发展历经百年,而从20世纪初传承下来的啤酒品牌却只有哈尔滨和青岛两大品牌。如今国内规模以上的啤酒企业有500多家,已经成为全球头号啤酒生产大国。在过去10年间,我国啤酒产量保持着年均10%以上的增长速度。  相似文献   

Low-fat dairy products are key components of a healthy diet for all Americans. As the USDA increases its focus on nutrition and healthy eating, it is important to understand the underlying demands for dairy products, both the healthy and the less healthy ones. The consumption of fluid milk products has decreased over the last decade, whereas milk used for manufactured dairy products such as cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and butter, and for use as an ingredient in other food products, has risen. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of changes in demographic variables, retail prices, and total dairy expenditure on at-home consumption of dairy products, using purchase data from Nielsen 2007 Homescan (ACNielsen, New York, NY) data. To derive the demand elasticities for 16 products, a censored Almost Ideal Demand System model is used. Results reveal that demographic variables do have effects on the purchase of the 16 products, and own-price elasticities are 1 or greater for all 16 products for both uncompensated and compensated elasticities except 4: ice cream, refrigerated yogurt, processed cheese, and margarine. A substitution relationship exists among all fluid milk categories, natural and processed cheese, low-fat ice cream, and refrigerated yogurt, butter, and margarine.  相似文献   

1 Review of Production and Consumption of China's Paper Industry in 2007 1) Production and Consumption in 2007 According to the 2007 statistics of China Paper Association, there were about 3,500 paper & board manufacturers; the paper & board production was 73.5 million tons, increased by 13.08% compared to 2006; the paper & board import was 4.01 million tons, decreased by 9.07%; the paper & board export was 4.61 million tons, increased by 35.19%; consumption was 72.9 million tons, increased by 10.45%; consumption per capital was 55 kg, increased 5 kg compared to 2006.  相似文献   

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