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End-to-end QoS provisioning in mobile heterogeneous networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The remarkable advances in information technologies bring a heterogeneous environment for mobile users and service providers. This heterogeneity exists in wireless access technologies, networks, user terminals, applications, service providers, and so on. The ability to provide seamless and adaptive quality of service in such a heterogeneous environment is key to the success of next-generation wireless communications systems. There has been a considerable amount of QoS research recently. However, the main part of this research has been in the context of individual architectural components, and much less progress has been made in addressing the issue of an overall QoS architecture for the mobile Internet. This article first summarizes the state-of-the-art QoS techniques and standardization activities, then examines in detail important challenges in building a ubiquitous QoS framework over the heterogeneous environment, and finally proposes a QoS framework integrating a three-plane network infrastructure and a unified terminal cross-layer adaptation platform to provide seamless support for future applications.  相似文献   

Multi-hop mobile wireless networks have been proposed for a variety of applications where support for real-time multimedia services will be necessary. Support for these applications requires that the network is able to offer quality of service (QoS) appropriate for the latency and jitter bounds of the real-time application constraints. In this paper, we analyze the primary challenges of realizing QoS in mobile wireless networks with heterogeneous devices and propose a QoS framework for real-time traffic support. We address the problem in three ways: estimate the path quality for real-time flows, mitigate the impact of node heterogeneity on service performance, and reduce the impact of interfering non-real-time traffic. Specifically, our proposed QoS framework first utilizes a call setup protocol at the IP layer to discover paths for real-time flows, as well as to perform admission control by accurate service quality prediction. The underlying routing protocol also enables transparent path selection among heterogeneous nodes to provide stable paths for real-time traffic delivery. We then use a prioritized MAC protocol to provide priority access for flows with real-time constraints to reduce interference from unregulated non-real-time traffic. We foresee the utility of our proposed solution in heterogeneous mobile networks, such as campus or community-wide wireless networks. In these environments, resource-rich or fixed wireless routers may be leveraged to achieve better service quality when heterogeneity of node capability and movement is significant. Through experimental results, we demonstrate the utility and efficiency of our approach. Yuan Sun received her Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2005. She worked with Prof. Elizabeth Belding-Royer in the MOMENT Lab. Her thesis work focused on providing QoS for mobile networks. Dr. Sun is currently employed at Google. Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Elizabeth’s research focuses on mobile networking, specifically ad hoc and mesh networks, multimedia, monitoring, and advanced service support. She is the founder of the Mobility Management and Networking (MOMENT) Laboratory (moment.cs.ucsb.edu) at UCSB. Elizabeth is the author of over 50 papers related to mobile networking and has served on over 40 program committees for networking conferences. Elizabeth served as the TPC Co-Chair of ACM MobiCom 2005 and IEEE SECON 2005, and is currently on the editorial board for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Elizabeth is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award, and a 2002 Technology Review 100 award, awarded to the world’s top young investigators. See ebelding for further details. Xia Gao is currently a Staff Engineer at Ubicom. He received his Ph.D of ECE from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2001. Before joining Ubicom, he had worked in DoCoMo Communications Laboratory for 4 years where he conducted research on 3G-4G wireless communication system and handset technologies and WiFi systems. He has published more than 30 conference and journal papers. He has chaired several International conferences and served as TPC members for many others. He is a member of IEEE and a honored member of Sigma Xi. James Kempf is a Research Fellow at DoCoMo USA Laboratories. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Previously, James worked at Sun Microsystems for 13 years, and contributed to numerous research projects involving wireless networking, mobile computing, and service discovery. James is a former member of the Internet Architecture Board, and co-chaired the SEND and Seamoby IETF Working Groups. James continues to be an active contributor to Internet standards in the areas of security and mobility for next generation, Internet protocol-based mobile systems.  相似文献   

Liang  Yao-Jen 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(4):1605-1617

User mobility is a challenging issue in macro and femto cellular networks for the fifth-generation and newer mobile communications due to the time-varying interference and topology experienced. In this paper, we consider an OFDMA-based two-tier network with one macro cell and several femto cells, wherein each macro user and/or femto user can leave or enter its serving cell frequently, referred to as user mobility. A resource allocation problem with different rate requirements of mobile users is then formulated. Assuming well knowledge of the user locations and the channel state information, we propose a dynamic algorithm with static and dynamic parts for a better trade-of between computational complexity and system throughput. The static algorithm, named interference weighted cluster algorithm in this paper, is based on the graph theory to cluster the femtocells by minimizing the interference between clusters, while the dynamic algorithm is to deal with the user mobility by sharing the resource blocks under the constraints of rate requirements. Numerical results are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic resource allocation algorithm in terms of capacity, computational time, and outage probability.


During the last two decades we have witnessed a rapid growth in wireless communication services, which has dramatically increased the number of necessary radio access components to provide the adequate capacity and acceptable quality of service. The power cost for operating this huge number of radio Base Stations (BSs) is under serious consideration by the mobile communication industry and recent research efforts have focused on energy efficient design and optimization of the radio access network in order to alleviate the energy consumption and mobile network operators OPEX. In this work, we consider a deployment of heterogeneous BSs to serve a given geographical area and propose two energy-aware algorithms to optimally determine the operational mode of those BSs under various traffic load conditions. Performance evaluation results show that the proposed algorithms can provide near optimal solutions and achieve substantial network energy consumption reduction without compromising the efficient operation of the mobile network. We further benefit from the outcome of this formulation framework and propose BS activation schemes that yield proper BS activation profiles for continuous-time operation in the same network deployment. Various traffic loads are investigated in several simulation campaigns and our proposed schemes yield quite satisfactory energy saving gains compared to fully operational topology networks in all scenarios of interest examined.  相似文献   

Despite the multiple benefits offered today by connected mobile objects networks (CMONs), some constraints continue to limit their development and to degrade their applications and services’ performance. Given their limited energy, some or many objects may stop functioning which leads to the deterioration of network functionalities such as monitoring, detection and transfer of data. It is in this context that our work is situated, namely the improvement of applications performance and the quality of service (QoS) within CMONs, by exploiting some communication environment parameters and geometry techniques. We propose a new technique called self-organization area coverage (SOAC) for CMONs which aims to ensure maximum coverage in the network while optimizing the exploited resources. SOAC has been evaluated and compared not only to the network without improvement but to two other solutions proposed in the literature. The obtained results show a clear improvement in terms of network coverage and several QoS parameters.  相似文献   

Reducing the power consumption of base stations in mobile networks is an important issue. We investigate the power saving evaluation in two-tier heterogeneous mobile networks which consist of femtocells overlaid by macrocells. In the heterogeneous mobile networks, base stations without traffic load are allowed to enter the sleep mode to save power. The power saving probability that a base station enters the sleep mode and the average total power consumption of this network are complex joint-effects of various factors. Successful modelling of these complex joint-effects is critical to mobile network operators when they pursue the design of green mobile networks. In this paper we propose an analytical framework to facilitate systematic analysis. Based on the proposed analytical framework, we investigate the power saving probabilities and the average total power consumption in terms of several parameters, including the new traffic arrival rate per user, the maximum transmission power of a femtocell, the number of femtocells within a macrocell, and the number of users in the network. Numerical results show that the proposed analytical framework provides a useful and efficient method to facilitate systematic analysis and design of green mobile networks. Simulation results validate the accuracy of the proposed analytical framework.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous cellular networks improve the spectrum efficiency and coverage of wireless communication networks by deploying low power base station (BS) overlapping the conventional macro cell. But due to the disparity between the transmit powers of the macro BS and the low power BS, cell association strategy developed for the conventional homogeneous networks may lead to a highly unbalanced traffic loading with most of the traffic concentrated on the macro BS. In this paper, we propose a load-balance cell association scheme for heterogeneous cellular network aiming to maximize the network capacity. By relaxing the association constraints, we can get the upper bound of optimal solution and convert the primal problem into a convex optimization problem. Furthermore we propose a Lagrange multipliers based distributed algorithm by using Lagrange dual theory to solve the convex optimization, which converges to an optimal solution with a theoretical performance guarantee. With the proposed algorithm, mobile terminals (MTs) need to jointly consider their traffic type, received signal-to-interference-noise-ratios (SINRs) from BSs, and the load of BSs when they choose server BS. Simulation results show that the load balance between macro and pico BS is achieved and network capacity is improved significantly by our proposed cell association algorithm.  相似文献   

The unforeseen mobile data explosion poses a major challenge to the performance of today’s cellular networks, and is in urgent need of novel solutions to handle such voluminous mobile data. Obviously, data offloading through third-party WiFi access points (APs) can effectively alleviate the data load in the cellular networks with a low operational and capital expenditure. In this paper, we propose and analyze an attractor-aware offloading ratio selection (AORS) algorithm, which can adaptive select an optimum offloading ratio based on attractor selection for the current networks environment. In the proposed algorithm, the throughput of AP and the cellular load corresponding to the coverage area of the AP, are mapped into the cell activity, which is the reflector of the current network environment. When the current attractor activity is low, the network is dominated by the noise. Then, the noise triggers the controller to select adaptive attractor for each users, the optimal offloading ratio \(\phi \), to adapt to the dynamic network environment. Hence, according to the offloading ratio \(\phi \), the part of the cellular traffic will be transmitted via WiFi networks. Through simulation, we show that the proposed AORS algorithm outperforms the existing ones with 42 % higher heterogeneous network throughput in a dense traffic environment.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2005,41(1):21-22
New quality-based channel allocation mechanisms are evaluated. The mechanisms assign incoming calls the available channel that previously experienced the best link quality. For that purpose, three metrics have been considered: BER, BLER and CIR. The proposed techniques improve the QoS compared to the traditional random allocation mechanism while also offering its benefits in terms of uniform long-term channel use.  相似文献   

An efficient call admission control scheme for handling heterogeneous services in wireless ATM networks is proposed. Quality-of-service provisioning of jitter bounds for constant bit rate traffic and delay bounds for variable bit rate traffic is used in the CAC scheme to guarantee predefined QoS levels for all traffic classes. To reduce the forced handoff call dropping rate, the CAC scheme gives handoff calls a higher priority than new calls by reserving an appropriate amount of resources for potential handoff calls. Resource reservation in the CAC scheme makes use of user mobility information to ensure efficient resource utilization. Simulation results show that the proposed CAC scheme can achieve both low handoff call dropping rate and high resource utilization  相似文献   

Mobility management applied to the traditional architecture of the Internet has become a great challenge because of the exponential growth in the number of devices that can connect to the network. This article proposes a Software‐Defined Networking (SDN)‐based architecture, called SDN‐DMM (SDN‐Distributed Mobility Management), that deals with the distributed mode of mobility management in heterogeneous access networks in a simplified and efficient way, ensuring mainly the continuity of IP sessions. Intent‐based mobility management with an IP mapping schema for mobile node identification offers optimized routing without tunneling techniques, hence, an efficient use of the network infrastructure. The simplified mobility control API reduces both signaling and handover latency costs and provides a better scalability and performance in comparison with traditional and SDN‐based DMM approaches. An analytical evaluation of such costs demonstrated the better performance of SDN‐DMM, and a proof of concept of the proposal was implemented in a real environment.  相似文献   

We present a measurement-based model of the frame error process on a Wi-Fi channel in rural environments. Measures are obtained in controlled conditions, and careful statistical analysis is performed on the data, providing information which the network simulation literature is lacking. Results indicate that most network simulators use a frame loss model that can miss important transmission impairments even at a short distance, particularly when considering antenna radiation pattern anisotropy and multi-rate switching.  相似文献   

It is well known that the performance of TCP deteriorates in a mobile wireless environment. This is due to the fact that although the majority of packet losses are results of transmission errors over the wireless links, TCP senders still take packet loss as an indication of congestion, and adjust their congestion windows according to the additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) algorithm. As a result, the throughput attained by TCP connections in the wireless environment is much less than it should be. The key problem that leads to the performance degradation is that TCP senders are unable to distinguish whether packet loss is a result of congestion in the wireline network or transmission errors on the wireless links. In this paper, we propose a light‐weight approach, called syndrome, to improving TCP performance in mobile wireless environments. In syndrome, the BS simply counts, for each TCP connection, the number of packets that it relays to the destination host so far, and attaches this number in the TCP header. Based on the combination of the TCP sequence number and the BS‐attached number and a solid theoretical base, the destination host will be able to tell where (on the wireline or wireless networks) packet loss (if any) occurs, and notify TCP senders (via explicit loss notification, ELN) to take appropriate actions. If packet loss is a result of transmission errors on the wireless link, the sender does not have to reduce its congestion window. Syndrome is grounded on a rigorous, analytic foundation, does not require the base station to buffer packets or keep an enormous amount of states, and can be easily incorporated into the current protocol stack as a software patch. Through simulation studies in ns‐2 (UCB, LBNL, VINT network simulator, http://www‐mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/ ), we also show that syndrome significantly improves the TCP performance in wireless environments and the performance gain is comparable to the heavy‐weight SNOOP approach (either with local retransmission or with ELN) that requires the base station to buffer, in the worst case, a window worth of packets or states. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detection of targets moving within a field of interest is a fundamental service Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) service. The WSN’s target detection performance is directly related to the placement of the sensors within the field of interest. In this paper, we address the problem of deterministic sensor deployment on the plane and in space, for the purpose of detecting mobile targets. We map the target detection problem to a line-set intersection problem and derive analytic expressions for the probability of detecting mobile targets. Compared to previous works, our mapping allows us to consider sensors with heterogeneous sensing capabilities, thus analyzing sensor networks that employ multiple sensing modalities. We show that the complexity of evaluating the target detection probability grows exponentially with the network size and, hence, derive appropriate lower and upper bounds. We also show that maximizing the lower bound on the probability for target detection on the plane and in space, is analogous to the problem of minimizing the average symbol error probability in two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital modulation schemes, respectively, over additive white Gaussian noise. These problems can be addressed using the circle packing problem for the plane, and the sphere packing problem for space. Using the analogy to digital modulation schemes, we derive sensor constellations from well known signal constellations with low average symbol error probability.
James A. RitceyEmail:

Internet-based mobile ad hoc network (Imanet) is an emerging technique that combines a wired network (e.g. Internet) and a mobile ad hoc network (Manet) for developing a ubiquitous communication infrastructure. To fulfill users’ demand to access various kinds of information, however, an Imanet has several limitations such as limited accessibility to the wired Internet, insufficient wireless bandwidth, and longer message latency. In this paper, we address the issues involved in information search and access in Imanets. An aggregate caching mechanism and a broadcast-based Simple Search (SS) algorithm are proposed for improving the information accessibility and reducing average communication latency in Imanets. As a part of the aggregate cache, a cache admission control policy and a cache replacement policy, called Time and Distance Sensitive (TDS) replacement, are developed to reduce the cache miss ratio and improve the information accessibility. We evaluate the impact of caching, cache management, and the number of access points that are connected to the Internet, through extensive simulation. The simulation results indicate that the proposed aggregate caching mechanism can significantly improve an Imanet performance in terms of throughput and average number of hops to access data items.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a tool for evaluating performance of a heterogeneous mobile network under different traffic conditions. The traffic condition is specified in a cluster of seven heterogeneous base stations, and “wrap-up” cell structure is applied to account for the traffic that crosses the boundary of the cluster. The performance of the network is specified in metrics which can be computed using the algorithm developed. These metrics relate to call rejection, i.e. the blocking of new calls, and the termination of handoff calls, as well as the carried traffic i.e. the expected number of ongoing calls in a station. These metrics are either measured for a single base station in a cluster, or measured for the average over the whole cluster. We apply the algorithm to some hypothetical data and present the numerical results. We also consider approximating a heterogeneous model with a simpler homogeneous model. Through some numerical results, we demonstrate the magnitude of errors that could result in the approximation.  相似文献   

This paper presents ProFlex, a distributed data storage protocol for large-scale Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (HWSNs) with mobile sinks. ProFlex guarantees robustness in data collection by intelligently managing data replication among selected storage nodes in the network. Contrarily to related protocols in the literature, ProFlex considers the resource constraints of sensor nodes and constructs multiple data replication structures, which are managed by more powerful nodes. Additionally, ProFlex takes advantage of the higher communication range of such powerful nodes and uses the long-range links to improve data distribution by storage nodes. When compared with related protocols, we show through simulation that Proflex has an acceptable performance under message loss scenarios, decreases the overhead of transmitted messages, and decreases the occurrence of the energy hole problem. Moreover, we propose an improvement that allows the protocol to leverage the inherent data correlation and redundancy of wireless sensor networks in order to decrease even further the protocol’s overhead without affecting the quality of the data distribution by storage nodes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an advanced QoS provisioning module with vertical multi-homing framework for future fifth generation (5G) mobile terminals with radio network aggregation capability and traffic load sharing in heterogeneous mobile and wireless environments. The proposed 5G mobile terminal framework is leading to high performance utility networks with high QoS provisioning for any given multimedia service, higher bandwidth utilization and multi-RAT capabilities. It is using vertical multi-homing and virtual QoS routing algorithms within the mobile terminal, that is able to handle simultaneously multiple radio network connections via multiple wireless and mobile network interfaces. Our 5G proposal is user-centric, targeted to always-on connectivity, maximal network utilization, maximal throughput, seamless handovers and performances improvement by using vertical multi-homing, as well as session continuity. The performance of our proposed mobile terminal framework for 5G is evaluated using simulations and analysis with multimedia traffic in heterogeneous mobile and wireless scenarios with coexistence of multiple radio access technologies, such as 3G, 4G as well as future 5G radio access networks.  相似文献   

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