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满海波  刘太春  万德庆  王宇 《江西建材》2014,(3):278+281-278,281
腐蚀性、放射性、毒害性及传染性等是危险废物的显著特征,其中受这些特征的影响,往往会给环境造成巨大的损害。针对于这一问题,各国学术界投入大量的人力、财力及物力资源用于实现对危险废物无害化处置,以推进各国可持续发展。近年来,世界各国纷纷颁布与危险废物相关的鉴别标准、法规及相应的处置技术,为构建完善的危险废物的标准评估标准体系提供有力依据。本文将详细阐述危险废物环境评估的概念与标准,并着重探析危险废物的处置技术。  相似文献   

沈建国 《今日消防》2021,6(8):58-61
石油化工是高危行业,具有有害有毒、易燃易爆、高压高温、链长面广以及连续作业等显著特点,在生产运输和安全管理中容易出现漏洞、盲点和设计缺陷,导致安全事故时有发生,其火灾事故处置也是世界性的消防难题.对于消防救援队伍来说,探索石油化工企业火灾事故的处置,能够有利于消防指战员预先掌握事故处置的主动权,极大地降低因石油化工事故而造成的危害.文章结合上海金山石油化工区域火灾特点,分析研究石油化工火灾扑救的力量编成和技战术应用,提出有区域特点的处置对策.  相似文献   

随国家工业的进一步发展和环保要求的提高,危险废物处理已是急需解决的问题.危险废物稳定固化处理是尽可能将填埋处置的危险废物与环境隔绝的重要工程措施之一.稳定固化处理本着减量化和无害化的原则,满足(<危险废物填埋污染控制标准>中"允许进入填埋区控制限制"后进行填埋处置.  相似文献   

本文就我国有关危险废物的管理现状和烧结砖行业现状作了简要介绍,在对烧结砖隧道窑的温度、压力、烟气等特性进行研究的基础上,结合我国对危险废物处置要求,提出了对隧道窑的改进建议。  相似文献   

<正>广东省生态环境厅广东省生态环境厅近期下放危险废物利用及处置项目审批权限,保留危险废物填埋、焚烧、水泥窑协同处置和火法冶炼工艺综合利用等项目的审批权限,其余危险废物利用及处置项目环评文件审批权限下放,由地级以上市生态环境部门审批。编制危险废物利用及处置项目环评文件审查  相似文献   

<正>据悉,九江市积极推进全市危险废物处置项目及时落地及危险废物管理工作,全面提升了危险废物规范化管理水平。2016年,中央环保督察组指出我省危险废物处置能力不足。针对这一情况,九江市分别建设了柴桑区鑫山水泥窑协同处置(5万吨)和九江浦泽危废处置(1万5千吨)2个危废处理项目。同时,制定了危险废物规范化管理考核体系,要求辖  相似文献   

青海省西宁市危险废物处置中心工程;云南红河危险废物处置中心工程。  相似文献   

贵阳危险废物暨医疗废物处置中心工程;山东省淄博市危险废物处置中心工程;[编者按]  相似文献   

本文对我国陶粒行业所用回转窑的温度、压力、烟气等特性进行了研究。同时,结合我国对危险废物处置要求,提出了对陶粒回转窑改进建议。  相似文献   

危险废物处理处置和控制是环境管理一个不可缺少的组成部分。随着本市产业结构布局的调整、清洁生产和污染控制技术的发展与推广,水环境和空气环境质量有所改善的同时,危险废物问题将成为新世纪公众关注的热点。 1 上海市危险废物处理处置现状 1.1 危险废物产生现状 上海市轻重工业发达,危险废物产生数量大、种类多、地域集中。本市近几年进行了产业结构布局  相似文献   

The quantities of hazardous wastes generated in New Zealand are relatively small, both in total volume and on a per capita basis: they consist principally of liquids and solids derived from primary industries such as horticulture and forestry, and from the Petroleum, chemical and manufacturing industries. There is no satisfactory inventory of hazardous waste quantities or relative toxicity at the national level, nor is there any central coordinating organisation responsible for the implementation of sound management strategies. Current legislation involves several Government departments in statutory or advisory roles connected with hazardous waste management, but administration of disposal practices devolves to regional and local authorities. The occasional uncontrolled discharge of chemical wastes, unsatisfactory past practices regarding landfill siting and leachate management, and the development of major petrochemical industries, together require better coordinated and enforced policies concerning hazardous waste disposal. The most widely advocated method of hazardous waste disposal for New Zealand is codisposal in appropriately sited and controlled landfills, with particular emphasis on protection of freshwater resources, both surface and subsurface. The secure landfill solution adopted for the Waireka chemical dump site near New Plymouth demonstrates that containment is a necessary management strategy in particular situations: alternative methods of disposal such as incineration of certain intractable wastes should also be promoted as technically feasible and environmentally acceptable. Greater use of replacement, recycling or reprocessing must be encouraged in order to minimise the quantities, and toxicity of hasardous wastes requiring disposal in New Zealand.  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置危险废物具有热容量大、停留时间长、成本低、无废渣排出及处理彻底等技术优势,成为危废资源化利用和无害化处置的有效补充。本文从水泥窑工艺安全、产品质量等角度分析影响水泥窑协同处置危废稳定运行的影响因素,提出了保证水泥窑协同处置危废系统连续稳定运行的相应措施。  相似文献   

Hazardous waste management has become a municipal problem, associated with industrial development and changing consumption patterns. We study the hazardous waste management system as a supply chain with a disposal facility and a contractor, which serves customers with demand sensitive to price and environment impact. The government intervenes with this supply chain by imposing emission penalties that make the waste disposal facility responsible for reducing disposal process emissions. The Stackelberg game and Nash equilibrium are used to model the decision-making sequence between the disposal facility and the contractor. We specify different scenarios to model the hazardous waste management supply chain. The goal of this research is to find the optimal disposal service price and level of environmental improvement to mitigate adverse impacts and maximize profits. The applicability of dual-channel service in the hazardous waste supply chain is also investigated. Our study shows that the supply chain obtains the highest profit if both the disposal facility and the contractor operate in a centralized model. Under some scenarios, profitability improves if the disposal facility becomes active in waste collection and transportation under a dual-channel supply-chain model. Demand sensitivity to price and environmental impacts can affect the adopted level of improvement by disposal facilities.  相似文献   

The careless or unprofessional handling of hazardous wastes in many places around the world led to severe damage of nature, concurrent with considerable long-term health risks to human beings. This motivated several countries to develop new secure and sustainable waste management strategies in order to enhance the future quality of nature and life. The process of world globalization and the coalescence of its markets increased the importance of formulation and implementation of accepted environmental standards. The rising environmental and ecological awareness in Israel puts the contemporary and common waste handling practices under close scrutiny. An intensive exchange of experiences with other countries is called for, so that the responsible authorities can formulate improved and sustainable waste management strategies, which are specifically tailored to the particular environmental, demographic, economic and political conditions of Israel.The German environmental protection and waste legislation demands an underground disposal of highly contaminated wastes, in order to guarantee that harmful substances are excluded durably from the biosphere. In view of its size and the political situation in Israel, this way of waste disposal seems to be an appropriate waste management strategy aimed at minimising the environmental risks, and the harmful effect of hostile actions against deposits of hazardous wastes. The German waste management policies and practices, which are based on many years of experience, are reviewed first as a guideline for safe long-term underground disposal of hazardous wastes in Israel. Using these guidelines, potentially suitable locations in Israel are selected with special reference to their geohydrological, geological and geomechanical conditions, and then they were evaluated using environmental criteria derived from German standards of waste disposal. The results of this preliminary environmental evaluation, and some relevant geomechanical designs, are presented and discussed. Finally, economic aspects, and further steps, which are needed to safeguard future implementation of the underground disposal system, are considered.  相似文献   

This paper compares the land-based disposal of municipal and hazardous waste in Europe and North America, and the various disposal options are examined for each type of waste. It is concluded that landfill is still the most widely practised disposal method for most wastes in both continents. Other methods include composting, land farming, trenching/spraying, and deep underground disposal. More stringent controls on waste disposal are being introduced and a trend to seek greater uniformity of practice and standards is developing. However, local conditions, such as the nature of the wastes and the availability and nature of disposal sites, continue to work against this trend. There is no single method which is suitable for all wastes and for all conditions. The best environmental option for waste management will vary from place to place and waste to waste, therefore an imposed uniformity of practice is not in the best environmental interest.  相似文献   

During the late 1970's the Love Canal hazardous waste site in New York State, U.S.A. became a benchmark for negative feelings towards the siting of future hazardous waste landfills and facilities. At the present time social and political factors often dominate the siting process. There is growing anxiety being shown by the public about the location of waste facilities, and especially for hazardous materials. There are repeatable socio-political patterns associated with siting events and disposal agencies need to identify the appropriate «cast of characters» in the siting «play». There is an increasing need for the communication of disposal information to the community as well as their inclusion in the decision making process. More sympathetic consideration needs to be given to compensation strategies.  相似文献   

生活垃圾焚烧发电是城市生活垃圾未来的主要发展方向,但其排放的飞灰属危险废物,含重金属等有害物质,对自然环境和人类健康存在潜在危害.飞灰的固化稳定化是当前主要的处置方式,同时也是资源化利用的主要途径.综述了目前国内外固化稳定化安全处置飞灰的主要方式,分析了各个方法的优缺点,总结了飞灰在建筑材料领域中的研究现状,探讨了未来...  相似文献   

The paper attempts to review current and future practices in the UK against a European background.
Sludge disposal has become a subject which is developing rapidly again and, since the presentation of this paper, there have been a number of developments, e.g. the adoption by the EC of its hazardous waste Directive in December 1991. Untreated sludge or sludge which is unsuitable for use in agriculture will be classified as a hazardous waste, subject to certain criteria. This makes the work on sludge classification even more crucial.  相似文献   

In most industries the goods and money move in opposite directions, but in waste management the goods and money travel in the same direction. Consequently to the customer, quality of goods and service might be measured only by price. However, customers are now becoming more sensitive to factors such as environmental quality. They are also becoming aware of the range of disposal options, together with the names of the companies which operate these disposal or treatment sites. Essentially the options are: recyling and recovery, sea disposal, landfill, physico-chemical treatment, solidification, biological treatment and thermal destruction. The Control of Pollution Act 1974 requires that all landfill sites and treatment centres are licensed by the waste disposal authority. These authorities are obliged to act in the public interest, and hence there is a complex interaction of science and politics. This situation often gives rise to localized opposition to facilities which are needed by the community. The UK disposes of 83 per cent of its potentially difficult wastes to landfill whilst Holland disposes of 52 per cent via this route. The cost of disposal varies throughout Europe but, in general, prices in the UK are lower than in Europe, which has led to the importation of wastes from the continent. Economics applies to the waste-disposal industry as much as any other industry, therefore facilities are supplied in response to demand. Price alone will not always be adequate in obtaining the ‘best practical environmental option’. disposal the goods and the money go in the same direction, i.e. to the waste management contractor. This at first sight may not seem important until it is realized that the major control upon the quality of a service is, in fact, the satisfaction with the goods and service which the customer receives. In most cases it is sufficient that the customer disposes of the waste material in a legal manner. However, the judgement of quality of disposal could be of little consequence to him. The factors that concern a customer when he chooses a service include the price, the quality of service, market presentation and reputation. These factors apply in the waste management industry, but the difficulty for the customer is to judge the quality of the service and the market presentation or, more correctly in this case, the quality of operation of the waste contractor. If the latter two factors become difficult to judge, the price becomes a critical factor. This leads to a low standard of operation in the business where price competition becomes more important than the quality of the service. Companies are looking not just for the cheapest legal option but for the best option and what has been referred to as the ‘best practical environmental option’. In the UK the vast majority of hazardous waste disposal is carried out by private-sector companies. Therefore it is essential that the Government sets the correct framework, and that an examination is carried out as to whether the framework is satisfactory and whether it achieves the needs of the Government.  相似文献   

The capacity planning problem examined in this paper has a number of applications in the environmental management area including municipal solid waste management, hazardous waste treatment and disposal, and municipal wastewater sludge management. A dynamic programming formulation is presented for the specific capacity planning problem, and considerations of problem structure that allow computational efficiencies are discussed. This long-term planning model is applied to hypothetical and case-study problems from the municipal solid waste management area. The problem is generalized and compared to other problem types in the capacity planning literature.  相似文献   

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