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通过进行木-混凝土组合梁螺钉连接件推出试验,研究了木-混凝土组合梁剪力连接件的受力性能。试验结果表明:螺钉连接件的强度和直径、螺钉嵌入木材的长度等都对螺钉连接件抗剪承载力有影响。  相似文献   

为研究斜向螺钉连接件在胶合木-混凝土组合梁中的受剪性能,对8组24个采用斜向螺钉连接件的胶合木-混凝土组合试件进行了推出试验,分析了嵌入方式和嵌入角度对螺钉连接件的破坏模式、荷载-滑移特性和受剪性能的影响。研究结果表明:沿剪力方向单向倾斜螺钉连接件的破坏模式主要为螺钉单铰弯曲破坏和螺钉双铰弯曲破坏;斜交螺钉连接件的破坏模式主要为受压剪作用螺钉的周围混凝土锥体破坏和受拉剪作用螺钉拔出破坏;随着斜向螺钉连接件与界面夹角逐渐增大,螺钉连接件的受剪承载力和抗剪刚度逐渐减小;沿剪力方向45°单向倾斜螺钉连接件的受剪承载力和抗剪刚度较垂直嵌入木梁的螺钉连接件的受剪承载力和抗剪刚度分别提高了21.8%和51.6%;±45°斜交螺钉连接件的受剪承载力与垂直嵌入木梁的螺钉连接件的受剪承载力相差不大,但其抗剪刚度较垂直嵌入木梁的螺钉连接件的抗剪刚度提高了76.6%。在试验研究的基础上,提出了胶合木-混凝土组合梁斜向螺钉连接件受剪承载力的计算方法,该公式的计算结果与试验结果吻合较好,并验证了现有抗剪刚度计算公式的适用性。  相似文献   

为研究有木隔板的木-混凝土组合梁斜交螺钉连接件的抗剪承载力,分析了有木隔板的木-混凝土组合梁斜交螺钉连接件的受力机理,分别建立受压剪作用螺钉连接件单铰弯曲和双铰弯曲的受力模型,受拉剪作用螺钉木材受压破坏、单铰弯曲和双铰弯曲的受力模型,以及斜交螺钉连接件的受力模型,提出了有木隔板的木-混凝土组合梁斜交螺钉连接件抗剪承载力的计算方法,并与试验结果进行对比。结果表明,提出的算式能够较好地预测有木隔板的木-混凝土组合梁斜交螺钉连接件的抗剪承载力。  相似文献   

王斌  肖飞 《江苏建筑》2012,(3):42-43
木-混凝土组合结构是在木结构和混凝土结构基础上发展起来的一种新型结构。试验研究表明,当木梁和混凝土板用可靠的剪力连接件连接起来共同作用时,抗弯承栽力和抗弯刚度都有较大的提高。文章总结了近年来国内外木-混凝土组合结构的特点,主要介绍了国内外木-混凝土组合结构剪力连接件的研究现状,展望了我国现阶段木-混凝土组合梁剪力连接件领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

木-混凝土组合梁是将现有或者新建的木梁通过抗剪连接件与混凝土板组合成一个整体,形成可共同工作的结构构件。在木梁上连接混凝土板不仅显著提高了木梁的承载力和刚度,还可有效改善木梁的抗火、隔音和振动性能。文中阐述了木-混凝土组合梁的发展历史和发展现状,并对国内外的相关研究成果进行了系统性的回顾与总结。其中,详细介绍了木-混凝土组合梁及其抗剪连接件的短期破坏试验和长期加载试验结果,并且对现有的木-混凝土组合梁计算理论进行了分析与讨论。综述发现,木-混凝土组合梁及其连接件的试验研究已开展较多,针对实际应用中最为常见的钉类连接件和开槽连接件仍缺乏系统性的研究,组合梁在短期和长期荷载作用下的受力机理也需要进一步厘清。此外,需要加快木-混凝土组合梁计算理论的研究,以满足其设计需求。  相似文献   

为了促进全生命周期可拆卸钢结构和钢-混凝土组合结构的发展,完善相关受力性能评价方法和结构设计方法,针对新型可拆卸钢-混凝土组合梁抗剪连接件的受力机理和力学性能进行了试验研究。试件设计考虑不同的连接件(螺栓)直径(M20、M24)和材料强度(C50、C60混凝土),通过标准推出试验,分析了破坏模式、荷载-滑移响应、滑移和峰值荷载以及可拆卸性能等。通过将试验结果与中国、欧洲以及美国相关规范中针对组合梁栓钉抗剪连接件和螺栓紧固件抗剪承载力的计算方法进行对比分析,提出了该类新型抗剪连接件的摩擦型抗剪承载力和承压型抗剪承载力计算方法;基于受力机理分析,提出了该类可拆卸组合梁抗剪连接件的力学本构模型,并给出各个参数的确定方法。结果表明,提出的特征承载力和抗剪-滑移本构模型能够很好地描述该类抗剪连接件的力学性能,为在可拆卸钢-混凝土组合梁中的应用提供了理论和技术基础。  相似文献   

钢-混凝土预制板组合梁栓钉连接件的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究钢-混凝土预制板组合梁中栓钉剪力连接件的性能,对不同的预留孔型、孔内不同的填充材料等12个推出试件进行试验研究。根据现有的组合梁理论,作者对试验结果进行对比分析,提出了对钢-混凝土预制板组合梁栓钉剪力连接件设计的建议。  相似文献   

针对钢混凝土组合梁抗剪连接件中的弯筋连接件开展研究,比较了目前各国规范中的弯筋连接件形式及其抗剪承载力计算公式。分析了近年才开始用于实际工程中的蛇形弯筋连接件的特点及构造,并在此基础上提出蛇形弯筋连接件的抗剪承载力计算公式,以供工程设计参考。  相似文献   

为研究部分剪切连接胶合木-混凝土连续组合梁中抗剪连接件不同分布情况对其受力性能的影响,运用ANSYS有限元软件建立4组模型试件,对抗剪连接件进行分段布置,其他相关参数和条件均保持不变,对4组试件的滑移、挠度和剪力进行建模分析。有限元计算结果表明:抗剪连接件分段布置的3组试件滑移和挠度均比沿全梁等间距布置抗剪连接件的试件小,荷载总量相同时对称集中荷载对组合梁滑移和挠度的影响更大;间距为150 mm试件(GCB-4)的抗剪连接件布置方式最合适,该试件的界面滑移和挠度最小,且抗剪连接件的分布方式在实际施工时更方便,只需计算出布置区域并按固定间距布置即可。  相似文献   

为解决木梁与预制混凝土板之间的界面连接问题,针对预制装配式木-混凝土斜交螺钉剪力件的受剪性能进行了试验与理论研究。共设计了5组推出试验,控制参数包括装配式与现浇式、螺钉直径、螺钉贯入深度以及螺钉布置方式等。试验结果表明:各组试件中螺钉的破坏模式与螺钉长细比密切相关;由于倾斜钢套筒预埋件对螺钉的锚固作用,装配式剪力件的滑移刚度相较现浇式提高了约35%;剪力件的受剪性能随螺钉直径或贯入深度的增加而提升。此外,基于既有斜交螺钉受剪理论,提出了装配式斜交螺钉剪力件的6种理论破坏模式,并将解析理论与半经验公式相结合,给出了剪力件滑移刚度的计算方法。对比理论结果与各组试件破坏模式、承载力和滑移刚度试验结果,两者吻合均良好。  相似文献   

为验证榫-钉连接的抗剪性能和组合性能,对榫-钉剪力连接件的推出试件以及采用该种连接的胶合木-混凝土组合梁分别进行了推出试验和弯曲试验。推出试验结果表明,榫-钉连接件的滑动刚度大、承载力高,同时也呈现出较为明显的脆性破坏。胶合木-混凝土组合梁由6个榫-钉剪力连接件连接。弯曲试验中测量了荷载、跨中挠度、木梁与混凝土板的应变以及端部和连接件处木梁与混凝土板的界面相对滑移。弯曲试验结果表明:木-混凝土组合梁的主要破坏模式为梁端木材的剪切破坏和木材的受弯破坏;采用榫-钉连接的木-混凝土组合梁的平均抗弯刚度达到了9.18×1012 N·mm2,较纯木梁提高了182.5%;其组合系数为69.7%,较传统螺钉连接的组合梁显著提升。因此,采用榫-钉连接的木-混凝土组合梁呈现出优异的抗弯刚度和承载力,有利于拓宽木-混凝土组合结构体系的应用范围,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为探索木-混凝土组合梁在框架结构中运用的可行性,借鉴钢结构顶底翼缘角钢连接,提出了角钢混合连接木-混凝土梁柱组合节点形式,并就其受力性能展开了试验与理论研究.试验中共设计了3个节点试件,即木梁-木柱节点、木-混凝土组合梁与木柱组合节点和木-混凝土组合梁与钢柱组合节点,并对其进行低周反复荷载试验.结果表明:提出的角钢混合...  相似文献   

The load-carrying capacity and ultimate deformation capacity of timber-concrete composite systems can be significantly influenced by the ductility of the connection between the two materials. The use of more ductile connections can increase the load-carrying capacity of the composite system as well as its ultimate deformation capacity. In this work, the potential increase that might be expected for these two parameters due to the use of ductile connections will be assessed through numerical simulations, taking the non-linear behaviour of the connections into account.Furthermore, the connection ductility required to achieve the maximum load capacity depends on the mechanical properties of the connection as well as on the geometric and mechanical properties of the composite system. There are certain types of connections, such as notched connections, with a very brittle behaviour, for which the failure of the composite structure might be significantly influenced by connection failure, unless very small spacing between the fasteners is used. On the other hand, ductile connections such as dowel-type fasteners can be used with large spacing since their high ultimate deformation capacity is unlikely to be reached before the failure of either the concrete or the timber member. With the aim of identifying the maximum spacing that should be allowed for each specific connector type, numerical analyses were performed with the aim of identifying the maximum spacing that should be allowed for each specific connector type so as to maximize the load-carrying capacity and possibly increase the ultimate deformation capacity.  相似文献   

廖江林  肖杰 《山西建筑》2007,33(17):330-331
介绍了新型桥型—板桁结合梁桥的应用及此桥型的受力特点,并阐述了国内学者对这种桥型的研究进展,最后指出了板桁桥今后需要研究和解决的问题,为该桥型的推广应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A three dimensional nonlinear finite element model has been developed to study the behaviour of composite beams with profiled sheeting oriented perpendicular to its axis. The analysis of the push test was carried out using ABAQUS/Explicit with slow load application to ensure a quasi-static solution. Both material and geometric nonlinearities were taken into account. Elastic-plastic material models were used for all steel components and the Concrete Damaged Plasticity model was used for the concrete slab. The post-failure behaviour of the push test was accurately predicted, which is crucial for realistic determination of shear capacity, slip and failure mode. The results obtained from finite element analysis were verified against the experimental push tests conducted in this research and also from other studies. After validation, the model was used to carry out an extensive parametric study to investigate the effect of transverse spacing in push tests with double studs placed in favourable and staggered positions with various concrete strengths. The results were also compared with the capacity of a single shear stud. It was found that shear connector resistance of pairs of shear connectors placed in favourable position was 94% of the strength of a single shear stud on average, when the transverse spacing between studs was 200 mm or more. For the same spacing, the resistance of staggered pairs of studs was only 86% of the strength of a single stud. The strength of double shear studs in favourable position was higher than that of the staggered pairs of shear connectors.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the fire behavior of steel-concrete composite beams (SCB) and partially encased steel-concrete composite beams (PEB) through numerical analysis. The numerical models established by the software ABAQUS were verified against experimental results. Parametric studies were performed to study the influences of load ratio, strength of concrete and steel, width of concrete slab, size of steel beam, fire protection layer, and degree of shear connection on the fire behavior of SCB and PEB. The analysis results show that the deformation stages of SCB and PEB under fire both go through four stages: elastic, elastic–plastic, plastic small deformation, and plastic large deformation. The web of SCB experiences a tension–compression–tension process under fire, and the bottom flange of PEB may even change from tension to compression at a lower load ratio. The failure mode of PEB, whether the concrete is crushed, depends on the load ratio. When SCB fails, the concrete is crushed and only the bottom flange of the steel beam yields. Under various parameters, the fire resistance of SCB is about 22 min, while the fire resistance of PEB is 82–93 min under a load of 0.4. When the load ratio increases from 0.2 to 0.6, the fire resistance of SCB decreases by 8 min, while that of PEB decreases by 110 min. To meet class I fire resistance rating under a normal service load ratio of 0.4, additional measures for PEB are still required, and at least 15 mm of fire protection layer is required for the steel beam of SCB. Finally, considering the temperature internal fore, a coefficient related to the fire time was introduced to modify the formula of ultimate flexural capacity of SCB and PEB, which showed good accuracy.  相似文献   

对一种新型的体外索钢箱-混凝土组合梁与普通的钢箱-混凝土组合梁进行对比试验,研究这两种钢箱-混凝土组合梁受力过程中的应变分布、界面滑移、刚度、极限强度等力学性能的差异。试验证实,体外索钢箱-混凝土组合梁比普通的钢箱-混凝土组合梁的刚度提高54.15%,极限强度提高27.72%。由于体外索的作用,减少了钢箱-混凝土组合梁的脆性破坏程度,提高了结构的强度与刚度,使钢箱-混凝土组合梁的应变分布和增长更为合理。因此,体外索钢箱-混凝土组合梁具有更好的力学性能。试验表明,截面应变沿宽度方向呈非线性分布,剪力滞效应随荷载的增加而变化,并不是常量。研究还发现,体外索应力与混凝土翼板最大压应变有密切的关系。在试验研究基础上,建立了截面非线性分析模型和体外索钢箱-混凝土组合梁极限强度计算公式,计算的极限强度与试验结果符合很好,这为体外索钢箱-混凝土组合梁极限强度的理论分析和工程实际应用提供了有意义的参考和研究途径。  相似文献   

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