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We present a formal operational semantics for Stateflow, the graphical Statecharts-like language of the Matlab/Simulink tool suite that is widely used in model-based development of embedded systems. Stateflow has many tricky features but our operational treatment yields a surprisingly simple semantics for the subset that is generally recommended for industrial applications. We have validated our semantics by developing an interpreter that allows us to compare its behavior against the Matlab simulator. We have used the semantics as a foundation for developing prototype tools for formal analysis of Stateflow designs.  相似文献   

Bialgebras for structural operational semantics: An introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bialgebras and distributive laws are an abstract, categorical framework to study various flavors of structural operational semantics. This paper aims to introduce the reader to the basics of bialgebras for operational semantics, and to sketch the state of the art in this research area.  相似文献   

Formal notations for the specification of the syntax and the dynamic semantics of languages exist and are of great benefit to the compiler writer. However, formal notations for the static semantics of languages have tended to be tools of the language designer and of little practical significance to the compiler writer. This paper describes how a particular notation was used to assist in the implementation of a Cobol compiler and of an interpreter for a simulation language.  相似文献   

In this paper, a design methodology for synthesizing efficient parallel algorithms and VLSI architectures is presented. A design process starts with a problem definition specified in the parallel programming language Crystal and is followed by a series of program transformations in Crystal, each aiming at optimizing the target design for a specific purpose. To illustrate the design methodology, a set of design methods for deriving systolic algorithms and architectures is given and the use of these methods in the design of a dynamic programming solver is described. The design methodology, together with this particular set of design methods, can be viewed as a general theory of systolic designs (or multidimensional pipelines). The fact that Crystal is a general purpose language for parallel programming allows new design methods and synthesis techniques, properties and theorems about problems in specific application domains, and new insights into any given problem to be integrated readily within the existing design framework.  相似文献   

A structured operational semantics for UML-statecharts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has gained wide acceptance in very short time because of its variety of well-known and intuitive graphical notations. However, this comes at the price of an unprecise and incomplete semantics definition. This insufficiency concerns single UML diagram notations on their own as well as their integration. In this paper, we focus on the notation of UML-statecharts. Starting with a precise textual syntax definition, we develop a precise structured operational semantics (SOS) for UML-statecharts. Besides the support of interlevel transitions and in contrast to related work, our semantics definition supports characteristic UML-statechart features like the history mechanism as well as entry and exit actions. Initial submission: 19 February 2002 / Revised submission: 28 October 2002 Published online: 2 December 2002  相似文献   

In wireless systems, the communication mechanism combines features of broadcast, synchrony, and asynchrony. We develop an operational semantics for a calculus of wireless systems. We present different Reduction Semantics and a Labelled Transition Semantics and prove correspondence results between them. Finally, we apply CWS to the modelling of the Alternating Bit Protocol, and prove a simple correctness result as an example of the kind of properties that can be formalized in this framework.A major goal of the semantics is to describe the forms of interference among the activities of processes that are peculiar of wireless systems. Such interference occurs when a location is simultaneously reached by two transmissions. The Reduction Semantics differ on how information about the active transmissions is managed.We use the calculus to describe and analyse a few properties of a version of the Alternating Bit Protocol.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of TELEMAC (a Finite Element-based hydrodynamics suite) on massively parallel computer architectures. The performance of TELEMAC is illustrated using two separate test cases. The first considers the use of TELEMAC-2D for simulating tidal currents in the vicinity of a renewable energy marine turbine farm, in order to provide reliable estimates of the expected energy yield. The second demonstrates the use of TELEMAC-3D for assessing the effects of fresh water discharges on the salinity distribution in a coastal lagoon. The simulations have been performed with meshes ranging from 2 to 12 million elements, and good scaling performance is achieved on a variety of different computer architectures.  相似文献   

The generation of compiled code for expressions in programming languages such as Icon that support goal-directed evaluation in addition to traditional control structures presents more of a challenge than generating code for traditional imperative programming languages. This paper describes a code-generation technique for translating Icon programs into a traditional high-level language. Translations into both Pascal and C are discussed. However, any language that provides function parameters and recursion is sufficient. The technique described here has been used in the implementation of an optimizing compiler for Icon.  相似文献   

Web Services have become more and more important in these years, and BPEL4WS (BPEL) is a de facto standard for the web service composition and orchestration. It contains several distinct features, including the scope-based compensation and fault handling mechanism. The denotational semantics and operational semantics have been explored for BPEL. The two semantic models should be consistent. This paper considers the linking of these two semantics. Our approach is to derive the denotational semantics from operational semantics for BPEL, which aims for the consistency of the two models. Moreover, the derivation can be applied in exploring the program equivalence easily, especially for parallel programs.  相似文献   

To relate operational semantics of logic programs to its declarative semantics, we have to rely on SLD-trees. But this form of operational semantics does not make it easy to relate execution behaviour to program structure. The reason is that the traversal of SLD-trees decomposes in a way that is different from the decomposition (which is by disjunction and conjunction) of programs. We propose SLD-contours, a variant of SLD-trees, that are, like programs, built up out of simpler components by means of disjunction and conjunction. The traversal of SLD-trees carries over to the traversal of SLD-contours in such a way that the trace events of the Box Model (Try, Succeed, Retry, Fail) are reproduced in the same way as during the execution of the program. ThusSLD-contours relate the trace more closely to the program than SLD-trees. SLD-contours specify the trace more completely than the Box Model does.  相似文献   

Bounded operator abstraction is a language construct relevant to object oriented programming languages and to ML2000, the successor to Standard ML. In this paper, we introduce , a variant of F<:ω with this feature and with Cardelli and Wegner’s kernel Fun rule for quantifiers. We define a typed-operational semantics with subtyping and prove that it is equivalent with , using logical relations to prove soundness. The typed-operational semantics provides a powerful and uniform technique to study metatheoretic properties of , such as Church–Rosser, subject reduction, the admissibility of structural rules, and the equivalence with the algorithmic presentation of the system that performs weak-head reductions.Furthermore, we can show decidability of subtyping using the typed-operational semantics and its equivalence with the usual presentation. Hence, this paper demonstrates for the first time that logical relations can be used to show decidability of subtyping.  相似文献   

The formalisation of object-oriented languages is essential for describing the implementation details of specific programming languages or for developing program verification techniques. However there has been relatively little formalisation work aimed at abstractly describing the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming, separate from specific language considerations or suitability for a particular verification style. In this paper we address this issue by formalising a language that includes the core object-oriented programming language concepts of field tests and updates, methods, constructors, subclassing, multithreading, and synchronisation, built on top of standard sequential programming constructs. The abstract syntax is relatively close to the core of typical object-oriented programming languages such as Java. A novel aspect of the syntax is that objects and classes are encapsulated within a single syntactic term, including their fields and methods. Furthermore, class terms are structured according to the class hierarchy, and objects appear as subterms of their class (and method instances as subterms of the relevant object). This helps to narrow the gap between how a programmer thinks about their code and the underlying mathematical objects in the semantics. The semantics is defined operationally, so that all actions a program may take, such as testing or setting local variables and fields, or invoking methods on other objects, appear on the labels of the transitions. A process-algebraic style of interprocess communication is used for object and class interactions. A benefit of this label-based approach to the semantics is that a separation of concerns can be made when defining the rules of the different constructs, and the rules tend to be more concise. The basic rules for individual commands may be composed into more powerful rules that operate at the level of classes and objects. The traces generated by the operational semantics are used as the basis for establishing equivalence between classes.  相似文献   

The semantics of PROLOG programs is usually given in terms of the model theory of first-order logic. However, this does not adequately characterizethe computational behavior of PROLOG programs. PROLOG implementations typically use a sequential evaluation strategy based on the textual order of clauses and literals in a program, as well as nonlogical features like cut. In this work we develop a denotational semantics that captures thecomputational behavior of PROLOG. We present a semantics for “cut-free” PROLOG, which is then extended to PROLOG with cut. For each case we develop a congruence proof that relates the semantics to a standard operational interpreter. As an application of our denotational semantics, we show the correctness of some standard “folk” theorems regarding transformations on PROLOG programs.  相似文献   

This paper shows how rewriting logic semantics (RLS) can be used as a computational logic framework for operational semantic definitions of programming languages. Several operational semantics styles are addressed: big-step and small-step structural operational semantics (SOS), modular SOS, reduction semantics with evaluation contexts, continuation-based semantics, and the chemical abstract machine. Each of these language definitional styles can be faithfully captured as an RLS theory, in the sense that there is a one-to-one correspondence between computational steps in the original language definition and computational steps in the corresponding RLS theory. A major goal of this paper is to show that RLS does not force or pre-impose any given language definitional style, and that its flexibility and ease of use makes RLS an appealing framework for exploring new definitional styles.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and performance of SPIFFI, a scalable high-performance parallel file system intended for use by extremely I/O intensive applications including “Grand Challenge” scientific applications and multimedia systems. This paper contains experimental results from a SPIFFI prototype on a 64 node/64 disk Intel Paragon. The results show that SPIFFI provides high performance and linear scaleup on real hardware. The paper also explains how shared file pointers (i.e., file pointers that are shared by multiple processes) can simplify the design of a parallel application. By sequentializing I/O accesses and by providing dynamic I/O load balancing, a shared file pointer may even improve an application's performance. This paper also presents the predictions of a SPIFFI simulator that we validated using the prototype. The simulator results show that SPIFFI continues to provide high performance even when it is scaled to configurations with as many as 128 disks or 256 compute nodes  相似文献   

We develop a denotational semantics for POOL, a parallel object-oriented programming language. The main contribution of this semantics is an accurate mathematical model of the most important concept in object-oriented programming: the object. This is achieved by structuring the semantics in layers working at three different levels: for statements, objects and programs. For each of these levels we define a specialized mathematical domain of processes, which we use to assign a meaning to each language construct. This is done in the mathematical framework of complete metric spaces. We also define operators that translate between these domains. At the program level we give a precise definition of the observable input/output behaviour of a particular program, which could be used at a later stage to decide the issue of full abstractness. We illustrate our semantic techniques by first applying them to a toy language similar to CSP.This paper describes work done in ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3020,Integration.  相似文献   

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