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The resistance of thermally-modified and Alkaline Copper Quaternary type C (ACQ-C) treated aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) against the brown-rot fungus (Gloeophyllum trabeum) and Eastern U.S. subterranean termite (Reticulitermes flavipes) was studied. Wood materials were thermally-modified at a temperature of 210 °C for 15 min. ACQ-C was impregnated into yellow-poplar and jack pine wood at three different retention levels and at each level both leaching and non-leaching procedures were conducted. Results indicate that ACQ-C-treated yellow-poplar and jack pine became significantly more resistant to the brown-rot fungus compared to the thermally-modified wood and the untreated control. Thermally-modified yellow-poplar and jack pine were more resistant to this fungus than untreated wood. For aspen and Scots pine, the resistance to G. trabeum was improved after the thermal modification, but it remained susceptible to this brown-rot fungus decay. Termite susceptibility of thermally-modified aspen, jack pine, and yellow-poplar was comparable to that of untreated controls. Significantly greater termite attack occurred on thermally-modified Scots pine wood than it did on untreated wood. This likely is attributed to some compounds contained in Scots pine wood that inhibited termite attack.  相似文献   

The relative importance of extractive content and its chemical compounds in imparting brown-rot decay resistance of teak wood was determined using HPTLC. Total extractive content (12.44%), tectoquinone (0.23%) and naphthoquinone (0.62%) were lower in home garden teak of wet site than of dry site with corresponding values of 15.98%, 0.34% and 1.26% in the latter. The amount of napthoquinone was more consistently correlated with higher decay resistance from the wet to the dry and planted sites implying that napthoquinone is the single most important compound which imparted decay resistance to teak wood against the two brown-rot fungi, viz. Polyporous palustris and Gloeophyllum trabeum.  相似文献   

采用电子鼻法分析复合精油涂层对火腿风味品质的影响,并通过气相色谱-质谱联用技术研究其对火腿半膜肌及股二头肌中挥发性风味物质组成的影响。电子鼻结果表明,复合精油涂层能提高火腿半膜肌中芳香类、烷烃类、萜烯类化合物的风味特征,且能降低含氮类、有机硫化物类化合物的风味特征,而股二头肌中风味特征无明显变化。GC-MS分析结果表明,在半膜肌中,除酮类风味物质外,涂层组的风味物质数量均高于未涂层组,而多出的风味物质种类分别为烃类5种、醇类2种、酯类1种、酸类3种、醛类1种、其他类2种;增加诸如1-辛烯-3醇、2-甲基-1-丁醇、3-甲基丁醛、2-辛烯醛等特征性风味物质的相对含量;复合精油涂层对火腿股二头肌中挥发性风味化合物种类数量及相对含量均无显著(p>0.05)影响,这是由于涂层中的植物精油无法渗透至股二头肌,从而无法对股二头肌的风味产生影响。因此复合精油涂层对提高火腿半膜肌风味品质有明显的促进作用,可以用于干腌火腿的风干成熟中。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the decay and termite resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) treated with 4-methoxytrityl tetrafluoroborate (MTFB). Decay resistance tests of unleached samples showed that 2%, 1.5% and 1% concentrations of MTFB (15.4 kg/m3, 11.1 kg/m3, and 7.4 kg/m3, retention levels, respectively) gave less than 2% decay of Postia placenta and concentrations of 2% and 1.5% less than 2% decay of Coniophora puteana. Wood specimens treated with 4-methoxytrityl tetrafluoroborate solutions were not protected against the brown rot fungi after a 14-day severe leaching process, suggesting excessive leaching of the chemical from wood. Treatment with 2% concentration protected against subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki based on mass losses in both leached and unleached wood specimens in comparison with lower concentration levels. These results suggest that 4-methoxytrityl tetrafluoroborate might be promising to protect wood being used outdoors against termite attack. However, 4-methoxytrityl tetrafluoroborate did not protect wood against fungal decay. Field tests are needed to observe the performance of 4-methoxytrityl tetrafluoroborate treated wood in ground contact.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1999,64(3):323-329
The antioxidative activities of six plant extracts (catnip, hyssop, lemon balm, oregano, sage and thyme) were evaluated in sunflower oil and its 20% oil-in-water emulsion in the dark at 60°C. The oxidation process was followed by measuring the formation of primary (conjugated diene hydroperoxides) and secondary (volatile compounds) oxidation products. Sage extracts (600 and 1200 ppm) effectively inhibited the formation of conjugated dienes and volatile compounds (hexanal and pentanal) in oil and emulsion and showed the highest antioxidative activity compared with 300 ppm BHT. Thyme and lemon balm extracts inhibited hexanal generation more than formation of conjugated dienes in both oil and emulsion. Oregano extract was more active in oil than in emulsion. Catnip and hyssop extracts (600 ppm) showed prooxidative action to sunflower oil at 60°C. These two extracts increased the formation of conjugated dienes compared with the control oil. In emulsions, catnip extract (600 ppm) was active and significantly inhibited the formation of conjugated dienes more than BHT (300 ppm) during additional incubation.  相似文献   

In this study, the fire performance and decay resistance of solid wood and plywood treated with quaternary ammonia compounds (didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC) and didecyl dimethyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate (DBF)) were compared with the performance of untreated control specimens and specimens treated with common fire retardants ((monoammonium phosphate (MAP), diammonium phosphate (DAP) and ammonium sulphate (AS)). Test specimens were treated with 1% and 4% (% m/v) aqueous solutions of the chemicals. The fire performance tests were the fire tube test (ASTM E 69) which measures mass losses in the specimens and the cone calorimeter test (ASTM E 1354) which measures mass loss, heat release rate, time for sustained ignition, effective heat of combustion, and specific extinction area. The results from the cone calorimeter tests were used to estimate the flame spread index (FSI) in the Steiner tunnel test (ASTM E 84). Heat release rates of the specimens treated with MAP, DAP, and AS were lower than those of both DDAC and DBF-treated specimens and the untreated control specimens. Compared with the untreated specimens, higher heat release rates were observed for the specimens treated with the quaternary ammonia compounds, DDAC and DBF. The estimates for the FSI for DDAC and DBF were for values equal to or higher than for the untreated control specimens. At higher concentration levels, MAP, DAP and AS were effective in decreasing initial contribution of heat release to potential fire. Decay resistance tests were done according to AWPA E 10 standard method using one brown-rot fungus and one white rot-fungus. Decay resistance tests revealed that solid wood specimens treated with DDAC and DBF showed resistance against the fungi tested, however, MAP, DAP and AS did not provide complete protection. While DBF and DDAC increased resistance of plywood specimens, high mass losses in plywood specimens treated with MAP, DAP and AS were obtained.  相似文献   

In this work the effect of standard phenolic compounds such as trolox, phenolic acids (ferulic, gallic, protocatechuic and caffeic acid) and secoiridoids, extracted from virgin olive oil (VOO), on acrylamide formation in an emulsion system was investigated. The emulsion system was heated in an oil bath at different temperatures and for different periods of time. At 105 and 115 °C the generated amounts of acrylamide were negligible during the monitoring time. At 125 °C addition of standard phenolic compounds reduced acrylamide formation which was more pronounced at initial time of heating (20 min) reaching up to 70%. Protocatechuic and gallic acid were more effective than trolox, caffeic and ferulic acid in acrylamide reduction at the final time intervals of heating (30–60 min). On the contrary, addition of VOO extract in the emulsion system resulted in a remarkable increase of acrylamide level, which was ascribed to secoiridoids’ structure containing aldehydic groups.  相似文献   

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products - The purpose of this study was to use furfurylation to enhance the resistance of wood to subterranean termite attack. Wood samples were obtained from...  相似文献   

Paraffin has been used as surface protection of wood throughout the ages but its use for impregnation to improve wood resistance to biodegradation is recent. This study determined the main improvements on wood properties with paraffin impregnation. Healthy Pinus pinaster Ait. wood was impregnated with paraffin at different levels using a hot–cold process. Weight gain, equilibrium moisture content and dimensional stability (ASE) at 35 and 65 % relative humidity, termite durability against Reticulitermes grassei (Clément), bending strength, bending stiffness (MOE) and Janka hardness were determined. Density increased from 0.57 to 0.99, ASE ranged between 38–96 % and 16–71 % for 35 and 65 % relative humidity, respectively. Equilibrium moisture content decreased from 9.9 and 12.0 % to 0.8 and 3.6 % for 35 and 65 % relative humidity. Termite durability improved from level 4 to level 3 of attack, and higher termite mortality was found in treated wood (52 % against 17 %). Bending strength (MOR) increased with paraffin weight gain, reaching a 39 % increase. MOE also increased by about 13 % for wood with a weight gain around 80 %. Janka hardness increased significantly reaching about 40 % for wood with 80 % weight gain. Paraffin impregnated wood has improved properties with regard to equilibrium moisture content, dimensional stability and density, bending strength and Janka hardness, and resistance against termites.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of several essential oil active compounds on rumen microbial fermentation. In the first experiment, 4 doses (5, 50, 500, and 5,000 mg/L) of 5 essential oil compounds were evaluated using in vitro 24-h batch culture of rumen fluid with a 60:40 forage:concentrate diet (18% crude protein; 30% neutral detergent fiber). Treatments were control (CON), eugenol (EUG), guaiacol, limonene, thymol (THY), and vanillin. After 24 h, the pH was determined, and samples were collected to analyze ammonia N and volatile fatty acids (VFA). The highest dose of all compounds decreased total VFA concentration and increased the final pH. Eugenol at 5 mg/L tended to reduce the proportion of acetate and the acetate to propionate ratio, at 50 and 500 mg/L tended to reduce ammonia N concentration, and at 500 mg/L reduced the proportion of propionate and branched-chain VFA concentration, without affecting total VFA concentration. All other treatments had minor effects or changes occurred only after total VFA concentration decreased. In the second experiment, 8 dual-flow continuous culture fermenters (1,320 mL) were used in 3 replicated periods (6 d of adaptation and 3 d of sampling) to study the effects of THY and EUG on rumen microbial fermentation. Fermenters were fed 95 g/d of DM of a 60:40 forage:concentrate diet (18% crude protein; 30% neutral detergent fiber). Treatments were CON, 10 mg/L of monensin (positive control), and 5, 50, or 500 mg/L of THY and EUG, and were randomly assigned to fermenters within periods. During the last 3 d of each period, samples were taken at 0, 2, 4, and 6 h after the morning feeding and analyzed for peptides, amino acids, and ammonia N concentrations, and total and individual VFA concentrations. Monensin changed the VFA profile as expected, but inhibited nutrient digestion. Eugenol and THY decreased total VFA concentration and changed the VFA profile, and only 5 mg/L of THY tended to reduce the proportion of acetate, increased the proportion of butyrate, and increased the large peptides N concentration without decreasing total VFA concentration. Most of these essential oil compounds demonstrated their antimicrobial activity by decreasing total VFA concentration at high doses. However, EUG in batch fermentation and 5 mg/L of THY in continuous culture modified the VFA profile without decreasing total VFA concentration, and EUG in batch fermentation decreased ammonia N concentration.  相似文献   

为延长鲜湿面的保质期,采用微波处理面粉并辅以迷迭香精油气相熏蒸成品的方法进行保藏,探讨鲜湿面品质的变化。结果表明,面粉采用功率为800 W的微波处理30 s后,制成的湿面在25℃和4℃下的保质期分别延长至64 h及17 d;湿面进一步结合迷迭香精油熏蒸,在空间浓度为0.10μL/mL,温度为25℃和4℃条件下分别保藏4 d及24 d,菌落总数均小于106 CFU/g;同时,湿面的硬度、胶黏性、弹性和形变增加,酸度降低。  相似文献   

Synthesis of a new chemical compound combining water-repellence of oleic acid and biocidal effect of boric acid linked by ammonia have been followed and validated by fourier transformed infra red (FTIR). This compound named ammonium borate oleate (ABO) has then been studied as a wood preservative. Different molar ratios of oleic acid have been involved in the synthesis of ABO and leachability of those mixes from wood observed according to Japanese industrial standard. The formulation one mole of boric acid and one of ammonia (1:1:4) for four moles of oleic acid has shown the best efficiency compared to formulations 1:1:1, 1:1:2 and 1:1:3 with about 52% of boron remaining after weathering when other formulations retained respectively 10%, 29% and 46% of boron in the case of an impregnation of Cryptomeria japonica. Seven solutions of 1:1:4 ABO in ethanol of different concentrations were then produced and sapwood blocks of C. japonica and Fagus crenata were impregnated. A toxicity threshold of around 2.0 kg/m3 for both species was determined in a termite resistance test to Coptotermes formosanus indicating the positive effect of combining water repellent and biocide. Termite mortality recording and microscopic observations complete this study indicating that the action mechanism of ABO is providing a water resistant inner coating.  相似文献   

The efficiency of phenolic antioxidants in protecting paprika carotenoids against discoloration was studied in a model gel system that was exposed to radiation of 274 nm at 20 °C. The fading of the colour of the gel was followed over a 6‐h period. Fifty percent of the colour faded from the control after 70 min of radiation. The ability of each antioxidant to prevent discoloration was assessed by using several different concentrations. Antioxidant compounds can be ranked according to their protective effect on colour: BHT > α‐tocopherol > epigallocatechin gallate > quercetin > rosmarinic acid ≥ caffeic acid and ferulic acid > coumaric acid > catechin. The ability of rosemary and tea extracts to prevent discoloration was comparable to pure compounds and this could be explained by their polyphenol content. Mixtures of α‐tocopherol with rosemary extract revealed strong synergistic effects.  相似文献   

One strategy to prevent obesity could consist in the inhibition of the pancreatic lipase (PL). In an attempt to find natural antiobesity agents, phenolic compounds (PCs) and plant extracts were investigated on PL activity. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate > kaempferol and quercetin were detected as potent PL inhibitors, with ICs50 of 0.8, 13.4 and 21.5 μM, respectively. Plant extracts from green tea and grape seed also shown potent inhibitory effect. Selected PCs were then assayed in an in vitro model of simulated intestinal fat digestion, based on the lipolysis of triolein. In such conditions closer to physiological reality, resveratrol, but also epigallocatechin-3-gallate and quercetin reduced the triolein digestion to ±50%. This could delay or decrease in vivo fatty acid absorption by enterocytes. This work therefore suggests that some PCs, at concentrations easily reached in the intestine following ingestion of tea beverages, fruits or vegetables, but also flavonoid-enriched supplements or functional food, are potential candidates for obesity prevention.  相似文献   

The oak wood extracts used in brandy production are extremely varied because of the different ways in which they are made: by infusion, by boiling or by maceration, with or without prior physical or chemical treatment of the wood. Such extracts release a large quantity of phenolic compounds and a very small amount of partially degraded lignin into the brandy, unlike spirits aged in oak barrels. Among monomer compounds derived from lignin, the presence of vanillic and syringic acids, vanillin, syringaldehyde, coniferaldehyde and sinapaldehyde can be noted. In the wood extracts, phenolic compounds and aromatic acids frequently dominate the ligno-complex and aromatic aldehydes respectively, which is not the case in brandies. Two samples of liquid extracts of oak wood displayed statistically aberrant vanillin contents.  相似文献   

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