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基于动态联盟的双单元制造模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何霆  杨海 《高技术通讯》1999,9(10):16-20
通过对敏捷制造以及动态联盟生产模式特点的分析,提出了一种基于动态联盟的双单元制造模式,详细讨论了此生产模式的具体组织结构特点,运行方式以及提出的理论与现实依据等问题,最后,对有关问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

支持动态企业联盟的敏捷供需链管理系统   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在分析了动态企业联盟对ASCMS需求的基础上,提出了系统建模与仿真、计划与控制模式及过程管理是建立ASCMS的关键问题,给出关键问题的解决方案及AS-CMS的结构与功能。ASCMS将为有铲地组建动态企业联盟和快速响应市场提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

中小企业敏捷性及其评价体系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
动态联盟作为实现敏捷制造的企业组织模式,是我国中小企业提高市场竞争能力的重要途径。基于我国国情,分析了影响中小企业和动态联盟敏捷性的主要因素及其影响方式;提出了面向动态联盟的企业敏捷性评价体系的基本框架和结构模型。  相似文献   

介绍了基于实例的敏捷制造信息系统结构。结合Interet/Intranet和人工技术,提出了基于智能代理机制的信息系统实现方案。系统采用VRML虚拟现实技术实现信息跨平台浏览共享,并讨论了基于成本和敏捷度的新产品设计优化方法。  相似文献   

多视图集成化的动态联盟建模方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合目前提出的典型CIMS企业模型,针对动态联盟的特点,提出一种由工作流视图/组织视图/信息视图/物理视图组成的动态联盟的多视图面向对象的企业模型(VEMVirtualEnterpriseModel),并进一步分析了VEM的模型化方法。  相似文献   

动态联盟实例比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过比较分析动态联盟实例,探讨了成功的动态联盟具有的8个特征:明确的目标,竞争对手的有效界定,核心成员彼此互补的核心优势,组织保证,资金保证,各个成员间合理的组织结构,供应链的支持作用及善始善终。  相似文献   

经济的全球化、知识经济的来临以及消费者偏好的改变使制造商面临的环境发生了巨大的变化,呈现出动态变化趋势;动态环境导致商的竞争优势的持续时间越来越短而其面临的风险越来越大;面向动态环境建立制造联盟是制造商为迎接动态环境带来的挑战的有效策略。结合先进制造技术与共生的有关理论界定了制造联盟的概念,讨论了制造联盟区别于传统组织模式的特征;分析了实施制造联盟的难点、提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

敏捷虚拟企业组织形态及描述方法   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
在分析敏捷制造和动态联盟概念的基础上,分析了敏捷企业的内部组织,企业间的多种合作方式,提出了敏捷虚拟企业(动态联盟)的组织工业并进行了形式化描述,本文对动态联盟的建立具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

CAPP在敏捷制造模式下的运行环境及系统结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
敏捷制造(AM)被称为“21世纪制造业的发展战略”受到世界各国普遍重视。本文在研究敏捷制造模式的产生背影,特点有运行环境的基础上,设计出了CAPP的系统结构,并对CAPP在敏捷制造模式下的地位及完全实现需要解决的问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

基于Internet/Intranet的质量信息系统重构技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了基于web浏览器的质量信息系统运行方式和质量信息系统的重构分类方法,在此基础上,提出了基于Internet/Intranet质量信息系统的结构框架和重构流程,以此来映射和完成基于Internet/Intranet的质量信息系统的功能,以适应敏捷制造中动态联盟的结构变化性和快速响应的要求。  相似文献   

Future manufacturing systems need to be more flexible, to embrace tougher and constantly changing market demands. They need to make better use of plant data, ideally utilising all data from the entire plant. Low-level data should be refined to real-time information for decision-making, to facilitate competitiveness through informed and timely decisions. The Line Information System Architecture (LISA), is presented in this paper. It is an event-driven architecture featuring loose coupling, a prototype-oriented information model and formalised transformation services. LISA is designed to enable flexible factory integration and data utilisation. The focus of LISA is on integration of devices and services on all levels, simplifying hardware changes and integration of new smart services as well as supporting continuous improvements on information visualisation and control. The architecture has been evaluated on both real industrial data and industrial demonstrators and it is also being installed at a large automotive company. This article is an extended and revised version of the paper presented at the 2015 IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015). The paper has been restructured in regards to the order and title of the chapters, and additional information about the integration between devices and services aspects have been added. The introduction and the general structure of the paper now better highlight the contributions of the paper and the uniqueness of the framework.  相似文献   

This research investigates the roles of supply chain information technologies (SCIT) and supply chain organisational initiatives (SCOI) in engendering agility and business performance in manufacturing firms. We examine two competing models, both of which incorporate agility as a mediator between the use of SCIT or SCOI and firm performance; the models differ in how the impacts of SCIT and SCOI are manifest. In one model, SCIT and SCOI are hypothesised to have separate effects on agility, which then impacts firm performance; in the second model, complementarities, or the interaction of SCIT and SCOI, impacts agility directly. Structural equation modelling results show that agility is full mediator, related to firm performance in both models. Further, the model with complementary interactions fits better. These results have implications for how manufacturing firms can position their investments in SCIT and SCOI to enhance agility and overall performance.  相似文献   

The field of factory automation has been the target of many recent research efforts related to improving overall efficiency and reconfigurability in order to effectively enable the advent of mass customisation. These efforts have promoted the adoption of autonomous, loosely-coupled devices aimed at simplifying the integration of modular production cells, as well as new production control methodologies which aim to bring efficiency, agility and quick turnaround to the production process. As these new production paradigms start to trickle down to the factory floor, a new set of tools must be developed in order to support their implementation. Recent advances in computing power and functionality from the past decades have opened up the opportunity to not only improve the processing capabilities within control devices but to implement engineering tools which will support the systems engineers in building the modular production floor. This paper presents the development of such a tool which facilitates the implementation of said devices, and their functionalities which aim to simplify the configuration and layout of modular, service-oriented devices in a virtual production line. The tool can then be used as a simulation platform in order to test out different layouts and production processes.  相似文献   

Nowadays, one of the main challenges in factory planning is the consistent and coherent information modelling along planning processes. Despite the current efforts in the fields of virtual production as well as digital and virtual factory, planning and simulation applications mostly support only the analysis and the optimisation of single planning aspects. However, to match nowadays challenges, planners require solutions that provide an integrated view to evaluate planning scenarios in advance and to achieve increasing production quality and efficiency. The concept of virtual production intelligence (VPI) provides a basic concept for such an integrative information system that enables planners to integrate, to aggregate and to analyse data gathered during one planning project as well as to compare different projects. In this study, we present such an information system for factory planning using the concept of the VPI. The focus lies in particular on the information modelling as well as the information integration and evaluation. Therefore, the study presents theoretical basics and implementations of the VPI platform within a precise application scenario in factory planning. This is to process and provide a consolidated information base along the whole planning process to support factory planning projects.  相似文献   

应用基于GT的BPR实现离散型制造业信息化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出在离散型制造业实施信息化必须实施基于GT的BPR,研究了应用GT整合业务流程和管理职能的方法,并以NGC—CIMS的计划流程为例分析了业务流程的成组与整合,在实施GT的基础上才能有效实施BPR以及实施基于GT的BPR后的应用效果.  相似文献   

提出了协同虚拟制造(collaborative virtual manufacturing, CVM)的概念及其主要内涵,比较了CVM与VM之间的联系与区别。作为VM的拓展和延伸,CVM可以被定义为基于网络技术、数据库技术和分布式计算技术,由制造商、供应商、合作伙伴和客户协同参与的支持供应链管理和个性化服务的虚拟制造。基于分层次、高度集成与松耦合的辩证统一和可扩展性的原则,给出了CVM体系结构,该体系结构同时考虑了供应链上企业之间的横向一体化和基于多层分布式对象技术的纵向一体化。分析了CVM与现有的分布式对象结构的主要矛盾,针对这一矛盾,提出了面向CVM的分布式支撑环境的主要技术内涵。给出了一个面向CVM分布式支撑环境的典型框架结构,该架构通过Web Service服务层整合异构分布式对象,并用传统的Socket通信方式以解决实时通信的问题。  相似文献   

应用成组技术实现制造敏捷化、分散化、网络化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了敏捷化、分散化、网络化制造与应用成组技术之间的关系,提出了应用成组技术实现敏捷化、分散化、网络化制造的方法,探讨了我国制造企业基于成组技术的敏捷生产组织构建方法以及敏捷制造单元的成组与重构技术,为我国中小企业特别是离散型制造企业实现敏捷化、分散化、网络化制造作了有益探索。  相似文献   

Formal verification is an important means of tackling behavioural problems such as deadlocks in multi-agent systems. This paper is concerned with the role played by formal verification in the simulation-based performance analysis of multi-agent manufacturing systems. A discrete-event simulation case study is presented to show how varying certain timing parameters of the agent negotiation protocol affects the performance of a multi-agent manufacturing system as well as the chance of getting deadlocks among the software agents. When one tries to determine the optimal values of these timing parameters based on the simulation results, formal verification can help refine the results by confirming whether deadlocks among software agents are indeed possible for particular parameter values. This involves modelling the system's real-time behaviour according to the simulation model and applying the techniques and tools of model checking.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to create an agile manufacturing (AM) model and to validate the model using structural equation modelling (SEM). AM concentrates on turbulent market changes and the responsive actions of the manufacturing firm, in terms of process, tooling, material and trained experts. The AM model consists of five major drivers of agility, namely the workforce, manufacturing management, manufacturing strategy, manufacturing technology and organisational structure. After development of the AM model, a questionnaire was prepared and data collected from 30 automotive organisations located in Tamil Nadu, India. After data collection, the SEM approach was used to conduct a statistical validation. The results indicate the validity and reliability of AM constructs.  相似文献   

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