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中国 3号喷气燃料是在 2 0世纪 70年代为了出口任务和国际通航需要而开始生产的 ,产品标准有 1977年颁布的石油标准SY 10 0 8,后被参照采用ASTMD 165 5标准制定的国家强制标准GB 65 3 7-1986所替代。 3号喷气燃料与国际市场上通用的民用喷气燃料JetA -1都属于民用煤油型涡轮喷气燃料 ;而在国际航空市场 (前苏联和东欧地区除外 ) ,各飞机加油服务公司与航空公司普遍遵循JetA -1标准 ,主要是英国国防部标准DEFSTAN 91-91、美国试验材料协会标准ASTMD 165 5和国际航空运输协会 (IATA)煤油型喷气燃料规格和由…  相似文献   

李明 《中国标准化》2000,21(11):23-24
随着中国民航事业的发展 ,客货运输量的增加 ,飞机喷气燃料的年消耗量也与日俱增。中国航空油料总公司 (以下简称“中航油总公司”)自 1990年成立以来 ,喷气燃料的年供应量从 1990年的 10 2万吨增到 1999年的 4 10万吨。由于国内石油市场无法满足民航对喷气燃料的需求 ,中航油总公司自 1991年起开始从国际市场采购喷气燃料 ,采购量从 1991年的 1 8万吨增到1999年的 12 5万吨 ,进口油量占全年供油量的比例也由 1991年的 1 38%增至 1999年的 30 4 9% ,见表 1。表 1年代数量 年供油量(万吨 )国内采购量(万吨 )国外采购量(万吨 )国外采购量占年…  相似文献   

GB6 5 4 4首次修订 ,其物理性能指标主要参考日本工业标准JISZ15 16— 1997《外包装用瓦楞纸板》和德国标准DIN5 5 4 6 8— 1987《包装材料瓦楞纸板》标准中的耐破强度指标和边压强度指标。在这里简单叙述标准修订的要点。同行通过对比可以基本了解。1.标准的格式 :按照GBT1.3— 1997《标准化工作导测 ,第一单元 :标准的起草与表述规则 ,第三部分产品标准漏写规定》进行编写的 :与标准相比增加了 (范围 ) (引用标准 ) ,(定义及代号 )三章。2 .在第四章产品分类 ,对纸板的分类从原一类 ,二类、三类改成优等、一等、合格品 ,并删…  相似文献   

从1月7日召开的“2014年中国林产工业协会红木分会理事大会暨国家标准《红木》修订起草小组第三次工作会议”上获悉,日前,正修订已执行了14年的GB/T18107—2000《红木》,2014年年底新国标有望出台。  相似文献   

近些年来,作为质量、环境和职业健康安全三大主要管理体系认证标准之一,GB/T28001在企业生产实际中得到了广泛实施,尤其是大量企业还为此而获得了GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系认证。由于该标准的有效实施对于提高企业职业健康安全管理水平、保护劳动者身心健康和人身安全发挥了极为重要的促进作用,因此,它的一举一动一直深受广大企业、认证机构和人员及社会各界广泛而密切的关注。此外,由于该标准的修订直接影响着开展GB/T28001认证的企业和机构有关新旧版标准的认证转换问题,这些企业、机构和人员对该标准的修订情况及进展尤为关心。2011年12月,  相似文献   

我国于2001年正式颁布的GB/T 28001—2001《职业健康安全管理体系规范》国家标准,基本上是基于OHSAS 18001:1999“Oecupational health and safety management systems—Specification”的内容制定的;2002年颁布的GB/T 28002—2002《职业健康安全管理体系指南》,基本上是基于OHSAS 18002:2000“Occupational health and safety management systems—Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001:1999”的内容制定的。  相似文献   

正A Canadian standards champion is retiring after years of involvement with the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC). Jacques Régis' s term as president of Canada's national committee to IEC(CANC/IEC) is coming to an end, wrapping up an illustrious career in the standards world that included becoming the first Canadian elected as the organization's president.  相似文献   

Summary The Japanese government has been attempting to reform the national research system for the past 20 years. This paper describes the structural changes of the system and its performance based on bibliometric analyses and discusses the effects of S&T policy. The investigation indicates that although Japan gradually increased its production of highly cited publications, its share of low-cited publications is much higher than the former. Detailed analyses reveal that the top eight universities account for half of the highly cited publications in the university sector, while other hundreds of universities have massively increased their low-cited publications since 1990. The development of financial and human resources for research in the 1990s enabled new actors to be involved in scientific research, but the resources were concentrated to a small number of universities, reinforcing the collaboration between these universities and others.  相似文献   

针对新一轮计量单位制量子化变革带来的普遍影响进行了阐述,相应地,讨论了计量标准小型化、芯片化趋势带来的作用和影响。关于工业计量的影响,结合航空行业特征,特别针对计量单位制量子化变革和计量标准小型化、芯片化趋势这些变化给航空行业计量带来的挑战和契机,进行了系统论述,包括行业计量与量子化融合,量子化计量融入产品的全寿命周期,量子化计量与虚拟仪器技术相融合,以及芯片化计量对工业计量的推动作用。同时,给出了因应措施展望。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to develop new procedures with the aim of improving the usage of the similarity factor f2 in dissolution data analysis, and to evaluate them jointly with preexisting ones. We introduce bias-correction and standard error estimation procedures based on the delta, the jackknife and the bootstrap methods. These methods, jointly with the rule of declaring similarity when f2 exceeds 50 and some alternative testing procedures based on bootstrap confidence intervals, are evaluated on experimental data and studied by simulation. The results indicate that no method is strictly the best, but the following conclusions seem to appear: for estimation purposes the most reliable approach is to use the plain sample f2 instead of any bias-corrected alternative, any of the standard error estimates may be used in practice and, most importantly, there are evidences against the validity of the procedure declaring similarity if the sample f2 exceeds 50; a decision rule based on a confidence interval seems to be more adequate. In any case the question should be further investigated.  相似文献   

It is shown, by a number of examples taken from the literature, that heterogeneous nucleation can be described in terms proposed by Bunn for epitaxial growth. Complex foreign compounds acting as nucleators determine the habit of the crystals and are naturally coprecipitated with the crystallizing material. The supersaturated solution is a solution of subcolloidal particles, a solution of nuclei, which contribute en bloc to the growth of seed crystals.  相似文献   

Production Switching Heuristics (PSH) have been suggested as realistic, practical alternatives to more sophisticated aggregate planning and scheduling models. A modified, two-level heuristic is presented and its properties investigated by use of the classical paint factory data (Linear Decision Rule). Even under relatively extreme circumstances, its cost performance is promising when compared with the LDR, LP and the original PSH.  相似文献   

一、术语表达应准确在各类环境保护国家标准中,经常使用到“单位”一词,有的环境保护国家标准干脆不写单位,直接在表头右上方(或在表内)写上mg/L、kg/t、dB(A)、等效声级Leq[dB(A)]等。根据有关辞典的解释,“单位”为:“①计算物体数量的标准量。如公斤、米、升等。②指机关、团体或其所隶属的分支机构。”而“计量单位”为:“用以量度同类量大小的一个标准量称为计量单位。”为使标准具有严密的逻辑性,制定、修订标准时应当采用惟一答案的术语。因此,笔者认为,环境保护国家标准中应当在标明“单位”的地方写明“计量单位”…  相似文献   

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