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Outward rectifier K+ channels have a characteristic structure with six transmembrane segments and one pore region. A new member of this family of transmembrane proteins has been cloned and called Kv8.1. Kv8.1 is essentially present in the brain where it is located mainly in layers II, IV and VI of the cerebral cortex, in hippocampus, in CA1-CA4 pyramidal cell layer as well in granule cells of the dentate gyrus, in the granule cell layer and in the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum. The Kv8.1 gene is in the 8q22.3-8q24.1 region of the human genome. Although Kv8.1 has the hallmarks of functional subunits of outward rectifier K+ channels, injection of its cRNA in Xenopus oocytes does not produce K+ currents. However Kv8.1 abolishes the functional expression of members of the Kv2 and Kv3 subfamilies, suggesting that the functional role of Kv8.1 might be to inhibit the function of a particular class of outward rectifier K+ channel types. Immunoprecipitation studies have demonstrated that inhibition occurs by formation of heteropolymeric channels, and results obtained with Kv8.1 chimeras have indicated that association of Kv8.1 with other types of subunits is via its N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The gene for hSK4, a novel human small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, or SK channel, has been identified and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In physiological saline hSK4 generates a conductance of approximately 12 pS, a value in close agreement with that of other cloned SK channels. Like other members of this family, the polypeptide encoded by hSK4 contains a previously unnoted leucine zipper-like domain in its C terminus of unknown function. hSK4 appears unique, however, in its very high affinity for Ca2+ (EC50 of 95 nM) and its predominant expression in nonexcitable tissues of adult animals. Together with the relatively low homology of hSK4 to other SK channel polypeptides (approximately 40% identical), these data suggest that hSK4 belongs to a novel subfamily of SK channels.  相似文献   

The acute intravenous toxicity of tedisamil, a new potassium channel blocker, was assessed by infusing it at various rates (1.5 to 10 mg/kg/min.) to ventilated or spontaneously breathing rats subjected to blockade of their peripheral somatic and autonomic nervous systems. The lethal doses for ventilated rats (including pithed animals) were 2-3 times higher than those for spontaneously breathing animals. In spontaneously breathing rats death appeared to be due to respiratory depression which was possibly of central origin since the lethality of tedisamil was not markedly altered by vagotomy, bilateral carotid artery ligation, nor by autonomic nervous system blockade. On the other hand, in all of the artificially ventilated groups, death occurred at higher doses and was related to direct cardiac actions, possibly involving blockade of cardiac potassium and sodium channels. The cardiovascular responses to infusions of tedisamil included tachyarrhythmias, bradycardia, blood pressure changes, increased QRS width and Q-T interval duration. Arrhythmias occurred at sublethal doses and were eliminated by autonomic blockade and pithing. However, the bradycardia, ECG and blood pressure changes induced by tedisamil infusions were unaltered by the various treatments. Thus tedisamil may induce arrhythmias by actions on the autonomic system.  相似文献   

Members of a previously unidentified family of potassium channel subunits were cloned from rat and human brain. The messenger RNAs encoding these subunits were widely expressed in brain with distinct yet overlapping patterns, as well as in several peripheral tissues. Expression of the messenger RNAs in Xenopus oocytes resulted in calcium-activated, voltage-independent potassium channels. The channels that formed from the various subunits displayed differential sensitivity to apamin and tubocurare. The distribution, function, and pharmacology of these channels are consistent with the SK class of small-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channels, which contribute to the afterhyperpolarization in central neurons and other cell types.  相似文献   

The Drosophila slowpoke (slo) gene encodes a subunit of a CAK channel homologous to the vertebrate BK channel. We have examined slo expression throughout development. It is expressed in muscle cells, neurons of the CNS and PNS, mushroom bodies, a limited number of cells in embryonic and larval midgut and in epithelial-derived tracheal cells. The promoter has been cloned and shown to direct expression in the same pattern as the endogenous gene in both neural and epithelial-derived cells. During pupariation and embryogenesis, slo is expressed in muscles many hours prior to the appearance of functional channels.  相似文献   

Loss of function mutations in kidney Kir1.1 (renal outer medullary potassium channel, KCNJ1) inwardly rectifying potassium channels can be found in patients suffering from hyperprostaglandin E syndrome (HPS), the antenatal form of Bartter syndrome. A novel mutation found in a sporadic case substitutes an asparagine by a positively charged lysine residue at amino acid position 124 in the extracellular M1-H5 linker region. When heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes and mammalian cells, current amplitudes from mutant Kir1.1a[N124K] channels were reduced by a factor of approximately 12 as compared with wild type. A lysine at the equivalent position is present in only one of the known Kir subunits, the newly identified Kir1.3, which is also poorly expressed in the recombinant system. When the lysine residue in guinea pig Kir1.3 (gpKir1.3) isolated from a genomic library was changed to an asparagine (reverse HPS mutation), mutant channels yielded macroscopic currents with amplitudes increased 6-fold. From single channel analysis it became apparent that the decrease in mutant Kir1.1 channels and the increase in mutant gpKir1.3 macroscopic currents were mainly due to the number of expressed functional channels. Coexpression experiments revealed a dominant-negative effect of Kir1.1a[N124K] and gpKir1.3 on macroscopic current amplitudes when coexpressed with wild type Kir1.1a and gpKir[K110N], respectively. Thus we postulate that in Kir1.3 channels the extracellular positively charged lysine is of crucial functional importance. The HPS phenotype in man can be explained by the lower expression of functional channels by the Kir1. 1a[N124K] mutant.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of negatively stained myosin has previously revealed three discrete regions within the heads of the molecule. However, despite a probable resolution of approximately 2 nm, it is difficult to discern directly consistent details within these regions. This is due to variability in both head conformation and in staining. In this study, we applied single-particle image processing and classified heads into homogeneous groups. The improved signal-to-noise ratio after averaging these groups reveals substantially improved detail. The image averages were compared to a model simulating negative staining of the atomic structure of subfragment-1 (S1). This shows that the three head regions correspond to the motor domain and the essential and regulatory light chains. The image averages were very similar to particular views of the S1 model. They also revealed considerable flexibility between the motor and regulatory domains, despite the molecules having been prepared in the absence of nucleotide. This flexibility probably results from rotation of the regulatory domain about the motor domain, where the relative movement of the regulatory light chain is up to 12 nm, and is most clearly illustrated in animated sequences (available at http://www.leeds.ac.uk/chb/muscle/myosinhead.htm l). The sharply curved conformation of the atomic model of S1 is seen only rarely in our data, with straighter heads being more typical.  相似文献   

In the present study, the electrophysiologic properties of ATP-sensitive potassium channels were evaluated in an intestinal, cholecystokinin-secreting cell line (STC-1). Channels were operative under basal conditions and, in cell-attached membrane patches, channel activity was decreased by glucose or disopyramide, agents which classically inhibit ATP-sensitive potassium channels. Channel activity was increased by the KATP channel opener, diazoxide. Intestinal ATP-sensitive potassium channels appear to behave in a similar manner to those found in cardiac and pancreatic beta cells.  相似文献   

A PCR-based cloning strategy was used to identify novel subunits of the two-transmembrane domain inward rectifier potassium channel family from rat brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, two of these clones (Kir4.1 and Kir2.3) gave rise to inwardly rectifying potassium currents. Two-electrode voltage clamp commands to potentials negative to EK evoked inward potassium-selective currents which rapidly reached a peak amplitude and then relaxed to a steady-state level. Differences in the extent of current relaxation, the degree of rectification, and the voltage-dependent block by external cesium were detected. Two other members of this family (Kir5.1 and Kir3.4) did not produce macroscopic currents, when expressed by themselves, yet both subunits modified the currents when coexpressed with other specific members of the Kir family. Expression of chimeric subunits between Kir4.1 and either Kir5.1 or Kir3.4 suggested that the transmembrane domains determine the specificity of subunit heteropolymerization, while the C-terminal domains contribute to alterations in activation kinetics and rectification. Expression of covalently linked subunits demonstrated that the relative subunit positions, as well as stoichiometry, affect heteromeric channel activity.  相似文献   

Fast inactivation is restored in inactivation deletion mutant voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels by application of synthetic inactivation 'ball' peptide. Using Fourier transform infrared and circular dichroism spectroscopy, we have investigated the structure of synthetic Kv3.4 channel ball peptide, in a range of environments relevant to the function of the ball domain. The ball peptide contains no alpha-helix or beta-sheet in reducing conditions in aqueous solution, but when cosolubilized with anionic lipid or detergent in order to mimic the environment which the ball domain encounters during channel inactivation, the ball peptide adopts a partial beta-sheet structure. Oxidation of the Kv3.4 ball peptide facilitates formation of a disulfide bond between Cys6 and Cys24 and adoption of a partial beta-sheet structure in aqueous solution; the tendency of the oxidized ball peptide to adopt beta-sheet is generally greater than that of the reduced ball peptide in a given environment. THREADER modeling of the Kv3.4 ball peptide structure predicts a beta-hairpin-like conformation which corresponds well to the structure suggested by spectroscopic analysis of the ball peptide in its cyclic arrangement. A V7E mutant Kv3.4 ball peptide analogue of the noninactivating Shaker B L7E mutant ball peptide cannot adopt beta-structure whatever the environment, and regardless of oxidation state. The results suggest that the Kv3.4 ball domain undergoes a conformational change during channel inactivation and may implicate a novel regulatory role for intramolecular disulfide bond formation in the Kv3.4 ball domain in vivo.  相似文献   

The human thymus is a lymphoepithelial organ in which T cells develop during fetal life. After maturation and selection in the fetal thymic microenvironment, T cells emigrate to peripheral lymphoid tissues such as the spleen, gut, and lymph nodes, and establish the peripheral T cell repertoire. Although the thymus has enormous regenerative capacity during fetal development, the regenerative capacity of the human postnatal thymus decreases over time. With the advent of intensive chemotherapy regimens for a variety of cancer syndromes, and the discovery that infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) leads to severe loss of CD4+ T cells, has come the need to understand the role of the human thymus in reconstitution of the immune system in adults. During a recent study of the thymus in HIV infection, we observed many CD8+ T cells in AIDS thymuses that had markers consistent with those of mature effector cytotoxic T cells usually found in peripheral immune tissues, and noted these CD8+ effector T cells were predominately located in a thymic zone termed the thymic perivascular space. This article reviews our own work on the thymus in HIV-1 infection, and discusses the work of others that, taken together, suggest that the thymus contains peripheral immune cell components not only in the setting of HIV infection, but also in myasthenia gravis, as well as throughout normal life during the process of thymus involution. Thus, the human thymus can be thought of as a chimeric organ comprised of both central and peripheral lymphoid tissues. These observations have led us to postulate that the thymic epithelial atrophy and decrease in thymopoiesis that occurs in myasthenia gravis, HIV-1 infection, and thymic involution may in part derive from cytokines or other factors produced by peripheral immune cells within the thymic perivascular space.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the inactivation of macrophages in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice results in the prevention of diabetes; however, the mechanisms involved remain unknown. In this study, we found that T cells in a macrophage-depleted environment lost their ability to differentiate into beta cell-cytotoxic T cells, resulting in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes, but these T cells regained their beta cell-cytotoxic potential when returned to a macrophage-containing environment. To learn why T cells in a macrophage-depleted environment lose their ability to kill beta cells, we examined the islet antigen-specific immune response and T cell activation in macrophage-depleted NOD mice. There was a shift in the immune balance, a decrease in the T helper cell type 1 (Th1) immune response, and an increase in the Th2 immune response, due to the reduced expression of the macrophage-derived cytokine IL-12. As well, there was a deficit in T cell activation, evidenced by significant decreases in the expression of Fas ligand and perforin. The administration of IL-12 substantially reversed the prevention of diabetes in NOD mice conferred by macrophage depletion. We conclude that macrophages play an essential role in the development and activation of beta cell-cytotoxic T cells that cause beta cell destruction, resulting in autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.  相似文献   

The central toxicities of two potassium ion channel blockers, apamin and alpha-dendrotoxin (DTx), have been compared. Both apamin and dendrotoxin injected intracerebroventricularly produced signs of poisoning, including tremor and ataxia; however, only DTx produced changes in brain electrical activity, with high voltage spikes and epileptiform activity and subsequent brain damage. DTx, but not apamin, increased the amplitude of evoked field potentials and caused repetitive firing of neurones in hippocampal slices. Signs of poisoning following peripheral (intraperitoneal) administration of apamin were similar to those following central administration, including dramatic haemorrhagic effects on the lungs of decedent animals. These results are consistent with dendrotoxin being a centrally-active neurotoxin producing epileptiform activity and brain damage, whilst apamin produces its most significant pathology in the lung, possibly involving a neurogenic mechanism.  相似文献   

A series of arylimino-1,2,4-thiadiazolidines were prepared using an efficient synthesis starting from thiadiazolopyridinium chlorides. All the compounds showed smooth muscular relaxant properties in rat portal veins. The different behaviour under highly depolarized conditions and the reduction of the biological effect by glyburide suggests that the arylimino-1,2,4-thiadiazolidin-3-ones may act, at least in part, via K+-induced hyperpolarization of vascular smooth cells.  相似文献   

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