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该文所研究的软件开发自动化平台是一种应用软件开发新工艺,它突破传统组件技术和工作流技术的局限,以“组装软件”思想为基础,采用自动的组件式、流程驱动的实现方式,减少了软件开发过程中的重复劳动,节省了大量的人力、物力,节约了软件开发成本,使得软件开发自动化程度和软件开发效率有了显著的提高。利用该平台开发的应用系统有良好的稳定性、可扩展性、可维护性和安全性。  相似文献   

计算机应用软件作为一种组装性软件技术,对现实应用软件的自动化开发技术提出了新方法,使计算机应用软件的研发和使用有了新的发展平台和拓展可能,让传统的软件设计方法与软件工具内容集于一体,同时对业务组件的自动化生成与应用软件组装系统的业务流程做出进一步探讨,并且此种方法对传统软件技术构架和工作流程有重大突破,并获得成功应用。本文针对计算机应用软件的自动化、组装、研发、业务流程等进行研究和分析,希望能提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

为了解决行业应用软件开发存在的问题,在全面分析研究行业应用软件和大量实践的基础上,提出了与组件业务建模(CBM)不同的组装业务建模(ABM)和样本程序,并设计了一个企业级的基于样本程序的领域开发平台来支持行业应用的开发和提升行业应用的开发效率与效果.平台通过组装业务建模(ABM)与组件业务建模(CBM)来驱动行业应用软件的开发,并通过样本程序来对行业应用软件的开发工作进行实际指导.实验结果表明了该平台能够有效地提高软件复用率,极大地缩短行业应用软件的开发周期,减少信息系统的成本支出.  相似文献   

面向对象软件开发及软件工程方法学实践与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文在应用软件工程方法学和应用软件系统的开发实践的基础上,分析了面向对象软件工程开发中所发生的问题,提出了面向对象程序开发应遵循的手段和方法,同时也将传统的软件开发和面向对象的软件开发形式互补作了描述。作者认为面向对象软件工程方法学是设计开发的思路,而不是一成不变的定律。  相似文献   

基于软件工程的电厂热力系统组态软件开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前为提高机组运行经济性所必需的热力系统热经济分析计算越来越复杂,传统的人工计算已不能满足工程需要。鉴于此,设计开发了“电厂热力系统热经济性在线监测通用组态软件”。该文按照结构化分析和设计方法对软件进行了需求分析和功能设计,并在此基础上利用VB6.0在Win2000平台上部分开发了该软件。  相似文献   

组态软件在工业监控系统中发挥越来越重要的作用,而传统的组态软件存在复用性不强和开发周期长等缺点.提出一种基于COM技术开发组态软件的思想和实现方法.剖析了监控组态软件的框架,在此基础上,将监控组态软件划分成一个个COM组件进行单独开发,并通过IDispatch接口实现数据交换连接.最后给出了具体实例说明开发组件的方法.  相似文献   

当今世界各国无不把发展信息产业作为发展本国经济的手段,而信息产业的核心之一是软件产业,体现软件产业发展的主要因素是该国拥有什么水平的开发手段——软件工程开发环境。近十年,为改变我国软件生产手段的落后状态,“七五”、“八五”国家立项攻关,由我国著名计算机专家、中国科学院院士杨芙清教授主持开发具有我国自主版权的软件工程开发环境(CASE)。青鸟系列产品就是在“七·五”攻关成果“JB1型集成化软件工程支撑环境”的基础上推出的第一代青鸟CASE产品,本文介绍青鸟CASE产品的主要功能。  相似文献   

尤枫  汪须忠  李铮  赵恒永 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(10):2478-2480,2483
基于组装软件技术,提出了一种实现应用软件开发自动化的新方法,给出了可进行自动化开发的应用软件系统架构和自动化开发平台架构.设计实现了集方法和工具于一体的应用软件自动化开发平台,并对业务组件的自动生成和基于业务流程的应用软件系统组装作了进一步研究.该方法是对传统组构件技术和工作流技术的突破,已成功获得应用.  相似文献   

提出了一种适合于连续化操作的异丙醇新工艺,并利用PROⅡ软件与其它工艺进行模拟计算,证明这种新工艺最好。在此基础上利用塔板设计软件对新工艺精馏塔板进行设计。  相似文献   

我们处在一个计算机技术高速发展的时代。从早期的批处理系统到OLTP、融入计算机的应用,改变着应用软件的构成模式和开发过程。 对于计算机技术而言,软件是灵魂,而软件的生命又在于应用。应用软件是最贴近用户的部分,是影响计算机应用水平的关键。尤其是我国目前的软件企业大多从事的是应用软件的开发、因此,应用软件的开发具有举足轻重的地位。 在此,让我们来分析一下我们现有的应用开发环境。即使在前一年,我们还在为Client/Server和主机系  相似文献   

Software organizations can significantly improve the quality of their output if they have a defined and documented software process, together with the appropriate techniques and tools to measure its effectiveness. Without a defined process it is impossible to measure success or focus on how development capability can be enhanced. To date, a number of software process improvement frameworks have been developed and implemented. However, most of these models have been targeted at large-scale producers. Furthermore, they have applied to companies who use traditional development techniques. Smaller companies and those operating in development areas where speed of delivery is paramount have not, as yet, had process improvement paradigms available for adoption.This study examined the software process in a small company and emerged with the recommendation of the use of the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) and the Personal Software Process (PSP) for achieving software process improvement.  相似文献   

软件测试是提高软件产品质量和降低软件维护成本的重要手段。针对高安全关键航空机载软件测试质量评价难题,结合航空机载设备研制生存周期、航空机载软件研制生存周期和航空机载软件测试阶段,提出一种全生存周期航空机载软件测试质量评价方法,并建立了基于软件研制过程测试、三方测评、定型/鉴定测评和用户使用四个阶段的质量评价模型,包括测试需求分析和策划质量、测试设计和实现质量、测试执行质量和测试总结质量4项活动和18种度量元。通过工程实践证明,该方法技术实现上可行,具有评价要素更完整、评价模型更合理、评价结果更客观的特点,为解决航空机载软件测试质量评价提供了一种新方法,最终能达到降低软件维护成本和提高软件测试质量的目的。  相似文献   

Software testing forms an integral part of the software development life cycle. Since the objective of testing is to ensure the conformity of an application to its specification, a test “oracle” is needed to determine whether a given test case exposes a fault or not. Using an automated oracle to support the activities of human testers can reduce the actual cost of the testing process and the related maintenance costs. In this paper, we present a new concept of using an artificial neural network as an automated oracle for a tested software system. A neural network is trained by the backpropagation algorithm on a set of test cases applied to the original version of the system. The network training is based on the “black‐box” approach, since only inputs and outputs of the system are presented to the algorithm. The trained network can be used as an artificial oracle for evaluating the correctness of the output produced by new and possibly faulty versions of the software. We present experimental results of using a two‐layer neural network to detect faults within mutated code of a small credit approval application. The results appear to be promising for a wide range of injected faults. ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

软件过程是人和计算机化的工具交互完成的可能持续长时间的复杂实体。软件过程比商业过程自动化程度要低,因为需要更多的人的参与和软件工具的支持,也有更多不断持续改进的需求。软件过程首先要建模,因此建模语言扮演了一个非常关键的角色。从管理的角度出发,CMM提出了一个软件过程概念框架。既要支持软件过程语言的要求的特性,又要支持CMM,基于CMM的软件过程定义语言必须把这个一般性和特殊性的要求结合起来。本文描述的软件过程定义语言CSPDL采用了图形和XML文本相结合的表示方式。同时,软件过程定义工具是支持建模的必需的支持。要尽量地支持软件过程语言的特性,还需要很多工作要做。  相似文献   

Symbolic problem solving, specifically which knowledge-based systems (KBSs), in new and uncertain problem domains is a difficult task. An essential part of developing systems for these environments is determining whether the system is adequately and reliably solving the problem. KBSs that utilize heuristics have a development cycle not conducive to formal control and have high potential for error or incorrect characterizations of the problem they are meant to solve. A method of validating and testing such systems to increase and quantify their reliability is needed. Software engineering strategies for accessing and projecting the reliability of traditional software have been developed after years of experience with the cause and effect of errors. Since KBSs are new, methods for accessing and projecting their reliability are not as well understood. However, validation techniques from traditional software development can be applied to KBSs. Validation and testing techniques unique to KBSs can also be used to determine system reliability. In essence, tools and techniques can be used to meet the need for a legitimate, integrated approach to validation and testing of KBSs as they are developed.  相似文献   

Our paper describes the requirements and possibilities of integration of metrics tools in the field of software quality assurance. Tools for the support of the measurement process are herein classified as Computer Assisted Software Measurement and Evaulation Tools (CAMETools). Software measurement regarded as a special type of metrics application provides a great amount of basic information for the evaluation of the software development process or the software product itself. Our paper examines the effectiveness and destination of software measurement in tool-based software development and is based on an analysis of more than 20 CAME tools in the Software Measurement Laboratory at the University of Magdeburg. CAMEtools are useable for the process, product, and resources evaluation in all phases of the software life cycle (including the problem definition) for different development paradigms. The efficiency of CAME tools is described on the basis of a general measurement framework. This framework includes all steps in the software measurement and evaulation process: metrics definition, selection of the evaluation criteria, tool-based modelling and measurement, value presentation and statistical analysis. The framework includes the main aspects of the process evaluation techniques (Capability Maturity Model, ISO 9000-3 etc.) and product evaluation (ISO 9126, etc.). It is not a disjointed set of aspects: our measurement framework represents an incremental technique for the application of quantification of quality aspects in a required quality assurance  相似文献   

The importance of software in defense systems continues to intensify as new systems emerge in response to increasing threats and declining force levels. The need to manage this software as a critical component of defense systems over their life cycle is becoming widely recognized. A general awareness of this need as an institutional problem requiring special attention within the Office of the Secretary of Defense has been growing as software problems have reached top level defense management visibility with increasing regularity. Software costs are continuing to multiply in step with advancing weapons systems sophistication, and opportunities for cost avoidance now are leveraged against large dollar investments. These conditions characterize the computer industry at large, but very little overall focus has been visible to improve the software development process. Consequently, the Department of Defense (DoD) has undertaken a two part effort to accelerate both near-term and long-term improvements in software development for weapons system applications. These efforts, the establishment of software life cycle management policy and practices, and the vigorous development and application of new software technology are discussed in considerable depth.  相似文献   

软件开发管理是使软件开发高效低耗所必需的,而软件配置管理是软件开发管理的关键,因此,软件配置管理成为软件开发过程的必要环节。而自动化的配置管理工具也日渐成为了软件配置的必要条件。此外,该文还初步研究了使用较为广泛的配置管理工具ClearCase。  相似文献   

Historically, information systems have been used to improve efficiency through such means as clerical automation, inventory status reporting and transactional processing systems. Today, however, to reduce costs, increase return on investments, and achieve competitive advantage, businesses need to have information systems that support managerial decision-making and result in improved effectiveness. To meet this requirement, new approaches are needed in order to define the right problem and work the problem right. By using such techniques as critical success factor analysis followed by a top down system development approach, developing systems through prototyping and using end-user oriented software, these needs can be met.This article describes several company experiences of using a management systems planning and development process. This process in one company presented an opportunity to test the feasibility of developing an alignment between business goals and events critical to the success of the business. Management believed that to succeed in the future they must be forward thinking in their identification and use of information systems to improve managerial effectiveness. Their questions were “What should we do?” and “How should we do it?” By applying these techniques they were able to achieve outstanding results in a very short period of time.  相似文献   

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