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Stage shop problem is an extension of the mixed shop as well as job shop and open shop. The problem is also a special case of the general shop. In a stage shop, each job has a number of stages; each of which includes one or more operations. As a subset of operations of a job, the operations of a stage can be done without any precedence consideration of each other, whereas the stages themselves should be processed according to a preset sequence. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, a modified artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is suggested. In order to improve the exploitation feature of ABC, an effective neighborhood of the stage shop problem and PSO are used in employed and onlooker bee phases, respectively. In addition, the idea of tabu search is substituted for the greedy selection property of the artificial bee colony algorithm. The proposed algorithm is compared with the traditional ABC and the state-of-the-art CMA-ES. The computational results show that the modified ABC outperforms CMA-ES and completely dominates the traditional ABC. In addition, the proposed algorithm found high quality solutions within short times. For instance, two new optimal solutions and many new upper bounds are discovered for the unsolved benchmarks.  相似文献   

Feature selection is a significant task for data mining and pattern recognition. It aims to select the optimal feature subset with the minimum redundancy and the maximum discriminating ability. In the paper, a feature selection approach based on a modified binary coded ant colony optimization algorithm (MBACO) combined with genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed. The method comprises two models, which are the visibility density model (VMBACO) and the pheromone density model (PMBACO). In VMBACO, the solution obtained by GA is used as visibility information; on the other hand, in PMBACO, the solution obtained by GA is used as initial pheromone information. In the method, each feature is treated as a binary bit and each bit has two orientations, one is for selecting the feature and another is for deselecting. The proposed method is also compared with that of GA, binary coded ant colony optimization (BACO), advanced BACO (ABACO), binary coded particle swarm optimization (BPSO), binary coded differential evolution (BDE) and a hybrid GA-ACO algorithm on some well-known UCI datasets; furthermore, it is also compared with some other existing techniques such as minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR), Relief algorithm for a comprehensive comparison. Experimental results display that the proposed method is robust, adaptive and exhibits the better performance than other methods involved in the paper.  相似文献   

In classification, feature selection is an important data pre-processing technique, but it is a difficult problem due mainly to the large search space. Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is an efficient evolutionary computation technique. However, the traditional personal best and global best updating mechanism in PSO limits its performance for feature selection and the potential of PSO for feature selection has not been fully investigated. This paper proposes three new initialisation strategies and three new personal best and global best updating mechanisms in PSO to develop novel feature selection approaches with the goals of maximising the classification performance, minimising the number of features and reducing the computational time. The proposed initialisation strategies and updating mechanisms are compared with the traditional initialisation and the traditional updating mechanism. Meanwhile, the most promising initialisation strategy and updating mechanism are combined to form a new approach (PSO(4-2)) to address feature selection problems and it is compared with two traditional feature selection methods and two PSO based methods. Experiments on twenty benchmark datasets show that PSO with the new initialisation strategies and/or the new updating mechanisms can automatically evolve a feature subset with a smaller number of features and higher classification performance than using all features. PSO(4-2) outperforms the two traditional methods and two PSO based algorithm in terms of the computational time, the number of features and the classification performance. The superior performance of this algorithm is due mainly to both the proposed initialisation strategy, which aims to take the advantages of both the forward selection and backward selection to decrease the number of features and the computational time, and the new updating mechanism, which can overcome the limitations of traditional updating mechanisms by taking the number of features into account, which reduces the number of features and the computational time.  相似文献   

Biological data often consist of redundant and irrelevant features. These features can lead to misleading in modeling the algorithms and overfitting problem. Without a feature selection method, it is difficult for the existing models to accurately capture the patterns on data. The aim of feature selection is to choose a small number of relevant or significant features to enhance the performance of the classification. Existing feature selection methods suffer from the problems such as becoming stuck in local optima and being computationally expensive. To solve these problems, an efficient global search technique is needed.Black Hole Algorithm (BHA) is an efficient and new global search technique, inspired by the behavior of black hole, which is being applied to solve several optimization problems. However, the potential of BHA for feature selection has not been investigated yet. This paper proposes a Binary version of Black Hole Algorithm called BBHA for solving feature selection problem in biological data. The BBHA is an extension of existing BHA through appropriate binarization. Moreover, the performances of six well-known decision tree classifiers (Random Forest (RF), Bagging, C5.0, C4.5, Boosted C5.0, and CART) are compared in this study to employ the best one as an evaluator of proposed algorithm.The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested upon eight publicly available biological datasets and is compared with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and Correlation based Feature Selection (CFS) in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, Matthews’ Correlation Coefficient (MCC), and Area Under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Curve (AUC). In order to verify the applicability and generality of the BBHA, it was integrated with Naive Bayes (NB) classifier and applied on further datasets on the text and image domains.The experimental results confirm that the performance of RF is better than the other decision tree algorithms and the proposed BBHA wrapper based feature selection method is superior to BPSO, GA, SA, and CFS in terms of all criteria. BBHA gives significantly better performance than the BPSO and GA in terms of CPU Time, the number of parameters for configuring the model, and the number of chosen optimized features. Also, BBHA has competitive or better performance than the other methods in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid filter-wrapper feature subset selection algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) for support vector machine (SVM) classification. The filter model is based on the mutual information and is a composite measure of feature relevance and redundancy with respect to the feature subset selected. The wrapper model is a modified discrete PSO algorithm. This hybrid algorithm, called maximum relevance minimum redundancy PSO (mr2PSO), is novel in the sense that it uses the mutual information available from the filter model to weigh the bit selection probabilities in the discrete PSO. Hence, mr2PSO uniquely brings together the efficiency of filters and the greater accuracy of wrappers. The proposed algorithm is tested over several well-known benchmarking datasets. The performance of the proposed algorithm is also compared with a recent hybrid filter-wrapper algorithm based on a genetic algorithm and a wrapper algorithm based on PSO. The results show that the mr2PSO algorithm is competitive in terms of both classification accuracy and computational performance.  相似文献   

This work presents a global geometric similarity scheme (GGSS) for feature selection in fault diagnosis, which is composed of global geometric model and similarity metric. The global geometric model is formed to construct connections between disjoint clusters in fault diagnosis. The similarity metric of the global geometric model is applied to filter feature subsets. To evaluate the performance of GGSS, fault data from wind turbine test rig is collected, and condition classification is carried out with classifiers established by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and General Regression Neural Network (GRNN). The classification results are compared with feature ranking methods and feature wrapper approaches. GGSS achieves higher classification accuracy than the feature ranking methods, and better time efficiency than the feature wrapper approaches. The hybrid scheme, GGSS with wrapper, obtains optimal classification accuracy and time efficiency. The proposed scheme can be applied in feature selection to get better accuracy and efficiency in condition classification of fault diagnosis.  相似文献   

Feature selection is a process that provides model extraction by specifying necessary or related features and improves generalization. The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is one of the most popular optimization algorithms inspired on swarm intelligence developed by simulating the search behavior of honey bees. Artificial Bee Colony Programming (ABCP) is a recently proposed high level automatic programming technique for a Symbolic Regression (SR) problem based on the ABC algorithm. In this paper, a new feature selection method based on ABCP is proposed, Multi Hive ABCP (MHABCP) for high-dimensional SR problems. The learning ability and generalization performance of the proposed MHABCP is investigated using synthetic and real high-dimensional SR datasets and is compared with basic ABCP and GP automatic programming methods. Experimental results show that MHABCP has better performance choosing relevant features in high dimensional SR problems and generalization than other methods.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modified binary particle swarm optimization (MBPSO) method for feature selection with the simultaneous optimization of SVM kernel parameter setting, applied to mortality prediction in septic patients. An enhanced version of binary particle swarm optimization, designed to cope with premature convergence of the BPSO algorithm is proposed. MBPSO control the swarm variability using the velocity and the similarity between best swarm solutions. This paper uses support vector machines in a wrapper approach, where the kernel parameters are optimized at the same time. The approach is applied to predict the outcome (survived or deceased) of patients with septic shock. Further, MBPSO is tested in several benchmark datasets and is compared with other PSO based algorithms and genetic algorithms (GA). The experimental results showed that the proposed approach can correctly select the discriminating input features and also achieve high classification accuracy, specially when compared to other PSO based algorithms. When compared to GA, MBPSO is similar in terms of accuracy, but the subset solutions have less selected features.  相似文献   

A novel two-dimensional (2D) learning framework has been proposed to address the feature selection problem in Power Quality (PQ) events. Unlike the existing feature selection approaches, the proposed 2D learning explicitly incorporates the information about the subset cardinality (i.e., the number of features) as an additional learning dimension to effectively guide the search process. The efficacy of this approach has been demonstrated considering fourteen distinct classes of PQ events which conform to the IEEE Standard 1159. The search performance of the 2D learning approach has been compared to the other six well-known feature selection wrappers by considering two induction algorithms: Naive–Bayes (NB) and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN). Further, the robustness of the selected/reduced feature subsets has been investigated considering seven different levels of noise. The results of this investigation convincingly demonstrate that the proposed 2D learning can identify significantly better and robust feature subsets for PQ events.  相似文献   

数据库通常包含很多冗余特征,找出重要特征叫做特征提取。本文提出一种基于属性重要度的启发式特征选取算法。该算法以属性重要度为迭代准则得到属性集合的最小约简。  相似文献   

具有混合群智能行为的萤火虫群优化算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴斌  崔志勇  倪卫红 《计算机科学》2012,39(5):198-200,228
萤火虫群优化算法是一种新型的群智能优化算法,基本的萤火虫群优化算法存在收敛精度低等问题。为了提高算法的性能,借鉴蜂群和鸟群的群体智能行为,改进萤火虫群优化算法的移动策略。运用均匀设计调整改进算法的参数取值。若干经典测试问题的实验仿真结果表明,引入混合智能行为大幅提升了算法的优化性能。  相似文献   

为了解决中文文本分类中初始特征空间维数过高带来的“维数灾难”问题,提高分类精度和分类效率,提出了一种基于模拟退火及蜂群算法的优化特征选择算法.该算法中,以蜂群算法流程为主体,根据蜜蜂群体觅食的特点快速寻找最优解,并且针对蜂群算法容易陷入局部最优解的问题,把模拟退火算法机制引入其中.该算法既保留了蜂群算法群体寻优的特点,又可以有效地避免陷入局部最优解.通过选择合适的收益率函数和温度下降函数,用实验的方法与卡方统计、信息增益和互信息等算法进行比较,表明了该算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

一种基于相似度的新型粒子群算法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
刘建华  樊晓平  瞿志华 《控制与决策》2007,22(10):1155-1159
分析了基本粒子群算法(PSO)全局搜索能力与收敛速度的矛盾,提出了粒子群相似度的概念.根据每个粒子与全局最优粒子的不同相似度,对基本PSO算法的惯性权重进行动态调整.同时提出一种根据相似度计算聚集度的方法,并根据聚集度的大小随机地对粒子重新赋值,控制粒子群的多样性,提高了全局搜索能力.典型优化问题的实例仿真验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Most feature selection algorithms based on information-theoretic learning (ITL) adopt ranking process or greedy search as their searching strategies. The former selects features individually so that it ignores feature interaction and dependencies. The latter heavily relies on the search paths, as only one path will be explored with no possible back-track. In addition, both strategies typically lead to heuristic algorithms. To cope with these problems, this article proposes a novel feature selection framework based on correntropy in ITL, namely correntropy based feature selection using binary projection (BPFS). Our framework selects features by projecting the original high-dimensional data to a low-dimensional space through a special binary projection matrix. The formulated objective function aims at maximizing the correntropy between selected features and class labels. And this function can be efficiently optimized via standard mathematical tools. We apply the half-quadratic method to optimize the objective function in an iterative manner, where each iteration reduces to an assignment subproblem which can be highly efficiently solved with some off-the-shelf toolboxes. Comparative experiments on six real-world datasets indicate that our framework is effective and efficient.  相似文献   

This paper presents a performance enhancement scheme for the recently developed extreme learning machine (ELM) for classifying power system disturbances using particle swarm optimization (PSO). Learning time is an important factor while designing any computational intelligent algorithms for classifications. ELM is a single hidden layer neural network with good generalization capabilities and extremely fast learning capacity. In ELM, the input weights are chosen randomly and the output weights are calculated analytically. However, ELM may need higher number of hidden neurons due to the random determination of the input weights and hidden biases. One of the advantages of ELM over other methods is that the parameter that the user must properly adjust is the number of hidden nodes only. But the optimal selection of its parameter can improve its performance. In this paper, a hybrid optimization mechanism is proposed which combines the discrete-valued PSO with the continuous-valued PSO to optimize the input feature subset selection and the number of hidden nodes to enhance the performance of ELM. The experimental results showed the proposed algorithm is faster and more accurate in discriminating power system disturbances.  相似文献   

模糊C-均值(FCM)聚类算法是数据挖掘中应用广泛的一种方法,但还存在容易陷入局部极小值和对初始值敏感的缺点,为此提出了一种基于Boltzmann选择机制的改进人工蜂群的模糊C-均值聚类算法(BABFM)。该算法引入了Boltzmann选择机制代替轮盘赌的选择方式,采用小区间生成法使初始群体均匀化,使得该算法的全局寻优能力更强,有效克服了FCM算法的缺点。实验结果表明,新算法与FCM和ABFM聚类算法相比聚类效果更准确,效率更高,迭代次数更少。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a low-complexity algorithm for real-time joint user scheduling and receive antenna selection (JUSRAS) in multiuser MIMO systems. The computational complexity of exhaustive search for JUSRAS problem grows exponentially with the number of users and receives antennas. We apply binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) to the joint user scheduling and receive antenna selection problem. In addition to applying the conventional BPSO to JUSRAS, we also present a specific improvement to this population-based heuristic algorithm; namely, we feed cyclically shifted initial population, so that the number of iterations until reaching an acceptable solution is reduced. The proposed BPSO for JUSRAS problem has a low computational complexity, and its effectiveness is verified through simulation results.  相似文献   

针对复杂背景下的运动目标跟踪特征选择问题,提出了一种基于粒子群优化的目标跟踪特征选择算法。假设具有目标与背景间最好可分离性的特征为最好的跟踪特征。通过构建目标与背景的图像特征分布方差的比值函数作为衡量目标与背景间的可分离性判据。使用粒子群优化算法优化不同的特征组合实时获取最优的目标跟踪特征。为验证该算法的有效性,将选择的最优特征与一种基于核的跟踪算法相结合进行跟踪实验。实验结果表明,算法能有效提高传统基于核的跟踪算法对于复杂场景下的运动目标跟踪的鲁棒性与准确性。  相似文献   

针对现有物联网大数据特征选择算法计算效率低下、可扩展性不高的问题,提出一种基于改进人工蜂群(ABC)选择特征的系统架构,该架构包含四层体系,可以高效地聚合有效数据,剔除不需要的数据。整个系统是基于Hadoop平台、MapReduce以及改进ABC算法的。改进ABC算法用于选择特征,而MapReduce则由并行算法支持,该算法可高效处理大数据集。该系统使用MapReduce工具实现,并利用粒子滤波来消除噪声。将提出的算法与同类方法进行比较,并通过使用十个不同的数据集对效率、准确性和吞吐量进行评估。结果表明,相比其他几种较新的算法,提出的算法在选择特征时更具可扩展性和高效性。  相似文献   

Text feature selection is an importance step in text classification and directly affects the classification performance. Classic feature selection methods mainly include document frequency (DF), information gain (IG), mutual information (MI), chi-square test (CHI). Theoretically, these methods are difficult to get improvement due to the deficiency of their mathematical models. In order to further improve effect of feature selection, many researches try to add intelligent optimization algorithms into feature selection method, such as improved ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithms, etc. Compared to the ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is simpler to implement and can find the optimal point quickly. Thus, this paper attempt to improve the effect of text feature selection through PSO. By analyzing current achievements of improved PSO and characteristic of classic feature selection methods, we have done many explorations in this paper. Above all, we selected the common PSO model, the two improved PSO models based respectively on functional inertia weight and constant constriction factor to optimize feature selection methods. Afterwards, according to constant constriction factor, we constructed a new functional constriction factor and added it into traditional PSO model. Finally, we proposed two improved PSO models based on both functional constriction factor and functional inertia weight, they are respectively the synchronously improved PSO model and the asynchronously improved PSO model. In our experiments, CHI was selected as the basic feature selection method. We improved CHI through using the six PSO models mentioned above. The experiment results and significance tests show that the asynchronously improved PSO model is the best one among all models both in the effect of text classification and in the stability of different dimensions.  相似文献   

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