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Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) is a testing paradigm where physical sensors (e.g., monitoring sensors such as cameras and proximity sensors, and alarm sensors such as screaming traffic cones) are connected to a virtual test system that simulates reality (e.g., virtual work zone with simulated dangerous situations). This paradigm is well-suited for conducting user studies for work zone safety because virtual test systems can be implemented using virtual reality (VR), which allows for safe and realistic testing of a sensing system without putting workers in danger along with avoiding high upfront costs needed to generate physical research testbeds. However, when recreating physical work zones in VR, researchers face various challenges while representing traffic patterns in VR, such as the lack of bi-directional communication between traffic simulation platforms and user behaviors in VR, hardware compatibility and integration issues, and customization inflexibility during implementation. Researchers, who need to develop such platforms for research studies that involve high-risk exposure to participants, are in need of evaluating the options available for bringing together the components of such platforms. This study provides an overview of alternative ways to integrate components of platforms that enable hardware-in-the-loop for synchronous VR, traffic simulation, and sensor interactions to position researchers to make decisions based on the pros and cons of each alternative. This paper also presents the implementation of such an integrated platform that allows a two-way interface between traffic simulation and VR environments for work zone safety analysis. Outcomes of this work will lay out the steps in implementing the integrated and immersive platform to be used in work zone safety studies based on the guidance presented.  相似文献   

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for solving traffic flow continuum models have been studied and efficiently implemented in traffic simulation codes in the past. This is the first time that such methods are studied from the point of view of parallel computing. We studied and implemented an implicit numerical method for solving the high-order flow conservation traffic model on parallel computers. Implicit methods allow much larger time-step than explicit methods, for the same accuracy. However, at each time-step a nonlinear system must be solved. We used the Newton method coupled with a linear iterative method (Orthomin). We accelerated the convergence of Orthomin with parallel incomplete LU factorization preconditionings. We ran simulation tests with real traffic data from an 12-mile freeway section (in Minnesota) on the nCUBE2 parallel computer. These tests gave the same accuracy as past tests, which were performed on one-processor computers, and the overall execution time was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Rectification of legibility distance in a driving simulator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Visual differences lead to differences in the legibility distances of traffic signs between driving simulators and real road environments. To ensure that the legibility distance in a simulator is similar to that in the real world, this study proposes a theoretical equation for predicting legibility distance and a simple algorithm for determining the magnifying power of a traffic sign for a display system in a simulator. Experiments of traffic sign recognition using a simulator were conducted under quasi-static and dynamic driving conditions. On-road tests were also carried out under quasi-static and dynamic driving conditions. Thirty healthy and non-disabled volunteers were recruited. The experimental results showed that the proposed theoretical equation for predicting legibility distance and the simple algorithm for determining the magnifying power of traffic signs reduced the difference in legibility distances between the simulator and real road environment under quasi-static and dynamic driving conditions.  相似文献   

将动态交通分配实施过程纳入预测控制框架下以满足实时交通诱导的目的,提出一种交通诱导预测控制算法.该算法是在滚动时域基础上进行的,包括实时交通分配、交通流模拟运行及评价以及进化最佳路径3 个重要环节.仿真结果表明,交通诱导预测控制是一种良好的计算机控制方法学,其优化过程预先考虑了目前交通分配对未来路网的影响,因而可有效地防范交通拥堵,实现考虑反馈的路网交通流实时分配优化,同时为出行者提供最佳路径.  相似文献   

For virtual machine based traffic simulation platforms, the paper proposes a software framework that performs trace-based dynamic translation. Through monitoring the runtime execution status of bytecodes and translating frequently executed bytecodes, also known as hot spots, into equivalent native machine codes, the framework considerably improves the performance of virtual machine based traffic simulation platforms up to ten times or more, as the experiments showed. For the first time, the presented work clearly exhibits that a seamless combination of the two technologies – dynamic translation and virtual machine could lead to a new generation of applicable traffic simulation platforms. Such a platform not only offers high flexibility in terms of traffic model simulation, but also preserves the ability of conducting numerical computation-intensive simulations generally found in real-life industrial projects.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new mechanism of metastability of under-saturated traffic at the signal that is responsible for a time-delayed traffic breakdown revealed by Kerner (2011). In our model, we assume that the metastability of under-saturated traffic at the signal is caused by a dependence of the mean time of driver acceleration from a queue at the signal on the driver’s stopped time within the queue. With the use of Nagel–Schreckenberg model, we demonstrate that this mechanism of the metastability of city traffic can lead to the time-delayed traffic breakdown at the signal.  相似文献   

Programming the motions of an autonomous planetary robot moving in an hostile and hazardous environment is a complex task which requires both the construction of nominal motion plans and the anticipation as far as possible of the effects of the interactions existing between the vehicle and the terrain. In this paper we show how physical models and dynamic simulation tools can be used for amending and completing a nominal motion plan provided by a classical geometrical path planner. The purpose of our physical modeller-simulator is to anticipate the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle while executing the nominal motion plan. Then the obtained simulation results can be used to assess and optimize the nominal motion plan. In the first part, we outline the physical models that have been used for modelling the different types of vehicle, of terrain and of vehicle-surface interactions. Then we formulate the motion planning problem through the definition of two basic abstract constructions derived from physical model: the concept of generalized obstacle and the concept of physical target. We show with various examples how it is possible, when using this method, to solve the locomotion problem and the obstacle avoidance problem simultaneously and, furthermore, to provide the human operator with a true force feedback gestural control over the simulated robot.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop fuzzy logic based traffic junction light simulator system for design and smart traffic junction light controller purposes and also to observe its performance. Traffic junction simulator hardware is developed to overcome difficulties of working in a real environment and to easily test the performance of the controller. By using the traffic light simulator developed in this study, results of constant duration (conventional) traffic light controller and fuzzy logic based traffic light controller are compared where the vehicle inputs are supplied by the simulator. Statistical experimental results obtained from the implemented simulator show that the fuzzy logic traffic light controller dramatically reduced the waiting time at red lights since the controller adapts itself according to traffic density. It is obvious that the intelligent light controller is going to provide important advantages in terms of economics and environment.  相似文献   

GPS信号模拟器作为一种高精度的测试设备,功能强大,广泛应用于多个领如航空、航天、核工业、通信等。本文就GPS信号模拟器的结构、现状及其应用展开讨论,并对其进行分析研究。  相似文献   

城市中观交通仿真的交通流车簇模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决城市交通仿真模型仿真速度和仿真精确度的平衡问题,针对城市交通流运行特征,同时考虑影响交通流运行的若干因素,如车辆数目、红绿灯控制等,提出一种中观交通仿真车辆群体模法.该模型结合了宏观模型和微观模型的优点,同时对应的交通流配流算法解决了传统模型的不足,城市交通仿真实验结果表明了车辆群体模型和分配算法的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   

交通流多格点预估格子模型与数值仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
考虑驾驶员对多格点交通流量预估效应,建立了新的交通流多格点预估格子模型。通过线性稳定性分析获得了改进模型的稳定性条件。通过非线性分析得到了扭结—反扭结密度波解,得到了交通流相空间的三个区域:稳定区域、亚稳定区域和不稳定区域。数值仿真验证了考虑驾驶员对多格点的预估效应,能够进一步提高交通流的稳定性。  相似文献   

For on-line traffic control at traffic control centers there is a need for fast computations of predictions of traffic flow over a short prediction horizon, say 30 min, to evaluate the impact of different scenarios for the purpose of on-line scenario selection. A novel approach is presented to predict the traffic flow in a large-scale traffic network in an asynchronous, parallel, and distributed way at two or more subnetworks combined with a consistency check at the network level within a reasonable-small computation time.  相似文献   

This paper describes a multi-agent coordination mechanism applied to intersection simulation situations. In a goal of urban traffic simulation, we must consider the dynamic interactions between autonomous vehicles. The field of multi-agent systems provides us some studies for such systems, in particular on the coordination mechanisms. Conflicts between vehicles (i.e. agents) are very frequent in such applications, and they may cause deadlocks, particularly at intersections such as crossroads. Our approach is based on the solving of two player games/decision matrices which characterize three basic situations. An aggregation method generalizes to n-player games for complex crossroads. The objective of this approach consists in searching basic two-player matrices for solving n-agent problems. To explain the principle, we describe our approach for a particular case of crossroad with three agents. Finally, the obtained results have been examined via a tool of road traffic simulation, ARCHISIM. We assume also that the global traffic replicates the behavior of agents in different situations.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the effect of a physical rest-frame, habituation and age on simulator sickness in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator. Twenty-six young and 34 older adults completed a total of 12 drives in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator over two visits. A 2x2 crossover design was used to measure the effect of a rest frame that was added to the driving simulator on either the first or second visit. The Simulator Sickness Questionnaire was used to measure simulator sickness symptoms. A significant decrease in simulator sickness was observed between the first and the second visit. Older adults reported more severe simulator sickness symptoms compared to younger participants. No effect of rest-frame could be found. Habituation appears to be the most effective method to reduce simulator sickness in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator. More research is needed to investigate simulator sickness in patient groups.

Practitioner summary: Experiencing simulator sickness is a major problem across all types of simulators. The present experiment investigated the effect of a rest-frame, habituation and age on developing simulator sickness symptoms in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator. Habituation appeared to be the most effective method to reduce simulator sickness.  相似文献   

为了更准确地描述交通流,考虑驾驶员反应延迟时间和前车信息的非均衡使用,建立一种多预期延迟跟驰模型。线性稳定性分析表明,驾驶员反应延迟时间的增加会降低交通流的稳定性,多个前车信息的使用可以提高交通流的稳定性。数值仿真的结果表明,减少司机的反映延迟时间和适当地增加前车信息都能提高交通流的稳定性。为尽可能少地引入输入变量,不均衡地利用前车的车间距和速度差信息是必要的。理论和数值模拟的结果均表明驾驶员反应延迟在交通拥堵的形成过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

针对交通数据重构应用性差、缺乏对交通事件重构的研究等问题,结合交通流非线性非高斯的特点,提出一个基于序贯蒙特卡洛方法的交通流堵塞事件重构模型。该模型不断同化道路上的传感器数据,使仿真中的交通状态不断逼近真实路况,通过分析仿真数据以探测真实路网中存在的堵塞事件。模型能够对探测到的堵塞进行多粒子模拟来实现对真实道路上堵塞事件的重构。实验结果表明,该模型能够推测并重构出道路上的堵塞事件,对堵塞起始位置重构的平均误差为17m,对堵塞范围重构的平均覆盖率为82%。  相似文献   

对大型高层楼宇的运行仿真程序和电梯的运行效率、能耗进行研究,开发一种预先了解乘客乘梯信息的电梯群组运行仿真程序。在收集实际乘梯指令基础上,归纳指令生成规律应用于指令生成模块,集成普通、单双层和上下行运行模式,包含由平均候梯时间等组成的评价指标体系。利用这个程序对笔者所在高校宿舍楼群组电梯的上行高峰和指定层高峰工况进行了研究。该研究对优化电梯运行模式和降低电梯能耗方面有一定意义。  相似文献   

易涛  熊坚 《计算机仿真》2004,21(5):148-151
该文介绍了运用虚拟现实技术完成对交通流微观仿真模型的实现,路网的微观交通流的分配与布置方法,和运用VC 和OpenGL实现微观交通流的仿真的其它技术细节(如道路数据的保存方法,网络交通流数据处理等)。研制出的仿真系统能模拟真实道路微观交通流现象,为进一步开发交通控制和规划仿真软件打下了基础,该仿真平台也丰富了我校自行研制的驾驶模拟器的功能。  相似文献   

乙烯热裂解炉模拟平台的开发及应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为实现满足多种原料与多种炉型组态的乙烯热裂解模拟,本文开发了乙烯热裂解炉模拟平台。该平台基于裂解反应动力学的严格机理模型和分子反应动力学模型,支持对多种热裂解原料的裂解过程模拟。模拟平台还具有多种炉型组态建模、多周期生产模拟、原料预处理,以及重要参数的多种方法回归等功能。该平台应用于兰州石化公司乙烯裂解炉的模拟,结果准确,符合实际生产。  相似文献   

在大型城市的交通态势模拟中,宏观模型相比于微观模型,具有效率高,物理意义明确的优点,但缺乏车辆在各个时刻的细节描述。为了使宏观模型的交通模拟的显示更加直观,结合微观模型的更新方式,提出了基于宏观模型的可视化方法。通过道路上的车辆初始密度得到所有车辆的初始位置和速度;根据宏观路段速度更新车辆信息,使得宏观路段密度值与微观车辆所构成的车辆流密度相符。该方法能够给出宏观模型中车辆在各个时刻的运动情况,并添加了微观上的细节。以实例证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

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