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A fuzzy multi-objective covering-based vehicle location model for emergency services 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Timeliness is one of the most important objectives that reflect the quality of emergency services such as ambulance and firefighting systems. To provide timeliness, system administrators may increase the number of service vehicles available. Unfortunately, increasing the number of vehicles is generally impossible due to capital constraints. In such a case, the efficient deployment of emergency service vehicles becomes a crucial issue. In this paper, a multi-objective covering-based emergency vehicle location model is proposed. The objectives considered in the model are maximization of the population covered by one vehicle, maximization of the population with backup coverage and increasing the service level by minimizing the total travel distance from locations at a distance bigger than a prespecified distance standard for all zones. Model applications with different solution approaches such as lexicographic linear programming and fuzzy goal programming (FGP) are provided through numerical illustrations to demonstrate the applicability of the model. Numerical results indicate that the model generates satisfactory solutions at an acceptable achievement level of desired goals. 相似文献
This paper proposes an integrated approach for transposing sustainable development principles to supply chain planning models. Inspired by research on performance measurement, we designed a method that links sustainability performance to supply chain decisions, and allows setting coherent performance measures. By transposing this method to a multi-objective mathematical programming, the supply chain planning is optimized while the economic, environmental and social performances are all coherently integrated into the model. To illustrate our approach, we applied it to a Canadian lumber industry case. We solved the mathematical model by using the weighted goal programming technique, which results in a set of “compromise” solutions allowing the decision maker to choose the alternative that reflects the balance he/she wishes to make regarding the three dimensions of sustainability. 相似文献
Supply chain network (SCN) design is to provide an optimal platform for efficient and effective supply chain management. It is an important and strategic operations management problem in supply chain management, and usually involves multiple and conflicting objectives such as cost, service level, resource utilization, etc. This paper proposes a new solution procedure based on genetic algorithms to find the set of Pareto-optimal solutions for multi-objective SCN design problem. To deal with multi-objective and enable the decision maker for evaluating a greater number of alternative solutions, two different weight approaches are implemented in the proposed solution procedure. An experimental study using actual data from a company, which is a producer of plastic products in Turkey, is carried out into two stages. While the effects of weight approaches on the performance of proposed solution procedure are investigated in the first stage, the proposed solution procedure and simulated annealing are compared according to quality of Pareto-optimal solutions in the second stage. 相似文献
The singular linear-quadratic optimal control problem for a class of discrete-time linear singular systems with multiple time-delays is investigated. The equivalent relationship between this problem and the non-singular linear-quadratic problem for standard state-space discrete-time linear systems without time-delay is derived, and the necessary and sufficient condition guaranteeing this equivalent relationship is also given. The optimal control is synthesized as state feedback, and the closed-loop system is regular, impulse-free and without time-delay. An example is given to show the validity of the proposed method. 相似文献
Two-echelon, multi-commodity supply chain network design with mode selection, lead-times and inventory costs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hannan SadjadyHamid Davoudpour 《Computers & Operations Research》2012,39(7):1345-1354
Designing distribution networks - as one of the most important strategic issues in supply chain management - has become the focus of research attention in recent years. This paper deals with a two-echelon supply chain network design problem in deterministic, single-period, multi-commodity contexts. The problem involves both strategic and tactical levels of supply chain planning including locating and sizing manufacturing plants and distribution warehouses, assigning the retailers' demands to the warehouses, and the warehouses to the plants, as well as selecting transportation modes.We have formulated the problem as a mixed integer programming model, which integrates the above mentioned decisions and intends to minimize total costs of the network including transportation, lead-times, and inventory holding costs for products, as well as opening and operating costs for facilities. Moreover, we have developed an efficient Lagrangian based heuristic solution algorithm for solving the real-sized problems in reasonable computational time. 相似文献
This paper models a three echelon supply chain distribution problem considering multiple time periods, multi-products and uncertain demands. To take the problem closer to reality we consider multiple truck types and focus on the truck selection and loading sub-problem. Truck selection is important because the quantity of goods to be transported varies regularly and also because different trucks have different hiring cost, mileage and speed. Truck loading is important when considering the optimal loading pattern of products having different shapes and sizes on trucks, which themselves have distinct loading capacities. The two objectives considered here are the cost and responsiveness of the supply chain. The distribution problem is solved using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). However, the genetic algorithms compromise the optimality of the sub-problems while optimizing the entire system. But the optimality of truck selection and loading sub-problem is non-compromisable in nature. Hence a heuristic algorithm is used innovatively along with the NSGA-II to produce much better solutions. To make our model more realistic, the distribution chain is modelled as a push–pull based supply chain having multiple time periods and using demand aggregation over time. Using a separate algorithm also gives the advantage of utilizing the difference in nature of the push and pull part of the supply chain by giving every individual truck different objectives. Real life like data is generated and the optimality gap between the heuristic and non-heuristic approach is calculated. A clear improvement in objectives can be seen while using the heuristic approach. 相似文献
As the global marketplace continues to expand, the firm's location strategy should shift from domestic to international. An international location problem is different from the traditional domestic location problem in that the former is influenced by a greater variety of uncontrollable, unpredictable, and dynamic factors than is the latter. These factors may include political conditions, expropriation risks, trade regulations, currency exchange rates, cultural differences, and global distribution channel structures. Consequently, the international location problem is more diverse, volatile and complex. Nevertheless, a vast majority of the location literature overlooked many important international aspects. To help the multinational firm formulate viable location strategies in the changing world marketplace, this paper proposes multiple-period, multiple-plant, multiple-objective, and stochastic location model. 相似文献
《Expert systems with applications》2014,41(6):3047-3059
One of the critical activities for outsourcing success is outsourcing provider selection, which may be regarded as a type of fuzzy heterogeneous multiattribute decision making (MADM) problems with fuzzy truth degrees and incomplete weight information. The aim of this paper is to develop a new fuzzy linear programming method for solving such MADM problems. In this method, the decision maker’s preferences are given through pair-wise alternatives’ comparisons with fuzzy truth degrees, which are expressed with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFNs). Real numbers, intervals, and TrFNs are used to express heterogeneous decision information. Giving the fuzzy positive and negative ideal solutions, we define TrFN-type fuzzy consistency and inconsistency indices based on the concept of the relative closeness degrees. The attribute weights are estimated through constructing a new fuzzy linear programming model, which is solved by using the developed fuzzy linear programming method with TrFNs. The relative closeness degrees of alternatives can be calculated to generate their ranking order. An example of the IT outsourcing provider selection problem is analyzed to demonstrate the implementation process and applicability of the method proposed in this paper. 相似文献
As supply chains become more and more dependent on the efficient movement of materials among facilities that are geographically dispersed there is more opportunity for disruption. One of the common disruptions is the loss of production capability at supplier sites. We formulate a two-stage stochastic program and a solution procedure to optimize supplier selection to hedge against these disruptions. This model allows for the effective quantitative exploration of the trade-off between cost and risks to support improved decision-making in global supply chain design. A realistic case study is explored. 相似文献
Fuzzy-genetic approach to aggregate production-distribution planning in supply chain management 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Aggregate production-distribution planning (APDP) is one of the most important activities in supply chain management (SCM). When solving the problem of APDP, we are usually faced with uncertain market demands and capacities in production environment, imprecise process times, and other factors introducing inherent uncertainty to the solution. Using deterministic and stochastic models in such conditions may not lead to fully satisfactory results. Using fuzzy models allows us to remove this drawback. It also facilitates the inclusion of expert knowledge. However, the majority of existing fuzzy models deal only with separate aggregate production planning without taking into account the interrelated nature of production and distribution systems. This limited approach often leads to inadequate results. An integration of the two interconnected processes within a single production-distribution model would allow better planning and management. Due to the need for a joint general strategic plan for production and distribution and vague planning data, in this paper we develop a fuzzy integrated multi-period and multi-product production and distribution model in supply chain. The model is formulated in terms of fuzzy programming and the solution is provided by genetic optimization (genetic algorithm). The use of the interactive aggregate production-distribution planning procedure developed on the basis of the proposed fuzzy integrated model with fuzzy objective function and soft constraints allows sound trade-off between the maximization of profit and fillrate. The experimental results demonstrate high efficiency of the proposed method. 相似文献
Two-sided assembly lines are especially used at the assembly of large-sized products, such as trucks and buses. In this type of a production line, both sides of the line are used in parallel. In practice, it may be necessary to optimize more than one conflicting objectives simultaneously to obtain effective and realistic solutions. This paper presents a mathematical model, a pre-emptive goal programming model for precise goals and a fuzzy goal programming model for imprecise goals for two-sided assembly line balancing. The mathematical model minimizes the number of mated-stations as the primary objective and it minimizes the number of stations as a secondary objective for a given cycle time. The zoning constraints are also considered in this model, and a set of test problems taken from literature is solved. The proposed goal programming models are the first multiple-criteria decision-making approaches for two-sided assembly line balancing problem with multiple objectives. The number of mated-stations, cycle time and the number of tasks assigned per station are considered as goals. An example problem is solved and a computational study is conducted to illustrate the flexibility and the efficiency of the proposed goal programming models. Based on the decision maker's preferences, the proposed models are capable of improving the value of goals. 相似文献
Mehdi Mahnam Mohammad Reza Yadollahpour Vahid Famil-Dardashti Seyed Reza Hejazi 《Computers & Industrial Engineering》2009,56(4):1535-1544
Supply chain is viewed as a large-scale system that consists of production and inventory units, organized in a serial structure. Uncertainty is the main attribute in managing the supply chains. Managing a supply chain (SC) is very difficult, since various sources of uncertainty and complex interrelationships among various entities exist in the SC. Uncertainty may result from customer’s demand variability or unreliability in external suppliers. In this paper we develop an inventory model for an assembly supply chain network (each unit has at most one immediate successor, but any number of immediate predecessors) which fuzzy demand for single product in one hand and fuzzy reliability of external suppliers in other hand affect on determination of inventory policy in SCM. External supplier’s reliability has determined using a fuzzy expert system. Also the performance of supply chain is assessed by two criteria including total cost and fill rate. To solve this bi-criteria model, hybridization of multi-objective particle swarm optimization and simulation optimization is considered. Results indicate the efficiency of proposed approach in performance measurement. 相似文献
Renewable energy continues to be a hot topic in the United States affecting security and sustainability. A model to create renewable energy portfolio is established using guidelines drawn by Oregon’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) legislation with the objective of responding to a 25% of the state electricity demand by renewable resources in 2025. The fuzzy goal programming model is adaptable to accommodate changes in energy costs and future advances in technology maturity. It can also take into consideration the preferences of policy-makers and stakeholders. This model can help to reveal the costs and benefits of complex decisions regarding renewable energy. 相似文献
In this study, an integrated multi-objective production-distribution flow-shop scheduling problem will be taken into consideration with respect to two objective functions. The first objective function aims to minimize total weighted tardiness and make-span and the second objective function aims to minimize the summation of total weighted earliness, total weighted number of tardy jobs, inventory costs and total delivery costs. Firstly, a mathematical model is proposed for this problem. After that, two new meta-heuristic algorithms are developed in order to solve the problem. The first algorithm (HCMOPSO), is a multi-objective particle swarm optimization combined with a heuristic mutation operator, Gaussian membership function and a chaotic sequence and the second algorithm (HBNSGA-II), is a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II with a heuristic criterion for generation of initial population and a heuristic crossover operator. The proposed HCMOPSO and HBNSGA-II are tested and compared with a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), a Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and two state-of-the-art algorithms from recent researches, by means of several comparing criteria. The computational experiments demonstrate the outperformance of the proposed HCMOPSO and HBNSGA-II. 相似文献
《Expert systems with applications》2014,41(1):39-49
A supply chain network design needs to consider the future probability of reconfiguration due to some problems of disaster or price changes. The objective of this article is to design a reconfigurable supply chain network by optimizing inventory allocation and transportation routing. A two-stage programming is composed according to Benders decomposition by allocating inventory in advance and anticipating the changes of transportation routings; thus the transportation routing is stochastic in nature. In addition, the fuzzy shortest path is developed to solve the problem complexity in terms of the multi-criteria of lead time and capacity with an efficient computational method. The results and analysis indicate that the proposed two-stage programming with fuzzy shortest path surpasses the performance of shortest path problem with time windows and capacity constraint (SPPTWCC) in terms of less computational time and CPU memory consumption. Finally, management decision-making is discussed among other concluding remarks. 相似文献
This paper proposes a new two-stage optimization method for multi-objective supply chain network design (MO-SCND) problem with uncertain transportation costs and uncertain customer demands. On the basis of risk-neutral and risk-averse criteria, we develop two objectives for our SCND problem. We introduce two solution concepts for the proposed MO-SCND problem, and use them to define the multi-objective value of fuzzy solution (MOVFS). The value of the MOVFS measures the importance of uncertainties included in the model, and helps us to understand the necessity of solving the two-stage multi-objective optimization model. When the uncertain transportation costs and customer demands have joined continuous possibility distributions, we employ an approximation approach (AA) to compute the values of two objective functions. Using the AA, the original optimization problem becomes an approximating mixed-integer multi-objective programming model. To solve the hard approximating optimization problem, we design an improved multi-objective biogeography-based optimization (MO-BBO) algorithm integrated with LINGO software. We also compare the improved MO-BBO algorithm with the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MO-GA). Finally, a realistic dairy company example is provided to demonstrate that the improved MO-BBO algorithm achieves the better performance than MO-GA in terms of solution quality. 相似文献
In this paper, we examine a telecom vendor selling Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) software applications and service-creation-tools to a telephone company (Telco) who then deploy these products on it's network to provide AIN services and queries. The supply of AIN software applications and tools by the vendor to the Telco who then uses them to create AIN services for residential/business end-users and AIN queries for enhanced service providers form the supply network of our study. Profit maximizing models for each firm are formulated and solved using the mathematical programming software GAMS and the PATH module to obtain an equilibrium set of output and prices for the firms of the supply network. 相似文献
供应链管理环境下第三方物流企业的评价选择 总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25
现代企业的竞争已经转变为供应链之间的竞争,评价选择第三方物流企业是构建高效率供应链的重要一步。文章介绍了第三方物流企业的发展,提出了选择第三方物流企业的综合评价层次体系结构,详细阐述了一种集成AHP和模糊综合评价的方法评价选择第三方物流企业的步骤。 相似文献
Wiboon Masuchun Steve Davis Ruedee Rangsaritratsamee 《Information Technology and Management》2006,7(4):315-333
Strategies and algorithms for operational planning and control are quite important to successful operations of a supply network.
Implementation of a strategy requires substantial information system support, but few detailed designs of such systems have
appeared in the literature. We designed an information system for a centralized management concept that could handle any type
of strategy or algorithm. We developed algorithms for two different strategies deemed important by researchers and practitioners,
push and pull, and implemented them in system modules. This information system performed well in simulations of the management
of operations of an example six-stage supply network. This system provides an example for operational development as well
as a platform for laboratory experiments. 相似文献