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In this study, we have thoroughly researched on performance of six state-of-the-art Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) under a number of carefully crafted many-objective optimization benchmark problems. Each MOEA apply different method to handle the difficulty of increasing objectives. Performance metrics ensemble exploits a number of performance metrics using double elimination tournament selection and provides a comprehensive measure revealing insights pertaining to specific problem characteristics that each MOEA could perform the best. Experimental results give detailed information for performance of each MOEA to solve many-objective optimization problems. More importantly, it shows that this performance depends on two distinct aspects: the ability of MOEA to address the specific characteristics of the problem and the ability of MOEA to handle high-dimensional objective space.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the adaptation ability has become an essential characteristic for grid applications due to the fact that it allows applications to face the dynamic and changing nature of grid systems. This adaptive capability is applied within different grid processes such as resource monitoring, resource discovery, or resource selection. In this regard, the present approach provides a self-adaptive ability to grid applications, focusing on enhancing the resources selection process. This contribution proposes an Efficient Resources Selection model to determine the resources that best fit the application requirements. Hence, the model guides applications during their execution without modifying or controlling grid resources. Within the evaluation phase, the experiments were carried out in a real European grid infrastructure. Finally, the results show that not only a self-adaptive ability is provided by the model but also a reduction in the applications’ execution time and an improvement in the successfully completed tasks rate are accomplished.  相似文献   

Photographic supra-projection is a forensic process that aims to identify a missing person from a photograph and a skull found. One of the crucial tasks throughout all this process is the craniofacial superimposition which tries to find a good fit between a 3D model of the skull and the 2D photo of the face. This photographic supra-projection stage is usually carried out manually by forensic anthropologists. It is thus very time consuming and presents several difficulties. In this paper, we aim to demonstrate that real-coded evolutionary algorithms are suitable approaches to tackle craniofacial superimposition. To do so, we first formulate this complex task in forensic identification as a numerical optimization problem. Then, we adapt three different evolutionary algorithms to solve it: two variants of a real-coded genetic algorithm and the state of the art evolution strategy CMA-ES. We also consider an existing binary-coded genetic algorithm as a baseline. Results on several superimposition problems of real-world identification cases solved by the Physical Anthropology lab at the University of Granada (Spain) are considered to test our proposals.  相似文献   

One of the main reasons for using parallel evolutionary algorithms (PEAs) is to obtain efficient algorithms with an execution time much lower than that of their sequential counterparts in order, e.g., to tackle more complex problems. This naturally leads to measuring the speedup of the PEA. PEAs have sometimes been reported to provide super-linear performances for different problems, parameterizations, and machines. Super-linear speedup means that using “m” processors leads to an algorithm that runs more than “m” times faster than the sequential version. However, reporting super-linear speedup is controversial, especially for the “traditional” research community, since some non-orthodox practices could be thought of being the cause for this result. Therefore, we begin by offering a taxonomy for speedup, in order to clarify what is being measured. Also, we analyze the sources for such a scenario in this paper. Finally, we study an assorted set of results. Our conclusion is that super-linear performance is possible for PEAs, theoretically and in practice, both in homogeneous and in heterogeneous parallel machines.  相似文献   

The issue of controlling values of various parameters of an evolutionary algorithm is one of the most important and interesting areas of research in evolutionary computation. In this paper we propose two new parameter control strategies for evolutionary algorithms based on the ideas of reinforcement learning. These strategies provide efficient and low-cost adaptive techniques for parameter control and they preserve the original design of the evolutionary algorithm, as they can be included without changing either the structure of the algorithm nor its operators design.  相似文献   

Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms are traditionally executed on homogeneous dedicated clusters, despite most scientists have access mainly to networks of heterogeneous nodes (e.g., desktop PCs in a lab). Fitting this kind of algorithms to these environments, so that they can take advantage of their heterogeneity to save running time, is still an open problem. The different computational power of the nodes affects the performance of the algorithm, and tuning or fitting it to each node properly could reduce execution time.Since the distributed Evolutionary Algorithms include a whole range of parameters that influence the performance, this paper proposes a study on the population size. This parameter is one of the most important, since it has a direct relationship with the number of iterations needed to find the solution, as it affects the exploration factor of the algorithm. The aim of this paper consists in validating the following hypothesis: fitting the sub-population size to the computational power of the heterogeneous cluster node can lead to an improvement in running time with respect to the use of the same population size in every node.Two parameter size schemes have been tested, an offline and an online parameter setting, and three problems with different characteristics and computational demands have been used.Results show that setting the population size according to the computational power of each node in the heterogeneous cluster improves the time required to obtain the optimal solution. Meanwhile, the same set of different size values could not improve the running time to reach the optimum in a homogeneous cluster with respect to the same size in all nodes, indicating that the improvement is due to the interaction of the different hardware resources with the algorithm. In addition, a study on the influence of the different population sizes on each stage of the algorithm is presented. This opens a new research line on the fitting (offline or online) of parameters of the distributed Evolutionary Algorithms to the computational power of the devices.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the application of parallel and sequential evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to the automatic test data generation problem. The problem consists of automatically creating a set of input data to test a program. This is a fundamental step in software development and a time consuming task in existing software companies. Canonical sequential EAs have been used in the past for this task. We explore here the use of parallel EAs. Evidence of greater efficiency, larger diversity maintenance, additional availability of memory/CPU, and multi-solution capabilities of the parallel approach, reinforce the importance of the advances in research with these algorithms. We describe in this work how canonical genetic algorithms (GAs) and evolutionary strategies (ESs) can help in software testing, and what the advantages are (if any) of using decentralized populations in these techniques. In addition, we study the influence of some parameters of the proposed test data generator in the results. For the experiments we use a large benchmark composed of twelve programs that includes fundamental algorithms in computer science.  相似文献   

The ability to solve inventive problems is at the core of the innovation process; however, the standard procedure to deal with them is to utilize random trial and error, despite the existence of several theories and methods. TRIZ and evolutionary algorithms (EA) have shown results that support the idea that inventiveness can be understood and developed systematically.This article presents a strategy based on dialectical negation in which both approaches converge, creating a new conceptual framework for enhancing computer-aided problem solving. Two basic ideas presented are the inversion of the traditional EA selection (“survival of the fittest”), and the incorporation of new dialectical negation operators in evolutionary algorithms based on TRIZ principles. Two case studies are the starting point to discuss what kind of results can be expected using this “Dialectical Negation Algorithm” (DNA).  相似文献   

 In the present paper a special bit-masking oriented data structure for an improved implementation of crossover and mutation operators in genetic algorithms is shown. The developed data structure performs evolutionary operators in two separate steps: crossover and mutation mask fill and a special boolean based function application. Both phases are optimized to reach a more efficient, fast and flexible genetic reproduction than standard implementations. The method has been powered adding a multi-layered, bit-masking oriented data structure and a boolean operation based control mixer, allowing special blended crossover operators obtained by superposition of the standard ones. Several examples of crossover schemes produced by these extended controls are presented. In addition, a special purpose crossover scheme, capable to process at the same time two distinct groups of design variables with separate crossover schemes is shown, in order to improve efficiency and convergence speed of some discrete/continuous optimization problems. Finally, to highlight further capabilities of the bit-masking approach, a special single-step version of an evolutionary direction operator is also illustrated.  相似文献   

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and other Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), as powerful and broadly applicable stochastic search and optimization techniques have been successfully applied in the area of management science, operations research and industrial engineering. In the past few years, researchers gave lots of great idea for improvement of evolutionary algorithms, which include population initialization, individual selection, evolution, parameter setting, hybrid approach with conventional heuristics etc. However, though lots of different versions of evolutionary computations have been created, all of them have turned most of its attention to the development of search abilities of approaches. In this paper, for improving the search ability, we focus on how to take a balance between exploration and exploitation of the search space. It is also very difficult to solve problem, because the balance between exploration and exploitation is depending on the characteristic of different problems. The balance also should be changed dynamically depend on the status of evolution process. Purpose of this paper is the design of an effective approach which it can correspond to most optimization problems. In this paper, we propose an auto-tuning strategy by using fuzzy logic control. The main idea is adaptively regulation for taking the balance among the stochastic search and local search probabilities based on the change of the average fitness of parents and offspring which is occurred at each generation. In addition, numerical analyses of different type optimization problems show that the proposed approach has higher search capability that improve quality of solution and enhanced rate of convergence.  相似文献   

The performance of search operators varies across the different stages of the search/optimization process of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). In general, a single search operator may not do well in all these stages when dealing with different optimization and search problems. To mitigate this, adaptive search operator schemes have been introduced. The idea is that when a search operator hits a difficult patch (under-performs) in the search space, the EA scheme “reacts” to that by potentially calling upon a different search operator. Hence, several multiple-search operator schemes have been proposed and employed within EA. In this paper, a hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (HAEA/D) that employs four different crossover operators is suggested. Its performance has been evaluated on the well-known IEEE CEC’09 test instances. HAEA/D has generated promising results which compare well against several well-known algorithms including MOEA/D, on a number of metrics such as the inverted generational distance (IGD), the hyper-volume, the Gamma and Delta functions. These results are included and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The quality of the convergence process in genetic algorithms depends on the specific choice of strategies and combinations of operators. In this paper, we address this problem and introduce an adaptive evolutionary approach that uses a genetic algorithm in an adaptive process. An application of this approach to the dynamic vehicle routing problem with time windows is presented. We compare the adaptive version of a hybrid genetic algorithm with the non-adaptive one with respect to the robustness and the quality of the generated solutions. The results obtained show the ability of our operator combination adaptation approach to produce solutions that are superior to hand-tuning and other adaptive methods with respect to performance sensitivity and robustness.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a statistical methodology for comparing the performance of evolutionary computation algorithms. A twofold sampling scheme for collecting performance data is introduced, and these data are analyzed using bootstrap-based multiple hypothesis testing procedures. The proposed method is sufficiently flexible to allow the researcher to choose how performance is measured, does not rely upon distributional assumptions, and can be extended to analyze many other randomized numeric optimization routines. As a result, this approach offers a convenient, flexible, and reliable technique for comparing algorithms in a wide variety of applications.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for reducing the trajectory tracking errors of robotic systems in presence of input saturation and state constraints. Basing on a finite horizon prediction of the future evolution of the robot dynamics, the proposed device online preshapes the reference trajectory, minimizing a multi-objective cost function. The shaped reference is updated at discrete time intervals and is generated taking into account the full nonlinear robot dynamics, input and state constraints. A specialized Evolutionary Algorithm is employed as search tool for the online computation of a sub-optimal reference trajectory in the discretized space of the control alternatives. The effectiveness of the proposed method and the online computational burden are analyzed numerically in two significant robotic control problems; furthermore a comparison of the performance provided by this method and an iterative gradient-based algorithms are discussed.  相似文献   

All dynamic crop models for growth and development have several parameters whose values are usually determined by using measurements coming from the real system. The parameter estimation problem is raised as an optimization problem and optimization algorithms are used to solve it. However, because the model generally is nonlinear the optimization problem likely is multimodal and therefore classical local search methods fail in locating the global minimum and as a consequence the model parameters could be inaccurate estimated. This paper presents a comparison of several evolutionary (EAs) and bio-inspired (BIAs) algorithms, considered as global optimization methods, such as Differential Evolution (DE), Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) on parameter estimation of crop growth SUCROS (a Simple and Universal CROp Growth Simulator) model. Subsequently, the SUCROS model for potential growth was applied to a husk tomato crop (Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Horm.) using data coming from an experiment carried out in Chapingo, Mexico. The objective was to determine which algorithm generates parameter values that give the best prediction of the model. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to statistically evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the studied algorithms. Algorithm's efficiency was evaluated by counting the number of times the objective function was required to approximate an optimum. On the other hand, the effectiveness was evaluated by counting the number of times that the algorithm converged to an optimum. Simulation results showed that standard DE/rand/1/bin got the best result.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose new scenarios for simulating search operators whose behaviors often change continuously during the search. In these scenarios, the performance of such operators decreases while they are applied. This is motivated by the fact that operators for optimization problems are often roughly classified into exploitation and exploration operators. Our simulation model is used to compare the performances of operator selection policies and to identify their ability to handle specific non-stationary operators. An experimental study highlights respective behaviors of operator selection policies when faced to such non-stationary search scenarios.  相似文献   

Memetic (evolutionary) algorithms integrate local search into the search process of evolutionary algorithms. As computational resources have to be spread adequately among local and evolutionary search, one has to care about when to apply local search and how much computational effort to devote to local search. Often local search is called with a fixed frequency and run for a fixed number of iterations, the local search depth. There is empirical evidence that these parameters have a significant impact on performance, but a theoretical understanding as well as concrete design guidelines are missing.  相似文献   

Recent developments of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) for discrete optimization problems are often characterized by the hybridization of EAs with local search methods, in particular, with Large Neighborhood Search. In this survey, we consider some of the most promising directions of this kind of hybridization and provide examples in the context of well-known optimization problems. We distinguish different approaches by the algorithmic components in which they make use of Large Neighborhood Search: initialization, recombination and the local improvement stages of hybrid EAs.  相似文献   

A feature model is a compact representation of the products of a software product line. The automated extraction of information from feature models is a thriving topic involving numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Performance evaluations in this domain mainly rely on the use of random feature models. However, these only provide a rough idea of the behaviour of the tools with average problems and are not sufficient to reveal their real strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we propose to model the problem of finding computationally hard feature models as an optimization problem and we solve it using a novel evolutionary algorithm for optimized feature models (ETHOM). Given a tool and an analysis operation, ETHOM generates input models of a predefined size maximizing aspects such as the execution time or the memory consumption of the tool when performing the operation over the model. This allows users and developers to know the performance of tools in pessimistic cases providing a better idea of their real power and revealing performance bugs. Experiments using ETHOM on a number of analyses and tools have successfully identified models producing much longer executions times and higher memory consumption than those obtained with random models of identical or even larger size.  相似文献   

Hardware designs need to obey constraints of resource utilization, minimum clock frequency, power consumption, computation precision and data range, which are all affected by the data type representation. Floating and fixed-point representations are the most common data types to work with real numbers where arithmetic hardware units for fixed-point format can improve performance and reduce energy consumption when compared to floating point solution. However, the right bit-lengths estimation for fixed-point is a time-consuming task since it is a combinatorial optimization problem of minimizing the accumulative arithmetic computation error. This work proposes two evolutionary approaches to accelerate the process of converting algorithms from floating to fixed-point format. The first is based on a classic evolutionary algorithm and the second one introduces a compact genetic algorithm, with theoretical evidence that a near-optimal performance, to find a solution, has been reached. To validate the proposed approaches, they are applied to three computing intensive algorithms from the mobile robotic scenario, where data error accumulated during execution is influenced by sensor noise and navigation environment characteristics. The proposed compact genetic algorithm accelerates the conversion process up to 10.2× against the state of art methods reaching similar bit precision and robustness.  相似文献   

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