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As the survival rate of newborns has increased, the number of X ray computed tomography (CT) examinations performed on neonates has been increasing. The exposure doses from CT examinations are known to be higher than those from conventional radiography. Although radiation sensitivity of neonates is higher than that of adults, there are few reports on dose estimates of neonates in CT examinations. Four cylindrical phantoms and one neonatal phantom have been developed to estimate doses to neonates during CT examinations. Using these phantoms and glass dosemeters, absorbed doses were measured. Estimated exposure doses to neonates were higher than those to adults, and our results suggest a need to optimise carefully CT examinations in newborns.  相似文献   

Results of quality control (QC) tests for a period of over a year and patient doses were analysed for several computed tomography units in our centre. The results of the QC tests were generally within limits for all of the examined scanners, proving good and stable performance of the systems. The tests were not helpful in predicting breakdowns of the systems such as tube failure. The doses for the same anatomical areas differed between scanners and in some cases exceeded the diagnostic reference levels (DRLs). DRLs are defined for typical diagnostic examinations performed in general hospitals and are not directly applicable to the examinations performed in the oncological centre.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate image quality of various computed tomography (CT) scanners installed in Greece, as well as to investigate patient doses from common CT examinations. An image quality survey was performed in 44 CT scanners countrywide. The imaging performance of the systems was evaluated by measurements of certain parameters, such as image noise, spatial uniformity, high- and low-contrast resolution and slice thickness accuracy. Moreover, preliminary results of patient dose survey are presented. Concerning image quality, 80 % of the scanners were found to be in compliance with the national legislation and relative international guidelines for all the examined parameters. Weighted CT dose index and dose-length product values for chest and abdomen routine examinations were generally below the dose reference levels (DRLs) suggested by the European Commission. However, some scanners were found to deliver significantly higher doses than the suggested DRL for head routine examinations. Finally, differences in the performance among scanners of the same type and similar age were observed, pointing out the importance of frequent calibration, routine quality control and proper maintenance.  相似文献   

The potential for patient dose reduction in diagnostic radiology was investigated in five major Tanzanian hospitals. The aim of this study was to follow up previously reported suggestions for improved practices to achieve dose reductions. The suggestions were implemented and entrance surface dose measurement repeated by using well-calibrated LiF thermoluminescence dosemeters. The results show that dose reductions in chest PA X ray examinations ranged from 15% to 50%. For abdomen AP and pelvis AP X ray examinations, the dose reductions ranged from 24% to 73% and from 25% to 72%, respectively. The respective dose reductions for lumbar spine AP and LAT projections ranged from 4% to 58% and from 16% to 77%. Interestingly, the majority of radiographs obtained after the implementation of dose reduction measures were useful for intended diagnosis according to the opinion of radiologists. It is concluded that significant dose reductions can be achieved in the country without loss of diagnostic information. Such dose reductions also predict reductions of radiation risk to patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the choice of the scanned region affects organ doses in CT. ImPACT CT Patient Dosimetry Calculator (version 1.0) was used to compute absorbed doses to eight organs of interest in medical radiation dosimetry. For 13 dosimetry data sets, the authors calculated the maximum organ dose (D(max)) as well as the corresponding organ dose for a scan with selected length D(L). These data permitted the relative dose (D(r) = D(L)/D(max)) to be determined for varying scan lengths. Computations were performed for a nominal X-ray tube current of 100 mA, a rotation time of 1 s and a CT pitch of 1. The authors also determined values of D(max)/CTDI(vol), where CTDI(vol) is obtained in a 32-cm diameter CT dosimetry phantom using the same radiographic techniques. For each organ, D(r) was independent of the type of scanner, and increased monotonically to unity with increasing scan length. Relative doses for a scan restricted to the organ length ranged from 0.65 D(max) for the bladder to 0.86 D(max) for the lungs. There was good correlation (r = 0.64) between relative organ dose and the corresponding organ length. At 120 kV, the lowest value of D(max)/CTDI(vol) was 1.23 for the breast and the highest was 2.22 for the thyroid. Varying the X-ray tube voltage between 100 and 130 kV results in changes in D(max)/CTDI(vol) of no more than 4 %. CT scans limited to the direct irradiation of an average-sized organ results in an absorbed dose of ~0.75 D(max).  相似文献   

Assessment of patient dose attributed to multislice computed tomography (CT) examination. A questionnaire method was developed and used in recording the patient dose and scanning parameters for the head, chest, abdomen and lumbar spine examinations. The patient doses due to brain, chest and abdomen examination were above the international diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) by factors of between one and four. The study demonstrated that the use of multislice CT elevates patient radiation dose, justifying the need for local optimised scanning protocols and the use of institutional DRL for dose management without affecting diagnostic image quality.  相似文献   

Prospective ECG triggering has the potential of reducing radiation exposure while maintaining diagnostic accuracy of cardiac computed tomography (CT). The aim of this study is to review patient radiation doses associated with coronary artery calcium scoring (CACS) and CT coronary angiography (CTCA) and to compare results between prospective and retrospective acquisition schemes. Patient radiation doses from CACS and CTCA were extracted from 67 relevant studies. Mean effective dose for CACS and CTCA with prospective ECG triggering is significantly lower than retrospective acquisition, 0.9±0.4 vs. 3.1±1.4 mSv, p < 0.001, and 3.4±1.4 vs. 11.1±5.4 mSv, p < 0.001, respectively. In both cardiac CT examinations, application of dose modulation techniques result in significantly lower doses in retrospective schemes, however, even with dose modulation, retrospective acquisition is associated with significantly higher doses than prospective acquisition. The number of slices acquired per rotation and the number of X-ray sources of the CT scanner (single or dual source) do not have a significant effect on patient dose.  相似文献   

In this study, effects of radiologists' skill and experience on patient doses were investigated. Dose-area product and entrance surface doses of two groups of patients, one examined by a number of junior radiologists and another one by a senior radiologist, have been compared for the diagnostic interventional examinations of cerebral and lower limbs. Collimation of the X-ray beam and shortening the fluoroscopy times by the senior radiologist considerably reduced the patient doses for interventional cerebral examinations.  相似文献   

Radiation doses to patients from some common paediatric X-ray examinations were studied in three hospitals in Khartoum state, Sudan. Entrance surface dose (ESD) was determined from exposure settings using DosCal software. Totally, 459 patients were included in this study. Mean ESDs obtained from anteroposterior projection for chest, skull, abdomen and pelvis for neonates falls in the range of 52-100, 115-169, 145-183, 204-242 microGy, respectively. For a 1-y-old infant, mean ESD range was 80-114, 153-202, 204-209, 181-264 microGy, respectively. Some doses for neonates and infants were exceeding the reference doses by >20%. The results highlighted that a good technique has to adhere to guidelines necessarily. As demonstrated elsewhere, patients' doses were high in departments using single-phase generators compared with those using constant potential. The results presented will serve as a baseline data needed for deriving reference doses for paediatric X-ray examinations in Sudan.  相似文献   

This study estimated the patient dose in chest and lumbar spine radiographic examinations in 10 hospitals in Ghana. Dose estimations were done on 1045 patients (aged, 39.6 ± 10.6 y; range 18-85 y) involving 501 (47.9%) males and 544 (52.1%) females for a total of 1495 individual projections. The entrance surface dose (ESD) for the patients was assessed by an indirect method, using the patient's anatomical data and exposure parameters utilised for the specific examination and a Quality Assurance Dose Database software developed by Integrated Radiological Services Ltd in Liverpool, UK. The study showed variations in the ESDs for chest examinations with five of the hospitals having values above the internationally recommended levels. ESDs for lumbar spine anterior-posterior and lateral projections were within acceptable limits. Diagnostic reference levels proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection based on patient dose data are imperative to the current Ghanaian situation and will lead to a reduction of the radiation dose.  相似文献   

The present work describes a method that calculates the patient dose values in computed tomography (CT) based on metadata contained in DICOM images in support of patient dose studies. The DICOM metadata is preprocessed to extract necessary calculation parameters. Vendor-specific DICOM header information is harmonized using vendor translation tables and unavailable DICOM tags can be completed with a graphical user interface. CT-Expo, an MS Excel application for calculating the radiation dose, is used to calculate the patient doses. All relevant data and calculation results are stored for further analysis in a relational database. Final results are compiled by utilizing data mining tools. This solution was successfully used for the 2009 CT dose study in Luxembourg. National diagnostic reference levels for standard examinations were calculated based on each of the countries' hospitals. The benefits using this new automatic system saved time as well as resources during the data acquisition and the evaluation when compared with earlier questionnaire-based surveys.  相似文献   

Patient and staff dose values in an interventional cardiology laboratory for different operational modes and several patient thicknesses (from 16 to 28 cm, simulated using polymethylmethacrylate) are presented. When increasing patient thicknesses and depending on fluoroscopy and cine modes, occupational doses can increase >30 times the baseline level. Scatter dose rates at the cardiologist's position with no radiation protective tools ranged from 1 to 14 mSv h(-1) for fluoroscopy, and from 10 to 47 mSv h(-1) during cine acquisition. Patient entrance surface air kerma rates increased by nearly 3 and staff dose rates by up to 2.6 when fluoroscopy was moved from the low to the high mode, for a typical 20 cm thickness. The respective increase factors were 6 and 4.2 when patient thickness rose from 16 to 28 cm, and by 10 and 8.3, when comparing cine acquisition with the low fluoroscopy mode. The knowledge of typical dose rates for each X-ray system in use in catheterisation laboratories is essential in order to optimise protection of patients and staff.  相似文献   

By using a voxel-based Monte Carlo simulation technique, we developed and validated a method to calculate radiation-absorbed dose in the computed tomography (CT) examinations from the images of phantoms and patients. The ionising radiation transport was simulated using the EGS4 code system. The geometry of the X-ray beam (focus-to-axis distance, field of view, collimation, and primary and beam-shaper filtration) and the X-ray spectral distribution (HiSpeed LX/i) were included in the simulation. Each axial CT image was reduced to a 256 x 256 matrix and stacked in a volume. The patient images were segmented before the simulation of radiation transport by using four categories of materials, such as air, lung, muscle and bone. To test the voxel-based method, the values of the radiation dose derived from a simulated CT exposure were calculated and compared with those obtained from the measurements performed within the dosimetry phantoms. To complete the scope of the work, series of CT scans of the trunk of an anthropomorphic phantom and patients were simulated to calculate the average dose in each 1-cm-wide transverse slice (ADS). The comparison between the simulated and measured dose data for the CT indices showed a difference of <5% in all the cases. The estimated mean values of ADS from the chest, abdomen and pelvis of the anthropomorphic phantom were approximately 1.7-2 times the weighted CT dose index (CTDI(w)) value, whereas the mean ADS values for these anatomical areas were 1.3-2 times the CTDI(w) of patients. The voxel-based simulation method provided a technique for estimating the individual patient doses in the CT examinations.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the individual and collective doses in Ireland due to cosmic radiation. Information on the exposure to cosmic radiation at ground level is reviewed and published data on the frequency of routes flown by Irish residents is used to calculate the dose due to air travel. Occupational exposure of aircrew is also evaluated. Experimental data on cosmic radiation exposure at ground level is in good agreement with international estimates and the average individual dose is calculated as 300 microSv annually. Published data on international air travel by Irish residents shows a 50% increase in the number of flights taken between 2001 and 2005. This increase is primarily on short-haul flights to Europe, but there have been significant percentage increases in all long-haul flights, with the exception of flights to Africa. The additional per capita dose due to air travel is estimated to be 45 muSv, of which 51% is accumulated on European routes and 34% on routes to the United States. Exposure of aircrew to cosmic radiation is now controlled by legislation and all airlines holding an Air Operator's Certificate issued by the Irish Aviation Authority are required to report annually the doses received by their employees in the previous year. There has been a 75% increase in the number of aircrew receiving doses >1 mSv since 2002. In 2004 and 2005 the average individual doses received by Irish aircrew were 1.8 and 2.0, mSv, respectively. The corresponding per caput dose for the entire population is <3 muSv. While this is low compared with the per caput doses from other sources of cosmic radiation, aircrew exposure represents a higher collective dose than any other identified group of exposed workers in Ireland.  相似文献   

In this study, patient doses were analysed against exposure parameters and procedure protocol. Patient doses were measured in seven hospitals for a standard diagnostic vascular examination. Image quality was assessed using the contrast-detail phantom from Nijmegen (CD-DISC 2.0). A link between dose and image quality was investigated. Image quality strongly depends on the preset dose level. The higher the dose level, the better the image quality, but also the higher the patient dose. However, no clear correlation was found between total dose-area product (DAP) or effective dose and image quality. A large range in patient dose was found: DAP (22-130 Gy cm2) and effective dose (3.9-16.8 mSv). A difference in number of frames was also found in the different centres, owing to different frame rates (3-2-1 frames per second) and use of oblique projections. Differences in doses and exposure settings offer the possibility of optimising patient doses in angiography and interventional radiology.  相似文献   

The entrance surface doses (ESDs) of six commonly performed diagnostic X-ray projections were surveyed in four public hospitals, and an experimental formula was derived for estimating the ESD from the exposure parameters of different projections. In-phantom measurements of the organ doses were also performed for the six projections, and the effective doses were evaluated using different sets of tissue weighting factors recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). For the chest radiograph, compared with the low tube potential technique, lower ESD was observed in the high tube potential technique; however, no significant difference of effective doses was found between the two techniques. Except for the pelvis radiography, the effective doses of five other projections evaluated with the tissue weighting factors (w(T)) recommended by ICRP publication 103 were generally higher than those evaluated with the factors recommended by ICRP publication 60.  相似文献   

Entrance surface dose (ESD) measurements have been carried out in Nigeria as part of the ongoing dose reduction programme. Thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLD) were used to measure skin entrance doses for four common radiographic views in three hospitals. The mean ESD for the PA chest examination in all the participating hospitals was in the range 0.12 - 4.46 mGy. The mean ESD for the AP skull. PA skull and LAT skull were 8.55, 5.17 and 6.97 mGy respectively. The mean ESD values are greater than the CEC reference doses, except for rooms 1 and 2 in UCH where the entrance surface doses for PA chest examination are below the CEC reference dose. The QA test results show non-compliance of the accuracy of tube voltage with acceptance limit in three rooms. The timer accuracy is also not within the acceptance limit in two rooms. The reproducibility of both the kVp and timer in all the rooms is good.  相似文献   

Application of computed tomography to oil recovery from porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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