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Quantitative determination of the corticosteroid-induced isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (CAP) was evaluated as a screening test for hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) in dogs. A series of 40 dogs with HAC (CAP range, 96 to 14,872 U/L), 30 clinically normal dogs (CAP range, 0 to 38 U/L), and 80 dogs with various diseases (non-HAC) and without history of exogenous glucocorticoid exposure for a minimum of 60 days (CAP range, 0 to 1163 U/L) were used to evaluate the test. Sensitivity and specificity of CAP was calculated at various cutoff points for absolute CAP activity and for CAP activity expressed as a percentage of total alkaline phosphatase activity. A cutoff point of 90 U/L was selected as optimal for use of this assay as a screening test for HAC. A prevalence survey then was done of all canine serum samples submitted to our diagnostic laboratory over a 3-month period, to calculate the predictive values of a positive and a negative test result in a clinical population and to determine the relative frequency and magnitude of CAP activity in dogs that had received glucocorticoids. The predictive values of a positive and a negative test result at the 90 U/L cutoff value were 21.43% (95% confidence limits, 8.3 to 40.95%) and 100% (95% confidence limit > 96%), respectively. It was concluded that CAP isoenzyme activity, determined by routine biochemical analysis by an automated levamisole-inhibition assay, could function as a screening test for HAC; however, the predictive value of a positive test result was too low to recommend the assay as a diagnostic test.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The clinical features of Cushing's syndrome (such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes) are commonly encountered in clinical practice. Patients with Cushing's syndrome have been identified by an abnormal low-dose dexamethasone suppression test, elevated urine free cortisol (UFC), an absence of diurnal rhythm of plasma cortisol, or an elevated late-night plasma cortisol. Because the concentration of cortisol in the saliva is in equilibrium with the free (active) cortisol in the plasma, measurement of salivary cortisol in the evening (nadir) and morning (peak) may be a simple and convenient screening test for Cushing's syndrome. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the measurement of late-night and morning salivary cortisol in the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome. We studied 73 normal subjects and 78 patients referred for the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome. Salivary cortisol was measured at 2300 h and 0700 h using a simple, commercially-available saliva collection device and a modification of a standard cortisol RIA. In addition, 24-h UFC was measured within 1 month of saliva sampling. Patients with proven Cushing's syndrome (N = 39) had significantly elevated 2300-h salivary cortisol (24.0 +/- 4.5 nmol/L), as compared with normal subjects (1.2 +/- 0.1 nmol/L) or with patients referred with the clinical features of hypercortisolism in whom the diagnosis was excluded or not firmly established (1.6 +/- 0.2 nmol/L; N = 39). Three of 39 patients with proven Cushing's had 2300-h salivary cortisol less than the calculated upper limit of the reference range (3.6 nmol/L), yielding a sensitivity of 92%; one of these 3 patients had intermittent hypercortisolism, and one had an abnormal diurnal rhythm (salivary cortisol 0700-h to 2300-h ratio <2). An elevated 2300-h salivary cortisol and/or an elevated UFC identified all 39 patients with proven Cushing's syndrome (100% sensitivity). Salivary cortisol measured at 0700 h demonstrated significant overlap between groups, even though it was significantly elevated in patients with proven Cushing's syndrome (23.0 +/- 4.2 nmol/L), as compared with normal subjects (14.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/L) or with patients in whom Cushing's was excluded or not firmly established (15.3 +/- 1.5 nmol/L). Late-night salivary cortisol measurement is a simple and reliable screening test for spontaneous Cushing's syndrome. In addition, late-night salivary cortisol measurements may simplify the evaluation of suspected intermittent hypercortisolism, and they may facilitate the screening of large high-risk populations (e.g. patients with diabetes mellitus).  相似文献   

A population of women with a history of recurrent miscarriage were screened for polycystic ovaries (PCO) by an ultrasound, LH, FSH, free testosterone in the follicular phase, then luteal phase progesterone and body mass index (BMI). Twenty six of the 73 women screened (36%) had an ultrasound demonstrating PCO; of these 21 (81%) became pregnant and 17 were given supportive and observational care only. The miscarriage rate was 18% with 14 (82%) having livebirths. Twenty seven of the 47 women with normal ovaries (74%) became pregnant; 31 had supportive care only and 6 (19%) miscarried with 25 (81%) having a livebirth. We conclude that the ultrasound diagnosis of PCO in women with a history of recurrent miscarriage does not necessarily predict a poor outcome in subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the following: (1) pregnancy outcome after blunt abdominal trauma and (2) factors that may predict preterm birth and adverse peripartum outcomes. STUDY DESIGN: All women who had noncatastrophic abdominal trauma and came to the labor and delivery suite July 1994-August 1997 were prospectively evaluated and admitted for continuous uterine and fetal monitoring. A complete blood cell count, coagulation profile, and Kleihauer-Betke stain were performed. Ultrasonographic examination was performed to rule out hematoma. Tocolytic agents were administrated in cases with persistent contractions. Pregnancy outcomes and risk factors were compared between those with preterm birth before 37 weeks' gestation and those who were delivered after 37 weeks' gestation. RESULTS: Delivery information was available for 85 women with blunt abdominal trauma from motor vehicle accident (28), falls (27), and direct assault (30, which included 17 cases of domestic abuse). Four women, 3 of whom were exposed to domestic abuse, were hospitalized twice. Thirteen patients had preterm birth and 72 patients were delivered at term. In all cases the results of Kleihauer-Betke stains, maternal vital signs, blood cell count, coagulation profile, and placental ultrasonographic examinations were normal. The differences between the 2 groups with respect to gestational age at the time of trauma, length of hospital stay, subjective reports of abdominal pain, objective findings of abdominal tenderness, patterns of uterine contractions, interval between trauma and delivery, and Apgar scores were not statistically significant. However, the preterm birth group received magnesium sulfate tocolysis more frequently (31% vs 7%) and had a significantly greater rate of peripartum complications, such as rupture of membranes and abruptio placentae, than the group of patients who delivered at term (46.2% vs 12.5%, P <.05). Women with domestic abuse had increased uterine contractions at the time of abdominal trauma (52.9% vs 19.1%, P =.01) but did not require increased use of tocolysis. Women with domestic abuse had more peripartum complications (41.8% vs 11.8%, P <.01). CONCLUSIONS: Women with noncatastrophic blunt abdominal trauma in pregnancy tend to have favorable neonatal outcomes. Findings or reports of abdominal tenderness and uterine contractions are not predictive of preterm birth. Preterm birth was associated with increased peripartum complications. However, domestic abuse was associated with repeated trauma in the index pregnancy and increased peripartum complications.  相似文献   

There is a need for a safe, inexpensive, and reliable screening test for growth hormone (GH) reserve. Exercise has been utilized for this purpose but false-negative responses (inadequate GH release in non-GH-deficient patients) has limited the effectiveness of this stimulus as a screening test. Beta-adrenergic blockade (propranolol) was used to enhance the effect of exercise on GH release. Thirty-two non-GH-deficient children and five GH-deficient children were evaluated. All of the non-GH-deficient children responded to propranolol and exercise with serum GH levels exceeding 7 ng/ml. The peak serum GH levels in the five GH-deficient patients did not exceed 4 ng/ml. Propranolol and exercise appears to be an effective screening test for GH function.  相似文献   

AIM: To test the hypothesis that complications of neonatal intensive care are related to increased oxygen derived free radical activity, using breath pentane as a marker of lipid peroxidation. METHODS: Exhaled breath was collected daily from 57 ventilated preterm infants and pentane concentration measured by gas chromatography. RESULTS: High peak pentane exhalation was significantly associated with low gestational age, mortality, intraventricular haemorrhage and retinopathy of prematurity. Peak pentane was not significantly associated with the development of chronic lung disease. CONCLUSIONS: The demonstration that pentane exhalation is related to the course of neonatal disease and its outcome is consistent with the hypothesis that lipid peroxidation is associated with these illnesses, and may contribute to their severity. If this is a causal relation, antioxidant treatments could prove useful in reducing their severity. Measurement of breath pentane might assist in the assessment of antioxidant strategies prior to more extensive clinical trials.  相似文献   

A sensitive, simple, and rapid semiautomated sandwich enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was developed for measuring thyrotropin in dried blood samples on filter paper for use in screening for neonatal hypothyroidism. Good correlation was found between values for thyrotropin determined by this method and those determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA) (r=0.94). In pilot tests on 17,160 newborn infants in the general population, five cases of primary hypothyroidism were detected by both EIA and RIA. The recall rate was slightly highter in EIA than in RIA.  相似文献   

Submaximal and maximal exercise testing have been used to predict coronary events but these tests do not give reliable information regarding employability of subjects with abnormal electrocardiogram. In 30 subjects with stabilized ischaemic heart disease (Group A) and 70 subjects with abnormal resting electrocardiogram (Group B), resting electrocardiograms--at ground level and at a simulated height of 4592 m (15000 ft)--after 40-min exposures were recorded. The double Master's two-step exercise test (DM) was performed at ground level as well as at stimulated height (DMH). In the ischaemic group, exercise combined with hypoxia did not yield better results than exercise alone; but among the asymptomatic subjects, exercise in an hypoxic environment gave significantly better results than exercise alone (p less than 0.005) or hypoxia alone (p less than 0.01). Those with negative responses to the test have been employed on strenous duties, including employment at high altitude for the last 3 years. None of them have manifested any objective or subjective evidence of ischaemic heart disease. DM exercise testing in an hypoxic environment is a reliable method to assess subjects with abnormal electrocardiogram and evaluate their functional status.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hand-held Doppler is in common use for evaluating varicose veins, but its accuracy in identifying the exact sites of venous reflux is inferior to that of duplex scanning. It has been suggested that duplex should be used to investigate all varicose veins, but this is currently impractical, and should be unnecessary if hand-held Doppler examination were shown to be an adequate screening test. METHODS: Eighty-five patients (122 legs) with primary varicose veins were evaluated using a hand-held Doppler in the outpatient clinic, according to a protocol. Patients then had venous duplex imaging. RESULTS: Different methods of assessing the long saphenous vein (LSV) (tourniquet and tapping tests, and examination at and below the groin) had similar sensitivities for detecting reflux (75-86 per cent), and together detected 91 per cent of cases. Six of the nine missed had a competent saphenofemoral junction, and five had low-velocity reflux. Hand-held Doppler assessment missed 11 cases of popliteal fossa reflux; only four involved the short saphenous vein (SSV), and most had low-velocity popliteal vein reflux. CONCLUSION: Hand-held Doppler examination missed LSV or SSV incompetence in 11 per cent of legs, but these included cases with short-duration and low-velocity reflux of dubious clinical importance.  相似文献   

3 patients with coronary vasospasms in different clinical situations are presented. One patient had typical Prinzmetal angina but coronary arteries without significant stenosis. One patient without typical angina pectoris showed sudden significant ST elevations on anterior and lateral ECG tracings accompanied by typical ischemic chest pain. At angiography, a 70% LAD stenosis was found without high degree lesions. One patient (aged 30 years) had a documented anterior infarction with angiographically normal coronary arteries. In all these cases coronary vasospasms were recognized as the underlying cause of the symptoms. All the patients were treated with calcium channel blockers and have been asymptomatic since. Currently available data comparing the diagnostic value of hyperventilation with other tests for coronary vasospasms, such as ergonovine or acetylcholine, are discussed. The hyperventilation test can be recommended as the first test in the work up of suspected vasospastic angina pectoris.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of congenital uterine anomalies in 1046 women attending gynaecological ultrasound clinics for a variety of indications. Using three-dimensional ultrasound, anomalies were found in 55 women (5.4%), including 32 (3.1%) with an arcuate uterus and 23 (2.3%) with major anomalies. The prevalence of uterine anomalies was similar to the findings in women undergoing elective sterilisation, but lower than in studies of women with recurrent miscarriage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Development of informant-based screening tests for dementia is an emerging field. The reliability and validity of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE), an instrument that screens for dementia in general, have been established. We conducted a study to validate a French version of the IQCODE as a screening test for Alzheimer's dementia in the elderly living in the community. METHOD: In the Canadian Study of Health and Aging, subjects were screened in their own homes using the modified Mini-Mental State Exam (3-MS). Those who screened positive, along with a sample of subjects who screened negative, were referred for a complete clinical examination. In Quebec, an informant was asked to complete the French version, IQCODE(F), at that time. Based on the final clinical diagnoses, performances of the IQCODE(F) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE, converted from 3-MS) in screening for Alzheimer's disease were evaluated. RESULTS: Of the 237 subjects, the mean IQCODE (F) score was 3.4 (s.d. = 0.6), on a 5-point scale (1 = improvement in condition over the past 10 years, 5 = marked deterioration, 3 = no change). The mean MMSE score was 23.1 (s.d. = 4.5). The scores on the two scales were correlated (r = -0.44, P < 0.001). The IQCODE(F) scores were unrelated to education (r = -0.07, P > 0.3) in contrast to the MMSE scores (r = 0.28, P < 0.001). With respect to a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease, the IQCODE(F) (cut-off point 3.6) had a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 95.6%. The sensitivity and specificity of the MMSE (cut-off point 23) were 70% and 82.3% respectively. CONCLUSION: The findings of the IQCODE(F) are consistent with those of the English version in correlation with the MMSE and apparent freedom from educational bias. The IQCODE is superior to the MMSE as a screening test for probable Alzheimer's disease in the elderly living in the community. It may be a useful addition to the screening tests already available, especially for the less well educated.  相似文献   

To investigate the ability of measurement of the diastolic notch in Doppler flow velocimetry to predict development of toxemia of pregnancy, analysis of uteroplacental and fetal blood flow waveforms was performed. The waveforms were analyzed by calculating the resistance index (RI) and the pulsatility index (PI) and were investigated whether diastolic notches existed or not. In the prospective study, the uterine arterial index (UTAI; an index introduced to evaluate the degree of diastolic notch quantitatively) was also calculated. RETROSPECTIVE STUDY: The waveforms in the uterine arteries, the umbilical artery and the fetal vessel (inferior vena cava, descending aorta and middle cerebral artery) were measured in 153 pregnant women. PROSPECTIVE STUDY: Uterine artery velocimetry was performed at 16-23 weeks' gestation in 387 pregnant women. RESULT 1: Subjects with a diastolic notch had significantly higher rates of development of toxemia of pregnancy. Indexes of the fetal blood flow waveforms had no significant correlations with the development of toxemia of pregnancy. RESULT 2: UTAI showed an equivalently high negative predictive value (98.1%) and higher positive predictive value (17.6%) than RI (98.2%, 10.2% respectively) and PI (98.7%, 12.7% respectively). CONCLUSION: UTAI measurement was more useful for predicting toxemia of pregnancy than RI or PI.  相似文献   

Data on the outcome of pregnancy are based upon a prospective study of 14,833 single births to women whose blood pressures during the fifth and sixth months of gestation were recorded. With each 5 mm, Hg rise in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) there is a progressive increase in the perinatal mortality rate. At each MAP level, the stillbirth rates and neonatal mortality rates are higher in blacks than in whites. When middle-trimester MAP is 90 mm. Hg or more, there is a significant increase in (1) the stillbirth rate, (2) the frequency of proteinuria, hypertension, and diagnosed pre-eclampsia in the third trimester, and (3) the frequency of intrauterine fetal growth retardation. We believe that all of these events are due to an impaired uteroplacental circulation, with which elevated blood pressures are associated. Women who have an average MAP of 90 or more during the fifth and sixth months should be considered in a high-risk category.  相似文献   

The micro-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (micro-ESR) was evaluated in 349 patients without focal signs of infection with bacteraemia, bacteraemia/malaria, malaria (218) and fever of undetermined origin(100). There were significant differences between the diagnoses in their mean micro-ESR uncorrected for anaemia (F ratio = 3.66, p = 0.013 for one way analysis of variance). The sensitivity of uncorrected micro-ESR > 20mm/hr for bacteraemia was moderate (53%) and specificity was low (32%); for bacteraemia/malaria sensitivity was high (88%) but specificity was also low (33%). The positive predictive value of micro-ESR > 20mm/hr was low for bacteraemia (3%) and bacteraemia/malaria (6%) whereas the negative predictive value was high for bacteraemia (94%) and very high for bacteraemia/malaria (98%). We conclude that a low micro-ESR (< 20mm/hr) may be helpful in ruling out bacteraemia, especially bacteraemia/malaria, in young febrile children without focal signs.  相似文献   

The effect of burns on fetal and maternal survival is known to be detrimental. This prospective study describes the performance of pregnant burned patients who were managed and followed up for fetal and maternal outcomes at Ain Shams University's burn unit and Maternity Hospital during the period from October 1995 to September 1996. During the 12-month period, 27 pregnant burned patients were managed. Fetal and maternal mortality correlated with the total body surface area (TBSA) burned, the mortality rate being 63 per cent for both mothers and fetuses in the 25-50 per cent TBSA group. A fetal loss of 56 per cent with no maternal loss were recorded in the 15-25 per cent TBSA group. Experience in dealing with pregnant burned patients proves that early surgical excision and skin grafting, with timely termination of pregnancy are the best lines of treatment. Prevention or minimizing the effects of the burns may be achieved by proper education and guidance of the pregnant woman.  相似文献   

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