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As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are typically used for Internet access, most traffic is routed through the gateways which connect WMN to the wired network. As a result, the gateways tend to get congested and balancing of the traffic load of gateways is critical. In this paper, we consider applications that require continuous provision of a certain bandwidth to a server located at the wired network. If a path that satisfies the bandwidth request cannot be found, the request will be rejected, so that load imbalance will result underutilization of the network capacity. We present a novel load balancing routing algorithm for maximizing the network utilization (i.e., accommodating service requests as many as possible) for multi-gateway WMNs. In the proposed scheme, a WMN is divided into domains. Each domain is served by one gateway, so that all traffic of a domain is served by the corresponding gateway. Our scheme determines routing to balance the traffic load among domains, and then performs load balancing routing within each domain. Simulation results show that in square grid topologies, our intra-domain routing achieves near optimal performance with about 70% less overhead than the existing schemes. Our inter-domain load balancing scheme outperforms the existing heuristics by up to 25% while achieving about 80% performance of the optimal solution.  相似文献   

Some open-loop and closed-loop control algorithms are discussed for an example of a discrete-event system, namely, the routing of arriving tasks from different arrival streams among several possible service stations. It is shown that it is possible to design open-loop policies that give good performance in a way which is very robust with respect to large changes in the arrival rates. This is possible even though it is assumed that there is no online coordination between the routing algorithms for the different arrival streams. Some further improvements of the performance are possible when a simple feedback policy, namely, overflow routing, is implemented. This also gives reasonable robustness of performance with respect to changes in the service rates  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of efficient routing in backbone wireless mesh networks (WMNs) where each mesh router is equipped with multiple radio interfaces and a subset of nodes serve as gateways to the Internet. Most routing schemes have been designed to reduce routing costs by optimizing one metric, e.g., hop count and interference ratio. However, when considering these metrics together, the complexity of the routing problem increases drastically. Thus, an efficient and adaptive routing scheme that takes into account several metrics simultaneously and considers traffic congestion around the gateways is needed. In this paper, we propose an adaptive scheme for routing traffic in WMNs, called Reinforcement Learning-based Distributed Routing (RLBDR), that (1) considers the critical areas around the gateways where mesh routers are much more likely to become congested and (2) adaptively learns an optimal routing policy taking into account multiple metrics, such as loss ratio, interference ratio, load at the gateways and end-to end delay. Simulation results show that RLBDR can significantly improve the overall network performance compared to schemes using either Metric of Interference and Channel switching, Best Path to Best Gateway, Expected Transmission count, nearest gateway (i.e., shortest path to gateway) or load at gateways as a metric for path selection.  相似文献   

Sampathkumar  A.  Mulerikkal  Jaison  Sivaram  M. 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(6):4227-4238
Wireless Networks - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generically self-configuring and organizing networks with constrained communicational ability and energy supply. One of the crucial crises in...  相似文献   

As new network applications have arisen rapidly in recent years, it is becoming more difficult to predict the exact traffic pattern of a network. In consequence, a routing scheme based on a single traffic demand matrix often leads to a poor performance. Oblivious routing (Racke in Proceedings of the 43rd annual IEEE symposium on foundations of computer science 43–52, 2002) is a technique for tackling the traffic demand uncertainty problem. A routing scheme derived from this principle intends to achieve a predicable performance for a set of traffic matrixes. Oblivious routing can certainly be an effective tool to handle traffic demand uncertainty in a wireless mesh network (WMN). However, a WMN has an additional tool that a wireline network does not have: dynamic bandwidth allocation. A router in a WMN can dynamically assign bandwidth to its attached links. This capability has never been exploited previously in works on oblivious routing for a spatial time division multiple access (STDMA) based WMN. Another useful insight is that although it is impossible to know the exact traffic matrix, it is relatively easy to estimate the amount of the traffic routed through a link when the routing scheme is given. Based on these two insights, we propose a new oblivious routing framework for STDMA WMNs. Both analytical models and simulation results are presented in this paper to prove that the performance—in terms of throughput, queue lengths, and fairness—of the proposed scheme can achieve significant gains over conventional oblivious routing schemes for STDMA based WMNs.  相似文献   

Routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are designed to select parent nodes so that data packets can reach their destination in a timely and efficient manner. Typically neighboring nodes with strongest connectivity are more selected as parents. This Greedy Routing approach can lead to unbalanced routing loads in the network. Consequently, the network experiences the early death of overloaded nodes causing permanent network partition. Herein, we propose a framework for load balancing of routing in WSN. In-network path tagging is used to monitor network traffic load of nodes. Based on this, nodes are identified as being relatively overloaded, balanced or underloaded. A mitigation algorithm finds suitable new parents for switching from overloaded nodes. The routing engine of the child of the overloaded node is then instructed to switch parent. A key future of the proposed framework is that it is primarily implemented at the Sink and so requires few changes to existing routing protocols. The framework was implemented in TinyOS on TelosB motes and its performance was assessed in a testbed network and in TOSSIM simulation. The algorithm increased the lifetime of the network by 41 % as recorded in the testbed experiment. The Packet Delivery Ratio was also improved from 85.97 to 99.47 %. Finally a comparative study was performed using the proposed framework with various existing routing protocols.  相似文献   

In order to realize the reduction of equipment cost and the demand of higher capacity,wireless mesh network(WMN) router devices usually have several interfaces and work on multi-channels.Jointing channel allocation,interface assignment and routing can efficiently improve the network capacity.This paper presents an efficient channel assignment scheme combined with the multi-radio link quality source routing(MR-LQSR) protocol,which is called channel assignment with MR-LQSR(CA-LQSR).In this scheme,a physical interference model is established:calculated transmission time(CTT) is proposed as the metric of channel assignment,which can reflect the real network environment and channel interference best,and enhanced weighted cumulative expected transmission time(EWCETT) is proposed as the routing metric,which preserves load balancing and bandwidth of links.Meantime,the expression of EWCETT contains the value of CTT,thus the total cost time of channel assignment and routing can be reduced.Simulation results show that our method has advantage of higher throughput,lower end-to-end time delay,and less network cost over some other existing methods.  相似文献   

The rapid development of mobile broadband services with continuously increasing traffic volumes has resulted in a number of challenges, including ubiquitous network coverage, high bandwidth, and reliable services for reasonable price, etc. To address these challenges, evolved packet system (EPS) is proposed as the evolution of the packet core network. While resource management and load balancing issues in EPS are discussed in 3GPP standardization, relatively few research works consider mechanism design for load information monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, even though some load balancing algorithms have been proposed for integrated networks, the load balancing scheme design which achieves the optimization of joint system performance has not been extensively studied. In this paper, an inter-access system anchor based load balancing mechanism is introduced which performs load monitoring and evaluation for access gateways and networks, and an optimal load balancing algorithm is proposed for heterogeneous integrated networks. To characterize the performance of integrated networks, the concept of utility function is introduced and the comprehensive performance of integrated networks which support both single type service and multimedia service is modeled mathematically. Applying vertical handoff as an efficient mechanism for achieving load balancing, the optimal number of handoff users is obtained through solving the optimization problem. Numerical results demonstrate that load balancing between access networks can be achieved, and the optimal number of handoff users corresponding to the maximal joint network utility can be obtained.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor network, when the nodes are mobile, the network structure keeps on changing dynamically, that is, new nodes enter the network and old members exit the network. As a result, the path from one node to the other varies from time to time. In addition, if the load on a particular part of the network is high, then the nodes will not be capable of transmitting the data. Thus, data delivery at the destination will be unsuccessful. Moreover, the part of the network involved in transmitting the data should not be overloaded. To overcome these issues, a hybrid routing protocol and load balancing technique is discussed in this paper for the mobile data collectors in which the path from source to destination is ensured before data transmission. The hybrid routing protocol that combines the reactive and proactive approach is used to enhance gradient based routing protocol for low power and lossy networks. This protocol can efficiently handle the movement of multiple sinks. Finally, load balancing is applied over the multiple mobile elements to balance the load of sensor nodes. Simulation results show that this protocol can increase the packet delivery ratio and residual energy with reduced delay and packet drop.  相似文献   

提出一种新的基于网络编码的负载均衡路由量度CRM-LB(coding-aware routing metric with load balancing),CRM-LB在CRM(coding-aware routing metric)的基础上增加了对路径p上所有节点通信密集程度与网络拥塞程度的考虑。进一步提出了基于CRM-LB的无线mesh网络多播路由CLR(coding and load-balancing routing)。该协议可以增加网络编码机会,同时考虑到网络中的负载均衡。通过性能分析和仿真实验表明,该协议在提高多播吞吐量的前提下,不仅能更好地支持网络编码,而且网络负载基本均衡。  相似文献   

卫琪 《电子测试》2011,(4):86-90
针对LEACH协议存在的3大问题:簇头选举时未考虑节点剩余能量、频繁成簇造成了大量额外能耗以及欠缺对簇间能耗均衡的考虑,提出了能量有效分簇路由协议(LEACH-improved).该协议中,首轮成簇后网络中簇的分布和数量将保持不变,以后每轮各簇的簇头由上一轮簇头结合节点的能量水平来指定,借鉴泛洪算法的思想,在簇间建立多...  相似文献   

基于传输路径质量的无线mesh网络可靠多播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种可靠多播网(RM)模型,探讨了无线链路和节点可靠性对多播路径选择的影响。首先,建立了无线链路的相关性和多播路径的可靠性模型,并提出了多播传输的可靠性判据;同时,结合首树算法和多路径树算法提出了构造可靠多播网的算法。可靠多播网具有并行的多播路径,通过在多播源节点和目的节点之间选择多播链路和节点构成了可靠的多播路径,提供了多播路径的"负荷分担"和"热备份"功能,从而支持了多播业务可靠性。  相似文献   

Internet of things (IoT) devices are equipped with a number of interconnected sensor nodes that relies on ubiquitous connectivity between sensor devices to optimize information automation processes. Because of the extensive deployments in adverse areas and unsupervised nature of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), energy efficiency is a significant aim in these networks. Network survival time can be extended by optimizing its energy consumption. It has been a complex struggle for researchers to develop energy-efficient routing protocols in the field of WSNs. Energy consumption, path reliability and Quality of Service (QoS) in WSNs became important factors to be focused on enforcing an efficient routing strategy. A hybrid optimization technique presented in this paper is a combination of fuzzy c-means and Grey Wolf optimization (GWO) techniques for clustering. The proposed scheme was evaluated on different parameters such as total energy consumed, packet delivery ratio, packet drop rate, throughput, delay, remaining energy and total network lifetime. According to the results of the simulation, the proposed scheme improves energy efficiency and throughput by about 30% and packet delivery ratio and latency by about 10%, compared with existing protocols such as Chemical Reaction Approach based Cluster Formation (CHRA), Hybrid Optimal Based Cluster Formation (HOBCF), GWO-based clustering (GWO-C) and Cat Swarm Optimization based Energy-Efficient Reliable sectoring Scheme with prediction algorithms (P_CSO_EERSS). The study concludes that the protocol suitable for creating IoT monitoring system network lifetime is an important criteria.  相似文献   

Multicast is a communication technique that allows a source to transmit data to a set of recipients in an efficient manner. Therefore, the primary objective of a multicast routing protocol would be to minimize number of transmissions to conserve bandwidth. The problem of computing multicast trees with minimal bandwidth consumption is similar to Steiner tree problem and has shown to be NP-complete. So, heuristic based algorithms are suitable to approximate such bandwidth optimal trees. This paper proposes a multicast routing protocol based on minimum number of transmission trees using an heuristic approach. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm offers better performance over existing protocols, even in the worst-case scenario when the set of multicast receivers are sparsely distributed across the network.  相似文献   

In wireless mesh networks (WMNs), real time communications (e.g., Voice over IP (VoIP) and interactive video communications) may often be interrupted as packets are frequently lost or delayed excessively. This usually happens due to the unreliability of wireless links or buffer overflows along the routing paths. The mesh connectivity within the WMN enables the capability to enhance reliability and reduce delay for such applications by using multiple paths for routing their packets. The vital components in multi‐path routing for achieving this are the pre‐determined formation of paths and the technique that the paths are deployed for packet traversal. Therefore, we propose a novel multi‐path routing protocol by introducing a new multi‐path organization and a traffic assignment technique. The designed technique dubbed as FLASH (Fast and reLiAble meSH routing protocol) discovers one primary path between a pair of source and destination based on a new proposed metric, and thereafter selects mini‐paths, which connect pairs of intermediate nodes along the primary path. The primary path and mini‐paths are concurrently deployed, as multiple copies of packets are routed through. This technique compensates for possible outage at intermediate wireless nodes or their corresponding wireless links along the primary path. Routing along mini‐paths is performed in such a way that redundant copies do not cause an excessive congestion on the network. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated analytically and through extensive simulations under various load conditions. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed multi‐path organization in terms of reliability and satisfactory achievements of the protocol in enhancing delay and throughput compared to the existing routing protocols, especially for long distances and in congested conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless Networks - In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where power consumption is a huge concern, the improvement of the network’s lifetime is an area of constant study and innovation. The...  相似文献   

An ant colony optimization (ACO) based load balancing routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithm (ALRWA) was put forward for the sake of achieving a fairy load balancing over the entire optical satellite networks. A multi-objective optimization model is established considering the characteristic of global traffic distribution. This not only employs the traffic intensity to modify the light path cost, but also monitors the wavelength utilization of optical inter-satellite links (ISLs). Then an ACO algorithm is utilized to solve this model, leading to finding an optimal light path for every connection request. The optimal light path has the minimum light path cost under satisfying the constraints of wavelength utilization, transmission delay and wavelength-continuity. Simulation results show that ALRWA performs well in blocking probability and realizes efficient load balancing. Meanwhile, the average transmission delay can meet the basic requirement of real-time business transmission.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) establish a new, quick and low-cost alternative to provide communications when deploying a fixed infrastructure that could result prohibitive in terms of either time or money. During last years, the specification of multi-hop routing protocols for WMNs has been promoted, leading to their recent exploitation in commercial solutions. The selection of routing protocols for integration in WMNs requires the evaluation, comparison and ranking of eligible candidates according to a representative set of meaningful measures. In this context, the development of suitable experimental techniques to balance different features of each protocol is an essential requirement. This paper copes with this challenging task by proposing a benchmarking methodology to experimentally evaluate and compare the behaviour of these protocols. The feasibility of the proposed approach is illustrated through a simple but real (non-simulated) case study and reflects to what extent this methodology can be useful in increasing our knowledge on how real WMNs behave in practice.  相似文献   

网络负载是影响Ad Hoc网络性能的重要因素,网络负荷比较重时,局部的拥塞将导致网络性能的下降,分析研究现有负载均衡路由协议,并利用链路层信息,结合原Ad Hoc路由协议AODV提出了一种跨层负载均衡的路由协议方案,在选路过程中引入负载均衡机制,均衡网络流量,以提高网络时延、分组到达率等性能.最后用NS2软件仿真证明了改进路由算法的优越性.  相似文献   

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