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A somatic cell hybrid, XX-8, was obtained from a fusion of tetraploid mouse erythroleukemia cells with human Lesch-Nyhan skin fibroblasts. This hybrid cell was previously shown (1) to produce human beta- but no human gamma-globin mRNA sequences after induction with dimethylsulfoxide. In this study we show that: (a) human beta- and gamma-globin genes are present in XX-8 cells in approximately equal numbers; (b) no human gamma-globin mRNA sequences can be detected in either the cytoplasmic or nuclear RNA fractions even with several different inducers; (c) after induction the human beta-globin gene is converted from a DNase I insensitive or closed structure to a DNase I open configuration, while the human gamma-globin gene remains closed; and (d) no human beta-globin polypeptide can be detected in the intact induced cells, indicating that fibroblast globin genes, even when induced to make mRNA in an erythroid environment, do not synthesize an RNA that is translated efficiently.  相似文献   

To examine whether transfer of gamma globin genes into mouse erythroleukemia cells can be used for the analysis of regulatory elements of gamma globin gene promoter, Agamma gene constructs carrying promoter truncations that have been previously analyzed in transgenic mice were used for production of stably transfected mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) cell clones and pools. We found that constructs, which contain a microlocus control region (microLCR) that efficiently protects globin gene expression from the effects of the position of integration in transgenic mice, display position-dependent globin gene expression in MEL cell clones. Agamma globin gene expression among MEL cell clones carrying the muLCR(-201)Agamma and muLCR(-382)Agamma gene constructs ranged 15.5-fold and 17.6-fold, respectively, and there was no correlation between the Agamma mRNA levels and the copies of the transgene (r = .28, P = .18). There was significant variation in per copy Agamma globin gene expression among MEL cell pools composed of 10 clones, but not among pools composed of 50 clones, indicating that position effects are averaged in pools composed by large numbers of clones. The overall pattern of Agamma globin gene expression in MEL cell pools resembled that observed in transgenic mice indicating that MEL cell transfections can be used in the study of cis elements controlling gamma globin gene expression. MEL cell transfections, however, are not appropriate for investigation of cis elements, which either sensitize or protect the globin transgenes from position effects.  相似文献   

Viable hybrid cells have been isolated following fusion of Friend erythroleukemia cells and undifferentiated teratocarcinoma cells. The hybrids formed between near-diploid parental cells resembled Friend cells in the ability to grow in suspension and to synthesize hemoglobin in the presence of the chemical inducers dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ouabain. Erythropoietin (EPO) was effective in inducing hemoglobin synthesis in some of the hybrid cell lines. The hemoglobins synthesized by the hybrids were of the adult forms, but were quantitatively different from those hemoglobins synthesized by the parental Friend cells, suggesting that the fusion event modulated the expression of the hemoglobin chain genes.  相似文献   

Variegation of transgene expression, a heterocellular or mosaic pattern of expression seen in all mice in a given transgenic line, is a frequently observed but unexplained phenomenon. We have encountered variegation with globin transgenes; when lacZ expression is driven by globin control elements a proportion of erythrocytes express beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), while the remaining erythrocytes express none. The percentage of expressing cells is constant within each line (at any particular developmental stage), but varies between lines. Such variation may account for much of the line-to-line variability which has been reported in the expression of a transgene construct. We have now extended these observations by studying expression of several globin/lacZ transgenes with increasing age. Expression of beta-gal is variegated in all lines in adult mice, including those made with a beta-globin promoter and locus control region driving lacZ. The extent of variegation differs widely between lines, but in all lines there is a marked decline in the number of erythrocytes expressing beta-gal with increasing age. Progression of silencing continues long past the point at which globin switching is complete, suggesting that it is not related to this process. We observe that age-dependent silencing is most severe in high copy number animals. Increasing variegation of transgene expression with ageing of mice is likely to complicate interpretation of the developmental regulation of transgenes. We speculate that it reflects a general mechanism of epigenetic regulation.  相似文献   

Cell hybrids have been extensively utilized for gene mapping; more than 50 enzymes and nonenzyme proteins have been assigned to individual human chromosomes. Hybrids have also been used in the study of differentiation; fusions involving mouse or human neuroblastoma cells and various nonneuronal lines resulted in hybrid cells that continued to express neuronspecific functions. The expression of the differentiated state is, however, not an all-or-none phenomenon: One neuronal trait may be evident in such hybrids, in the absence of others. The potential usefulness of the human neuroblastoma hybrids for the assignment of genes involved in the expression of differentiated functions to specific chromosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

In memory-discrimination learning, reward-produced memories are differentially rewarded such that they are the only stimuli available to support discriminative responding. Memory-discrimination learning was used in this study as follows: Reward-produced memories that were assumed to regulate instrumental performance in previously reported extinction and discrimination learning investigations were isolated and explicitly differentially reinforced (prior to a shift to extinction) in each of 4 runway investigations with rats. Results obtained here in the explicit discrimination learning stage and in the subsequent extinction stage were consistent with the prediction of the memory view and with prior discrimination learning and extinction findings. The memory interpretation was applied to memory-discrimination learning, to extinction, and to 2 other types of discrimination learning. It appears that a theory must use reward-produced memories to explain all 4 types of discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Presentation of tumour antigen by malignant cells not expressing costimulatory molecules is considered to be a major cause of the failure of the host's immune response against tumours. This study has determined the expression of the B7 family of costimulatory molecules on malignant plasma cells and the expression of the counter receptor molecules, CD28 and CD152 (CTLA-4), on T cells of patients with multiple myeloma. CD28 expression was present on most CD4 cells but was lower on CD8 cells especially from those patients who also showed evidence of expanded T cell clones (median 40%. z=2.4; p<0.02). CD152 expression was increased in 50% (9/18) of patients with myeloma. CD80 (B7-1) expression was present on the plasma cells of only 1 of 27 samples but CD86 (B7-2) expression within the normal range was present on the plasma cells of 14 of 27 samples. Primitive plasma cells (CD38++ CD45++) had a higher expression of CD86 (median 78%) than mature plasma cells (CD38++ CD45-) (median 19%, z=3.7; p<0.01). Thus patients with expanded T cell clones have a downregulated T cell CD28 expression and lack B7-1 expression on their malignant plasma cells. These results are consistent with the concept that engagement of the T cell receptor by tumour antigen on B7-1 deficient malignant plasma cells would result in T cell anergy rather than productive immunity.  相似文献   

A population of hybrid cells derived from the fusion of a permanent human myeloma cell line, which secretes complete IgE, and a subline of mouse L cells, did not secrete IgE as evidenced by sensitive immunosorbent tests. Also, the hybrid cells were observed not to contain intracellular IgE (epsilon or lambda chains) in amounts to be detectable by fluorescent antibody techniques. The doubling times and cell cycle parameters of the hybrid cells were found to be similar to those of the slow-growing parental human myeloma cells, in addition, the growth of the hybrid cells was characterized by a higher degree of contact inhibition than the parent mouse cells.  相似文献   

Chromosomal translocations or DNA rearrangements affecting c-myc occur in almost all murine plasmacytoma and human Burkitt's lymphoma tumors and are associated with a high incidence of exon 2 missense mutations and selective expression of the affected allele. Screening nine multiple myeloma cell lines, we identified no exon 2 missense mutations but did identify two lines with single, silent mutations in exon 1 and exon 2, respectively. Each of these informative multiple myeloma cell lines selectively expresses only one c-myc allele despite the apparent absence of chromosomal translocations or DNA rearrangements affecting c-myc.  相似文献   

Expression of tropomyosin protein, an essential component of the thin filament, has been found to be drastically reduced in cardiac mutant hearts of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) with no formation of sarcomeric myofibrils. Therefore, this naturally occurring cardiac mutation is an appropriate model to examine the effects of delivering tropomyosin protein or tropomyosin cDNA into the deficient tissue. In this study, we describe the replacement of tropomyosin by using a cationic liposome transfection technique applied to whole hearts in vitro. When mouse alpha-tropomyosin cDNA under the control of a cardiac-specific alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter was transfected into the mutant hearts, tropomyosin expression was enhanced resulting in the formation of well-organized sarcomeric myofibrils. Transfection of a beta-tropomyosin construct under control of the same promoter did not result in enhanced organization of the myofibrils. Transfection of a beta-galactosidase reporter gene did not result in the formation of organized myofibrils or increased tropomyosin expression. These results demonstrate the importance of alpha-tropomyosin to the phenotype of this mutation and to normal myofibril formation. Moreover, we have shown that a crucial contractile protein can be ectopically expressed in cardiac muscle that is deficient in this protein, with the resulting formation of organized sarcomeres.  相似文献   

The accumulation of alpha- and beta-globin mRNA sequences in murine erythroleukemia cells (MELC) treated with various inducers has been studied using specific alpha- and beta-globin complementary DNAs (cDNAs). In cells cultured with dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO), hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA) or butyric acid, accumulation of alpha-globin mRNA is detectable after 16, 12 and 8 hr of culture, respectively. An increase in beta-globin mRNA sequences is not detected until 20-24 hr after culture. In cells exposed to hemin, both alpha- and beta-globin mRNAs are detectable by 6 hr of culture, and a constant ratio of alpha/beta-mRNA is maintained during induction. In maximally induced cells, the alpha/beta-globin mRNA ratios are approximately 1 in cells induced by Me2SO and HMBA, and 0.66 and 0.3-0.50 in cells induced by butyric acid and hemin, respectively. Thus different inducers of erythroid differentiation in MELC lead to different times of onset of the expression of alpha- and beta-like genes. In addition, the relative accumulation of alpha- and beta-globulin mRNAs in induced cells differs with various types of inducers.  相似文献   

The alpha1-protease inhibitor proteins of laboratory mice are homologous in sequence and function to human alpha1-antitrypsin and are encoded by a highly conserved multigene family comprised of five members. In humans, the inhibitor is expressed in liver and in macrophages and decreased expression or inhibitory activity is associated with a deficiency syndrome which can result in emphysema and liver disease in affected individuals. It has been proposed that macrophage expression may be an important component of the function of human alpha1-antitrypsin. Clearly, it is desirable to develop a mouse model of this deficiency syndrome, however, efforts to do this have been largely unsuccessful. In this paper, we report that aside from the issues of potentially redundant gene function, the mouse may not be a suitable animal for such studies, because there is no significant expression of murine alpha1-protease inhibitor in the macrophages of mice. This difference between the species appears to result from an absence of a functional macrophage-specific promoter in mice.  相似文献   

Human leukemia K-562(S) cells are a useful model system to study the relationship between cell proliferation and induced erythroid differentiation. In these studies K-562(S) cells were cultured in alpha -medium, 10% fetal calf serum and induced to express erythroid genes by 75 microM hemin, 1.2 mM butyric acid or 1.5 ng/ml actinomycin D. Cell number was determined using a ZF Coulter Counter and the increase in the proportion of hemoglobin-containing cells was detected by a specific colorimetric reaction with benzidine. The characterization of the synthesized hemoglobins was performed by cellulose-acetate gel electrophoresis of post-mitochondrial supernatants. By cloning K-562(S) cells in semi-solid medium (O,33% agar) containing 75 microM hemin a variant cell line, denominated K-562(S6), have been isolated which does not undergo terminal cell division but does express human globin genes and accumulates on the average 12 pg of Hb/cell. K-562(S6) cells accumulate, upon exposure to 75 microM hemin, mostly Hb Gower 1 (zeta 2 epsilon 2) and low amounts of Hb X (epsilon 2 gamma 2) and Hb Portland (zeta 2 gamma 2), being suitable for studies focused on the expression of embryonic globin genes and on the molecular mechanisms controlling the switching from embryonic-type to fetal-type hemoglobin accumulation, when in the human embryo zeta and epsilon globin genes become less active, being sharply increased accumulation of alpha and gamma globin chains.  相似文献   

Achalasia is characterized by failure of relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and absence of progressive peristalsis in the esophageal body. Few data are available regarding the morphologic features of achalasia, in particular its histologic progression. The esophagi of 42 patients with achalasia treated with total thoracic esophagectomy were examined histologically in order to systematically identify morphologic features of clinically unresponsive achalasia and to determine what could be learned about the disease's evolution. In all cases, myenteric ganglion cells within the esophageal body were markedly diminished, with 20 specimens having none. Twenty specimens had residual ganglion cells in the proximal esophagus, and 15 specimens had a few randomly distributed ganglion cells in the mid- and distal portions of the esophagus. Inflammation within myenteric nerves, present in all cases, generally consisted of a mixture of lymphocytes and eosinophils, occasionally with plasma and mast cells. Focal replacement of myenteric nerves by collagen occurred in all cases, and there was almost complete replacement in several cases. Actual destruction of the residual ganglion cells was not seen. The resected esophagi also shared extramyenteric morphologic features. Some features probably stemmed from physiologic obstruction, such as muscular hypertrophy, mainly of the muscularis propria (all cases), with secondary degeneration and fibrosis (29 cases), and eosinophilia of the muscularis propria (22 cases). Other changes, probably resulting from chronic stasis of ingested materials in the lumen, included diffuse squamous hyperplasia (all cases), lymphocytic mucosal esophagitis (28 cases), lymphocytic inflammation of the lamina propria and submucosa with prominent germinal centers (all cases), and submucosal periductal or glandular inflammation with complete loss of submucosal glands in half of the cases. One patient had high-grade squamous dysplasia, and another had superficially invasive squamous cell carcinoma. A third group of changes was probably due to previous esophagomyotomy, including abnormal gastroesophageal reflux, as shown by pH reflux testing (13 cases) and Barrett's mucosa (four cases). In one case of Barrett's there was low-grade dysplasia. Clinically unresponsive, surgically resected achalasia has almost total loss of ganglion cells, and widespread destruction of myenteric nerves has already occurred. The only active component is myenteric inflammation. However, it cannot be determined whether this inflammation is a manifestation of ongoing nerve destruction or whether it is a secondary phenomenon.  相似文献   

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